Talla's Fallen Temple Ch. 27


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When she reached out one strong hand to grab his wet erection, it became clear to Zhair'lo how his evening was planned.

As she stood up, he recognized, even in his inebriated state, the rock hard leg muscles of a Tight woman. She straddled him, as Aloe had, and pushed her tiny orange bikini bottom to the side of her genitals. She then impaled herself on him far more quickly than he had expected.

"Oh, she did get you nice and wet, Soldier-boy," the woman admired. "But it's my job to make you come."

'And yet,' Zhair'lo thought, 'Aloe told me to hold out as long as I could.'

The woman's immensely powerful thigh muscles locked around his back, embedding him as deeply inside as he could go. She'd had Within upgrades, too, and he felt those working at him, squeezing and trembling up his length.

"Swelling up," she murmured. "So good. What will they say of me, that I went first and made you come? I intend to disappoint the next in line."

Zhair'lo perceived a contest in progress, and blearily accepted it in his mind. The women wanted to force an orgasm from him and expected him to do his best to deny them.

For some uncountable length of time, they strove against each other, her legs and vaginal muscles against only his willpower.

"Come on!" the woman insisted. "Give me some of that come!"

Behind her, a few more women laughed and looked on with interest as the one on his erection continue to rock and violently twist at him.

"Aggie, Aggie!" one of the women mocked her. "Time's up."

"Gods damn it," the one they'd called Aggie removed herself from his erection abruptly and without ceremony.

Behind her was another woman in yellow. This one wore a stranded skirt in the more traditional style, where the strands were thin almost to the point of being grass. Zhair'lo noted she had already exposed one of her breasts, a nice handful. She wore the single sash of an Adept and had somehow lost the bikini top that should have been underneath it.

"Name's Atiya," she said curtly, her clipped tone telling him that this was all the introduction he'd be getting.

As Aloe and 'Aggie' before her, Atiya climbed over Zhair'lo to put her feet on the ground under the table at his back and sank herself down to envelope him.

The repeated penetrations, passing the tight ring of entry three times now, took their toll on Zhair'lo. How long could he fight this? Did the contest even have a point?

'No matter,' he thought. 'If they want to test me, I'll beat them.'

It occurred to him it might not be possible for anyone but a woman to claim victory. Eventually he would ejaculate inside one of them, wouldn't he? There had to be dozens of women and only the four newly graduated Soldiers to pass around.

At the very least, Atiya didn't have any Within upgrades. A distant part of his mind, operating behind the veil of alcohol, acknowledged one upgrade each of Abundance and Strength. He felt his senses going numb as Atiya's gyrations set her exposed breast bouncing up and down in his face.

'These women,' he noted, 'are all very tall.'

Zhair'lo knew her most potent weapons were her lips, and he could keep her from kissing him if he kept his head down. But that left him staring at that mesmerizing, oscillating breast with it's dark little nipple, stiffly at attention.

A raucous roar, of male and female voices, went up from some other corner of the room and a single female voice shrieked in triumph. Zhair'lo wondered which of his fellows had fallen already.

"Hup, hup," someone called from behind Atiya.

"Damn," she resigned, ceasing her gyrations.

"That's three!" someone else called out at Atiya gingerly removed herself from his cock.

Another woman, a grey-eyed blonde wearing orange double sashes across her slim chest and nothing below the waist, stepped into position.

"Four is quite enough for you, young man," she chastised in a deeply antagonistic teacher's voice. "It's time for you call it a night."

Zhair'lo took this for bravado and the mead gave him the courage to fight off such attempts at intimidation. Her experience caused him greater fear. The double sashes in orange meant an Acolyte II, which came with a whole host of upgrades in all sorts of Disciplines. Zhair'lo's eyes told him none of those had gone to increase the size of her breasts, but everything else about her was advanced far beyond anything in his experience.

Zhair'lo nearly choked as her vaginal muscles clamped down on his erection. She did things inside her body that no woman had ever managed before. Swirling sensations greeted him, even as her hips gyrated and she forced her tongue into his mouth. An overpowering scent assaulted his nostrils.

Surely this would break him. He felt a tingling sensation at the base of his erection, working it's way deeper into his body. He felt a deep desire to let it shiver up the length of his shaft. Never had such a fine body been presented to him as a place to release himself.

But Zhair'lo didn't let go. He wouldn't have it. His hatred for the Temple was stronger than his lust.

He sank his fingers into the woman's back, clinging to her body as he would hang on to the edge of a cliff. Greeted by the abyss of failure should he give up, he rode out the insane woman's attentions. He felt his brain shutting down. Could he pass out from this effort? His vision sparkled and he started to see black dots.

'I'm not breathing,' he realized and inhaled deeply, which vanquished the black spots.

"Hup, hup," another female voice called out, and he heard a cracking sound from behind the Acolyte II.

She harumphed and dismounted him in disappointment, rubbing at her rear where the next in line had just spanked her.

From another part of the room, he heard a screech of triumph and a cheer, which was quickly followed by another. Renzi, Kit and Z'rus had all given in, then? Only Zhair'lo remained.

'Can I stop, then? Is this victory?'

But he couldn't stop and he knew it. All of his strength and willpower would deny them, because the Temple brought this to him as a contest of wills. As much as he might like the players themselves, this game didn't belong to them as individuals. The women who took their turns at his erection constituted pieces on a board, pawns to be used and discarded. His battle remained with the ones in charge, the ones who'd made the rules keeping Talla from him. Through his drunken, sexually charged haze, this crystal clear fact held fast.

He meant to win this.

Zhair'lo faded in and out as women took their turns straddling him and taking his erection inside their bodies. Occasionally, just before fucking him, one would lean down to taste the myriad juices that had been left on him. The small bits of his mind that still functioned kept track of the numbers they shouted every time a woman left him.

There was an unusually long respite after he distinctly heard the number "eight".

"There's barely anything left of you in there," a deep rumbling voice came from the dark-skinned woman who had appeared in front of him.

"Ji'ann," he mumbled in recognition, unable to remember the proper honorific for the situation.

'Should I use 'Mistress' or 'Chief' when an endless string of women are fucking me in the mess hall?' he wondered.

Zhair'lo felt no surprise when the large woman mounted him, sliding her dark skin around his body and locking him into place. As an Officer she had countless unknown upgrades which she put quickly to work. She opened her blouse to him, first burying his head in her breasts before giving him her black nipples to suckle upon.

But still, he wouldn't come. His cock had numbed from the work they'd put into him. Heavy handed vaginal twisting and turning simply couldn't do the job.

Ji'ann took his chin in hand.

"He's done, Mistress," a soft voice came in from the side. "Let him know."

A light exhale that somehow indicated respect came out of the larger woman and she stood up and off of him.

"Who, then?" Ji'ann rumbled.

"Me," the soft voice answered. "I started it."

He recognized Aloe. Sweet, soft Aloe appeared in front of him again.

"Zhair'lo," she said. "It's okay. You're done. That's nine and no one ever does nine. It's okay now. You win."

A smile crossed his lips, but he really felt like exploding, or possibly just dying.

'Dying would be comfortable,' he thought. 'Peaceful and quiet.'

Aloe knelt on the floor.

"It's okay, now, Zhair'lo," she whispered. "You can come."

The juices of nine woman adorned his erection, and he knew Aloe tasted them all when she took him into her mouth. The tight, hard working muscles of the Form women had numbed him, but the gentle tongue work of a Facial woman could bring him to orgasm.

The head of his shaft pushed at the back of her throat and he felt her tongue go wide and lively against the sensitive spot on the underside.

Zhair'lo sighed in relief. Orgasm would finally come to him.

"Poor bastard," someone said, but it was respect.

He relented then, knowing he'd beaten the Temple, at least at this one ridiculous game, and let Aloe's effort succeed.

He felt his body jerk and he grunted, feeling his semen launch itself directly into the gentle woman's throat. She didn't miss a beat, continuing to work him with hand, lips and tongue until she'd drained him completely.

"Poor thing," Aloe lamented, putting his underwear back in place.

A couple of the older men patted him on the back and a round of applause saluted him

A glass of water made its way into his hand. Zhair'lo tried to make some gesture of gratitude, but his parched throat made more urgent demands so he drank instead.

His vision started to glaze over and he stared mindlessly across several tables at a torch on the wall. It been lit near the beginning of Master Kendrick's speech, so it burned steadily now and Zhair'lo let its colours mesmerize him.

Once, a long time ago, he'd apprenticed to a blacksmith, so he knew a thing or two about fires and what fed them and why they burned. Zhair'lo remembered his old Master explaining the importance of air flow in maintaining a fire. You couldn't have a flame without fresh air coming in, but at the same time you didn't want to lose all the heat generated.

Getting air to a torch didn't cause anyone a problem, of course. The heat took the smoke and flame upwards and easily available fresh air swooped in. Campfires could be tricky, if particularly dumb campers built them in a really poorly shaped pit.

'But with the right air flow,' Zhair'lo thought, 'you could burn just about - '

He gulped down a mouthful of water and sat bolt up right.

'Talla!' he shouted in his mind. 'Talla!'

A burning pain shot back at him from over forests and Temple walls.

'Gods damn it, Zhair'lo! What the hell?' Talla's protested with a shriek inside his head.

'It's a furnace!'


'Nine hells, Talla. It's a furnace!'

Not only did Talla clearly not understand what he meant, she also began to doubt his mental condition.

'Are you drunk?'

'Very, but that doesn't matter.'

'Then what about a furnace?'

'Talla, we've been thinking all wrong. You've been trying to find a way to steal the Synergist and you don't need to.'

'I don't?'

'No. You just need to destroy it.'

There was a pause and he felt the mill stone grinding its way around as her mind realized the conclusion he had reached.

'You just need to destroy the Synergist, Talla,' he repeated. 'And they've done half the work for you because they've built a gods damned furnace right underneath it!'

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samsayssamsaysover 8 years ago

so i was confused the caravan master said take the cargo to form not the baby.

2. The girls are taught at a young age not to be jealous, it just seemed more than that.

3. It was mentioned that the other boys were at least a year or two older and the girls were initiates which would make at least a year older? He's still at least a year or more younger than the others. And Sgt. Yung seems to spend a little more time explaning things to him. Have they noticed that he ask's more and better questions than the rest?

4.Nothing was mentioned of Tina even trying and how did she know them?

5.Maska's interest in Talla meshing with Sila caused her to want to know more about her parents. that lead her to pussy and her discoveries. will she ask Talla why she chose abundance?

6.yes you did say it would take a year for her next upgrade but her helping find Zhair'lo and Zokar should speed that up i would think Maska was fast tracked right? And Shen is out there two.

7. What's with the towers? What do they new them to protect the temple from?

8.So Zhair'lo will break seals again, will he go with a caravan to another temple because of his stength?

See you anwser a few questions and i think of more. If the next chapter comes out soon maybe it will distract me from my questions! or not. Chris

xtorchxtorchover 8 years agoAuthor
Busy, busy

My editor is very busy these days, but I'm near the end of Chapter 29 so the next two might come faster.

1. The perfectly legal baby would be dropped off at Sweetness (where the nurseries are) along with the "wounded".

2. Talla stole some of Nadine's friends and got a quadruple while Nadine was stuck.

3. Because the other young Fighters are of similar ages. Kendrick has other problems.

4. Horses ... later ...

5. Somewhat unsuccessful, but unmentioned. I rather dropped that, didn't I?

6. Which quest of whom?

7. Not to anyone's knowledge.

8. She would earn her next upgrade, usually after a year. I thought I put that in there somewhere, but maybe I didn't. The second upgrade is usually about a year in if you're a good girl.

9. Heheh.

samsayssamsaysover 8 years ago

And an avid reader of this story. A lot of questions come to mind about the story so far:

1. When the caravan is going to Beshenna why were they taking the baby to form?

2. Why does Nadine dislike Talla?

3. Why hasn't anyone said anything about how young Zhair'lo is? Is that why master Kendrick is distracted when he is served by the queen of Form, because sweetness sent a 18 year old to the fighters?

4. Why did master Hazen spend so much time teaching Zhair'lo how to ride a horse when he hasn't touched one since then?

5. What happened to Tina and trying to contact other women who were whipped for monogamy?

6. When will Maska realize that Talla started her on her quest?

7. Do the sealed virgins have problems with their next upgrade?

8.When is Talla's next upgrade? Does she get credit for creating all the sealbreakers?

9. Will Zhair'lo break seals again?

Anyway a lot of questions so I hope the next chapter is finished editing soon. Chris

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
keep up the work

Nice story series waiting for next chapter please post soon

xtorchxtorchalmost 9 years agoAuthor
writing, writing, writing

The first draught is done. It's off to the editor once I sweep through it tonight.

Sorry for the wait, but stuff is happening now and I want to get it right.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
waiting waiting waiting

Waiting for the new chapter I would say patiently but its been quite a while now. Please publish soon

xtorchxtorchalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Writing, writing, writing.

Yep, folding out the end of next chapter and making it nice.

Chris: It's the little things that make the world real, at least for me: the ranks, the clothing, the little pieces of parchment that authorize this or that, the way the men are handed out to the women on little cards.

Anon: Yeah, it's a little embarrassing it took me 3 years to write this novel, but it's the time I have. It's just one editor and me working on this, and I never realized what a daunting task it is to edit so many words. But my editor, a rather phenomenal dude named Ken Scades has done wonders for my writing style and skill.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Just read all the chapters in less than 3 days. Daunting to think about the wait till next one... I too am eager to find out more about how the temple works, about this whole world.

It seems every here and there there are words missing or incongruences that have not been caught. It's a bit like no spell checker had been used.

samsayssamsaysalmost 9 years ago
Thank You...

It's the little things that for some reason just bug me too. Please keep writing. Chris

xtorchxtorchalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Fighter or soldiers?

I didn't mean to be vague about that:

Fighter is a generic term for all of them (male and female)

Soldier is the lowest rank (male or female)

samsayssamsaysalmost 9 years ago

Keep writing the wait is worth it but I still have little patience. I also want to know what happened to the female recruits. And are they fighters or solders? Chris

xtorchxtorchalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Replies to my readers:

Anon1: yes, I'm writing!

Anon2: I thought it was a good thing to show a "conversion". It matters to the story, so it's important to show that background

Anon3: Some editing was done to spruce that particular sentence up. We're glad it paid off in terms of your appreciation.

Sam: I've got the layout for the next chapter, so it's that far ...

Jason: Thank you! They're trying to extend the Goddess's power to soothe the local male populace, not extend her life per se.

Anon4: "Will her studies in the library bring her into contact with Talla?" Uh ... sort of? Eventually, but now how you'd think. I've already said too much.

Sashimi: Something like that could happen, and you could guess that based on the novel's title, but I've said too much. :-)

SashimiSashimialmost 9 years ago

Something tells me Talla will manage to destroy the Synergist. And maybe that throne. And regret it because she didn't grasp the actual extent of their importance. Good stuff.

By the way, I'm curious what happened to the female (former) recruits during that party?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
A Fantastic chapter...

showing how the women of the temple control the men. Maska seems to be getting close to solving problems of sweetness. Will her studies in the library bring her into contact with Talla? Now that Zhair'lo is not a recruit anymore will he still have to cycle thru the other new fighter' s or will he be served by all the women in the barracks? What about Aloe, why does she call Zhair'lo soldier? Can she be a link to other women in facial? So many questions that have to wait for the next chapters. I'll have to wait but I'm not very patient!!!!

JasonRTaylorJasonRTayloralmost 9 years ago

Another excellent chapter!

Lots of revelations, not the least of which was the mental 'conditioning' of the barbarian. I wonder if they all got 'served' the same way, if they saw something in him, or if we saw through his eyes because he's different: Will he remember having his mind 'fucked' (quite literally)? If so will he be a new ally?

Conversely, might he find this new life a fantastic change for the good and be a dangerous unknown... so many questions!

The fact that the temple is so divided is becoming clearer. That those working towards helping to give longer life to the goddess and guard against berserkers are having to do so in secret is also telling.

Talla seems more aggressive - is this leaking from the bond where Zhair is in martial training - but still getting laid regularly? (Whereas her training is also martial, yet she seems less satisfied with both her sex life and is frustrated by the daunting task.)

I'll stop rambling, but I wanted to take time to tell you I'm still reading, still patiently awaiting the next chapter and still a big fan of your work.


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