Stevie's Black Lace Adventure

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He is forced to wear sexy black lacy nylon lingerie.
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Stevie sat outside the bookshop waiting for his mom. He sat on a little bench in the mall somewhat resignedly. He knew she'd be in there for ages and he was ready to go home now. He thought all this nonsense would have ended now that he was in college, but as soon as he came home, she treated him like a kid again.

He took out his cellphone as it vibrated in his jacket pocket. He smiled as he saw who it was from -- a girl he'd been talking to at the party last night.

He wasn't a big partygoer but it had been a celebration for his best friend Jane's acceptance into a prestigious university. Jane and he had been friends since 2nd Grade and they had decorated the rec room at her house together with balloons and streamers. He'd stayed at the party longer than he'd intended because he'd got talking to Grace, a girl who normally didn't give him a second glance.

Stevie had been skulking in the mini kitchen area, avoiding the jocks' horseplay, when she came in, wearing a beautiful pale pink confection of a party dress; all pink lace and plunging neckline. Stevie felt bad because the dress was so much nicer than Jane's and he was fascinated by it. By the 'shushing' sound it made as Grace moved and the way the colour of it made her skin look like cream. She had been very friendly towards Stevie all evening and he'd relished the attention of the prettiest girl at the party, wearing the prettiest dress. He'd drunk more beer than he was used to and they had had quite an intimate conversation.

He continued to smile until he read the actual message. Then he felt his lunch churning in his stomach, his mouth filled with bile and he swallowed quickly. The text baldly stated "VIRGIN! LOSER!" He'd trusted her. How unfair it was. It was acceptable, even expected for a girl to be 'saving herself'. But not for a guy. He was supposed to have lost his virginity already, in some beer sodden evening, or at the very least be trying to rid himself of it at every available opportunity. Now he was going to be picked on at school; he couldn't imagine Grace keeping this to herself.

'How unfair!' he thought and jabbed the key to delete the hateful text. He hit his cellphone so hard that it flew from his hand and slid underneath the bench. He had to get down on his knees to retrieve it. He couldn't reach it and lunged under the bench by the metal legs, whacking his head so hard his head swam. Getting up from the ground, Stevie's mouth opened in a cartoon 'O' of surprise, as his jaw dropped.

'Close that pretty mouth of yours honey. That vacant look does nothing for you.' Stevie jumped as he saw a figure dressed in black in the doorway of the shop that was a bookshop no longer. His heart beat loudly, his head was still fuzzy and his hands felt clammy. He felt sick and frightened and confused. His world crashed in on him and it was getting darker.

'Come on in, sweetheart. I'll give you a drink of water and we'll see if we can't find something to make you feel better.' Her voice was deep and husky and Stevie was up on his feet and stumbling towards her before he'd had time to think about what he was doing. The shop window was a riot of red and black. His eyes couldn't take it all in. It was as if he was drunk again, but instead of Grace's pink frilly, lacy dress filling his mind, it was all this black lace and shiny satiny red underwear (his mind searched for a more grown up word -- but could only find underwear). He felt his legs give way under him and he was dimly aware of strong arms under his armpits holding him up.

'Here. Drink this.' The promised glass of water was offered and readily accepted. Stevie gulped at the water and looked at his rescuer as he did so. She was pretty tall for a woman, well over six foot, but as Stevie looked at her shoes he saw why. They were black and shiny, pointy toed and had very thin 6 inch heels and made a very satisfying clicking noise on the hardwood floor as she walked.

She was all dressed in black: a long straight skirt that had a slit up the side and a short sleeved blouse: long black gloves that made Stevie think of the opera and strangest of all she had on a little round hat with a veil that obscured her face. The veil was black and lacy, the kind you might wear to a funeral, Stevie thought, or something out of the 1960s. He had an overwhelming desire to reach out and feel the texture of the lace; it looked as if it would be soft between his fingers, but didn't dare touch this vision in black.

'Do you like my outfit?' she asked softly, sensing his desire. She stood so close to Stevie that he could smell her perfume; a strong scent of roses. He peered through the veil but could only see her eyes gleaming, sparkling, intense. He lowered his eyes, but found himself peering down the woman's cleavage: the tops of her plump white breasts and then a black and lacy bra, the whole of which he could see through the sheer material of her blouse. He wanted to touch the laciness under her blouse, to feel the edge, where lace met breast. The woman ran her hand over her full breasts, squeezing them slightly; caressing the soft white skin of her throat that was visible under the veil. She breathed out loudly, almost sighing and Stevie shifted uncomfortably on the chair, to try and accommodate his growing arousal.

'Would you like to feel how soft the fabric is.' She took his hand firmly, despite the vehement shaking of his head, and placed it on her blouse, just below her shoulder. He stroked tentatively, just moving his fingertips slightly, feeling deliciously scared. She twisted her body slightly and to his discomfort he found his hand on her breast. He was briefly aware of her hard nipple against his palm before he hurriedly took his hand away. 'Come here, Stevie. Time is ticking,' she chided. She took his hand and drew him deeper into the store. He felt almost as if he were floating and was reminded of the wardrobe in 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' as he seemed to be going past rack after rack of clothing; far more than seemed rational. They were going faster and faster; her hand clutching his tightly. They were almost flying it seemed; Stevie felt dizzy; his surroundings blurred and then disappeared completely.

He was aware of a gentle caress on his cheek. Confused, he came to, finding himself completely naked with his hands tied up above his head. He was still in the shop: racks of shiny, lacy fabric all around him. He didn't feel cold but had goose bumps of embarrassment and discomfort and any arousal he'd felt earlier had disappeared.

His arms ached somewhat and his wrists were tied together to a clothes rack. The woman in black was smiling at him, a coat of red lipstick that looked freshly applied, her teeth white. She stretched out her now gloveless hand and traced a red fingernail down his arm from his wrist to his chest, causing him to shudder as she ran her finger along the inside of his forearm. He felt his cock stirring again and his face flushed in embarrassment as he wrestled with his conflicting emotions.

'Hmmmm you are a pretty slender little thing. Aren't you glad we've got rid of those horrid unflattering clothes?' Stevie tried to answer, but couldn't find his voice, and didn't know what he was going to say anyway. So he just swallowed nervously. She put her hands on his shoulders to reassure him and gently stroked his cheek. 'Let's get you all prettied up, shall we?'

The woman leaned against him making him acutely aware of her breasts against his body and couldn't help but look down her blouse and stare longingly at the black lacy bra, her pale white breasts and the darkness between them. Her hands disappeared behind his back and Stevie felt her fastening something around his waist; a kind of belt, but with thin straps dangling down around his thighs. His brain was woolly and he couldn't think of the name of it; something sexy and old fashioned.

'Give me your foot, Stevie,' the woman's voice was husky as he obediently raised his foot. It was trembling somewhat as she took it and rested it against her stomach. He felt the slippery material beneath his bare heel as she grasped it tightly. She ran her other hand up his leg, caressing it gently and Stevie was shocked to realise that he had smooth silky legs: he was further alarmed to see that he had no body hair anywhere. 'Mmmm. Your skin is beautifully smooth and soft you know.' She bent Stevie's leg up and gently kissed his knee.

Stevie saw her put something dark and soft on his toes and then she slowly and carefully unrolled a stocking up first one leg and then the other. She deftly fastened the stockings to the suspender belt, caressing the flesh framed at the top of his thighs. The delicate tug of the stockings over his legs was so delicious that he sighed out loud. He felt her cool firm hands on his hot skin and his cock, recovering its equanimity, twitched close to her face. His cock jutted out proudly and feeling his embarrassment slipping away, he gave himself up to the pleasure his body was feeling.

'You enjoying the feeling of these stockings honey?' she looked up at him, smiling and Stevie shuddered as she took hold of his cock and skillfully took it into her mouth. He felt her tongue swirl around the head and her warm wet mouth engulfing his whole cock, quickly and expertly sliding her mouth up and down. He felt the delicious double sensation of his cock being buried in the hot moist mouth and the soft lace of the woman's veil stroking it as she bobbed her head up and down. His cock was swallowed up and he felt her throat close around it; gripping the head tightly. Stevie had never felt anything so exquisite and it was only the shortest of times before he came shuddering in her mouth. The woman swallowed and demurely wiped her hand on a white lace edged hankie. 'That's better. Best to get it out of the way.' her voice sounded thick with lust and satisfaction.

Stevie struggled to get his breathing back to normal as his senses were sent reeling again as he felt her hand running the length of his leg. The sensation of her hand stroking his nylon encased thigh caused the after shocks still coursing through his body to intensify and he groaned aloud in pleasure.

'Feet!' Her commanding voice pierced his reverie and he obediently lifted one leg and then the other as she slipped some panties slowly up his long legs. The panties were tight fitting, despite his erection having been 'got out of the way' and he felt his cock nestling against the black slippery material. The panties fitted closely around his thighs and hips edged with black lace. They felt snug around his bottom too and if he moved his body from side to side he could feel his cock slide against the slippery fabric.

When he kept still however, a very strange thing happened: he could no longer feel his cock, rather he felt 'open' instead. Rather disconcerting, but rather enjoyable. If he kept still and concentrated he thought he could feel moisture seeping directly from where his balls should be nestling. He felt a definite tingle between his legs, concentrated in one particularly sensitive spot. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations he never knew his body was capable of.

He felt hands caressing his chest and his eyes opened as his nipples hardened. She deliberately drew a bright red, well manicured nail across them both, making Stevie squirm and his dormant cock lurched into a semi, constrained by the tight satin panties. Then the woman fastened a bra on him; reaching around behind him to fix the straps and fasten the hooks. Stevie felt the comfortable tightness around his chest. This garment too was black and lacy; lace straps went over his shoulders, fitting just nicely and the cups were edged with lace in the same design. Once again her body was very close to his; but this time he didn't turn his head. He looked deliberately down the front of her blouse and relished the sight of her fulsome breasts cupped in the lacy black nylon.

When she stepped back, maybe to admire him, Stevie felt a strange confidence. He stood still and welcomed her gaze. He felt really pretty in this slippery shiny sexy black lacy lingerie (finally Stevie remembered the proper word). As he stood there under her unwavering stare he was aware of that odd sensation again: he felt as if his cock was somehow inside out, inside of him. And now, wearing the black lacy bra, Stevie felt a weight on his chest as if he actually had breasts filling the cups. But if he looked down directly at them he could see them forlornly empty, so he closed his eyes and concentrated solely on those delicious feelings that made him feel so special. In that world he had glorious full breasts of creamy skin and a wet pussy in his panties. He was the most beautiful girl at the party.

The woman tapped his shoulder and Stevie stepped into a skirt she held out for him. It was long, black and shiny, identical to the one the woman wore. As she zipped it up the side he felt his body give a kind of sigh and shift imperceptibly; he had a waist and his hips and thighs felt wider and softer. He wanted to run his hands down over his hips and feel his new shape, but they were still tied up above his head.

'In a moment, sweetie,' her voice was triumphant and her smile wide. 'Step into these shoes first, then I can untie you.' He lifted up first one and then the other stockinged foot and slid his foot into the shiny black high heeled stilettos that she proffered. The six inch heels tipped his body forward and he had to make a conscious effort to lean back somewhat, or he felt he might have pitched over face first.

Stevie stood still as she reached up above his head, squashing her breasts against his own full ones, a feeling unlike anything he'd every experienced before and tremors coursed through his body. She released him and gratefully he brought his arms down and rubbed his wrists. He made no attempt to run away, to escape; he didn't know what was going on but he felt beautiful and feminine and he was loving it.

The woman in black smiled and stroked his cheek gently. She helped him on with his blouse: black, sheer, nylon. Identical to her own. She fastened the buttons for him and as she did so he felt her fingers graze his breast. This thrilled him and he felt his nipples harden; he could practically see them through the flimsy fabric of the bra and blouse. He knew the gloves were next and held out his arms for their black lacy embrace. He interlocked his fingers, so the gloves fitted perfectly. He held his arms outstretched and wiggled his fingers, enjoying the way the tight lace encased them.

'One final thing. The finishing touch. The last piece in the puzzle', she said as she placed a hat firmly on Stevie's head. Immediately he felt his hair lengthen and curl and if he shook his head he could almost feel his hair brush his shoulders. ' There now. You look perfect. See for yourself.' She stepped silently and gracefully to one side and Stevie saw his reflection in a full length mirror. He turned around and admired the view from the back, looking over his shoulder. Black shiny shoes with tall, impossibly thin heels, black and spiky; black glossy stockings, the seams of which ran up the dead centre of his now shapely legs; black straight shiny skirt, that made his hips appear curvy and a side split that revealed a flash of stocking top. He turned back around and admired the blouse; the way it emphasized his magical breasts, encased in their black laciness. He stretched out his arms and held them above his head, like a flamenco dancer, admiring the gauzy effect of the long black gloves.

Finishing the entire ensemble was the cute little pill box hat. Stevie thrilled at his appearance. He was both exhilarated and terrified, but felt whole for the first time in his life, somehow completed. He smiled a broad grin at his ideal self in the mirror; alluring and sexy, with feminine curves and radiating an inner strength.

'One last thing to do,' the woman said, and she flipped the hat's veil over, so that it obscured half of Stevie's face, as did her own. He found he could see out; it was easy to look beyond the veil, into the distance. He knew that no-one could really see in though; this made him feel safe and reassured by this. 'See how beautiful you really are. You just need to let it out a little more often honey.' She kissed him full on the lips and he felt the greasiness of her bright red lipstick transfer to his. He pressed his lips together and felt them slide easily against each other. He felt a tingling in his fingertips and knew without looking that within his lacy gloves, his nails were now unbitten and varnished blood red.

Stevie took a deep breath and looked through the twin veils, into the woman's eyes. He had to know who was responsible for making him feel so good about himself; he had to see her face. He reached out and lifted up the woman's veil, meeting her gaze full on. His heart fluttered and his world went black.

'Stevie? Stevie? Are you alright?' his mom's voice cut through his haze and he opened his eyes to find himself lying on the ground, still reaching for his phone that had fallen under the bench. His mother made him sit on the bench for a while, to recover from fainting. He was barely conscious of her babbling, soothing tones. All he could think of was the face he saw when he lifted the veil: he had found himself staring into his own face, as clear as looking into the mirror.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wish I was Stevie :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Boy that was bad.

Did it every occur to you that Steve might just stand up and punch her lights out? Awful story telling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
very well written

This story has a very smooth flow, describes well, and transitions very fluidly. Keep writing like this! Would love to find out if the main character acts on his unconscious fantasy.

49greg49gregover 10 years ago
Made me smile

I enjoyed the whole story, the feeling of disorientation, the lingerie, the transformation and the sudden return to reality. After finishing this story I immediately started thinking of what the future will bring for this guy. I'm sure it will include some nice slinky lingerie.

amylin456amylin456over 12 years ago

very hot story.. You bring out so many of the feelings of a CD !!!!

How did you know. Sexy descriptions as well.

Well written

KitschshamanKitschshamanover 12 years ago
well done

wonderfully written story with a nice twist at the end, very nice, very hot and I'm not even a cross-dresser!

bmw3guybmw3guyover 15 years ago
mmm, so sexxy!

love the transformation ... sounds so wonderful

stargamestargameover 15 years ago
nice dream

What a dream, I've been there.

SadieRoseSadieRoseover 15 years ago
Stevie Through The Looking Glass

There were so many subtle references in this story, to Narnia as the narrator points out, but also to Alice and Oz and the transformative force of the id. And just what every young man with a passion for panties needs, his very own Fairy GodTranny. Love it!

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