Surprise Seduction


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I pulled the towel beneath her, across her belly, and held either end. Doing this allowed me to pull her towards me much more firmly as I thrust into her. I made my first thrust into her as I pulled her towards me with the towel at the same time, and her eyes flew open. "Oh my GOD!" she cried as I started even more forceful thrusts into her. There was no question that she must never have been fucked this hard before, and I kept up the rhythm of my thrusting. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth made an 'O' shape as banged into her, and her cries had become much deeper moans that went on and on. I fell into a rhythm where I could keep my thrusting up indefinitely, and focused on just fucking her into submission while she moaned and thrust back against me. After a while, I spoke.

"Tell me how you like me fucking your pussy. Do you like it, Jess?"

She tried to answer, but couldn't, so she nodded frantically a few times. She was over-stimulated, and I didn't think she'd be able to cum like that. And actually, the angle wasn't working for me, and while I could probably cum, I decided it would probably feel much better if I flipped her over and entered her that way.

I let go of the towel and pulled out of her.

"Roll over, with your ass on the edge of the bed, like I had you before."

She pushed up and put one knee on the bed, then flipped over. I grabbed the pillow again, and put it under her hips. The height was about right, and I grabbed an ankle with each hand and spread her legs. Her pussy, framed by her wide, wide hips, looked great, ... wet and open from my fucking her from behind, her pussy lips fat and swollen, the entrance of her vagina like a warm, succulent place, inviting me in.

I guided my penis into her pussy, and slid right in. She let out a small moan as I entered her, and her back arched and head fell back.

I knew Mike and Mary Kay could see my cock entering her from where they sat, but I didn't turn around to see if they liked the view. I concentrated on fucking her good, sliding my long shaft all the way into her, then almost all the way out. My curved cock was rubbing the top of her vaginal canal where her g-spot was, and the friction as I fucked her tight, wet pussy was phenomenal. This was what I wanted, and hadn't even dared to dream of. The angle was such that she could only lay there, and I paced myself, thrusting rhythmically into her sweet pussy for 50 or 60 strokes. I watched my cock slide in and out of her as I did... it was a beautiful view, and I also watched Jess' face as she concentrated on the feeling of me filing up her pussy. I continued to tell her how hot she made me, how good her pussy felt, what a dirty slut she was, and my words seemed to excite her just as much if not more than the physical stimulation.

Her breathing became more rapid and shallow again... and I could actually feel her vagina start to grip my penis tighter as I thrust into her. She was getting close.

I leaned forward and placed her ankles on my shoulders, and put my hands on the bed. I increased the speed of my thrusts, and I could definitely feel my cock hitting her cervix in this position. Once again her eyes flew open with a fixed stare and her mouth worked, forming a series of 'O's. Her moaning was low, rapid and constant now as she approached her peak.

"I'm fucking you deep, baby. Tell me you like it deep."

She looked at me, frantic, nodding rapidly, trying to make words.

"Say it. Say you like it deep."

"I... I like it DEEP," she gasped, her voice changing to a low growl with the last word. She was definitely in another place, a place I felt pretty sure she had never been before.

"I know what you want, Jess. I know what you need."

"..urgh..." Her fists grabbed at my chest, her little hands made manicured fists that weakly beat at me as I continued my onslaught. She was getting so close.

"I know what you want." With each thrust I curled my hips as well, making sure that my cockhead and length of my cock trailed right along the upper wall of her vagina, giving her deep feelings of pleasure beyond what she had ever imagined. There'd be no going back for her after the fucking I was giving her.

"I'm going to count down from 10. When I get to zero --not one-- I want you to cum for me. Do you understand?"

She nodded, not able to speak.

"Say 'yes.'" I commanded.



I continued thrusting into her. "You're a dirty girl, aren't you?"

"yes..." she moaned.

"Nine. You like being fucked by another man's dick, don't you?"

"Oh God, yes..." she answered.

"Eight. You've thought about what it would be like to have a hard dick up your ass, haven't you?"

She gasped, and whimpered. "Yes..."

"Seven. Imagine my cock sliding in your ass right now... wouldn't that be dirty?"

She let out a strangled sound that I took for yes.

"Six. Imagine me putting my cockhead to your tight little asshole right now and pushing it into you, feeling your ass stretch, sliding deep into you..."

Her eyes had opened, and were actually rolling back in her head. Her moans had become regular, strangled grunts, and I felt her moving her ass beneath me as I continued to fuck her, meeting each stroke. Her pussy was contracting, grabbing my dick and trying to pull me in further. I actually felt the top of her pussy swelling, and could feel her insides moving around as she approached the edge of a monumental orgasm.

"Five. Four. Three."

I paused.

Her moans changed to whining, whimpering sounds. Her eyes focused a bit and sought mine, beseeching me to not torture her.

"Look me in the eye and don't take your eyes off mine when you cum."

She nodded, a look of almost pain on her face, and her eyes met mine. Our gazes locked. She looked beautiful, and I noticed how beautiful her eyes were, and their unusual, grey color. I suddenly felt really good... yes, this was raunchy, dirty sex, but I was giving her something that she'd never had before, and needed. And I was sharing this moment with her.


She started shaking and shivering, and I could actually feel her pussy spasming around my cock as I continued to thrust into her.

"One and..."


Her eyes were still locked on to mine when her body exploded. I watched her eyes widen unbelievably, unfocused, as her mouth worked. Her body contracted and contorted beneath me like a bucking bull, and if I hadn't had her so nailed down she might have actually thrown me off. Her legs were still on my shoulders, and she was an earthquake beneath me. She had gone silent for a moment as she peaked, then a keening moan came out of her mouth, warbling as it left her. Her eye shut then, and I noticed tears were starting to flow.

My own cock was tingling, and couldn't hold on any longer. "I'm going to cum, too! Three, two, one... I'm cumming"

A giant, hot sticky load of cum squirted out of my cock and deep into her. I kept on thrusting as I came, and I could feel her orgasm continuing beneath me as she started to sob. "I can't stop..." she sobbed, "I can't stoppp..."

I watched as the tears ran down her face, and rode out my own orgasm. Eventually I started to slow the speed of my pumping. Her orgasms had crested, and now were receding... I felt the spasms in her pussy becoming less frequent. I moved my arms from outside of her legs to inside, and let her legs fall down, as I continued to wind down my thrusting. She lay there panting, her eyes closed, sweaty, hair mussed...

She looked beautiful.

I collapsed on top of her, and listened to her breathing for a moment. I was actually panting myself, my heart beating fast from the physical exertion of it all.

After a moment, I rolled off her on to my back, and looked at the ceiling.

"Whew." I said. "Wow."

Jessica didn't say anything. She seemed to almost be asleep. After what I had put her through, I didn't think that was surprising.

I sat up, and looked at my wife. She lay back on her chair, breathing heavily herself. One hand was on her pussy, the other was pinching her own nipple.

"How was that?" I asked.

"Amazing, actually. I'll kill you if you ever consider it, but you should make porn." I surprised myself by laughing out loud. I was afraid that, in the post-sex clarity, my wife might have had realized that this was not cool. That didn't appear to be the case, and I was relieved.

"Did you make yourself cum?"

She nodded. "Twice."

She tilted her head towards Jess. "But nothing like what she got. Wow."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm not sure she's ever had a real orgasm before... I could be wrong, but that was something, like it was her first time." I looked over at Mike. "You may be in big trouble now, dude. She's going to expect big things of you."

Mike didn't appear to know what to say, but he grinned. So I asked, "What did you think?"

"Not bad.. Wow."

"What do you think she liked best?"

"No idea."

I smiled. "Well, you better figure it out, and figure out how you're going to make sure she gets it." I cocked my head for a moment. I still didn't have a read on Mike and what he wanted, although I thought I had completely solved the Jess question. "Mike, did you like seeing Jess enjoy herself like that?"

Mike seemed receptive to the question but remained passive, and didn't seem to come up with an answer, so I tried again. "Um, I mean, do you like to see her happy like that?"

"I like her happy, yes."

"Do you think you can please her like I just pleased her?

"I don't know."

I sighed. I was thinking of giving him tips or something, but I just didn't know if he'd listen, and I'd learned to not give advice where it wasn't wanted. But I actually really liked both Mike and Jessica, and I wanted them to figure things out. Just, the dynamic between them wasn't working somehow, or at least certainly not in the bedroom. I felt like I could help them, and I didn't want to leave them with damage to their relationship after a night that, at least to me, was fucking amazing.

"Think about this before you answer. Do you think you'd like to do this again?"

He thought. "I may."

I sighed again internally. Neither a yes or no. I would have ragged him about the honesty policy if I wasn't pretty sure that he was being honest. I wondered how the two of them had met and gotten married. But I wasn't going to even try to get into that tonight... hell, we were on vacation.

"Well," I said. "This was fun." I looked at Jess. She had obviously fallen into a deep sleep. I brushed a wisp of hair off her face, and resisted the urge to kiss her. "But I guess it's time to get going." I looked at Mary Kay. "Let's get dressed," I said, as I picked up my trunks.

"Okay, big daddy." I stopped and looked at her, and silently groaned inside. I had just cum, and it was obvious that my wife, after watching the show, was now ready for sex, and I would need to perform once we got back to our room. I winked at her, and shrugged into my suit, pulling the waistband over my shrinking erection. Served me right. Be careful what you ask for. I had promised her that when I got her back to our room, I was going to ravish her... and I certainly still owed her, and she was going to hold me to it.

I asked Mike to get me a warm washrag, and while he did that I folded back the covers of the bed, and got Jess between the sheets. He handed the washrag to me, and I thought about insisting that he clean his wife up, but decided to do it myself. I gently ran the cloth over her pussy, wiping up most of what was definitely a huge load, and I then put a dry towel between her legs.

I stood up, and found both Mary Kay and Mike staring at me. My wife's expression I could read... she approved of my taking care of Jess and treating her kindly, and she was looking at me with a loving expression. Mike was looking a little stunned, but not unhappy.

"Mike," I said. "You know, I'm not sure of everything that's going through your mind, but I do know one thing. You wanted this. You wanted men to look at your wife, and ultimately, you wanted one to fuck her while you watched. You may not want to admit it aloud, but I think it's really important that you admit it to yourself."

Mike remained passive, and I wondered why, and if I was off. But I thought back, and felt certainty creep back into me. He had wanted this.

"You wanted this, and after she got going, Jess definitely wanted this, too. The two of you need to figure out how to come to more of an accommodation to get her what she needs. And what you need." I looked at Jess sleeping on the bed. "The two of you might have pretended that sex wasn't important and that you don't want flat-out animal fucking, but after tonight, I don't think either of you can pretend that's the case. And there's nothing wrong with it, nothing at all. But Mike, you and Jess are probably --no, definitely-- going to need to talk honestly about what you both want. It's hard, and it feels dangerous because you'll feel like you're opening yourself up to rejection, but you've got to talk honestly about this stuff, or I guarantee neither of you will get what you want. And maybe one or both of you will go looking elsewhere for it."

I sighed aloud. "Well, that's enough of me yapping at you... you're an adult, you and Jess will need to find your own way. But one more thing..."

I paused and gathered my thoughts. "You've got an amazing woman there, Mike. I think you really do want to please her and make her happy." Yes, actually, I felt sure that he did. "But do me a favor, kiss her for both of us when she wakes up, and make sure she knows that we and you mean it. And then make love to her, I think that's critically important for you guys. Hell, actually, if I were you I'd wake her up in a bit and take her. But anyway, the next time we run into each other again here, things will absolutely seem odd. But own it. Tell Jess the same things. You guys chose it, so don't apologize, own your choices and what you've done. Come right up to us and say hello, buy us a beer." I laughed yet again. "Hell, we've never, ever done anything like this either. We'll be embarrassed, too."

Mike nodded, and actually smiled. "Thanks."

I slapped Mike on the shoulder, and we walked out of the, closing the door behind us, and I just before it clicked, I stuck my head back through. "Get in bed with her and spoon her, man." Mike, stunned, nodded and I saw him head to the bed. I smiled, and shut the door. And I suspect we kept him up for a couple more hours as he listened to us through the wall. I hoped he had awakened Jess as we suggested.

All in all, it was an amazing experience, and as Mary Kay and I talked, we realized it was a story of relationships, honesty, communication, and sex. But more than anything else, it was a story of seduction. At the highest level, it was a story of me seducing Jessica and her husband, but in reality, it was actually the other way around, a story of Mike seducing me to do what he really wanted, and then Jess, just by being herself, seducing my wife to let me do what Jess actually wanted. In the end, I really wasn't sure who seduced who, but no one did anything they didn't really want to do. And isn't that really the story of all of our lives?

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alan_deealan_dee8 months ago

Wicked story. Very hot. The part at the end with trying to justify the actions of the older, more experinmeced couple by actually claiming that it was he and his wife that were the ones seduced was weak and a bit ridiculous though.

Trader_X38Trader_X3811 months agoAuthor

This basic thread of this story originated from a live roleplay I did with a guy online; he is the Mike character in the story, and it was his fantasy that we explored. This was before cuckolding became quite the widespread 'thing' it is now; when I wrote this story I didn't even know what a cuckold was, and you may pick up that the Luke character never quite understood what was going on in Mike's head, either. In the roleplay, he was very passive, and wanted Luke to be aggressive and seduce his wife in front of him.

The twist on this story, such as it is, was I was trying to create a Venn Diagram of our two fantasies, and I was trying to create a virtual reality where a monogamous wife (like mine) would actually be on board with what happens in the story. All the characters are fictionalized, but the attitudes and psychology are based on my own life experiences and what I've observed.

And the most important review was from my own wife, which was, "That was a really hot story. And that is never happening with us, so don't get any ideas." :D

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I liked this. I know it is just a fantasy, but I feel really sad for Mike. Weather or not they wanted this.

Both Mike and Jess got screwed, Mike emotionally and Jess physically. I hope their marriage survives. Next chapter. Friends of ours did not.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Nice premise.

Well written.

Why weren't Mike and Mary Kay instructed to masturbate while watching Jess get played with/fucked?

Needed more breasts involvement. Maybe Jess playing with her own and demonstratng what she liked/wanted done to them?

Certainly could have used some eating of Jess' pussy.

Maybe some touching/rimming of her asshole?

Despite the 'shortcomings', five stars.

Trader_X38Trader_X38about 6 years agoAuthor
Yeah, I've published a few books on Amazon now.

Check 'em out at:

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Sometimes long and wordy can be good - no, captivating

A few times I was tempted to speed ahead, but your writing and story-telling is so very good! I do hope you will (if you haven't already) write some decent novels. You definitely have the talent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Lovely, luscious sex

Just picked this up. Wonderfully written and I am a lawyer who gets paid well to write. The psychology was essential to the story. Without it one would have had just another Literotica sexual romp. My intuition tells me that you are a professional writer( length and quality of the writing ) who is sexual and wanted to dable in another genre. Keep dabling:-).

liz33ndliz33ndover 8 years ago

I think he took a little to much control. From a pilot on vacation to a psychologist after a bottle of wine. ↪

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Masterful writing

Thank you for giving us one of the very best stories here on Lit. Great writing has characters who elicit our empathy, act out of consistent motivations and allow us to see some aspect of ourselves reflected in their actions. Your protagonist's actions are literally well thought out and you have laid down the psychological underpinnings for what happens. Your written dialogue is superb. Personally, I find the best erotica has a balance of description and dialogue and you have found that groove perfectly. Your characters started in one place, moved with resonance to another and you left them changed with the reader encouraged to ponder how their lives and relationships might play out in the future. What more can the reader ask?

CowboyZGCowboyZGover 11 years ago
Response to comment by "Anonymous 02/09/12"

My opinion would differ. I have known women, even married women, who respond to precisely that type of stimulation in much the same manner. Admittedly, it's not for everyone and probably only a small minority happen to be oriented sexually that way, but it's just like any other predilection or fetish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
hot enough i suppose but

the middle part when he was questioning the two women and "seducing" one into gettin fucked and the other into lettin her husband fuck another woman was one of the most unrealistic and unbelievable passages I have ever read.

No wife I have ever known would go along with that the way it was told.

There was just no reason given for either of those women to want that to happen, especially the guy's wife to let him do another girl for the first time. Maybe if they were veteran swingers, then yeah what's one more notch on the belt, but no way a wife with zero history of allowing her hub to play would suddenly switch to condone a scene like the one described.

Kinda ruined the whole story for me.

Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 13 years ago
I'm gasping

A remarkable tale lacing convincing psychology with absolutely searing sex.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Amazing story

That was an amazing story. Though it was long it never seemed to long, and you took just the right amount of time in the build up and getting to the action, which was hot as hell.

I love how you closed it out, and rounded it.

Definitely want to read more from you!

nuvi45nuvi45almost 13 years ago
Great Story!

This is one of the better stories that I have read on Literotica. An erotic seduction, masterful storytelling, and a feel good ending. Looking forward to your next posting!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Read this story over two cups of morning coffee forgot to make my breakfast I was so into the dialog the characters and the flow of the story. Very impressive trader.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Best story ever.

This is THE BEST STORY I've ever read! Perfect!

ErotonautErotonautalmost 13 years ago

One of the best stories I've read on this site, and I've been here for a *long* time. Great build-up, hot dialogue and description, a really hot climax. I'm astonished this appears to be your debut; it exhibits the confidence of someone who's been posting for years.

Trader_X38Trader_X38almost 13 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the positive feedback, guys!

REALLY appreciate it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

The build-up was incredible, the descriptiveness made you feel like you were right there. Well done. There should be a "6" rating for a story this good.

aurichaurichalmost 13 years ago
Great Story

It was absolutely great. I will print a copy & tell my hsuband to read it tonight before we fuck.

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