Superman's Gal Pal, Jamie Olsen


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"Here, LoLa, have some water," said Martha as she squeezed a spray of water from her bottle over the pony's lips, which were wrapped around a bridle.

Martha stood back to have a look at her slave, LoLa (the name was a contraction of Lois Lane). LoLa had been kept naked since she arrived at the farm almost two weeks ago, so her very dark tan was all over indeed. Not a stitch of clothing had been present to create any tan lines. LoLa was covered by a thick layer of sweat, having trotted several miles in the summer heat. In each of her pierced nipples was dangling bell that made a delightful sound as she toiled. The waist cincher that secured LoLa to the cart's poles dove downward into two straps that travelled between her legs and framed the area that had formely been adorned with pubic hair. The straps were attached to the piercings in LoLa's labia, holding her most intimate area widely open. LoLa's mistress noted with satisfaction the flies walking across the glistening pink slit thus revealed.

"I'll bet she wishes she could use that tail to flick the flies away," laughed Martha to herself.

"That tail" was magnificent. It perfectly matched the hair on LoLa's head - which was gathered into a topknot emerging from the top of her head harness, complete with bridle and blinders. The hair of her tail matched the hair on LoLa's head because both were her own hair. Lois Lane had been under strict orders for some time to save all the hair cut from her head during styling. It seemed like a strange request, but Lois was a very good tipper, so no questions were asked by the styling salon's staff.

The saved hair had been woven by Pa Kent into a tail that was securely anchored in LoLa's backside. As the tail emerged from between her cheeks, it curved upwards to the small of her back, from which point the tail cascaded down beautifully across her bottom. Martha loved the way LoLa's tail looked as it swished back and forth across her cheeks during runs. It became something of a game for Martha to time the flicks of her riding whip to smack LoLa's bottom in the instants the tail moved out of the way.

"This has been a fun visit dear," said Martha. You look bronzed, toned and magnificent after all the sun and exercise you've been getting. I think it's fair to say you are feeling humbler than when you arrived."

"Uhnhh," replied LoLa, unable to speak because the ingenious design of her bit kept her tounge immobilized. If Jonathan Kent hadn't been a farmer, he would have had a great career as a mechanical engineer.

"I'm so glad you agree," laughed Martha.

"Tomorrow is the last day of your vacation. I think something special is in order - something you can reflect upon when you're sitting behind your desk at the Daily Planet, giving poor Clark or Jamie a hard time."

Martha reached into the bag she carried. "Tomorrow, you and I are taking a little trip to the woodshed," she said smiling, as she showed LoLa Jonathan's razor strop.

LoLa's eyes widened at the sight of the formidable piece of leather.

"You have a beautiful backside, dear. Pictures of it bent over and pointing towards the ceiling as it glows bright red would be a very nice addition to, don't you think?"

"As a matter of fact, I am planning to expand LoLa's web site to include farm animal themed picture galleries. In addition to your new spanking gallery, you're going to be a sow. We're going to shave your head so you can be all pink and shiny when you wear your little piggy nose and short, curly piggy tail. Jonathan is building you a pig pen so you can root about in the mud while eating your slop from a trough. The pictures are going to be great. Say, wasn't Jimmy a photographer? I'm sure Jamie remembers how to work a camera! We'll have to get her involved. This is going to be great! I may have to raise the monthly rate for subscriptions to the website!"

"Someday, when you're pregnant and lactating, we'll also create a cow gallery!"

"Speaking of being pregnant, you would do well to remember that none of us are getting any younger. You might want to start thinking about marriage. Please consider Clark. He adores you, and you might find that some of his hidden qualities are absolutely super!"

"Well, let's head back to the barn so Jonathan can hose you down. I want a very fast pace. By the time we get there, I want you so slick with sweat that you'll look like I dipped you into a vat of baby oil. Now, giddyap!" With a flick of her whip, Martha signaled LoLa to begin her fast trot.

Clark Kent had introduced Lois to his mother years ago, soon after he began working at The Daily Planet. The two women had developed their own relationship, independent of the relationship each had with Clark. Martha and Lois soon found themselves in a mutually satisfying Mistress\slave relationship. Their pony play and other games around the farm were a turn on for them both and were essential to the Type-A Lois maintaining balance and mental health - not to mentioned the orgasms she experienced while being humiliated were tremendous. Like so many strong personalities, she experience sexual gratification as a sub.

As he hovered unseen in the clouds, Clark took in the scene with his telescopic vision and super hearing.

"Thanks for the plug, Ma," he thought to himself. Clark would have loved to have a romantic relationship with Lois, but was concerned that such a relationship might not be fair to her. KARA had advised Superman a long time ago that he would be unable to father children with a human being. Could he ask Lois to enter into such a relationship?

That was question to be considered at a different time. For now, Clark was happy that LoLa had enjoyed her vacation\therapy on his parents' farm. LoLa's session with his mother meant that Lois would be a bit mellower that usual when she got back to work at the Daily Planet, "At least for a day or two," he laughed to himself as he flew away.

Chapter VI Back to The Fortress

"Nice to see you again, Ms. Olsen," said KARA.

"Oh, so now it's 'Ms. Olsen', is it?" laughed Jamie. "Yes, I suppose it is."

"Perhaps not for long, Miss. Thank you for allowing Superman to bring you back to the Fortress of Solitude. I would like to conduct some tests that I think may bear helpful results."

Superman had brought Jamie to the Fortress, but as usual was immediately called away by an emergency. Something about pirates off the coast of Africa attacking a cruise ship.

"I am more than glad to help," said Jamie. "Being forced to live as a woman has turned out to be a wonderful gift. A chance to experience life on both sides of the gender divide. Now I've been both Yin and Yang, and it's been great. Womanhood has much to recommend it, but I think that my destiny is to be male. After all, that was my original gender assignment. Something tells me I should stick with it."

"Very understandable, Miss. Many people would not agree with your decision to return to being male, but your choice is perfectly valid and a matter of personal taste. Male and female are different sides of the human coin. Completely equal, but completely different. Each is worthless without the other."

"When do we begin testing?" asked Jamie.

"Immediately," replied Kara, as Jamie's behind was stuck by a needle.

"Ouch!" yelled Jamie as she rubbed her behind where the needle had injected her. "Hey, give a guy\girl a little warning! Your bedside manner needs work!"

"I'm sorry Ms. Olsen. I have injected you with a sedative to help you relax. Some of the tests I am about to perform can be invasive. I do not want you to be uncomfortable."

Jamie began to feel drowsy and soon felt as though she was in a waking dream. Several of KARA's mobile units hovered around her. Two took Jamie by the arms and guided her to an examination table as others proceeded to remove her clothing.

In her semi conscious state, Jamie wasn't sure what she was seeing and feeling. She felt as though numerous tentacles, similar to the one that had saved Jimmy's life, had emerged out of nowhere were wrapping around her naked body. It seemed as though the tentacles had lifted her up off of the table and held her aloft. The tentacles around her thighs, knees and ankles held her legs open as wide as possible as she was suspended in mid air.

Jamie heard again the sound of a pneumatic door sliding open. Floating into the room came what looked like a shiny, metallic, curved saddle that positioned itself directly beneath Jamie's gaping labia. From the center of the smooth metallic surface a huge phallus shape emerged. Slowly, but relentlessly, Jamie was impaled. Up and down, up and down, the tentacles moved as she was repeatedly penetrated by self-lubricating and vibrating protrusion. Separate protrusions emerged from the floating saddle for the purpose of providing direct stimulation to Jamie's clitoris, anus and nipples. It was almost as though her body was sending out telemetry that let the device know exactly what was needed to stimulate her to the point of explosive orgasm.

It was inevitable. The perfectly targeted ministrations of KARA's device produced and earth shattering orgasm that left Jamie crying and covered in a sheen of perspiration. At the peak moment of her climax, Jamie felt hot liquid being pumped into her by her metallic lover.

Sweaty, exhausted and barely conscious, Jamie was gently lifted off of the huge phallus and placed back onto the examination table. Another dose of sedative was administered. Jamie would sleep soundly as she was cleaned and dressed. KARA immediately began pouring over the data she had gathered.

Weeks later, Superman, Lois and Jamie sat around a conference table in one of the Fortress' labs.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed The Man of Steel as hundreds of pages of research flashed by on a computer terminal at a speed only he could read. "KARA, you've done it!

"Thank you, Kal El. In the many months since Mr. Olsen became Ms. Olsen, I have been able to identify the process by which Jimmy was effected by the Orion herd's gender morphing process."

"According to what I see here," said Superman as he continued to scroll through data, "the Orion morphic field combined with what looks like Red Kryptonite radiation. The combination of the two energies created a morphic field that was able to effect a human being."

"That is correct," replied KARA. "Many times Red Kryptonite has caused physical changes to your Kryptonian physiology, Kal El. The unique combination of these two energy sources created a morphic adaptation field compatible with human physiology. I am confident I can recreate the conditions that existed in the moments after the earthquake that destroyed the Fortress."

"That's wonderful," replied Superman. "I wonder, though, how the Red Kryponite found its way into the zoo. For obvious reasons I had all Kryptonite samples stored very securely. How was the radiation leaked? I'm concerned. Still, our immediate project is to return Jamie to life as Jimmy!"

"I hate to see you go back to the other team, Jamie", said Lois. "God knows why you would want to, but it's your choice!"

"Thanks, Miss Lane, but as I explained once to KARA, being a woman has been a great experience - I wish all men could try it - but I think I was meant to stand when I pee! That, and I hate getting my period!"

" Hey, come to think of it," Jamie thought to herself, "I'm late. Oh well, I guess it won't matter soon."

"KARA, what's our next step?" asked Superman.

"Ms. Olsen must not become male," replied KARA.

"What?!" exclaimed Superman, Lois and Jamie at the same time.

"Test results indicated that Jamie's physiology, having been morphed once before, is malleable enough to allow her womb to carry your child, Kal El."

"What?!" repeated Superman, Lois and Jamie.

"Kal El, the morphic adaptation process that made you for the most part a human male, resulted in your body having a human life expectancy despite your ability to store solar energy and release it as super powers. To date, you have aged normally for a human and will continue to do so."

"You are now in your mid thirties. Data indicates your maximum power level is now 95% of what is was while you were in your twenties. Your body's ability to convert sunlight into super powers will become less efficient as you age. Computer models indicate that by the time you are in your nineties, you will be a healthy and robust individual, but you powers will, for the most part, have faded away. Flight will go first, followed by invulnerability, strength and speed.

"I never expected to live forever," said Superman. "What does this have to do with Jimmy...I mean, Jamie?"

"Ms. Olsen is pregnant with your child. During the last round of testing she was artificially inseminated with the samples of your genetic code I had on file."

"WHAT!?" yelled Superman as Lois glowered and Jamie sat stunned, now that she knew why her period was late.

"It is necessary, Kal EL. "The native population of this planet are savages. A protector, a champion of justice, will always be needed as a counter balance to the dark side of the human soul. That's why I injected Mr. Olsen with Red Kryptonite isotopes when rescuing him during the earthquake. I had to create a womb that can carry Kryptonian embryos to term"

"Ms. Olsen is going to give birth to Superman II - unless she insists on becoming male, which will kill the contents of her womb."

"GOD DAMN IT!" yelled Lois, back to being her bossy self. "Superman, this bucket of bolts has been conducting experiments on a human being. It's completely unacceptable!"

"KARA!" yelled a very angry Superman. "Scientific research without regard to ethics is treason to science. You and I are going to have a long talk about your job performance. I'm beginning to detect a callous attitude similar to Brainiac's. I will not tolerate it!

"Excuse me," said Jamie. "KARA, now I know why my ankle was bleeding after you pulled me out of that crevice during the earthquake. That's where you injected me with the Red Kryptonite. I am very angry that you purposely messed with my life for the sake of your experiments. I hope Superman can straighten you out before you turn into some kind of evil mad scientist!"

"At this point, though, I have to deal with what has been done. Now I have to be concerned about a life other that just my own. Whether this child is carried to term is my decision."

"Tell me, is there anything to prevent me from changing back into a man after Superman II is born?"

"No, Ms. Olsen, "replied KARA.

"In that case, I will have this baby. I don't like the way this was handled any more than you do, Superman, but KARA is right...the world needs a Superman."

"How do you know this will be a Super - Man?" asked Lois. "I think it would be great if the most powerful being on the planet was a woman. We might end up with a few less wars!"

"KAEA do not tell us the child's gender," ordered a still angry Man of Steel. "We got to this point due to some very high tech equipment, but I think we'd like to proceed from here in the old fashioned way."

"Agreed!" said Lois and Jamie.

"As you wish, Kal El," said KARA.

"Now what?" asked Jamie. I can't say I'm looking forward to waddling around in maternity clothes, but this is certainly something most men don't get to experience!"

"Jamie, I have a suggestion," said Superman. "Resign your position at The Daily Planet. Let me move you in with a farm couple I know in Kansas - Clark Kent's parents. After you give birth, the Kents would be happy to raise the child. If we want this child to be raised with the moral guidance that will make him or her weild their super powers in a good way, you can't do better than the Kents! It's a win-win situation. The Kents have experience raising extraordinary children, and you will be freed so you can return to being Jimmy."

"No more sophisticated city glamour girl for you Jamie," laughed Lois as she patted Jamie's tummy. You're going to be barefoot and pregnant down on the farm!"

"By the way," asked Lois, "Do you like horses?"

CHAPTER VII Back On The Farm

"Whoa!" said Jamie, pulling up on LoLa's reigns.

The pony came to a stop underneath a tree. Glad for the shade, the winded pony panted. As she chewed on a piece of straw, the hugely pregnant Jamie struggled to heave herself out of the pony cart and waddled over to LoLa to give her some water.

Jamie's months on the farm had erased any trace of the urbane sophisticate who wore Versace and Dolce and Cabana. She wore a wide brimmed straw hat and a pair of Pa Kent's old bib overalls. She wore no shirt, so her huge, milk filled breasts jiggled and occasionally popped into view from behind the overall's bib. The pants legs had been cut off so high that Pa's old jeans were now very short Daisy Dukes. Jamie's bottom spilled out on either side of the strip of denim that disappeared into the cleft between her round, plump cheeks. To complete the down home look, Jamie wore no shoes. She was indeed a barefoot and pregnant country girl.

When she had first arrived to live on the farm, Ma Kent taken away every piece of Jamie's luggage, including all of her identification, credit cards, money, and every stitch of clothing including those she had arrived in. Pa took all of Jamie's things to a remote storage facility somewhere in Smallville...Jamie had no idea where.

"You will be naked 100% of the time, until I say otherwise," announced Martha. "You are also grounded. You are restricted to the farm, but something tells me you won't be going into town while naked anyway."

"Why naked, Ma?" asked Clark during a visit.

"Son, I know how to handle these city girls who think they are oh-so-smart," said Martha. "Taking away their sophisticated trappings and making them totally dependent is the fastest way to teach them humility and obedience. Besides, Jamie likes being bossed around. Lois was right about that. She did need a few trips to the wood shed early on, but she's fine now. She's happy, healthy, and like a free spirited wood nymph as she spends her days frolicking about in the nude, soaking up sun and eating healthy.

Jamie was embarrassed to have to attend Lois and Clark's engagement party in the nude, but did not have a choice in the matter.

She blushed furiously as Lois patted her growing tummy and laughed, "Wow, you certainly are going for the fully immersive female experience. Your "S" symbol is looking pretty nasty, but I forgive you...I guess it's hard to maneuver with this big belly."

One day soon afterward, as Jamie emerged from a pond after skinny dipping (what other type of swimming could a permanently naked girl do?). Superman floated down out of the sky.

"Hello Jamie. It's good to see you're getting on so well. You're certainly making progress on your pregnancy. Look at the size of that tummy! Your belly button has popped!" he laughed.

"Hello Superman," Jamie said as she blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry I can't cover up. I'm not allowed to have any clothes."

"You look great, like a big beautiful ripe piece of fruit. It would be a shame to cover you up."

Superman was very comfortable around nudity. As a matter of fact, on Krypton, tradition called for brides to attend their wedding ceremony and reception in the nude. Lois and Clark were being married in a civil ceremony, but Superman insisted on also holding a traditional Kryptonian ceremony that would be held in the Fortress. When the day came, Lois would be quite nude and completely depilated – including her head – so she would look every inch the traditional Kryptonian bride as she stood before what was sure to be hundreds of guests.

Superman continued, "I wanted to visit just to say thanks again for carrying this baby to term...what you're doing is a very selfless thing and it is very much appreciated."