Still You Want Me Ch. 08


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His hazel eyes are softer now, probably because I'm not trying to kill him.

"I made it very clear that you are my end game. The ball stops with you. What you saw was goodbye, not a sudden and rushed goodbye like before. What you saw was—we had a good run, but this door is officially closed forever, goodbye. I promise!"

Colin rests his head on my shoulder, again. I can feel his fingers gripping my shirt and slightly pulling us together.

It's compelling stuff. The part of me that wants to push him off of me and leave is also feeling very stubborn and hurt, but I do believe him and I do want him back. I quietly whisper in his ear.

"I believe you."

I can hear Colin audibly relax before I continue.

"It's Jesse, though. He's my worst nightmare."

Colin looks at me again and his eyes are full of sympathy.

"I know, but that's all it is, a nightmare. It's not reality."

"Colin, I sat by your side for months and you told me everything. I know how much you love him. I know so much more than I want to know. It's definitely a reality!"

"Please, trust me. Yes, I love him and I'm sure there's a part of me that always will, but he has never compared to you. There's a valid reason why he was threatened by what you and I had—when I was dating him, it was always you!"

We're standing here with our bodies pressed together. I close my eyes and relish his body heat against me. This is Colin Clarke, the man I'm in love with! Do I really want to walk away from him?


"Charlie, will you please come over tonight? Please, the last two weeks have been stupid."

He looks at me with his big, hazel eyes and any refusal on my tongue is lost. I smile.

"Yeah, I'll come over tonight."

I eagerly lean in and the warm lips I've dreamed about for months are finally pressed hard against mine. I feel his hands move around my neck and he pulls me closer as we open up to each other. I can't believe I'm kissing Colin Clarke and it's better than I'd ever imagined!

It feels as if he's trying to push me through the wall with his body. My hands slide all over his body, wanting to touch every inch of it. Everything between us is frantic as our tongues finally dual and I can't get enough of his lips and tongue...I want so more! Someone shouts as the group finally leaves the bar.

"Whoa! It looks as if Colin won the sing off!"

I try to push Colin off, but he's having none of it and keeps me pinned against the wall. Everyone passes us and congratulates us on the epic song battle until it's only Colin and I, again.

Colin smiles at me, teasing my hair with his fingers while his eyes dart back and forth between mine. He doesn't seem in a rush to go anywhere.

"Okay, um, I need to stop by the store, first, before going over to your place."

"As long as you come, everything else is white noise!"

He smiles and gives me a quick kiss before walking to his car.

* * *

"Hello, Charles."

I don't need to turn around to know who's standing there, it's the once voice that can stop me in my tracks.

"Hello, Jesse, I see you're back."

"Yeah. Actually, I'll be leaving, again, tomorrow. Anyway, I'm very sorry about the other week. I hope you guys figured everything out."

He offers a tight smile, as if someone's forcing him to say it.

"I think everything's going to be okay. We talked today, so we'll see."

"That's good."

There's a awkward silence between us as we wait together in the checkout line.

"Jesse, can I ask you something?"

His body tenses and his eyes widen slightly.

"Um, I guess?"

"I need know. Do I need to worry about you and Colin?"

"Honestly? I wish. If it was up to me, then yeah, but I don't think you have any competition."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, it's been two weeks since I tried to win Colin back and you stormed out of his apartment. You just settled everything tonight? Is it wrong of me to assume that Colin's been pursuing you this whole time?"

"Yes, he did. Why does that matter?"

"When I told him I was promoted and I'd be moving, he did ask me to stay, once. He never asked me, again, not even a text. He didn't beg or plead. Yes, he cried, I know he was sad and heartbroken, but he didn't fight for me—not really."

I put my items on the check stand while he continues.

"I think if Colin would've fought for me, even a little, I would've stayed, but he made it too easy to go."

Jesse looks at me with his totally defeated eyes.

"It was always you, Charles."

I don't know how to respond, so I don't try.

"Thank you."

I say as I pay the cashier. Before leaving I turn to Jesse one last time.


I'm unlocking my car when I feel my phone vibrate, I slide into my car and look to see who it is.

[Colin] There's a major water leak, come over ASAP. I will not be calling a plumber so shut the fuck up and...hurry!

Yeah. He can be sweet when he wants to.

[Charles] If there's another man in your apartment...

[Colin] OMG, you're going to ruin everything!

* * COLIN * *

Operation seduction 2.0.

I rush home to change my bed sheets, light one thousand candles, hook my music up, shower, and put on my pants (no undies and no shirt). I hear the door unlock—if it's Jesse, I'm going to murder the bitch!

Charlie walks into the kitchen and stops in his tracks. He slowly moves forward as he takes in his surroundings. It must be different for him this time, now that I'm not in a compromising position.

I had this whole plan in my head, with lame lines like: I need you to put pressure on this pipe and, I think I should stop that leak with my mouth.

Really romantic, top shelf stuff.

All of that goes out the window when I see Charlie. Seeing the pain on his face two weeks ago, and fighting every day since to get him back, has put me on the fritz. I desperately need his attention, I need him to desire me, to want me, to feel connected, and I need intimacy with him.

Instead of seducing him as planned, I rush to him and start mauling him. I can't get to him fast enough and it's nothing sexual, just pure emotional need.

"I've missed you so much, baby!"

Kiss, kiss, kiss.

"I was such a mess without you!"

Kiss, kiss, kiss.

"Please don't leave me, again!"

I feel my chest tighten and I feel something well up inside. It starts in my stomach, and quickly pass through my chest and to my neck before, suddenly, I start bawling.

What the fuck is happening?

I can barely breathe because my chest is feeling restricted as I sob uncontrollably. He carefully extracts me off of him.

"Whoa, whoa! What's going on?"

I can't respond. Everything in me is panicking. My heart's racing and my breathing becomes quick and shallow. I think I might pass out. Yep, I'm definitely going to pass out!

"Oh, babe, relax. Breathe slowly."

He half carries me to the couch, acutely aware of all of the candles and the potential fire hazard if we knock them over. He rubs my back as I try to catch my breath and calm down with my head between my legs.

Here I am, finally in the arms of Charles Gabett and having a fucking anxiety attack! How very fifteen-year-old Stan Clarke of me.

I might teach seduction as a profession, #nailedit.

* * * *

Charles is laying on his back and I'm tucked on his side with my head on his chest and one leg draped over his. He's running his fingers through my hair with one hand and drawing lazy circles on my back with the other.

"Talk to me. What happened back there?"

"I don't know. The second I saw you walk in I was so overwhelmed. I don't know, all of the stress, anxiety, and fear from the last two weeks, coupled with relief and worry, came crashing down all at once. I was worried you'd leave, again, and I panicked."

Let the seduction continue...

I'd be surprised if Charles sticks around for this shit show, but be assures me.

"I won't leave, again."

He gently squeezes me.

"I ran into Jesse this evening when I was at the store."

Oh good! This'll clear up my anxiety lickity-split! Bleh. I feel my heart speed again.

"He said you didn't fight for him to stay."

"Sure I did."

"You asked him to stay only one time."

I have to think for a second because it felt like I begged him.

"I don't know, I might have only asked once, I think it was implied though. He made his decision and I don't want to guilt someone into changing their life."



"I suppose you didn't have to call and text me obsessively, park at my house repeatedly, pester me at work every day, and leave me notes and memes at my desk? I guess you didn't have to enter a sing off during karaoke tonight to prove your love or chase me out and throw me against the wall to get my attention and yell at me and force me to listen to you, either?"

He pauses.

"Was all of that implied?"


He sits up to wait for an answer.

"I guess with Jesse, I didn't want him to leave, but with you, I can't live without you! I did love Jesse, but with you, it's different."

Don't make me say it! I just can't, yet, it's too soon!

"Charlie, you're too good for me, I don't deserve you."

I kiss down his neck as my fingers find the hem of his shirt and I slowly start pulling it up and over his head. This ignited a fury and we frantically start pulling at each other.

For the first time, I have him sitting in front of me and he's mine.


I raise my brows at him and say.

"Hot damn! You're fucking perfect."

I've seen him in various stages of undress, but this time I have the luxury of noticing all of the details. His skin is light and milky, he doesn't have a lot of chest hair, but he has a light dusting of blonde that goes down past his belly, and several small moles are sporadically covering his body.

I want to crawl into his body. No matter how hard I try, I can't get close enough to him or smell him enough! As I fumble with his buttons, I manage to call out.

"Pants! Off!"

Who wears button flies anymore? Fuck!

"Oh, my god..."

I growl. Charles is down to a pair of black boxer briefs and his erection is barely contained by the small piece of fabric. It's the most erotic thing I've ever seen! The black perfectly contrasts his milky skin. I run my fingers up his thighs and manage to roam everywhere, except where I really want to go. He huffs.

"Colin! Shit or get off the pot!"

I smile at his crudeness.

"And you call me the romantic."

Fucking sexy bastard. By request, I palm and manhandle his erection. Charles' hips shoot up and he cries out the moment I make contact.

"Uhh yesss!"

I tongue his navel as I slide his boxers down and over his hips and thighs. I can feel the heat radiating off of his cock as it twitches and bounces in anticipation of the moments to come.

Charlie is perfectly endowed with roughly seven and half or eight inches and a nice, sturdy circumference. I think we're comparable in size.

I decide not to play around because I can see his tip glistening and I know he's been waiting a long time for this. I take him into my mouth and proceed to twist, suck, and tongue him. Charlie's fingers are mingling in my hair. The closer he gets, the tighter his fingers clench, which gets my gears grinding and I start moaning against him.

I bob my lips up and down over his smooth shaft and slurp and swirl him closer and closer. I've never loved having a man's cock in my mouth the way I love his. Feeling him hard, because of me, is satisfying as fuck!

I look up and his eyes lock with mine as my lips glide across his shaft. I've never kept eye contact before, it's both intense and sexy. The desire and satisfaction in his eyes only spurs me on, I want to make this good for him.

I lap his balls with my tongue while my hands paw his sexy chest and stomach. I lick my way up his cock until he's back in my mouth, where he belongs. I moan as his smooth slides repeatedly past my lips.

"Ah, Colin, I'm really close!"

I double my efforts, happily gagging myself on him. Charlie's fingers lock in my hair and he shoots forward, bending over me slightly and he moans as his orgasm uncontrollably shakes his body.

"Ah, fucking, hell, Colin. Ahhh!"

He firmly presses my head against his pelvis, giving me no choice but to swallow every ounce of his cream, not that I would have declined. I slowly clean him up, I don't want to stop because there's something so blissfully calming about giving this kind of pleasure to the person I love. Charlie leans his completely sated body back against the couch, I pull myself over him, and our tongues softly play as we kiss, again.

"That was—I mean—fuck!"

Charlie's eyes are closed. My cock is so hard with need, but it can wait. I straddle his lap and curl into him so we can be as close as possible.

I lay my face against his neck. I can stay like this forever. I feel his pulse against my cheek and smell the salty musk of his post orgasmic bliss. It's so relaxing and arousing to be this close to Charlie.

Charlie motions for my pants to come off so I oblige and strip naked before returning to his lap with my face against the crook of his neck.

My body jolts with excitement when I feel his hand wrap around my throbbing cock. He strokes me and works hard finding the perfect steady rhythm and I can feel myself tingling with anticipation. I wrap my arm around his neck to brace myself against his onslaught of pleasure. I let the words flow as I feel my body climb higher with each pass of his hand.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!"

I'm trying to get him to move faster and harder by thrusting my hips to his movements. I can feel my balls drawing up, my toes are tightly curling, and I start moaning into his neck as my whole body grips him like a vice.

"Ah, Charlie! Charlie!"

My abs clench as cum starts shooting from my cock.

"Fuck! Arg!"

I hump against Charlies strokes, sending waves of intense shudders. It takes a minute for my mind to come back down. I can feel our bodies mold together and I never want to get up or leave him.

"That was in-fucking-credible."

I feel him nod in response. I finally sit up. I want to look at my Charlie. His messy blonde hair and his warm blue eyes are, relaxed, and full of love and joy.

"Charlie, I think I love you like this."

I softly kiss his lips and, while slowly running his fingers over my back and down to my ass, he purrs.

"I think I love being like this."


Suddenly, he leans forward and uses the momentum to propel us up until he's standing with my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Let's go to bed, baby."


One commenter asked who we pictured (appearance wise) for Colin and Charlie. Answers for Colin were: Antoni from Queer Eye, Joshua Jackson, and Henry Cavil when he plays Clark Kent in glasses. Charles: Ryan McPartlin from the show Chuck or a cross between Chris Hemsworth and Brad Pitt.

What are your thoughts? I know who I picture but I'm not going say, yet!

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Willman33Willman3311 months ago

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love the story.

Who I'm picturing for each character is ...

Charles: A younger Chris Evans (Captain America The 1st Avenger);

Collin: Josh Groban (early 2000s);

Jessie: Chris Helmsworth (Thor Love and Thunder)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anon 4 years ago,

The only one that is being a complete flake is you with your awful takes. Stop having this negative bias that you immediately dismiss everything about side characters just because the title says it's not meant to be. How is he being a flake here? Colin is the one when he technically uses Jesse for his need to be in a relationship, while actually pining for another guy from the get-go while covering it up with his strong hatred on rich people when his actions are just as ironic so far too.

I wish we can get a story about Jesse because the poor guy just got a really bad experience of his first gay relationship. Fallen in love, but Colin keeps talking about another guy.

His last attempt to salvage the relationship is bad, but I can see someone as shy would do something like that to see if the feelings are mutual. I just hope that his job offer is not a lie though, because I have a hunch that he should be taking that job offer rather than staying with Colin.

AkshunLoveAkshunLovealmost 3 years ago
I know exactly who they look like, but I don’t know their names.

Charlie is a particular Abercrombie and Fitch model that I have a photo of and Colin is the hottest goth model I’ve ever seen but without the goth (whom I also have a photo of).

Lovetoplay7591Lovetoplay7591almost 4 years ago

Not enough superlatives to describe how awesome this chapter is. You’re so good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

now this is how you write a god damn story! Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
5 stars

At first I hated this story I was to stop reading after chapter 7 , so so so glad I didn't.

5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Thank you!

I knew Jesse was a flake. Thank you! I was so glad to see him go!

Starrynight22Starrynight22about 6 years ago
Moar story plz

Omg. I have to knowwwww

Come on submit to site it up!!!!!

What does Colin do????? What????. Oh My precious darling Charlie

Also. I will never stop praising your writing MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

mfa607mfa607about 6 years ago

Ha ha. There’s still chapter 11!! Here’s to the chapters being posted quickly!! I think the site administrators are sadistic!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
More knots

That didn't help! Hopefully I can still enjoy the upcoming chapter even with the impending doom of the one that follows:). I'm so nervous! Is it resolved same chapter or will we have to wait? heart can't take it! I can't even imagine what it could be now that Colin has realized how he feels and fought so hard to make Charlie believe him. Ugh. It does make me nervous how hesitant he is to profess his love, even after he knows Charles loves him. So it's not a case of not knowing if the feeling is reciprocated like was his slight anxiety with Jesse (though he said it fairly quickly then and still casually mentions loving/loved J...). I'm rambling - but I just love this story and these boys and don't want there to be a reason not to root for them being together. And the pain seems one-sided and unfair with Charlie literally being perfect and always thoughtful and caring, and he's already been repeatedly hurt by Colin (however unintentional/clueless much of it was). Okay, really finished rambling now.

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieabout 6 years agoAuthor

I know! I know! I’ll stop! 🤐🤐

Chapter ten is all 🌞 and 🌈


mfa607mfa607about 6 years ago
Stomach in Knots - MrsG

OK, so that is totally not fair MrsG! We haven't gotten 9 yet and you're stressing us out about 10!?!?!? LOL!

MrTimTams009MrTimTams009about 6 years ago
Tim tams

Mrsgnomie: No way!! Ha, ha, I can't blame hubby, those things are addictive.

If I'm reading your last comment correctly do you mean you've submitted BOTH chapters 9 and 10 to the site already?! If so it sounds like we are in for a real, double treat this week. I'm almost scared of reading ch 10 now lol and you know this means we'll be even more anxious about waiting for Ch 11 if 10 is going to be a tough chapter for our beloved boys!

MrsgnomieMrsgnomieabout 6 years agoAuthor
Anon: Stomach in knots

I’m not gonna lie, chapter ten is gonna be a real son of a bitch. I wrote it, I’ve read it at least 6 times since, and yesterday I got it back from my editor and read through it one last time so I can submit it, and I was literally in tears by the end.

On the plus side...chapter nine is happy!

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