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A shower would be welcome, I thought as I pushed open the door, still wrapped in the blanket. At least they have showers; I guess they weren't complete heathens despite being demons. It was a thankfully normal shower, small but supplied with a small bar of soft florally scented soap.

The water was warm and felt refreshing against my skin. I quickly soaped up, going as fast as I could, the sensations from rubbing my skin were nearly overpowering. I had a strong suspicion that if I lingered at all, I'd end up masturbating. I wasn't opposed to the idea, just not in a stranger's shower. The first chance I'd get, some self-exploration was definitely at the top of my agenda.

I admit, I spent a lot more time than was strictly necessary washing my breasts. There was a lot of surface area to cover though. Each time I'd rub or lift one, I'd go weak in the knees and find myself moaning in pleasure. They were so sensitive. My nipples were standing straight out, hard and aching; each brush against them caused me to gasp in delight. Shuddering, I resolutely focused on washing my hair and avoided staring at my tits as they wobbled with each movement.

My pussy I avoided altogether. After a quick inspection to make sure it was, in fact, a complete vagina, I briskly washed and rinsed. If just rubbing my tits would cause me to nearly collapse in ecstasy, I didn't want to risk the effects of encountering my clitoris by accident. It'd probably send me right into a screaming fit of orgasmic bliss.

As I toweled off, I peeked out of the shower door and was relieved to see no one in the sofa room. Pushing the door open wider, I could see a shirt and skirt sitting on the brown leather of the couch. Both were the same light gray as the clothes under the guard's leather cuirass.

Hanging up the towel and resigning myself to having damp tangled hair, I padded over to the clothes. I guess being a woman meant wearing women's clothes, at least for now. Picking them up I was dismayed to see no underwear. Sighing, I slid the skirt on over my legs and fumbled with fastening it at what I thought was the front. It hung to mid thigh and was of a light material, silky but not a material I was familiar with.

I'd never worn a skirt before, I wasn't quite sure if it was on right, as simple as it was. Pulling on the shirt was another matter entirely. It was too small. It was stretched tight across my tits, my nipples were clearly visible and poking through the fabric. The bottom of the shirt left almost half my midriff bare. I guess it was slightly better than being naked or wrapped in a blanket.

Supposing it was the best I could do in a place full of sex demons, I tugged at the shirt, trying to get it down as far as I could before walking to the opposite door barefoot. I scanned the ground as I went, but didn't spot any shoes. Through the glass, I could see Nenny sitting at the black stone desk, writing on what looked like parchment.

Tapping at the door before opening it, I strolled in as she looked up and smiled. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as she smiled. Her eyes met mine then dipped down to my tits. Busted I thought while blushing. Her eyes returned to mine and she leaned back smiling ruefully.

"Sorry," she said. "They're quite nice."

My blush deepened as I sat in one of the chairs across from her desk and crossed my legs. I deliberately folded my arms over my chest, pressing my breasts against me. It had felt good to have her stare at me appreciatively, but these were feelings I wasn't prepared to deal with at the moment.

I shifted on the chair and said, "So, questions. You have them. I have them. Let's share."

She nodded as her smile faded. Pulling a new parchment to her, she tucked it into tabs set on her desk and picked up the fountain pen.

"Now, tell me everything that happened to you from the first time you saw Briselen. Leave nothing out."

So I told her everything that had happened. I noticed that the more explicit I got, the more she seemed to pay attention to me. After relaying everything that had occurred, along with the feelings of pressure before I could do things, she leaned back and sighed.

"One last question from me then we can get to your questions. What world are you from?"


She jolted up and dropped her pen when I said Earth, her silver eyes were wide and intent upon me. Her wings had folded tightly against her back in what I guessed was a defensive action.

"Earth? You're from Earth? The Crusader World?"

Confused I nodded and said, "Yes. Earth. You know about the crusades?"

She swore softly, her gaze intent on me. "Rome is in your world? Constantinople?"

Still confused I nodded and said, "Yes. Why wouldn't they be?"

Nenny stared at me a moment longer, eyes wide before turning and looking down. She opened a drawer of her desk, pulled out a crystal decanter full of brown liquid, and set it and two glasses on her desk. Removing the stopper from the decanter, she poured the light brown fluid into both glasses. She then drank down all the liquid in one glass and shuddered before refilling it. Placing one of the glasses on the desk before me, she again drank down the fluid in her glass before refilling it.

This third time she stared into the amber colored liquid and began to speak. "We are called demon and succubi but we call ourselves the Lilim, daughters of Lilith; the first woman."

"Our home," she said as she gestured up. "Is called Asphodel. There are no sun, moon, or stars as in other worlds. Scattered across Asphodel are portals that lead to other worlds, worlds full of humans."

She paused and took a drink from her glass, savoring the liquid. "Some worlds barely tolerate us and call us temptresses. Other worlds hate us and call us demons. Only one world has sent an army through the portals to destroy us."

She looked at me and down at my full glass. The last time I drank something a demon offered I was turned into a woman. The breasts are amazing, don't get me wrong, but I'd like a little choice in what happens to me. She gave me a wistful smile and pointed at the glass with her chin.

"It is called whiskey. One glass will not harm you."

I uncrossed my arms and picked up the glass. The smell was certainly that of a good whiskey. Hesitantly, I took a sip and she resumed speaking.

"Earth sent an army they called Crusaders through the portals. The Crusaders shattered our kingdom, nearly exterminated the cloven and drove the harpies deep into the mountains."

"Eventually, the Crusaders were defeated but our world has not recovered. All portals to Earth were sealed and closed, their making forbidden and all knowledge of how to do so was destroyed."

Nenny downed the remaining whiskey in her glass and stared at it for a moment. I took a sip from my glass, savoring the taste before finishing the rest. Placing the empty glass on her desk, I recrossed my arms against my chest and waited.

She looked up at me, her face grave and said, "Earth. This will have serious ramifications, but that will be for those wiser than me. All the Crusaders werecatalystas well."

"What is acatalyst?" I asked. "Is it a type of, what is it,factotum? And what specifically is afactotum?"

She slumped back against her chair, her wings slightly unfurled and rubbed at her face.

"We can't reproduce amongst ourselves. In order to have children, we must mate with another species, preferably human. Our kids will always be what you call succubus unless it's with another species from Asphodel. Then our children will be our mate's type."

I cocked my head to the side and said, "So you said there are harpies and cloven here? You're kids would be harpy or cloven if you were with them?"

She nodded, "Yes. The cloven are almost beasts, mating with them is a punishment and the offspring will always been cloven. Harpy will only bear harpy unless it's with a cloven or shedim."

"So what's a shedim?" I asked, trying to figure out the confusing dynamics of the world. I knew harpies were bird-women and she had mentioned that cloven were almost beasts. Satyr's maybe?

"Demon," she said simply before elaborating. "We call them demon. They are an uncountable horde that assaults the Five Cities. Any harpy or lilim taken by shedim will have their wings and tails removed and are used as breeding stock to grow their numbers. Unlike human, we and the harpy can continue to bear children with no rest until our death."

I blinked at that and sat back. Nenny looked at the parchment containing my story with distaste.

"Okay," I said. "So what exactly is afactotum? Briselen said I would be her slave, source of power, and mother of her babies."

Nenny shifted on her chair and leaned forward, looking at me with an earnest expression. "Not quite," she said trying to explain. "Afactotumis a source of magical power to the one she is bonded with. We can do small magic, mostly on ourselves until bonding with afactotum. Then we can use greater magic to create, change, protect, and fight."

"The bond must be willing. Otherwise, the power is incomplete. The collar thefactotumwears would indicate that she was Stolen. We would then free her and another would bond with her."

I frowned at Nenny and said, "Okay, but how often do you discover a bonded Stolen?"

She sighed and said, "Far more often than we'd like."

"Next question. Why did she turn me into a girl?"

"We feed on emotions from sex. We eat food too, don't stare at me like that. But most of our sustenance comes from the intense emotions from sex. Men, once changed into women, produce intensely strong, wild emotions, their sexual feelings as new women are equally strong. They also provide more magical power than a natural born woman."

Frowning at her I inquired, "So why change guys into girls at all? You have both sets of plumbing, don't you? Just have the kids yourselves."

Pouring herself another glass of whiskey, she paused before answering. "Lilim, succubi, we very rarely conceive with a human male. Human females, on the other hand, are impregnated by us quite easily."

She reached across the desk and poured me a new drink. "Human males changed into females, are the most fertile, produce the most intense emotions, and are the greater source of magic for us."

Gesturing at my body she said, "So human males are the sought afterfactotum. The magics used to change them, you, are ancient. We're taught that Lilith herself took the firstfactotumand set down the process. Our laws prohibit unwilling men from being taken against their wishes but there are those who are greedy and will not wait for their turn."

Hearing that Lilith set down the process for changing guys into girls, that opened up more questions. Was it the same Lilith from the religious texts? Was it revenge against Adam or was it just a coincidence? They way Nenny spoke of Lilith was like someone speaking of their faith. I really didn't feel like getting into a religious discussion at the moment.

Picking up the glass, I considered what she had said. Figures, my intense and overwhelming emotions were by design. I suppose it would be bearable if they didn't constantly shift and change from one extreme to another. Finding out that I was super fertile didn't really help either. In all likelihood, this new body was a virgin. A super fertile virgin whose mind was an experienced slut. This was not going to end well for me.

It reminded me of a girl I knew, the first time she ever had sex she ended up pregnant. The second time she had sex, she ended up pregnant again. That was probably a good indicator of my future if I chose to experiment.

Grimacing at the thoughts, I tossed the glass back, drinking the whiskey down and shivered as it burned its way down my throat. I placed the glass on the desk and slumped down in the chair. It looks like self-exploration was the only option until I got my body back.

"And what is acatalyst?" I asked.

"One in a few thousandfactotumarecatalysts. Acatalystproduces immense magical power for the ones they are bound to. Magic many magnitudes greater in strength than that of a normalfactotum.Catalystscan also use their own magical power to affect changes for themselves, as you have demonstrated."

I blushed but didn't look away from her as she continued.

"Finally, acatalystcan share her power with any lilim, not just the one she is bonded with."

"So I'm a battery that can supercharge anyone I'd like?" I interrupted.

Nenny frowned at me and said, "I don't know battery, but you can infuse any lilim you'd like with power. It's a temporary boost mostly used for fighting, healing, or crafting."

She picked up her fountain pen and started writing on the parchment containing my statement. As she wrote she said, "Thecatalystsfrom Earth were the strongest. The Crusaders were stronger still. News that a portal has been reopened to Earth and acatalystwas stolen will quickly reach the nobles."

Pausing in her writing, she gave me a small smile. "The noble houses will certainly try to court you. You'll be a great prize."

I groaned from my slumped position in the chair. That didn't sound fun at all and neither did being a prize. Prizes were only valued upon winning, then they were forgotten. I rubbed my face with my hands and sat up.

"So, how do I get home and get my body back?" I asked leaning forward.

Nenny looked up and met my eyes, then looked down at my tits. Again. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest as I blushed.

Smiling and not at all fazed by my attitude she said, "Since you are Stolen we will attempt to return you to your home. We do the same for all the Stolen."

"And my body?" I asked still blushing.

"The attempt will be made to return you to your original body."

"The attempt?"

She placed the fountain pen down and met my eyes, and explained. "Sometimes the change is irreversible. It happens most often when the Stolen has been sexually active."


Standing up she gestured for me to stand as well. "Come on. I'll take you to the closest barracks for Stolen."

Frowning I stood up and asked, "Barracks? Like real barracks?"

I had stayed in barracks before. They were communal spaces full of conflicting personalities while being under the thumb of a micromanaging training instructor. Those were not happy memories at all. I was not looking forward to a return to a barracks. Who knew how badly a bunch of women who used to be guys would act out against each other.

Nenny looked at the expression on my face and laughed. "They're apartments. We keep recovered Stolen spread out across the city in small groups. It helps keep the suitors from fighting over potentialfactotum."

Tension flowed out of me. Good. I could definitely use some alone time. Every time I shifted my weight, my tits would sway and tug at my balance. I really wanted to explore every inch of my sensitive breasts. The sensation of having the tightly stretched shirt rub across my nipples wasn't really helping me think straight either.

As Nenny reached her glass door, a thought occurred to me and I asked her the question that came to mind. "Nenny, what is this city called?"

Opening the door she looked back and me and said with a smile, "Naamah, the greatest city-state of the Five Cities."

Nenny escorted me back through the organized activity in the cathedral-like building. As we walked, she explained that many of the building designs were inspired by architecture encountered in the other human worlds. She spoke about the struggles of the city against the shedim and against the rival cities.

A rival state named Mahlat was fighting them for control over a river valley containing what she called the home farms. Rahab, another city, was a sometimes ally and they were hoping to renew an alliance against the fourth city named Agrat. The fifth city, Eisheth, was the smallest and would make or break alliances based on who was currently threatening them.

In passing, she mentioned that there weren't enoughfactotumto go around, not with the constant fighting and with most noble houses claiming multiplefactotumper lilim. All these struggles were going on while being under assault by the horde she called shedim. From her manner and the way she spoke, these struggles had been going on for a long time.

I was distracted the whole time. The lack of underwear combined with the mid thigh high skirt was producing a tickling breeze against my groin with every step. I was convinced that the passing succubi knew I was going commando. It didn't help that many of the demon girls would stare openly at my chest with appreciative smiles.

The largest distraction was the lack of shoes. Nenny had apologized that she couldn't find shoes for me, so I spent the most of the walk looking down at the placement of my feet. Mostly I was looking down trying to peer in between my tits as they jiggled and wobbled in the too small shirt.

Traveling up a few flights of stairs came as a relief. They were well maintained with no sharp corners. The lack of pedestrians leering at me was also welcome. It was a surprise when Nenny led me to a door and stopped.

"Here you go," she said pushing the door open. "This will be your temporary home."

The door revealed a furnished king sized bed set against a black stone wall. To the right I could see a plain white door, partly ajar, showing what looked like a shower. Closer to the entrance was an open sliding door closet with a small table and chair in the closest corner of the room. It was a modest studio apartment and I found it very comforting.

I walked in, glancing around and inspecting the crystalline lights inset in the ceilings. Standing still, I let my eyes wander along the walls looking for something that would control the lights. Nenny took pity on me and showed me the small white panels, a few finger widths in size, which would turn on and off the lighting.

Most of my attention was drawn to the bed. It looked comfy and had multiple pillows arranged against the wall. Until seeing it, I hadn't realized how worn out I was. It was suddenly a struggle to stay awake.

Nenny smiled at me while saying, "You look exhausted. No doubt leveling a building took some effort on top of the stress of your changes. Go ahead and sleep. I'll put you on the roster and will see you tomorrow."

She closed the door as I nodded my head. I felt very tired and grateful for the chance to be alone. Turning off the lights, I crawled into the bed and burrowed under the blanket. Curling my body around a pillow, I closed my eyes and went to sleep. Self-exploration of my new body will just have to wait.


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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What an awesome story. The use of fabled history mixed with demonology is brilliant. I would love to see this hugely expanded and made into a book and/or film. Spectacular piece of work and very well written. Thanks for all the work you put into this.

Shy1oShy1o11 months ago

This is a classic, I always come back to every few months.

BrendaNWBrendaNWabout 1 year ago

Thank you for another stimulating story and I can't wait to read the next part. I wouldn't mind being her for a moment .. Wow ..

UncertainTUncertainTalmost 2 years ago

This is an amazing story, and it just keeps getting better and better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Or you could stop being an entitled baby Lema86, and stop reading when you discover it's not for you

Lema86Lema86about 3 years ago

Great another stupid author. Hey author put a tag at the beginning of your stupid story if you don't have the brains to do that then more people will end up giving 1 stars because we don't want to read this type of crap. While I respect everyone's opinion I think I shouldn't have to wast time in a story just like this just to find out is a type of story I hate. Get your head out of your ass and grow some balls and put tags in the beginning of your story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

You posses great skill.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Where is the rest of this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Fem-dom (not the mc)

No idea how this unfinished pile got such high ratings

CorjixCorjixover 5 years ago

What a ride...Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great read

Love the story keep it up cant wait for the next part

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uover 6 years ago
1 star incomplete

Incomplete, total waste of time. It just rambles on, trudging on in circles. Then just ends, it even fucks that up as it has no ending.

Don’t bother.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
When does the next one come out?!

Could you please continue to write! The story drew me in and I had to finish it without stopping... I want to read so much more of it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

my only beef with this story is that it isn't real... I'd love to have this happen to me, so what if i'll essentially be bound to a futanari sex-demon... it sounds like most succubi treat them well :)

rated it 5 :D

SolanineSolanineover 7 years ago
This is great!

I love your elaborate setting with its lush array of description and lore. This is so much more than just a sex story, it's an actually compelling story that makes me care about the characters and want to see what happens next. Often times I'll just skin a story to see what it has to offer but I was enraptured in yours from the very beginning. I cant wait to see where it goes ^_^

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