All Comments on 'Suspicion Ch. 12'

by PostScriptor

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I mostly wish for longer chapters

It seems that each chapter brings a minor advance in the plot, but with them so short you almost get the feeling that nothing is happening.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Said last time chapters are to short.

You are posting one piece chapters dealing with only one topic and to short to really maintain interest. Try to put more meat in your story quicker.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 15 years ago
just mindless drivel

it well written but the same problem STILL exist. In the end Either he is going to let the whore wife GO or keep her.


WHY keep her?


why is this Mind boggingly stupid pathetic idiot of a man HAPPY or PLEASE that kathy had told evelyn that after fucking Karl over the entire weekend... kathy had decided that she STILL wanted Paul after all ?


the author is a text book case of a good writer who doesnt understand what makes a good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Keep it going

Ignore the complainers -- if they want you to reveal more in each posting then you've got them interested. I have no idea what outcome you're moving towards, but write it your way and don't worry about those who've already damned whatever ending you come up with. As first posted stories go, this is pretty good, and I hope we'll hear more from you in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I wouldn't touch Kathy with a 10 foot pole

PostScriptor, I'm thoroughly enjoying your story

but I can't imagine why any guy would want to cuddle

up with a wife who has done her level best to

destroy her husband, marriage and family in this


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Just welcome Kathy home, and kiss her butt

Now that Kathy's finished with Karl, just have her come right back as if she were entitled to do what she did? Guess Kathy's some kinda superstar who can come and go in Paul's marriage and wipe her feet on his heart. Now, what if when Kathy finishes up with Karl, she meets more guys from high school she wants to have affairs with just to get these unfinished feelings out of her system? Surely if Paul could become a cuckold for 1, why couldn't he take sloppy seconds for 2, 3 or more guys Kathy gets infatuated with? Gee, could it be that dumping the bitch is the only thing that makes sense in the first place, cause if none of this works for more than 1 guy, why should it work for 1?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
A Very Good Story Rated Low by Little Minds

A very well-written story with many tantalizing twists. I felt that the STD infections was a little over the top, but again well-written. Some reviewers, think Harry (Little Mind) in VA seem to believe that the quality of the story is dependent on their agreement with the story line and plot. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The worth of a story comes from the intensity of the reader's reaction to it. If it is the product of a craftsman, the intensity of the reaction displays its quality. Little Mind's comments showed that he believed it was well written and he had a very strong reaction to it. That is the definition of a good story. I had an opportunity to study Goya's paintings while in Madrid. I found them repulsive, but also great works of art. I suggest that we learn to evaluate the story and not our agreement with the outcome.

PostScriptorPostScriptorover 15 years agoAuthor
Once again, dear readers...

I apologize for the short length of the chapters. I forgot how long an LE page was compared to a word processor page; but since I submitted the whole damn story at once, it was kinda fixed. Hey folks, don't give HIV so much trouble — he has a valid and valuable perspective, although 'well written''mindless drivel' sounds a bit like an oxymoron to me. LOL! The Great Khan, btw, has some deep thoughts, very worthwhile that he has passed on to me as well — so give him some room.

BUT!!!!! I'm really hurt, deep inside. I thought that I had my Wilford Brimley dialog down to a tee, and no one gives a rat's ass! Its all, gonorrhea this, and slut wife that. I feel like Nathan Lane doing the John Wayne walk in Bird Cage, just not appreciated.... (the echos of too much laughter) :-} PS

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Well written, cuckolds dream.

Whether we like what Kathy has done or what Paul is doing to her, this is a well written story immaculately constructed & presented. Chapters could be longer, but never mind!

In many ways this is every cuckolded husbands dream.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
IrreleKarl and I had a wonderful time there, bvant

This is completely irrelevant: Karl and I had a wonderful time there, but I realized as I was on the flight home that while it was fun being there, I was wishing it was Paul and not Karl with me, and that when I looked at Karl sitting next to me on the plane, I just had no special urge or desire to be with him. It was like, whatever I owed him for our love in the past was over, paid off. There was no feeling of 'a future' anymore." she explained. So she cheats on Paul physically while she cheats on Karl emotionally. Who cares? This slut like all sluts is not worth the aggravation. Paul has become the complete cuckold and I have no respect for him. His plan for revenge is pathetic in the extreme. As I said in my very first post in chapter two: A Bad premise.

bruce22bruce22over 15 years ago
Right On

The readers who are complaining are still reading. It is very strange. I admit that my feelings for Paul's pain have gone downhill since the Plan came on-line. This cuddling bit surprised me, since he has good reasons to hate her!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Once again..

Ignore the naysayers. If they find this story so bad, why are they still reading it? I will say again that you are a much appreciated addition to the cheating wives genre.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Is wrong with some of you people -Have you no forgivness in you ?--Now I am NOT saying he should make it easy for her- She finally realizes her error!--Plus she doesn't really understand her marriage vows -plus the STD -loss of job and respect -She doesn't have much left to give --The Reality of the situation is PAUL LOVES HER STILL!

JennyBearJennyBearover 15 years ago

Like your readers you are going to have to develop some patience. I loved your Wilford Brimley so reminiscent of the dialogue between him and Paul Newman in "Absence of Malice". Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Really Good, But....

How about Paul pushing Kathy's face onto a hot barbecue grill for about 30 seconds to end the story?? Now we're talking!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What I like

We all have various opinions as to whether Paul is a wimp in continuing to put up with his wife or is over the top in his revenge with the STD. We can all see the train wreck coming with the distruction of Karl and Kathy's job and health. But what I like is the tension that the writer has kept in regards to what is Paul going to do with Kathy once his plan is concluded. After he has destroyed the relationship she has with Karl and her reputation, all she has is Paul and the children whom she realizes she has betrayed. Even her sister thinks she is an idiot. Her future will be dependent on Paul's grace. What will he do?

Whatever his decision will be it is better than how he was left in the original story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I have enjoyed the plot and the writing, but I do hope you have a last chapter and a little more resolution. I think the manner in which you have developed the story, throwing in some little hints and indicators, requires some finishing. I am not much into revenge, but do feel that some payback was certainly warranted, and that Paul may have taught Kathy a lesson that would stay with her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I'm with HOPE.

I sure hope that there is another chapter to thius. Although Paul acted like a man in extracting his revenge I still think there is nothing like a little physical enounter of the hurtful kind. Karl knew that Kathy was married and he knew he was fucking Paul's wife. That makes it somewhay personal. Sure Paul has gotten his revenge on one level and taught his wife a lesson. But he really needs to go see Karl and teach him a lesson also. Than he should have an affair that Kathy is arware of and let her experience up close what she put Paul through. You see Paul just can't let Kathy off scott free. Getting fired and getting the clap isn't enough. She should experience the

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Treading a fine line

<p>This story begs the question as too how far a man can go to achieve some form of justice against a cheating spouse. In response, this husband has drugged his wife and infected her with an STD. In what society is such behavior acceptable? That form of revenge is excessive and the husband no longer occupies the moral high ground.</p>

<p>At the end of the story we will know whether or not the husband and wife remain as a couple or part ways. However, you have dragged the husband down so far, that I would say the two deserve one another. The wife is a selfish, vacuous, simpleton and the husband is just plain amoral.</P>

<p>Normally the presence of children acts as a backstop, a shield, to prevent such outrageous behavior. In this story story I don't know why the children have been included; they add little to the story. Best that the children be removed from the custody of these two and placed with their aunt and uncle. Why keep them with such psychologically damaged parents?</P>

antiquelover417antiquelover417over 15 years ago
Revenge isn't always sweet

I like the story. Kathy was wrong to cheat. Paul's ultimate revenge would be to divorce her, get custody of the kids, and go have a happy life. But to destroy her, I think his revenge went too far. He may have pushed her too far so that she has no semblence of a life after. If they divorce and she can't support herself because he cost her a decent job, how would he like her being homeless? If he's pushed her so far, she just gives up on everything including seeing herself as a mother. Is it worth it? I would have a hard time looking at myself in the mirror each day.

richvir1richvir1over 15 years ago
come on

people she left her husband she says she loves more everyday for an affair with an ex. come on people she does not have to go or do what she is doing he is just having a little revenge. If she was not cutting his heart out everyday with this affair then none of this would be happening.

It is in my opion good for his mental health and the families health because she must not care about them if she can do this to there farther and her husband she is only out for what is good for her the hell with anybody else selfish is only word to desribe her. What happened to sacrifice for the good of the family.

I am able to get women everyday at work but I refuse to hurt my wife. To see that look of hurt that i will be responsible for putting there is not what i want i am hear to protect her and i will be dammned if i heart her, or my three kids by doing something selfish to destroy them.

JADED_ONE1969JADED_ONE1969over 15 years ago
Good chapter, Good story!

Well written once again. Being a totally old fashsioned romantic I want them to stay together. But if Kathy ever finds out what Paul did to her, boy is he toast! Revenge has occurred time to take stock and pick up the pieces. Or at least that is what I would do. Keep going. I like this story.

capecodmercurycapecodmercuryover 15 years ago
A question for the author

Okay, I've enjoyed this story. I've commented before about the fact that I don't find the plot totally believable, but all things considered, it isn't that too far out of the realm of many of the mainstream movies and books that I have seen (let alone some of the strange but true stories you see blared on cable tv and daytime TV). But there is one question that have I would respectfully request that author respond to.<p>

Although I may be wrong, I have read this story and developed an assumption thst Paul is still working towards saving the marriage. Granted that you have left some ambiguity on this point, the initial plan and the thoughts of Paul seemed to support a belief that saving the marriage was in the best interests of the children. Also, Paul still has thoughts that imply that he continues to love Kathy.<p>

So, if I work from this assumption, I have real trouble understanding the reasoning behind the actions taken against Kathy. If I understand the plan, there are four elements to the plan against Kathy.<p>

1. Get her into counseling so that someone else could convincer her of how destructive her behavior is.<p>

2. "Control and limit the affair" while trying to make feel guilty about her behavior.<p>

3. Destroy the relationship between Karl and Kathy to get rid of the competition. <p>

4. Get her fired from her job (I'll admit I don't really see the reason for this unless its an intent to make her more dependent on her family. Or maybe her getting fired was just a byproduct of the plan to destroy Karl).<p>

Okay, the problem I am having is that some of these elements seem designed to humiliate and destroy Kathy, a consequence that doesn't seem to support a desire to rebuild a marriage. What's more, the tactics used seem designed to ensure that the affair would become known thereby creating a humiliation for Paul as well. <p>

Take for example the plot to destroy Karl's business. First, by basing the plan on revealing the relationship between Karl and Kathy, Paul is setting a train into motion that he can't control. He had no way of knowing whether the company would throw Kathy to the wolves tco protect themselves. Also, by using a work rival as his inside source, he is further undercutting his ability to control the situation by creating a real chance that a whisper campaign would let everyone in her old company know about the affair.<p>

Further, the Clap plot also seems designed to humiliate both Kathy and Paul in from of their family doctor. She has to admit the affair and he seems to be the impotent cuckold that can't control his marriage. <p>

I guess that is the problem I am having. I can't see how these plans allow Paul to save the marriage without humiliating himself by apparently taking his wife back without doing anything about a long term affair. All anyone looking at the situation from outside would see is her thumbing her nose at him and his lettig her do it without taking any action. His actions would be invisible to the average person and all they would see is the hopeless cuckold.<p>

On the other hand, destoying her makes sense if he intends to leave her at the end of the story. But, if this is the case, there is the question of whether Paul was honest in his thoughts since the story was written in the first person.<p.

So, my question to the author is why ythe humiliation of Kathy?<p>

Keep up the good work. <p>


ralphcralphcover 15 years ago
bs to anon and antique

may i suggest paul is not interested in "occupy ing the moral high ground" and i think it quite acceptable for her to get a std as she doesn't have any problem looking at herself 'in the mirror'. now , maybe, she will.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
too much revenge

thought well of your main character and thought he was following a good plan until he gave his wife an STD and sent the phony pictures to the boyfriend - neither was necessary and only turned the main character into someone no better than his wife and boyfriend

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

..sleep in another bed, not one that has her contaminated skanky cunt and mouth in.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
5 stars

good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

"I softly explained to her, that one could have gonorrhea in the mouth as well as the vagina"

Urp.... Kill the cunt

Kill the cunt

Kill the cunt....

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
I can't believe this chapter at all

Paul infects his wife with Gonorrhea, thereby also infecting her lover. He sends photo shopped pictures of his wife to her lover showing her with multiple other partners (using racial slurs and ethnic stereotypes in the process). Has K.G.'s contract canceled and payments stopped. Makes sure his wife will be terminated from her job. Visits her in the Dr.'s office to confirm he is STD free, pointing the County Health authorities at Karl.

Then slides into bed with his wife and hugs and comforts her so she can get to sleep.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
true life cheating wife

For story idea with a real serial cheating wife visit Facebook profile of

She was college instructor in Helena Montana until info on Facebook became public knowledge

Seems she liked to tell others about her affairs and someone returned the favor

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Kill him

You're really drawing this out, but it's pretty damn good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
This is nothing but a 12 chapters story on cuckold management

There's no way in him that a man would found out that his wife has STD and his only response is well talk about this at home. For the last five to six month all she has been is a cheating whore and the best you can do is write this bullshit. You made the husband of Paul the most caring cuckold in US history.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Just as good as I remember it. I didn't recall all the dirty details, but it is great to read again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am laughing my ass off. This guy is no cuckold; this is true BTB. Very good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Now are you willing to divorce the slut? She brought a disease home. She is a risk to the children. Get full custody, supervised visitation only!


Buster2UBuster2U3 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars! I love it when plan comes together! All by itself the burn on the old BF is a happy ending for me! Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Why am I still getting cuckold vbes. Maybe because he is still cuddling her?

She doesn't deserve comfort.

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