Superman's Gal Pal, Jamie Olsen


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"You mean, I'm stuck as a girl?" cried Jimmy. "What am I supposed to do now?

"Why you'll live," said Lois. "Just like over half the human race that goes through life as a female."

Lois continued, "We have a plan in place to help you adapt to your new life. KARA has created an entire back story and credentials for Jamie Olsen, which, by the way, is now your name, MS. Olson."

"You are going to live with me in order to learn how to live as a woman. When I think you're ready, you will begin work as Perry White's executive assistant, an arrangement Superman has already taken care of."

"In a very real sense, Jimmy Olsen died during that earthquake, as did millions of other people all around the world on that horrible day. Think how lucky you are. You're not only alive, you're young and healthy! Not to mention really cute. You've always enjoyed going undercover in drag. Now you can do it forever!"

"Yes, Ms. Lane," said Jamie, automatically slipping into the same subordinate relationship with Lois that Jimmy had always had.

"Superman is going to return us to Metropolis as soon as you're able to move around on your own. Cheer up Jamie, this is going to be fun!"

"Yes Ms. Lane," said Jamie again, as she opened her robe to stare at her huge breasts.

"I'm going to leave you two alone," said Superman. "Unfortunately, there is still a lot of clean up to be done after D-Day2, and I'm needed."

"D-Day2" (as in "Disaster Day) was the name coined by the press for the day the earth convulsed. The death and destruction all over the world was so extensive that even Superman had been taxed to his limits rescuing victims, delivering supplies and clearing rubble.

The moment the earthquake that destroyed the Fortress of Solitude had ended, KARA began rebuilding. The process was like watching crystals replicate before one's eyes. Before long, crystal spires again reached into the Arctic sky.

KARA created a medical unit to care for Jimmy while he was encased in his Orion cocoon. Superman was of course kept informed. The Man of Steel was not happy about what had happened to his friend but had no way of reversing the process - nor could he justify returning to the Arctic to help one person when millions of natural disaster victims needed Superman. For now, Jimmy was alive and safe. That was more than many others could say. It would have to be enough for now.

It was almost a month before Superman was able to return to the now-rebuilt Fortress. By that time, Jimmy, now completely female, had emerged from his cocoon. It was just a matter of time before "he" regained consciousness. KARA was able to advise Superman when Jamie's vital signs indicated he would soon wake up and Superman streaked northward, carrying Lois Lane wrapped in his cape.

Something told Clark that a woman's touch would be helpful in this situation. Lois could be domineering, pushy and abrasive, but he hoped involving her would be beneficial to Jimmy.

"Jimmy - I mean, Jamie - please know that I am trying to find a way to reverse this. I'll see you soon," said Superman, as Clark thought to himself, "Man, those tits are magnificent!"

Outside the medical unit, Superman turned to Lois and said, "Lois, use Jimmy's - I mean, Jamie's - signal watch to let me know when you're ready to be moved to Metropolis...and for goodness sake, be gentle - not usually your strong suite, Miss Lane!"

Lois replied, "I must be firm and demanding. In a relatively short time, Jamie is going to have to learn a whole new way of life. A whole new set of "do's" and "don'ts. At this point, he doesn't even know how to put a bra on."

"Not to mention the intricacies of feminine hygiene. No man would envy him the task," shuddered the Man of Steel.

"Out!" said Lois, pushing Superman towards the door. "We have a lot of work to do here. Go save the world. I'll call you when we're ready for a ride home."

CHAPTER IV Metropolis

After they settled into life as roommates in Metropolis, Jamie quickly came to be completely under Lois' thumb.

Lois, always brassy and bossy, was exactly what Jamie needed in order to impose order onto what felt like the chaos of Jamie's new life. New experiences were thrown at her every day. Lois provided structure that made things manageable for the newly minted girl.

In short order, Jamie Olsen, Perry White's new Executive Assistant, became Lois Lane's slave.

It had begun when Superman returned the two women to Metropolis. Jamie moped around the apartment in a tee shirt and jeans for a week, refusing to leave the apartment wearing the very feminine clothes selected for her by Lois.

After a week, Lois had seen enough. "Jamie! Knock it off! You're a woman. You must learn to live as one. Tell you what - go out, dressed as you are and see what happens."

Jamie did so, and the experience was an eye opener. As her huge breasts bounced and jiggled beneath her tee shirt, her nipples were plainly visible. She was struck by the leers of men and the looks of disdain from women.

As she walked down the sidewalk, Jamie heard alternating versions of, "Ohhh, Baby!" and "slut!" Soon her face was as red as her flaming head of hair. A shaken Jamie returned to Lois' apartment and admitted that she could not function in society until she learned a new way of doing things.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you, you silly little bitch," said Lois. "From now on, you are wearing what I tell you to wear, when I tell you to wear it. For now, I want you wearing nothing. Get undressed."

Jamie hesitated, which resulted in Lois grabbing Jamie by the ear and pulling the startled girl over her lap when they reached the couch. Lois planted a few well placed swats across the plumpest part of Jamie's bodacious backside.

"For you, this is finishing school, young lady! You do what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it" said Lois as she peeled down Jamie's jeans and underwear. "Guy's jockey shorts?" exclaimed Lois. "What the hell did you think you were going to use the fly for? That's it! This ends now!"

With that, Lois proceeded to redden the fanny that lay across her lap and didn't stop until a kicking and squirming Jamie was crying very real tears. Jamie had kicked off her jeans and underwear during her spanking. When Lois let her go, the bottomless Jamie made quite a site as she jumped up and down rubbing her crimson behind.

"Knock it off, or you're going back over my knee after you fetch my hairbrush," said a very stern Lois. "Finish getting undressed."

After the tearful Jamie complied, she stood naked before Lois.

"Good God, you're a furry little critter. You need a shave, from the neck down! Come on, you're going into the bath!"

Lois supervised Jamie's shower and shaving, with the exception of Ms. Olsen's fiery thatch of red pubic hair. That was something Lois had special plans for.

"Lay back and close your eyes," commanded Lois. "I'll let you know when you can look. This is going to be a masterpiece!"

For an hour Jamie lay there listening to the "SNIP! SNIPPITY! SNIP!" of Lois' busy scissors, the buzz of an electric razor and the scrape of a razor blade across freshly lathered skin.

"All done," laughed Lois. "Here take my hand, I'll help you up. Don't open your eyes until I say so!"

Lois led Jamie to the full length mirror in her bedroom.

"OK, open your eyes and have a look. Ta -Daa!"

Jamie saw a beautiful young woman reflected in the mirror. Her full, round breasts were so firm that both nipples actually pointed up - but still jiggled slightly with each movement. Her thin waist flared out into beautifully curved hips that were meant to bear children. Her legs were long, smooth and gorgeous, and there, resting atop those legs, was a perfect reproduction of Superman's "S" symbol.

"Wow, your pubes look great, if I do say so myself," said a very pleased Lois. "It's great that you're a fire crotch. The red hair is perfect! It's a fairly intricate design - what with the curves of the "S" and the hairless places that look like the background. It's going to be a pain in the ass to maintain, but that's your job from now on. Let your "S" start to look shaggy and we will have a session with my hairbrush that you won't soon forget!"

"Besides, I thought you'd like to pay tribute to Superman. After all, you have him to thank for the privilege of being a woman!"

So began Jamie's immersion into the ways of femininity.

"This is nuts," sighed Jamie the next day as she looked at the assortment of cosmetics at her vanity table. "You have to be some kind of Rembrandt just to get ready to leave the house every day!"

"No kidding," said Lois. "Go get cleaned up and start over. You obviously need more practice."

As she looked into the mirror, Jamie had to agree. Her face looked like a garish kabuki mask or a drag queen performing a parody of a woman. As she stood at the bathroom sink removing her latest attempt at makeup, Jamie said, "I think something is wrong. I swear, I think my boobs are getting bigger!"

Laughing, Lois said, "Oh silly! That's just your menstrual cycle. I'd guess you have about two weeks before you experience the true

glory of being a woman. A visit from your Aunt Flo! Don't worry - we have plenty of time. I will teach you what you need to know during her visit. One thing I can tell you is you will be amazed at how quickly twenty eight days goes by and how Auntie will always arrive at just the wrong time! You are now part of the great worldwide sisterhood and are in the rotation for life!"

"Wonderful," sighed Jamie. "I can't wait."

"Don't be upset dear. I'm just teasing. Being a woman has certain compensations, you know.We are sitting on exactly what men will do anything to get. It's no accident that I have the most powerful being on the planet wrapped around my little finger!"

Jamie's first period was an eye opener. As if PMS ("Putting up with Men's Shit," laughed Lois) didn't put her into a bad enough mood, having to find a ladies' room every few hours to change her tampon became a tired routine very quickly.

"Wow, I'm glad that's finally over," said Jamie, the day her vagina stopped leaking like a sieve.

"It's over for this month," laughed Lois. "Aunt Flo will be back before you know it. Here's a calendar. Count twenty eight days and plan accordingly!"

Jamie was forbidden to leave the apartment unless she was in full makeup and wearing a dress or skirt (pants of any sort were out of the question) and full makeup. Having never worn anything other than shirts and pants as Jimmy, Jamie found her new wardrobe to be a huge adjustment.

A bra did not feel like a tee shirt. Some days Jamie could not wait to get home from work and pull off her bra, letting the girls bounce free after being lifted and separated all day. It still seemed unusual to see legs that used to wear pants now emerge smoothly shaven from the bottom of a skirt. The tug of her garter belt (pantyhose were also forbidden) felt very different from a pair of boxer shorts. Open toed heels displayed bright red polish on her toenails - not exactly the way Jimmy's wingtips used to look.

Learning to walk in high heels was a major undertaking. Most days her feet wound up killing her.

"Good!" laughed Lois. "Welcome to the club! As a man, you didn't care whether the girls you were ogling were comfortable - you just liked the view! Welcome to the other side of the coin. From now on you catch instead of pitch!"

Speaking of Jamie's toes, it also took getting used to not being able to see them when she looked down. Instead Jamie found herself peering into the ample cleavage created by a pair of very large breasts.

Those large breasts also gave Jamie a very different center of gravity from what Jimmy was used to. Jamie learned very quickly that she could not move in the same way Jimmy had. Those breasts, her tiny waist and her big bottom, when perched atop high heels, meant that Jamie walked like a girl - as if she had a choice.

Jimmy's friends would sometimes tease him by asking how he managed to hold his pants up "with no ass!"

Jamie would never hear a question like that. No one ever had to wonder how Jamie held her skirts up. Baby had back, and then some!

Another change that took some getting used to was the lack of pockets. Out of habit, Jamie's hand would reach for the wallet in Jimmy's back pocket only to discover that neither was there. When she felt the smooth, uninterrupted curve of her ample derriere, Jamie would remember that her wallet has now in her purse, along with many items that never found their way into Jimmy Olsen's pants pockets.

As she would walk down the street, Jamie was still occasionally surprised by her reflection. After over twenty years of seeing the reflection of a young man, it was still sometimes disconcerting to see a busty young red head reflected in shop windows.

The small steps she was forced to take by her heels and tight skirt caused Jamie's very round bottom to move in a delightful figure 8 that generated many a whistle, leer and comment as she went through her day.

Jamie was very pretty, which meant passers-by were constantly scanning her from head to toe. She was constantly surrounded by a symphony of cat calls, wolf whistles and car horns as she clicked down the sidewalk on her heels. Women scrutinized every inch of her appearance, critiquing the vey pretty picture Jamie presented. Lois was an excellent teacher.

Of course, Jamie was constantly hit on by guys, and was still learning how to handle men's' advances.

Her mistress did not let Jamie date. "You're not ready," said Lois. "Men are lying sacks of shit, and turning you over to them would be like leading a lamb to slaughter. You are still a virgin in more ways than one. Let's keep you that way for awhile. It's best for everyone involved. Besides, what you do if you got pregnant?"

Jamie gulped. Her years as Jimmy had not prepared her to deal with such a possibility. With all that had been thrown at Jamie over the past few months, somehow it had not occurred to the new girl that her fully functional female plumbing meant more than the inconvenience of dealing with Aunt Flo's visits or having to wait on an incredibly long line for the ladies room at Metropolis stadium (Jamie was just as big a baseball fan as Jimmy had been). What made the line even worse was watching guys breeze in and out of the mens room - which had no line - in just a few minutes. "Lucky bastards don't know how good they've got it!" she thought to herself.

As time moved on, Jamie learned that sexual response was also a whole new experience. Visual cues were still a trigger, but now that she owned her own, bouncing breasts and the wiggle in a girl's walk no longer caused the warm glow of sexual excitement. Suffice to say, she began to understand what Lois saw in Superman's piercing blue eyes, strong jaw and broad shoulders.

When sexual arousal did occur, it too felt different. When Jimmy saw something he liked, all the blood in his body seemed to rush toward one spot, resulting in a stiffening in his pants. For Jamie, the feeling wasn't as localized...she felt a delicious tingle all over her body, and that stiffening was now replaced by wet panties and SNIFF...yes, the unmistakable smell of an aroused woman. No wonder Lois had spent so much time lecturing on the finer points of the enema bag's douche nozzle!

Early in their time together Lois announced to Jamie, "You are going to get practice by giving me a manicure and a pedicure. After that, you will assist during my bath and brush out my hair. If I'm going to be your teacher in the ways of womanhood, I at least want a pedicure out of the deal!"

Lois wanted more than that. It wasn't long before Jamie was schooled in the lesbian arts. A household routine developed. As soon as she got home from the Daily Planet, Jamie would strip naked and prepare a martini for Lois. She was instructed to always leave the front door unlocked, so Lois could just breeze into the apartment when she got home. Jamie was also under explicit orders to be kneeling with her head down waiting for her mistress to arrive home. Most important, Jamie had to position herself so that when Lois opened the apartment door, the naked, kneeling girl holding the drink on a serving tray was in full view as the door opened.

Jamie was seen in her required position several times by other tenants who just happened to be in the right position as Lois opened the apartment door. Some would gasp in shock. Others would say something along the lines of, "Good show!" Lois would look over her shoulder and give her shocked neighbor a wink as she closed the door.

Jamie knew from the looks she would get in the lobby and laundry room that she was a subject of discussion in the building. One forward soul sent her cleaning lady to Lois' door with a note asking if Jamie was available for sessions. With a smile to Jamie, Lois said she would think about it once her little slave girl was sufficiently trained.

Once in the apartment, Lois would take her martini from the tray, pat Jamie on the head and say, "Good girl. Come along."

Jamie would follow on all fours as her mistress settled into the couch. Taking each of Lois feet into her hands, Jamie would begin her nightly foot worship, slowly working towards Lois' crotch. Their sessions usually ended with and hour of cunnilingus in the 69 position.

As the months rolled on Lois and Jamie were well settled into their routine. Lois, always very bossy to begin with, was very happy to have a slave and Jamie was happy to be that slave. Jamie enjoyed knowing that if she didn't obey the many rules established by Lois she would wind up standing in the corner with a very red bottom. She enjoyed having her mouth washed out with soap for using language that Jimmy used to use, and felt deliciously humiliated when her mistress would ground her after an infraction. Jamie enjoyed being told what she had to wear and when and where she was allowed to go.

In short, Jamie needed order imposed on the intimidating unknown of her new life, and Miss Bossy Pants, Lois Lane, was happy to be the boss.

One day, after Lois and Jamie had been together many months, the phone at Lois' desk rang.

"City desk, Lois Lane."

"Hello, LoLa. It's been a while."

"Hello, Mistress," whispered Lois.

"A little bird told me you were having a grand old time lording it over Jimmy - I mean, Jamie (I still can't get used to that)."

"This wouldn't by any chance be a big blue bird with a red "S" on its chest, would it?" asked Lois.

"Doesn't matter. I think you need to regain a bit of balance. The very thought - that poor girl waiting with your drink every night!"

"It's good for her," whispered Lois. "She needs structure, and she enjoys it!"

"True - but you enjoy it too. Too much, sometimes. It's time to restore some of your equilibrium. You must have about five year's worth of unused sick and vacation time. Take a week off and get your ass down here!"

"But Mistress," protested Lois, "I'm busy and Jamie needs me!"

"Jamie is ready to fly solo. You however, need me. Let me rephrase this in a way you are sure to understand: Giddyap!"

CHAPTER V The Kent Farm

The naked pony girl struggled to pull her passenger's cart up the hill. She had been baked a golden brown by days spent naked in the sun and was covered with a sheen of perspiration. Her back, bottom and legs looked beautiful as her muscles flexed, tendons stretched and sinew strained in effort.

"Giddyap!" yelled the pony's mistress, Ma Kent. A few flicks of Martha's whip across the pony girl's already striped backside lent further motivation to the slave girl's sweaty efforts.

"Whoa," said Martha as the pony pulled up to a shade tree. Martha dismounted the cart and strode up to her slave, who was attached to the cart by an elaborate harness constructed (as was the cart) by Jonathan, Pa Kent.