All Comments on 'Tag Team'

by HappyOldGuy

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HappyOldGuyHappyOldGuyalmost 9 years agoAuthor
I AM impressed!

I think you're correct about reading this - years ago. It was written perhaps 2 decades ago so I may have submitted it previously and forgot that I had done so. I am quite impressed at your memory. Kudo's to you - and to the woman who wrote half of it. I'll never know who she was: we never met - just bumped into each other on email and wrote the story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
My Dirty Old Mind

seems to think it read this tale about seven or eight years ago on this site!

Liz_57Liz_57almost 9 years ago
Very nice

Love the story. Sounds like great fun!

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