Ten Little Bimbos Ch. 04


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Paul grimaced. "Ouch. She really is a bimbo, isn't she?"

Sam nodded. "Oh, yeah. Completely. There is nothing going on in that noggin outside of sucking dick. She's going to do fine at my club."

Straight rolled his eyes. "You really are going to go through with that?"

Morton laughed, amused at Straight's disgusted look. "Sure I am. Why not?"

Straight didn't answer. Instead he looked over at Elizabeth, who was sucking on her thumb.

"Go ahead," said Morton magnanimously. "I don't mind waiting. Besides, getting your dicky sucked is what you're here for, right?"

Straight grinned. "Yeah, it is," he said. "Trying to slip away with the fucking dragon-lady watching me was just about impossible. Thanks again for getting me out of there."

"No problem," said Morton. "You owe me one, though."

"I'm sure," said Paul. Then he looked back to Elizabeth. "Anyway, what do I do?"

Morton plopped into a chair. "It don't matter. She wants to suck you off. Just give her a reason."

Straight's face scrunched as he thought it over. Then he looked at the red-headed socialite and said, "Liz...Lizzy! Look, I don't have time to explain, but there's a security issue on the island occurring right now and I need you to give me a blowjob."

Elizabeth's eyes widened at Straight's words. "Omigod!" she said. "A secuwity...secwue...a secur-e-t thingie is happening and you need me to, like, suck you? Weally?"

Straight nodded, looking very sincere.

Elizabeth said, "Omigod! I sooooo gotta help!"

She dropped to her knees in front of the security man and reached for his zipper. Moments later her warm, wet mouth was stroking over his hard shaft.

Morton groaned. "That was fucking ridiculous, Straight. All you you had to do was ask her to suck your dick and she'd have done it."

Straight grinned, his tool nestled snugly inside Elizabeth's suction-cup mouth. "Yeah, I know," he said, "but I always wanted to use the line, 'You need to blow me for security reasons'."

Morton watched the redhead's hair bobbing over Paul's cock. "I suppose I can respect that," he said. "Now hurry up and come in the bimbo's mouth already. It's almost time for another drink."


By the time Straight and Morton made it back downstairs, the room searches had been completed.

"So glad you could join us," said Tori, her eyes on Straight.

Straight grunted. "Find anything?"

Tori said, "No. Nothing. I wasn't expecting to. Of course, had the searches been done earlier, who knows what might have turned up?"

"Loathe as I am to tell you how to run the hotel, Mrs. Parker," said Rena, "I'm sure this isn't helping."

"I'll decide what is best for the hotel, Miss Lacke," said Tori, "but you are correct. This isn't helping. At any rate, we're going to have a late lunch now. I'm afraid that with Eric unable to perform his duties at this time, we will be forced to fend for ourselves."

McKatt said, "Are you sure we want to eat anything from the kitchen? Granted, it seems unlikely that Chef Parker sabotaged any of the food, but whoever the perp is certainly could have."

Tori thought for a moment, then said, "I will go to the kitchen and bring out a selection of canned goods and other sealed foodstuffs. That should allow us to eat in relative comfort. It will not, of course, represent the high-dining experience the Beau Island Resort normally presents, but it should allow us to get through the meal without problems."


It was a tense lunch, but gradually everybody relaxed as they dined on canned fish. From the discussion taking place at the table, a casual observer might have been unaware of the dark underbelly roiling just beneath the surface.

"It'll happen. Sooner or later. They'll never see it coming."

"She doesn't know. If she did, it would be a whole different game."

"No chance. No chance at all. That one? Nah. No chance."

"Close, but it worked. I'm going to have to stay tight."

"Perfection. Everything I touch becomes perfection. It is right that I do this."

"They need this. All of them need it. Whether they know it or not."

"Too many possibilities. Too much chance. I have to eliminate some of them."

After lunch, coffee and tea were served. Some stayed for beverages, while others went to the pool or down to the beach.

For a short time, it almost seemed like a typical resort.


Aubrey said, "Mmmmmmm...I love when you do that."

Rena said, "What can I say, luv? I'm good with my hands."

"You can say that again," said Aubrey. "Where did a shrink learn how to use her fingers so effectively?"

"Hmmmmmm," said Rena. "Probably the same place a university professor learned to use her tongue with such lovely efficiency."

"Wait 'til you see what I can do with the right toys."

Rena feigned a shocked look. "My goodness, but you're a saucy wench."

"The sauciest."

"It'll be a tough cure for you, then."

"Mmmmmm. Bring it. And while you're at it, let's see what a shrink can do with her tongue as well."


Hannah giggled and said, "Oh, Mistress! I'm like, totally full back there now, you know?"

Tori said, "Shush, girl. Yes, you're full back there. You're supposed to be full. After all, Eric has his cock up your slut ass."

Hannah's eyes widened and she said, "Really?"

Tori positioned herself directly in front of Hannah, her legs spread. Then she grabbed the maid's blonde ponytail and pressed Hannah's face against her pussy.

"Yes, slut, really," she said. "Now be a good girl and lick Mistress' pussy while Eric fucks your little bimbo ass."


Aubrey stood and stretched. Something was bothering her, but she wasn't sure what. She decided to take a walk.

After making her way to the ground floor and around the resort, She eventually found herself outside next to the pool. She sat down to enjoy the sun for a little while.

Suddenly Sam Morton's voice sounded. "I didn't think you were ever going to come up for air."

Aubrey started slightly, startled. Morton was sitting on a lounge chair near where she was sitting. She had been so distracted that she had missed it.

Not a good thing. She had to get it together. She had too many things to do over the next few days.

Aubrey said, "I beg your pardon?"

Morton took a long swallow from his drink. "I said I didn't think you were ever going to come up for air."

Aubrey said, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."

Morton snorted. "Oh, please. I'm talking about you and the shrink. Don't try to bullshit me, professor."

Aubrey smiled. "Please get your mind out of the gutter, Sam."

Morton laughed, a barking sound. "Just stop, all right? I can tell you and the shrink are munching each other's carpets, so can the bullshit denials."

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "Think whatever you want to think, Sam. Need fodder for your wank bank? Go ahead and file the thought."

The bar owner took another long swallow. "You really think I give a fuck if you guys rub pussies? I couldn't care less. You might want to be more selective, though."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said you might want to be more selective," said Sam. "I trust that shrink about as far as I could throw her."

"I'm sure she shares the same love for you."

Sam snorted. "Doubtful. And even if it were the case, it wouldn't matter. I wouldn't even fuck her with somebody else's dick."

Aubrey stood up. "Is there some reason you're being even more obnoxious than usual, Sam?"

Sam stood up as well. "Probably because I'm drunk. But otherwise, no, no particular reason. Why? Did I offend the college professor? Did I get your sensibilities all up in a tizzy? Or is it just because I've got a cock instead of rocking some vag?"

Aubrey said, "Morton, you're going to get out of my personal space right now or you're going to regret it."

Sam barked a laugh again. "I've regretted a lot of things over the years, sweetie. One more isn't going to make a difference."

Aubrey said, "Glad to hear it." Then she punched him in the solar plexus.

Sam dropped his drink and fell back a step, gasping. Then he straightened up and glared at Aubrey.

Aubrey said, "I did warn you, after all."

"You fucking cunt," he said, as he stepped forward and attempted to slap the professor across the cheek.

Aubrey forearm-blocked the slap and drove her knuckles into Sam's stomach. As Sam leaned forward from the blow, Aubrey brought up her knee, striking Morton on the nose.

Sam stumbled back again, blood already pouring from his nose. "You bitch!" he said. "Now you're gonna get it!"

Morton stepped forward to leverage a punch at Aubrey, but the professor had already moved to drive her heel into the inside of Morton's knee. Then she swung a back-fist from the other direction, striking the drunk man across the cheek.

Sam stood there, drunkenly dazed, trying to process what was happening. Aubrey twirled and used a whirling back-kick to knock Morton backward.

The bar owner tripped backward over a lounge. He struggled to get up, but finally stayed down.

There was a sound of running feet as Tori, Straight, Rena and McKatt came running out of the resort.

Tori glanced at Morton laying on the ground and groaning. Then she looked at Aubrey.

Aubrey held up her hands. "I apologize," she said. "He's drunk and he got very obnoxious. I over-reacted."

Rena looked at Morton as well, then back to Aubrey. "My goodness. Are you secretly Xena?"

Aubrey laughed. "Hardly. I've studied martial arts for several years, though, and I'm pretty fair in a brawl. As Mr. Morton just found out."

Rena said, "You are quite the complex girl, aren't you? Professor, archeologist, adventurer, and now kung fu mistress. Do you dance as well?"

Aubrey said, "Ask me again after a couple drinks."


Several hours later, a light gong sounded, indicating it was time for dinner. What form the meal would take, no one knew, but they headed toward the dining room regardless.

Sam Morton was sober. His face showed the signs of the beating he had taken at the hands of Aubrey, but he was in surprisingly high spirits.

"That girl's got spirit!" he said, barking a laugh. "And a hell of a right hook!"

Aubrey smiled tolerantly. The episode appeared to be past.

Tori entered the dining room, with Straight behind her toting a large flat pan. The pan was covered with a variety of canned and bottled foods. Straight set the flat pan on the table.

Tori said, "From necessity, dinner will be a simple affair tonight. There are various canned fish, meats and vegetables available here. The jars are all sealed as well. You are also welcome to engage in anything you find in the kitchen, but please understand that you are doing so at your own risk and Beau Island Resort cannot be held responsible for any undesirable outcomes in that situation."

Rena smiled. "Thank you for the disclaimer, Mrs. Parker," said Rena. "We quite understand."

"True, that," said Aubrey, reaching over and picking up a can of tuna fish.

Straight said, "I'll take the jar of pickles."

Morton said, "Are you pregnant?", getting a laugh from the others.

Tori glanced around the table, then said, "Does anyone know where Dr. Lin or Miss McKatt might be?"

All conversation stopped as the others registered the missing guests.

Aubrey said, "That's odd. No reason for them not to be here. I'll go check on them."

Morton held up his hand. "Allow me. Please continue your dinner, such as it is."

Aubrey's eyebrows shot straight up.

Morton laughed. "As an apology for my drunken boorishness earlier, okay? I do have some remorse when I misbehave. Not much, I'll grant you, but I know when I've gone too far."

Tori said, "Thank you, Mr. Morton. Please let them know their canned goods are getting cold."

Everyone stared in amazement. Morton said, "Did you...did you just make a joke...?"

Tori gave everyone a flat stare. Rena and Aubrey laughed as Morton headed for the staircase.

Once Morton was out of earshot, Tori said, "Does Mr. Morton's presence bother you, Professor Rush?"

Aubrey laughed easily. "Not particularly. He's an obnoxious drunk, yeah, but he doesn't particularly bother me. Hell, he's probably more embarrassed to be around me than the other way around."

"Indeed," said Rena. "In fact, I think in a perverse way Mr. Morton rather enjoyed getting thrown over the fence by Aubrey here.

Tori said, "I'm pleased you're able to view the situation in that light. Still, I do apologize on behalf of Beau Resort."

Aubrey shook her head. "Hardly the resort's fault, Tori."

Tori said, "Perhaps if our security personnel had been on top of things, it might have been prevented."

Paul slapped his hand on the table. "Dammit, Tori!" he said. "I was trying to get the damn Internet working when that situation happened! I can't be everywhere at once!"

Tori's eyes narrowed. "More excuses. It's always something, isn't it? Never your fault."

Paul stood up, fists clenched at his sides. "What is your problem, Tori? I've been running around like crazy and working twice as hard as you since this whole thing started, but all you want to do is bitch bitch bitch and make it sound like it's my fault! I've had enough!"

Tori said, "Oh, yeah? So what are you going to do? Write a really strongly-worded letter to Mister Benjamin Ian-Merigold Beau?"

Straight opened his mouth to reply, but Rena stood up and said, "Please! Enough! Could the two of you please act like professionals and not do this at the dinner table in front of the guests?"

Tori and Paul glared at each other for several moments. Then they both sat down and stared at the table.

The group ate in tense silence for several minutes. Then Dr. Lin entered the dining room.

"Dr. Lin!" said Tori. "There you are. Tell me, did you by change see Mr. Morton or Miss McKatt?"

Dr. Lin looked at the resort manager in what seemed to be a challenging manner for several moments. Then the short Asian woman said, "Yes, I saw the barman and the investigator."

Tori waited, but Dr. Lin didn't say anything else, so Tori said, "Did you see where they went?"

Dr. Lin selected a can of vegetables and began using a hand-held can opener to open it. "Yes, I saw. They went into the barman's room. I do not understand what the investigator sees in the man. She is mocha perfection. He is a pig."

Tori and Paul looked at each other. Paul said, "Did she just say Morton and McKatt went into Morton's room together...?"

"Yeah," said Tori. "Let's go."


They didn't knock. Tori used her master key to unlock the door and throw it open.

Joan McKatt was on the bed on all fours. She was naked. Her cheek was pressed to the bedspread and her bare, rounded ass was high in the air.

Sam Morton was behind McKatt, equally naked. His hands were on her hips and he was stroking his thick cock into the black detective's ass, his heavy balls slapping McKatt's soaking wet clit.

They were so much into their anal coupling that neither of them noticed they now had an audience. After a few moments, Morton became aware of Tori and Paul watching them, but he simply grunted and jammed his dick deeper into McKatt's ass, groaning as he emptied his balls into the detective's tight back passage.

His explosion in her backdoor apparently triggered McKatt's release as well. She shuddered, her body writhing in pleasure from a wave of anal orgasms. Again and again she moaned, completely unaware of her audience.

Tori and Paul stared at each other.


Morton took a drag off his cigarette. Then he blew a stream of smoke and said, "Hey, she came to me like that. I didn't have anything to do with it."

Tori said, "But you certainly didn't have any trouble taking advantage of it."

Morton shrugged. "She likes it up the ass now. I wasn't going to pass that up."

Tori shook her head. "You're despicable, Mr. Morton."

Morton crushed out his cigarette. "Oh, I'm despicable? Me? Oh, please, you fucking hypocrites. You're falling over yourself to judge me, but you're no different from me. I'm just more honest about it."

Tori said, "Mr. Morton, you can't-"

Sam cut in. "Are you going to tell me you and your husband haven't been using that maid for your bedroom games since she went bimbo? I know damn well you've been using her like a slut. Are you going to try to tell me all your professionals here are better behaved? Tell me another one. Why don't you ask your doctor about where I found her when I came upstairs? How about the shrink and the college professor being shacked up together all weekend? How about your security man getting a blowjob from one of the bimboed guests? Yeah, all that's fine, but let the bar owner get a little action and everybody loses their mind."

Rena, Aubrey and Dr. Lin entered the lobby. They nodded to Tori and Paul, who were still questioning Morton.

Tori said, "Well?"

Rena sighed. "Detective McKatt's in a very similar state to the others...to Hannah, Elizabeth and Eric. While Hannah favors stripping and Elizabeth favors performing fellatio, however, Miss McKatt appears to favor, umm, anal penetration."

Sam said, "So she's a butt-slut."

Rena gave Morton a look of disapproval, but said, "For lack of a better word...yes, that's correct."

Tori shook her head. "And you checked her room?"

Rena nodded. "Yes. We found this."

The psychiatrist held out a gun-shaped object. Tori took it.

Tori said, "What is this?"

Straight looked at the object, then said, "That's an air gun."

"A what?"

"An air gun," said the security man. "A dart gun. This thing shoots darts with hypodermic needle tips. Like a tranquilizer gun...except I have a feeling the dart in that thing does a lot more than tranquilize."

Tori looked inside. "You're right. There's a dart of some sort loaded into this gun. This is...this is a bimbo gun."

Aubrey held out a spent dart. She was holding it with two fingers, careful to avoid the tip. "We found this in Joan's room."

Tori sighed and shook her head. "They got her. They bimboed her. She had a plan, you know. A plan to catch the perp in action. But they got her first. Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!"

Straight growled, "When I get hold of fucking Benjamin Beau...!"

Tori looked up. "When you get hold of him? Oh, no. That's not what he should be afraid of." Her voice dropped to a dangerous whisper. "He needs to afraid of when I get hold of him. I guarantee you that Mister Benjamin fucking Beau has never seen anything like one of my dungeons. He'll be begging to become a bimbo when I get done with him."

NEXT: Part 5

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