Sun and Moon Ch. 02


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David paused for a moment, taking all this new information in. "You said you entered my subconscious. How? What did you see?" He spoke calmly and rationally, something not common when most people found out that shifters exist, and that they were one. He also did not question whether or not he was her mate, which made Emily very happy.

"I don't know how I can enter people's subconscious, I just can," Emily told David. Emily swallowed hard, the strong feelings that David showed in his memory coming back to her. "I saw the bus stop, David. That's what I saw in your subconscious."

David's face contorted, showing a plethora of emotions. Surprise, hurt, confusion, anger, and pain, but mostly agony. Sheer agony. The pain of his repressed memory overcame him, and he began to cry and sob uncontrollably, his entire body shaking. After a few minutes of crying into Emily's shoulder, he stopped, blowing his nose with tissues on the nightstand.

"Who was she, David? Who is Freya to you?"

"She was my sister," He said, choking back a sob. "She was my only family left. And I let her die." All consuming pain enveloped David, as he curled up into a ball and cried. He was inconsolable.

Lacey, the sweet omega who had dressed Emily and David, opened the door. "What's going on? Is someone hurt?"

"GET OUT," David shouted in a voice that was not entirely his - it was a conjunction of dozens of voices, all crying out at the same time. His normally brown eyes turned black, whites and all.

Lacey immediately shifted in pure terror, and raced as fast as she could away from him. She called out to Liam Ađalsteinn in her panic through their alpha bond.

"David, calm down," Emily pleaded. "It's alright, no one is going to hurt you. You're safe." She pulled him towards his chest, petting his hair in an attempt to soothe and calm him. David's screaming quieted down, but not before he had alerted every member of the pack to his pain.

Alpha Ađalsteinn rushed through the still-open doorway. "What is going on?"

David's neck spun around to face the alpha so quickly it almost broke. Alpha Ađalsteinn stared into his completely black eyes gasped. He had only seen those eyes once before on his brother - the eyes of a true alpha.

No longer in control of his own body, David threw the bed covers off of him and shifted, becoming a massive snow leopard in the blink of an eye. Emily and Liam Ađalsteinn stood unmoving, both in shock at the situation and not wanting to aggravate the leopard. Slowly, the leopard's eyes turned from black to the same silver that colored Emily's eyes. However, still confused, the leopard turned and smashed through the window, taking the lilac colored draped with him. As he fell two stories he landed on his feed, and raced off into the forest.

Immediately Emily began to undress with the intent of shifting and chasing after him, but the alpha put up a hand to stop her. "I'll chase after him. Stay here," he said, and ran out this window, shifting in midair into a large brown wolf covered in scars.

The alpha chased David deep into the woods. He couldn't catch up to the boy, only follow his scent. After 15 minutes of continuous running, David slowed. There was less fear in his scent, more calm. He smelled of spices and lemon grass.

As the alpha caught up to David, he found the snow leopard standing waist deep in a stream. The alpha knew this landmark - they had traveled a little over 10 miles away from the compound. Liam Ađalsteinn shifted back into human form, walking towards the leopard slowly.

The animal turned to face him, baring its sharp teeth. The alpha bared his neck to the leopard, allowing him to have dominance in the situation. "David, you need to shift back. I know that you're scared and confused but we need to talk." The leopard remained silent. "Focus on your human form, and allow yourself to open up, to be free." Still nothing.

"Focus on Emily," The alpha said in desperation. "Focus on being with her." After a moment, a shiver ran down the spine of the leopard, and slowly David shifted back into his human form.

"What am I? What is happening to me?" David asked in a terrified whisper, still standing waist-deep in the water.

"You're a wereleopard, just like Emily, which is rare. You're even more special that that - you are what we refer to as a 'True Alpha,' a legend incarnate. Only one in the entire world can be alive at a time."

"How do you know that I am this, what did you say, 'True Alpha?'"

"My brother was the last True Alpha," Liam Ađalsteinn said. There was a sadness deep in his voice.

Sensing this melancholy, David asked "What happened?"

The alpha reached behind a large rock to pick up two pairs of shorts in a vacuum-sealed bag. "First of all, get out of the water. Secondly, get dressed. We will have a lot of walking to do to get to the nearest pack rendezvous. We'll talk on the way."

David did as he was told, and they walked through the forest, eventually finding a small path and following it. "You said we would talk about your brother, Mr. Ađalsteinn."

"Yes, my brother. He was the alpha of the Ađalsteinn pack many years ago, and I was his second in command. He was mated to Rebecca, and he ruled the pack for only 3 decades after our father stepped down. He was 63 years old when he died."

"63 years old?" David asked incredulously.

"Weres live around twice as long as humans," the alpha answered. "He was very young, especially by alpha standards. Now no more interruptions. Do you want to hear the story or not?"

"Sorry," David apologized. "Please continue."

After a short pause, Liam Ađalsteinn began again. "Over the years Sam, my brother, made many enemies. Most couldn't stand against him alone, and were dealt with swiftly. One, however, by the name of Joseph, brought all of Sam's enemies together. They decided that they could not hurt a True Alpha without magic, but they could hurt his mate. They kidnapped Rebecca when she left the compound, killing her two beta bodyguards.

"They tortured her for any information they had, and then killed her mercilessly. When Sam discovered her corpse, he went insane. He hunted the men one by one, the drive to avenge his mate keeping him focused and alive. Once he tortured and killed Joseph, he no longer had the will to live, and asked for me to end his life." Tears welled in the alpha's eyes as he retold the story.

"I couldn't kill him, and he couldn't Command me to do so. Behind my back he bought a gun, loaded it, and committed suicide."

"And then you became alpha," David said.

"Yes, I did. Listen, David, shifters were born of magic, and the True Alpha is born with more magic and strength than all other weres. Would you like to hear the were origin story, the one told to all of our cubs and babes?"

David paused for a moment. "If I am the new True Alpha, what am I supposed to do with that power? Why do I have that power? I assume that will be explained in the origin story?"

"Yes," the alpha replied.

"Then please, continue," David said.

"Eons ago, witches, vampires, and fae wandered the earth. Humanity was in its infancy, still in hunter-gatherer societies. Witches were pure magic; vampires were undead humans infused with the magic of speed, strength, and immortality; fae were basically sentient beasts, the strongest and most powerful of animals.

"A balance of power existed for millennia. The witches were more powerful than the other two, but could be killed easily by the physical abilities of the other two. The fae enjoyed a policy of neutrality, and most conflicts were between the witches and vampires. Regardless of tradition, one vampire altered that balance of power.

"Her name was Lilith, yes that Lilith. Humans remember her as the first demon, and that was a fairly accurate description. She was a 1400 year old vampire at the time, and was gifted with the power of telepathy. How she attained that power is unknown, though it is believed that she was a distant relative of a powerful witch when she was turned into a vampire.

"With her charisma and ability she was able to gather a large number of vampires and form the first coven. Before Lilith, vampires usually traveled in small groups, usually consisting of sires and their 'children.'

"Lilith and her ever-growing coven attacked the witch queen, nearly ending her life. This sparked a massive war that lasted over four generations. The fae stayed neutral while the witches and vampires nearly obliterated each other. Interestingly enough, this is what caused humanity to stay in one place and form villages - traveling alone or in small groups was suicide.

"Eventually, the witches sought peace, and no diplomacy could appease Lilith - she would have to be defeated. The witch queen met with the fae Alpha Superior, our ancestor's version of a king, and negotiated a deal. The witch queen would weave powerful magic and create a bond between each witch/warlock and a corresponding member of the fae, joining the two factions. Today, we refer to this as the 'mate bond.'

"It was a perfect compromise. The fae would give up their autonomy, and the witches would give up their ability to weave magic; together, they could defeat the vampire faction. The Alpha Superior agreed.

"Once the fae and witches were joined, they defeated Lilith and her coven easily. By the terms of the truce, Vampires were allowed to form covens, but they could not grow to be as large or as violent as the one that Lilith led. Laws were made to protect the diminishing human population, and peace returned.

"The children of the new matings would be hybrids of a sort, witches with human form that could shift into their animal counterparts at will. Powerful abilities based on genetic bloodlines would be passed down, such as foresight, telepathy, empathy, dream walking, etc. The children appeared human, but could shift into the animal forms that their fae ancestors inhabited. They found mates among their own new 'hybrid' generation, and the were race began."

"What about the witch queen and Alpha Superior?" David asked.

"Those two were bonded to each other to set an example for their two races," Liam answered.

"So how did the 'True Alpha' come to exist?"

"With the witch queen's power of foresight, the couple new that a leader would have to continue to exist to unite the newly formed race in times of need. Using both of their life forces, the witch queen was able to overpower her previous spell and do magic again for a short period of time. She created a reincarnation spell for her and her mate, wanting their souls to be together for eternity. Both would have access to each previous past life, creating an alpha couple with the wisdom, experience, and knowledge of countless lifetimes. In essence, the witch queen and Alpha Superior became immortal."

"So what you're telling me is that I am an ancient Alpha, and Emily is the Queen of an extinct race of witches?" David asked, doubt obvious in the tone of his voice.

"Yes and no. In this life, you are David and Emily, wereleopards. However, you can access your past lives for assistance, even let them take control in times of need. It is likely that one of your past lives took control of your body when you woke up, protecting you from your grief."

David shook his head. "This is so confusing, so much at once. How did you know I was the reincarnation of this 'Alpha Superior' character?"

"'True Alpha,' alpha Ađalsteinn corrected. David rolled his eyes, and Liam smirked. "I knew because your eyes turned night black, a side effect of a true alpha using his powers."

The two men reached a small gravel road, with a black SUV waiting for them. Two men got out. "Alpha Ađalsteinn, Madam Ađalsteinn told us to meet you at this rest stop. Are you ok?" The one on the lift said. They were identical twins: blond, ripped, and impressive. They were the perfect vision of a villain's German bodyguards in a 007 movie.

"We're both fine," Liam said.

"Good, cuz Emily is freaking the fuck out and she almost tore out your wife's throat when she wouldn't let her come with us."

"Well let's not keep them waiting then," the alpha replied. The four men got into the car and drove down the gravel path back toward the compound. David spent most of the time looking out the window, thinking about how much his life had changed, and how much it was going to change. If he had been told just one week before that he was a wereloeopard, an ancient alpha reincarnated, and destined to marry a beautiful witch queen he would have thought they were insane.

To be honest, he had no idea how he felt about Emily. Sure, she was gorgeous, and smart, and elegant, and kind, but he really didn't know how her. David felt unexplainably drawn to her, which he knew now was the 'mating pull' drawing them together.

While David was lost in thought, Liam fully released the barriers on his soul and allowed Sarah, his mate, to temporarily merge with him. They met in a grassy wilderness the main backdrop for his soul. David and I are fine, we're on our way back with the twins. Tell Em to calm down, we'll be there soon.

Alright love, come back safe, Sarah replied. Their connection closed off - it was a strain on both of them to keep the connection open for long periods of time.

ΑβγΩ ∞ Ωγβα

Emily didn't know what she was feeling. Worry, she was definitely feeling. Worry, she was definitely worried. Mad at the twins, frustrated at not being able to do anything, and guilty that she had resurfaced David's pain.

Sarah Ađalsteinn watched as her daughter paced the room. Emily's nervous energy was making her nervous, especially due to the fact that Emily was usually the picture of calm.

Both women heard the black SUV with the men inside pull up to the back of the compound. Emily was outside in seconds, running towards the vehicle.

The men got out, and Emily ran face first into David, hugging him in a bear hug that would have crushed the bones of a human. Emily pressed her cheek into his chest, which seemed much higher than she remembered.

"Uh, Emily, I'm kind of, not dressed," David said, shifting uncomfortably. It wasn't that it was uncomfortable to be wrapped in Emily's arms - if anything she felt like home. However, with the twins and her parents staring that the young couple, and with David being half naked and already reacting to her touch, the situation was more than a little awkward.

Emily stepped back, and realizing the situation, blushed. Pushing her hair behind her ear, she looked down, and mumbled "Sorry."

Liam Ađalsteinn chuckled and slapped David on the shoulder. "Women, am I right? C'mon, we can talk inside."

The group entered the house, with alpha Ađalsteinn leading the way. The group met up with Olivia and Sarah Ađalsteinn, who were in the living room sprawled on one of the couches. Olivia only looked up for a second, returning to the fan fiction on her phone. She was engrossed in a particularly well-written story and was not interested in family drama.

"Alright, family meeting," Liam Ađalsteinn said. "Someone find Lacey and have her show David around the compound after he showers and gets dressed. Call Ian and get him on speakerphone, everyone needs to be here."

After a few minutes of getting the family gathered, Lacey walked into the room. David stood up and said, "mind showing me to my room? I really don't know where I'm going."

"Of course, I'll show you the way," she said in an attempt to keep her tone lighthearted, while looking directly at her alpha. Fear shone in her eyes, and he nodded his head at her as if to say go on, he doesn't bite.

As Lacey and David left, the family meeting began. Gathered were the alpha pain, Emily, Olivia, Josh, and Ian on conference call, and the pack betas. Liam began by explaining the situation - that Emily and David were mates and that they were the ancient alpha couple. Emily admitted that she was a dream walker, and explained the events leading up to David's shift. After a short discussion about collecting adoption papers for David and pack border protection, the meeting adjourned.

As the family was brought up to speed with the situation, David showered and shaved. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was shocked by his appearance. His face hadn't changed much, his eyes had become a bright silver, like Emily's, and his skin cleared the leftover acne from his puberty. His shoulders were broader, and much stronger. What once was skin and bones had become rippling, lean muscles. A light 4-pack defined his midsection, and he was at least a couple inches taller.

David was happy with how he looked, a feeling he hadn't experienced since childhood. He felt whole, as if this had been the real version of himself, under the surface, waiting to spread its wings.

He dressed in jeans and a button up shirt that Lacey had given him, and stepped outside. Lacey was pacing, and when David stepped out of the bathroom she was still lost in thought. David taped her shoulder and she jumped, startled.

"Oh, you're finished. I'm supposed to show you around the compound, so let's go."

"Where are we going?" David asked.

"First we'll cover the grounds and watch some of the thetas sparring," Lacey said. "Then I have to work in the kitchens so you'll come cook with me, and then you can babysit the cubs."

"Sounds good to me," David said. A silence developed between them as they walked around the compound to the training grounds. They watched in silence as young pack members, from the ages of around 12-18 sparred and practiced various forms of martial arts, some of them even fighting in their wolf forms. "I'm sorry."

"For what? Lacey asked.

"For getting angry, for using my Command on you, or whatever it's called."

"It's alright, I know you didn't mean it, David. Until yesterday you had no idea weres existed. You get a free pass - this time."

David smiled and they looked back at the scene of the thetas fighting. "So thetas are young members of the pack, I assume?"

"Yes," Lacey replied. "You will have to be trained as well - the alpha command won't save you from everything."

"Yes, ma'am," David said jokingly, saluting her at attention.

Lacey giggled. "Emily's a lucky girl."

David shrugged. "I guess, if you say so," David said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head. After a few more minutes Lacey led him to the kitchen, where the pack bitches, some very pregnant, were cooking dinner.

Sarah Ađalsteinn turned to David and Lacey as she kneaded dough, her black apron covered in flour. "Oh, hello David. We're making pizza for dinner, would you like to help?"

"Of course, Mrs. Ađalsteinn," David replied.

"Oh please, call me Sarah. I'm much less of a stickler for the rules than my husband. To be honest, he can be a bit of a hardass sometimes," she said, winking at him.

Lacey got to work as Sarah showed David the ropes. As he worked on making and kneading dough he listened as the pack bitches talked. They gossiped, told jokes, shared worries, solved problems, and even made pack decisions. He was amazed not only at the intelligence of the women, but at their participation in the leadership of their pack.

Sensing his bafflement, Sarah told him "Women are the decision makers in our pack. When it comes to anything that isn't about pack defense and fighting, I have final say. This is where things happen - the hub of our pack. I listen to opinions to their discussions, and come to a final say for the pack."

"And Mr. Ađalsteinn has no say?" David asked.

Sarah laughed. "You are so formal, David. Relax. This is a safe place - we are all friends and family here. To answer your question, yes, Liam has a say. We are each other mates, our counsel, our loves. However, our pack chose to compartmentalize our decision making in order to create stronger bonds and devolve power. The women of our pack think - our men fight."