Talking It Up With Jill Ch. 05 Pt. 02


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Jill looked ravishing, blinking up at us as she was. I realized I was suddenly enjoying the site of my wife more than I was her happiness at what she was learning. The fact that she was like this between another man and I caused a stir in my groin. He also just stared down at her. That said, I had to admire the effort she was putting into this. The man was correct: it didn't look easy.

"This right?" Jill asked, glancing at both of us.

"Yeah, that looks like her," I said, trying to be nonchalant about it. She returned an innocent smile.

"Yes," the man said. "This is very much like her yes."

She looked up at him and returned a smile of relief over "so far so good."

"Your husband," he said as he leaned forward. Jill tucked her chin to watch as he lay a hand on her tummy, "he is veryyy lucky man." It rose and fell as she lie there breathing up at us.

She caught my eye and emitted a brief but audible huff of breath and roll of the eyes, but stayed as she was, eager to get this move down. More so then before I was struck by the large hand placed on her body, perhaps more so because of the compromised position she was in, as well as by how hot she looks when her body is all tight and stretched out as she was. Also, Jill isn't necessarily fair skinned, but she hadn't been in the sun in while. Being so close to her really emphasized what a darker figure he was in contrast to her classic American blonde one.

The man swallowed. "Okay," he said. "Here you use the same muscles in same way, harder now for different position of body. Yes?"

"K," Jill said with a little strain in her voice.

"And also here, you shake hip as well. You remember you see Didem?"

"Uh huh."

"Yes. So, both at same time. Start with slow shake, or? top of stomach..." he said, moving his hand up to the bottom of Jill's ribcage, "then bring down," he added, moving his palm to her lower abdomen.

"K..." she repeated, taking a breath and holding it.

This was an image I couldn't shake my mind from and instinctively scoot forward in my seat.

"Must remember," he said, stopping Jill with a firm plant of his hand and extended fingers over her entire tummy, "shake at same time this is done. But to begin? try one or other to see which feels right? then? do with other move. Either shake or stomach muscle, yes?"


Jill slowly raised the top of her abdomen and began carefully undulating her muscles in a wave-like motion from top to bottom.

"Yessss," the man said. "Slow. Verrrry slow as you do this..."

I was thinking the same thing: slow. And it looked incredible, what she was doing with her tummy.

She repeated this several times. Then with slight adjustments of her shoulders on the floor, slowly began to shake her hips at the same time.

"Okay verrry good," the man said. "Now alllso twist to waist while you shake hip."

She complied. The affect was immediate. She was moving exactly as the woman in the video. Her abdomen, otherwise taut and stretched, became rolling flesh while the rest of her was near motionless, except for her quivering hips, which shook from side to side in unison with her undulating abdominal muscles.

"God damn," I muttered under my breath.

Jill glanced at me, but more so at the apparent sound of my voice rather than what I said. She seemed to have a rhythm going, slowly twisting from side to side at the waist as she shook her hips and rolled her tummy from top to bottom. And shaking it all. The move was sexy on its own, but with her little arms extended above her head, it was even sexier. Jill's mouth was open as she concentrated, her chin tucked in as she stared down herself. The man and I exchanged brief looks as we watched.

"She Di-dem," he said, expressionless as he stared down at her. "My G'ahd." He leaned forward, reaching down and placed an open palm directly above Jill's quivering abdomen, keeping it there as it lightly touched and brushed against it.

I suddenly took in a deep breath and let it out slow as I watched.

"Yesssss," he said. For a moment the tabla drum was the only sound. With his hand still on there he glanced up at me.

"Husband, you agree?" he asked.

Jill glanced at me as I swallowed and nodded. He sat back up again and watched. She kept it up for another few moments and suddenly stopped. Then, arching her back only, Jill brought her torso up higher and higher, until just the back of her beehive towel wrap touched the floor, until from there to the bottom of her thrust out ribcage she was literally upside-down, arms hanging out at her sides, and her ultra taut and flat horizontal tummy the highest part of her body.

"Wow...Jill," I said under my breath. I had to swallow again as I looked on. "That's really impressive honey."

Then she began alternately waving each arm in time to the tabla beat.

"Ohhhh!" the man said out loud, sitting up with a single and loud clap of the hands. This might have startled me otherwise but I was too mesmerized by the sight of my wife.

A brief grin escaped Jill as she tried unsuccessfully to make eye contact with us during this intense moment of concentration. Then, using just her legs she slowly and smoothly brought herself to a half way standing position, still leaning back nearly horizontal in a limbo posture, her head still hanging nearly upside down behind her as she kept up the alternating waving arm movement.

"Jesus Jill!" I said out loud.

She was biting one side of her bottom lip with a much more confident look in her eye.

"Yes yes!" the man said. "Verrry good!"

She stayed like this, moving only her arms and looking upside down behind herself. Her tight tummy rising and falling with her quickened breath. Then she took a narrower and narrower stance as she gradually allowed herself to stand up right. The muscles in her legs flexed with each careful movement, until she was standing upright again, catching her breath.

"Wow!" I said, getting a quickly checked and released again smile from her.

"Yessss!" the man agreed, shaking his head at Jill. "I think she needs no more instruction from me!" He took her by the hand and pulled her to him. She braced her other hand on his shoulder, but was congenial about it I supposed, because of his enthusiastic and complimentary demeanor. "You give you could do such movement as this!" he said, wrapping an arm around her waist as he downed another shot.

"Neither did I. Not like that," I said. Jill looked over at me with a modest but cute grin.

"Where is this you see? what you do here? Raaaaising up so high like that but...all the back with the head and arms?" the man asked, leaning back with a wave of his right arm as he looked up at her. "Not in class, no?"

"On your phone. What she did, I kind of added some to it is all," Jill answered, looking over at me. "I took gymnastics most my young adult life so,... I got strong legs," she added, straightening out her left leg and flexing her thigh and calf muscles. It looked good, especially with a sheen of moisture on it and the slit in the towel exposing skin all the way up to her hip.

"Oh! I see!" the man said out loud, startling both of us.

He put down his glass and took Jill by the hips, spreading his legs and positioning her sideways in front of him, briefly exposing his scrotum as before. Again she had to hop about to match the speed with which she was being pulled, getting a wide eyed look from her. But she stood there. I guess she thought he was going to add something to the lesson. I did.

She gave me a brief glance as he stared her up and down, still holding her by the waist. I shrugged at her and chuckled, somewhat amused by the man's animated behavior, but ready to rescue her if she was having enough. Jill appeared to at least be aware that the lesson was over. Still, she seemed oblivious to all except his over-enthused attitude toward her dancing abilities, and didn't yank herself from his grip, so as not to seem rude about it I'm sure.

"You must dance for us once more like when you come in, yes? Husband agrees yes?" the man said, not waiting for an answer as he reached for his phone. This loosened hold provided Jill the opportunity to take a small step away. At that moment a higher tempo'd tabla beat began. With a happy grin the man reached out and again wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her to him. He let go one hip, looking up at her as he gestured with a wave of his other hand for her go ahead and dance. "Yes?" he asked again, this time looking at me.

"I appreciate the help," Jill said, answering for me, "but...I don't know. I mean, other than what I just did, which took a lot out of me...I really only do the one move you saw."

"You're gonna do it again sometime," I said. "Am I wrong?"

"No...but you're getting there."

I frowned at that. She glanced down at the man and then back at me.

"Uh!" she huffed, "Okay. Not wrong, but I'm getting self conscious about it now," she said, standing there with her hands on her hips.

"You don't like the dance?" the man asked, looking incredulous. "You are ashamed of body?"

"No," Jill said dryly.

"No," he shot back. "No, you should not be. You have such woman's body for the dance. And I see your...'one move'...when you come in. Ohhhh!" he gushed, taking her other hip too again and pulling her to him to hug it, "I am sure you are making fun now uh?" he asked looking up at her. "I see you turn one way and then other, snapping the zils and moving like ancient Egyptian," he said, waving his snapping fingers about as he moved his head from side to side with surprising effectiveness for the look he was imitating.

"Wow," Jill said. "That was pretty good."

"I tell you my wife she is great dancer. Who do you think help to make sure she and daughters do this correctly. Me! The husband and father yes. With no sons of my own I have to make sure they will give me many grandsons. How can they if they do not charm the men with proper dance uh? They are verrry smart but...alas...not so pretty. They get..." the man gestured to his face, "my looks...and not so much from my pretty wife uh? So I must make sure they move like Didem...or you!" he said with a raise of his eyebrows and shot glass.

Jill made a face and rolled her eyes.


"Ahhh, but you are smart care for the meaning of what you say...and you know how important is the knowledge of the dance and how you do it yes? ...So you see? I know what I say when I tell you that you are not being true to yourself or the dance when you tell me...'one move'."

The man paused, as if the most poignant thought had come to mind, and spoke slower.

"Come now," he said, patting Jill's hip and giving her a nudge forward. "Not to worry. If you need? I still help you, okay?. So now?... You melt...the stone," he said carefully, lowering his brow at her and staring.

Jill looked over at me wearing a "Really?" expression.

I replied with an audible "Mmph," and mouthed 'And you make me stone hard,' which got a roll of the eyes from her.

"So corny," she groaned.

"You love it!" I shot back.

Jill looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh.

"Ohhhh! Is no problem," the man said. "Come come!" He reached out and actually gave the back of Jill's right towel covered hip a rub of encouragement. "Such sexy hips you have my G'ahd. Mmmm! I promise you... You charm us once more? and you see...husband will make love to you for forty days and nights so you give him mannny sons," he said with a shake of her hip for emphasis.

"What?!" Jill laughed out, looking as amused down at him as she was taken aback.

"No?" the man said. "Forty is lucky number in Turkey."

"Sounds good to me," I deadpanned.

"You're kidding," Jill shot back.

"Ha ha!! You see?" the man said. "Cap-tain Under Alls agrees."

"Of course he does," she turned to me with a wink and reached for the bottle of water. I leaned forward and handed it to her. She took a sip and tossed it back to me. Then stood there.

All funny business aside, I was pleasantly surprised to discover my wife could dance the way she had. Part of me liked the affect she was having on the man. Boisterous and heretofore generally innocent as his behavior was, I had to admit he had so far coaxed more of it out of Jill than I believed I might have so soon. And his enthusiasm for her hips was stirring if anything. I was pleased she found it as nonthreatening as I had, because it was to me at once innocent and provocative, the attention he paid them.

The high tempo'd tabla drum beat continued as he and I just stared up at Jill.

Sensing her hesitation, the man leaned forward and held out his hand. She reluctantly took it, keeping eye contact with him as she was pulled back to him. He turned her to face me. Jill looked to be about to speak when she felt the his hands on at the flare of her waist. I suddenly felt flush.

"You must dance for us do you under-stand why this is so?"

"I don't understand why I must," Jill answered softly as she looked down behind herself at him.

"Husband knows. Of this, I am po-sitive."

"He does?" Jill asked, looking back at me and staring at me.

"Yesss," he said. "Because he sees? what I see. Ohhh I know this is true when you do the forbidden dance on floor," he said, looking up at her. "He sees the charming dancer in you as I do," he said, running his hands once up and down from the outside of her thighs back up to her waist. Jill glanced at me and saw me watching his hands. She glanced down at them, then the man as he continued.

"He sees how much you are made like woman here," he said, patting both hips, "and here," he said settting fingertips at the sides of her tummy, prompting another glance my way from her. I just bit my lip at her. "Ohhh, yes with the figure so many women would die to have and so many men would kill to have uh? The husband...he knows that when you dance you have the serious mind of what you do and he knows the mind of those who will see you yes? They? and me and your husband? allll who ap-preciate such a beautiful woman and even more? a natural for the dance. The charms of a natural. And as one? comes easy for you, I see this."

"You sure are being flattering about it," Jill said, looking over at me the slightest shake of the head.

"But he's right," I said to her.

"Yeah?" she asked, not hiding the sarcasm.

"You think I would say this and not speak truth to you?" the man asked, dead serious about it.

"No... Just...I feel a little awkward about it."

He let go of Jill and grabbed his phone, holding it up for her to listen.

"This music? is made for you to dance. Would be bad to play and not dance. Husband has dream since boy to see woman dance like this before him. To charm the men around her. Now he has dream to see wife! dance like this, yes? And like me? I see in his eyes he has dream to see wife dance for men."

I didn't think the man knew what he was saying. Jill did. She looked over at me, and with an expression warm and empty of any sarcasm mouthed 'I know.'

"You wife dances for people?" she asked.

"Oh!" he said, perking up. "Of course! The men of my family and for celebrations she will dance. There are many men who see her. Is wonderful for me I am so proud."

Jill looked over at me again.

I sighed out loud in response and shrugged my shoulders at her. 'Only if you want,' I mouthed with the same warm and serioius expression she'd just shown me. I was enjoying the playfulness and wanted her to want to continue. I thought if she did, she would do this for me later. But for now, only if she was comfortable with it. I gave her a wink that said I was on her side. Jill flashed a brief smile that at least told me she knew that.

"Husband agrees, yes?" the man said.

"Of course but, only if she does. I imagine the dance wouldn't be as effective or meaningful if the woman performing it didn't feel it at the time," I said, placing a hand over my heart. "I know it's in hers but I want my wife to be comfortable."

"Oh Louisss," Jill said, tilting her head at me. She blew me a kiss. "Okay," she said with a bit of her bottom lip. "But I only know the one move really. So this isn't a contest or something."

The man just stared at me, then looked up at her. " too!...also verrry lucky. To have such husband as this? He sees not only the beautiful hips? yes?...but inside the heart...also," he added, making the same solemn gesture as I had. "Now!" he said out loud, startling Jill who was still gazing love at me. "I play the music you know from class yes? and to play soft so you can hear instruction, yes? And you," he said much quieter, "you melt the stone. I promise. I know this when I see you okay?"

"I think," she said with skepticism as she glared at me. I chuckled at her and she back at me as she stepped equidistant between the man and I again and waited for the tabla to begin once more.

It started with a quickened beat and Jill started the micro movement of her hips, slowly raising her arms above her head as she looked down at herself. The tabla beat suddenly came to an abrupt halt, which she seemed to expect because almost right on cue she stopped, with one hip raised higher than the other, arms still held high above her head.

"Yessss!" the man clapped. "She knows the dance welll!"

"Damn girl?" I said, nodding in agreement. Jill glanced at me and smiled but otherwise didn't move.

The beat restarted, slow at first. Again she seemed to have an instinct for where it was going because she matched each little side step to what was playing. Turning one way and then the next, snapping her fingers with each upward tilt of the hip as she did. When the beat suddenly stopped and just as suddenly dove into a rapid tempo, Jill stopped with it and just as suddenly began a repeat of her rapid micro shaking hip movement.

Again the drumbeat came to an abrupt halt. This time she was off cue when she stopped and tried to play it off with a cute bit of both lips and wide eyed look at either of us to see our reaction. Neither the man or I flinched. The slow beat restarted and Jill made her way toward me, turning full circle and this time correctly judging when it would stop, freezing before me, hips tilted with her arms held above her head.

"Damn honey, you're really good at this."

She responded with a scrunch of the nose and suddenly broke into the rapid hip movement right as the beat dove into a second rapid tempo'd chorus of it, staring down at me poker faced as before. Her lack of expression was driving me crazy. I knew is was simply a mixture of her concentrated efforts and being in dancer character mode. But it could so easily have been labeled a look of stone faced seduction. I was mesmerized and couldn't help but scoot forward.

As Jill shook her hips she slowly turned a 360, and as before kept her face to me until she had to quickly turn her head, but found me quick again for the rest of it. I swallowed hard as I looked up at her. Then she got closer, turning back and forth at the waist as she shook it, ever so gently allowing her micro moving hips to brush by my nose close enough that I could smell her but not feel her, her expression still blank as she kept eye contact with me.

I went to touch her hips and she took a step back. After a moment she stepped forward again. I smiled up at her for the tease. Then she suddenly stopped just as the beat did, holding her frozen stance as she stood there, her only movement that of catching her breath.

"Ohhh!" the man said aloud. "She is good!! no?!" He quickly poured and downed a shot as he scoot forward in his seat. Jill caught this.

"I like seeing you like this," I said up at her. She gave my hair a tussle and blew me a kiss. I smiled as she started to back away, keeping eye contact until she suddenly spun around, using both arms for momentum. Then, much as she had me, she made her way over to the man to the resumed beat of the tabla.