Teresa's Christmas Story Redux


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"Teresa, hold Carole." I said. "Let me get a picture." Teresa sat down next to Laura, and Carole went to her. Teresa pressed her cheek to Carole's, and they displayed their necklaces as I took pictures of them. I would frame one picture for Teresa, frame one for myself... and frame one for Carole when she got old enough to understand.

Other people took pictures, too. I asked Teresa and Amy to pose together, and Amy of course had Buddy be in the shot. This picture would find itself on Teresa's wall, also...

Part 7 - Night of the Christmas Crowbars

The Rosses were in the guest bedroom of the house, and Molly was in the Master bedroom, with Ian in the crib. Amy was in the other guest bedroom, sleeping with Buddy. In the front room was a full hideaway bed; Pamela Feely was asleep on it. In the greatroom, the two sofas pulled out to become sort of futon-beds, enough for Teresa and Cindy to sleep comfortably on.

I had been sleeping on a futon in the upstairs room, Carole with me, and of course Bowser next to the bed. Laura was in the basement on yet another hideaway bed, and she had Ross and Jim on a mattress on the floor, where they were comfortable and safe.

I woke up Cindy, and told her to come with me. She was already pretty much dressed, and I was in my all-black ninja outfit and trenchcoat, Tilley Hat, and gunbelt with badge attached, of course.

Officers who were Jewish generally volunteered for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day duty. It was overtime (double time, actually) for them, and it allowed the Christian officers to be home with their families. It was the Duty Desk Sergeant, an older Sergeant named Abram, that called me at 1:30 am, December 25th.

When we arrived at the Station, I saw what was going on. Sergeant McCombs was trying to take Brett Bryce out of the holding cell, and he was browbeating a young Patrol Officer.

"Listen, punk." McCombs was snarling. "I am transferring Bryce to County Jail, now, tonight. You get the hell out of my way."

"Sergeant, I have orders to not let anyone take him out nor see him until morning." said the Patrol Officer, whose brow was shining with sweat, his voice almost shaking with fear.

"Listen, shit eater, I'm a Sergeant, you are not." said McCombs. "Now you either do what I tell you, are you're up on insubordination charges."

"I'm not a Sergeant either." said a voice behind him. "But we're about to find out just who is going to get jacked up, here."

The voice belonged to me, Your Iron Crowbar. I was standing in the doorway to the hall, at the ready, tapping the red crowbar in the palm of my left hand, more than willing and able to use it. I saw the young Patrol Officer almost collapse with relief. Sergeant McCombs had a hatred-filled look on his face.

I was not alone, by the way. Cindy was right behind me, brandishing the blue crowbar. She'd already had her fun tonight, though... it was now my turn.

"I told you before, McCombs." said Cindy. "I usually win the rank-pulling game. But this is the one guy who really wins, and I'm glad I'm not you right now."

"Yeah?" said McCombs, facing us. "What're you gonna do, beat me up with those crowbars?"

"I'll put it this way, McCombs." I said. "There is only one way out of that room... through me. So you can either spend the night on a mattress in the holding cell... or you can try to get through me."

"That's easy enough." said McCombs. He attempted to walk past me.


I swung the crowbar right at McCombs's head. He stuck his arm up to protect himself and I got him solidly on the shoulder. I then grabbed him by the collar and threw him back, then swung the crowbar at his knees, taking him out. He fell hard to the floor on his hip and ass, howling in pain.

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear, McCombs." I said. "So one more time: you can walk into one of those cells, or you can try the stupid thing again. And this time... I might let Captain Ross take a shot at you. Sometimes she misses, though... she seems to hit guys in the balls when she swings. Is that not right, Captain?"

"Who says I'm missing when I do that?" replied Cindy. McCombs got up and walked to the holding cells. I secured him inside one.

"It'll be up to the Duty Desk to let you out." I said. "After I've taken Bryce to County Lockup myself." I turned to the Patrol Officer. "You did well to stand your ground, Officer Meir. If this jerk gives you any trouble at all, you call me directly and let me know."

"Yes sir." said the young Officer, still in shock. "Thank you, sir. And I didn't see a thing."

'Thank you for that." I replied. "Have a good Holiday." With that, Cindy and I went and got Bryce, handcuffed his hands behind his back, then transported him to County Jail. Deputy Sheriffs would hold him in isolation and under guard, and there would be no chance to spring him loose.

"Sir," said Cindy as we were driving back to The Cabin, bringing up the subject that had to be brought up, "what are you going to do about Lt. Croyle?"

"Oh, plenty of time to get that all figured out." I said. "But let me be clear, Captain. Her punishment is reserved for me, and me alone. You are not to do anything, nor even bring it up with her until I tell you to do so. Do I make myself clear, Captain?"

"Crystal, sir." said Cindy.

"And we'll also figure out Bryce." I said.

"What about Amy, and the dog?" Cindy asked.

"You know me, I'm a dog-lover, as is young Amy. We will figure it out, and for the good. After all, my dear cousin, it's Christmas..."

Once back, I said "Cindy, let's go onto the back deck." We did, and sat down on the metal loveseat, watching over the Town. It was the usual dots of light, with some extra reds, oranges and greens, it seemed.

"I was going to do this tomorrow," I said, "but now seems like the right time. I just wanted to tell you that last Christmas you didn't know we were family, and while I had suspicions, it's only now I can say it openly."

"I just want you to know, ma cousine, that I love you." I said. "As my partner in the Force, as my cousin, and just as a very special friend and person."

"Aw, that's sweet. I love you, too." Cindy replied, snuggling into me.

"So," I said, "as I've come to know you, and trust you with my life, I think it's time for me to show that trust." I pulled out what looked like a necklace box. "So Merry Christmas, Cindy."

Cindy opened it, likely expecting a necklace. Instead, she saw two metallic objects, shiny gold, with little buttons around the edges. One was a bug-detecting device; the other, a recorder-killer. Both like mine. The latest technology, the very best.

"Oh my God, is this for real?" Cindy asked, stunned. She knew what this gift truly meant, and the total trust it implied.

"I was using one of these tonight, to kill the TCPD cameras so McCombs has no video proof of me kicking his ass." I said. "Use these sparingly and wisely, but do use them when you feel you need to. And if you lose one or both, let me know immediately. I won't be mad, I promise, but we have to know."

"Of course." Cindy said. "Oh wow, thank you, Don. Not just for the devices, but for the trust in giving them to me." She gave me a warm hug, which I returned.

"By the way," she asked as we got up to go inside, "who gives these to you? Laura?" I looked at her and shook my head.

"No, Laura does not know I'm giving you these. And don't tell anyone you have them." I said, then began grinning as I said: "As to where I get them... well, it's probably best that I keep something from you."

"Oh, like you've never done that before!" Cindy said, playfully slapping my arm, but grinning also.

Part 8 - Christmas Day

Dawn, Friday, December 25th. Christmas Day.

I went onto the deck. It was cold, but I heard the Catholic Church bells ringing, then the Presbyterian Church's bells. I saw a train come out of the western horizon, and I watched as its light came toward the River, then turned south as the train took the curve. As the light got a little better I enjoyed the sight of my Town appearing before me.

"Ah, good morning, Amy." I said. She had come out, holding Buddy. "Merry Christmas."

"Thank you, Mr. Crowbar." she said. "Merry Christmas to you, too. I think Buddy has to go to the bathroom."

"Okay, let me call Bowser down, and we'll let them go do their business." I said. I hurried inside, went up to the playroom, and softly called Bowser. He bounded up. I took him downstairs and set him down on the deck. Amy set Buddy down, and the dogs went along the side walkway, then down along the hillside trail.

"They'll come back, won't they?" Amy asked, concerned.

"Yes, I think so." I said. "The area is fenced, so they can't go too far anyway. But remember, sometimes you've got to let something you love go free. If Buddy comes back, he's yours. If not, he never was."

"Buddy's all I've got." Amy said. After a few moments, a white-yellow haired dog came back along the trail.... followed by a brown and white one. The relief and happiness on Amy's face was palpable.

Back inside, we got ready to bring the kids down for Christmas. The tree was in the greatroom, against a window overlooking the deck. It could be seen if one looked for it, but the outdoor tree on a pole and wires that I'd constructed and set up was clearly visible to all the Town at night.

And of course, it was a day of joy as Carole dug into her toys. Ross and Jim weren't quite as understanding, but they knew they had toys to play with. Ian... was happy with a bottle and going back to sleep. For myself, I was paying attention to the Rosses, seeing their happiness at watching their grandchildren as well as the other kids. And I was making observations...

Meanwhile, Amy said to Teresa "Thank you for rescuing me and Buddy last night. That was the best Christmas present I could have. I don't have anything to give you, but I'll find something."

"Aw, sweetie," said Teresa, hugging the teen girl, "having you here with us is the best present I could have."

"By the way, you said something about your sister last night." Amy said. "What happened? Is it sad?"

Teresa nodded. "Yeah, it's sad. My sister died on Christmas Eve, when a drunk driver hit her car head-on."

"I'm sorry." said Amy. "Maybe I can be your sister today, and that can be my present."

"That would be a great present." said Teresa. She hugged Amy again, who hugged her back, both trying and failing to hold back tears. And they weren't the only ones in the room with tears in their eyes. Both of the Crowbar-wielding people were misty-eyed, as well.

After a minute, I said "Okay, guys, you get in front of the tree so I can take a picture of you." They posed, then Cindy posed with them, then Amy asked me to pose for one with her...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After breakfast, as everyone talked and played with the babies and the dogs, Laura asked to speak to me privately. We went onto the deck.

"Did you call the orphanage?" Laura asked me.

"Yes." I said. "I told them Amy was our guest. When they balked, I said they could play it one of two ways, that she was in police custody as a runaway after being found, or she was my personal guest at my home. They're not really happy about it, and said they'd talk to me about it when I bring her back tomorrow."

"That's what I need to talk to you about." said Laura. "I'm sure you've noticed she's not totally well. Some yellowing in her eyes, pale skin, all that?"

"I did notice, but I was wondering if she just needs some nutrition after being in that warehouse for a couple of days."

"I think she needs some tests." said Laura. "I'm going to take her to my clinic in my office, give her a checkup, do some bloodwork. And she's not going back to that Orphanage until I say so, if I have to get a Court Order or bring in the entire CIA to keep her."

"Consider that my job, and consider it done." I said. "But I'll let you tell her about needing the tests... and you should tell Teresa at the same time. But it can wait for awhile... let them have this Christmas, and each other as sisters."

Laura agreed, then said "And I suppose we now have another dog to take care of?"

"Yes, yes we do." I said firmly. "I told Amy I would take care of Buddy like my own family. And that is a promise I will keep." Laura could not argue with that...

Part 9 - Epilogue

Saturday, December 26th. It was 10:30am as I went into the Interrogation Room at County Jail and Third Precinct Headquarters. At the table were Patrolman Brett Bryce, in a prison orange jumpsuit, his lawyer from Gresham & Mason, P.C., and the Police Union rep as an observer.

Patrolman Morton was keeping watch. Paulina Patterson came in with me. Cindy and Teresa were watching through the one-way glass. They'd wanted to come in, but I suggested that it would rile Bryce up, and to let me handle it.

"All right," I said, sitting down, "we have you, Patrolman Bryce, for assault upon a police officer, actually two counts of that; drawing your service weapon when the situation did not call for deadly force; brandishing your weapon at other human beings when deadly force was not indicated; having a concealed and unauthorized weapon on your person while in uniform; and the all-encompassing making terroristic threats."

"Your Captain assaulted my client." said the legal beagle. "Your Lieutenant was also armed; therefore it is very debatable whether nor not deadly force was needed."

"And the assault on my Lieutenant, and making threats to kill her, as well as a teenage girl armed only with a puppy?" I said. "By the way, Hendricks has already turned; his own official affidavit confirms what the other officers have said, and he added that Bryce made the threats even before everyone else got there."

"Hendricks will tell any lie to get his fat ass out of trouble." said Bryce, who had never invoked the Fifth, by the way.

"I dunno, when added to all the other affidavits, including that of the aforementioned teen girl at the scene," I said, "it does not look good for you, Bryce."

The lawyer looked back at the Union Rep. "This one is yours." said the Rep, somewhat to my surprise.

"Oh, that's right..." I said, letting my face show considerable menace, "you, Bryce, made a threat to kill a dog. And after what I said in front of the entire Police Force... And you just went and threatened to kill a dog, even tried to through two people. That means I'm feeling... personal... about it."

"What are you going to do?" sneered the lawyer. "Assault my client like your Captain did?"

"No one else is saying my Captain assaulted your client." I said. "In fact, it's the other way around, and even Hendricks is putting his sworn signature on that. But since you asked, Counselor..."

With that, I pointed at the one-way glass. Sergeant Rudistan opened the door and peeked inside.

"Sergeant," I said loudly, "I understand the Rodrigo-san got drunk Christmas night, and go into a bar fight. He might deny that, but we need to pick him up and hold him in here for 24 hours or so, until we get the story straight. Tell him he'll get three free meals... and tell him he'll have Patrolman Bryce as his cellmate."

"Yes sir, right away, sir." said Rudistan. He withdrew and closed the door.

"Okay, I guess that wraps this up for now." I said.

"Hold it." said Bryce, his face openly showing his fear. "Let's cut a deal."

"What, are you crazy?" yelled the lawyer. "He's just trying to intimidate you! You know some moves, you can handle it!"

"What, the standard Green Beret tactics?" I asked. "I hear tell those didn't work so well against my Captain. Oh, and as an aside, the Rodrigo-san is probably the one person in this County that even she fears. And I understand the Rodrigo-san loves dogs... almost as much as I do. Have a nice day, guys.."

"Wait!" said Bryce. Yes, he was scared shitless, I could tell as he looked at his lawyer and said "Just keep your fucking mouth shut." Turning to me, he said "What can I do?"

I slid a file folder with some papers in it. "This is your voluntary resignation from the Town & County Police Force, effective immediately. Sign it, and the Rodrigo-san sleeps alone tonight."

"What else?" asked Bryce. "What about the charges?"

"Oh, we're not even at those yet." I said. "That can all be determined... after you resign from the Force."

Bryce looked over at the Union Rep. "It's your call, Bryce." said the Rep. "We're not going to step in on this one." I was astonished, but kept my face passive.

Bryce signed the papers, immediately making himself a former police officer.

"Okay, ADA Patterson," I said, "You decide how much effort you want to put into this case."

"Well," Paulina said, "if he agrees to a nolo contendere on the assault on police officer charges, and guilty on a weapons brandishing charge, which means no weapon carry and no concealed carry for at least ten years, then we can probably see our way to recommending probation for Mister Bryce."

He took the deal.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, Dr. Laura Fredricson had given Amy a thorough examination, and taken some blood. She ordered tests, and a couple of those were done immediately. She looked at the results.

"Amy," she said, "you're going to be staying at the Hospital for a couple of days, until these other tests get back."

"What's wrong?" Amy asked.

"Just relax." Laura said. "But tell me, you haven't been feeling well, have you?"

"I've been tired, but I haven't eaten a lot." said Amy. "I feel much better now."

"Well, I'd rather have you at the hospital for observation until the tests get back." Laura said. "It may not be much, or there may be a problem. But we'll work it out."

"How..." Amy said, looking scared, "how do I pay for this? And what about Buddy?"

"Don't worry, it's on me for now." Laura said. "And Buddy is staying with my family, so don't worry about him." She called in her assistant Gayle, and gave instructions to call the Hospital to prepare to admit Amy as her patient.

As Amy got ready to go, Laura texted her husband...

Finis... pour le moment.

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WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum12 months ago

An observation that it appears that Melina is going back to do wet work for CIA. But will she only do it outside USA or within or both. Is Laura going to be her support on the assignments? Welcome Buddy into the Troy fold. Teresa is gettIng very interesting as a person in recent stories.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Nice Christmas interlude seeing Teresa face her ghosts so to speak. And then you leave me dangling again Rd Amy, obviously not hood news but how bad is it?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Buddy Bowser

Buddy Bowser aka The King Bee is a famous dog loving musician living in tribeca in downtown manhattan. Funny. Huh?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Loved this interlude

Unlike the Consultant, I plead guilty! This subplot, involving Teresa, Amy, and Buddy (and shame on me for almost forgetting, Alexis' spirit), is my favorite. There's something about the solitary souls that find one another and bond, that's simply uplifting. Teresa's growing on me, each time she appears in these stories - so much so, that I look forward to her appearances!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

The word is prescient.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Like these interludes

I like these interludes, or quick stories. Still trying to figure out who the consultant of crime is. Thanks for your efforts, please keep writing.

ag2507ag2507about 8 years ago
Don't you mean 'precient' Anonimous?

And I really struggle to understand why I keep reading, but I do, getting quite ratty as I wait for the next part or story to satisfy my instant gratification while watching what must be the slowest exposition of Zeno's paradox in writing. Enough already! Show us the Villain then lets have a couple of mysteries not coordinated by some super entity in the clouds. I know, it's your show but it is quite frustrating waiting for the other shoe to drop, especially when you keep catching it and putting it back up on the rickety shoe box.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

The Paris Peace Accords were signed in late Jan., 1973, effectively ending US involvement in the war. So it wasn't exactly precinct to predict going home just one month earlier.

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