That Time I Died


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I don't know how long we relaxed for; time has little meaning in the afterlife. All I know is my relaxation was interrupted by a buzzing from the kitchen.

"The biscuits are ready!" My grandmother declared excitedly. She released me from her hold, and ran off to the kitchen to fetch them. "Why don't you turn the television on?" I sat up, my chest still covered in my cum, and picked up the TV remote. I turned it on, and flicked through the channels. Everything on was something I liked; my favourite films and TV shows were amazingly all playing at once. I suppose it shouldn't have surprised me, as the whole point of this place was to give me everything I wanted.

Grandma walked back in, carrying a large plate of chocolate chip cookies. She set it down next to me, and then knelt on the floor.

"Enjoy them," she smiled, before taking my hardening cock in her mouth.

"Ohhhh..." I moaned, before picking up a cookie and eating it. Like everything else here, it was incredible. I swallowed it, and took another, before sitting back and relaxing to watch the TV. If you'd told me a week prior that I'd soon be sat watching Back to the Future and eating the greatest biscuits in the universe while my dead grandmother gave me a blowjob, I'd have told you to fuck off. But it's a good thing I didn't, because then maybe God would have sent me to Hell, and I'd be experiencing unimaginable pain right now, instead of pleasure. If I'd known this was how God rewarded the virtuous, I'd have turned to religion long ago.

I watched the entire film trilogy, experiencing another orgasm every few minutes. My grandmother never stopped sucking me for a second, swallowing every drop of the gallons of semen I released into her mouth. I was still amazed by the fact that my cock never showed any sign of fatigue; my loads remained big, my erection remained full, and it never felt the slightest bit sore. Just hours of unbridled oral pleasure for me.

As the credits rolled on Part 3, I had yet another orgasm, which of course involved releasing yet another enormous load into my grandmother's mouth. She swallowed it all, and then pulled her mouth off of me, kissing the tip as she went. She then crawled onto the sofa, and gave me a soft, loving kiss.

"Let's go to bed, Jamie," my grandmother purred. "I want you to make love to me."

I just nodded, and took my grandmother's hand in mine. We got up, and walked hand-in-hand up the stairs and to my room. Slamming the door shut, we grabbed hold of each-other's bottoms and made out passionately, our entire beings consumed with lust. Eventually I gave in, and grabbed my grandmother, tossing her onto the bed with a fury. She moaned enthusiastically, and spread her legs wide. Without hesitation I climbed on top and thrust my cock into her.7

When I'd fucked Jayma I'd been overwhelmed by nerves and sensations, which had made thrusting and the like a tad difficult. Well, the sensations here were just as great, if not greater, however my confidence had improved greatly. With Jayma I'd also still been stuck in the mortal mindset of trying to hold back my climax as long as possible to savour the one orgasm I'd have. But now I realised that here in Heaven, orgasms were plentiful. They were not the climax of sex, they were something to be savoured over and over again. So as I pounded at my grandmother's pussy, my thoughts were only on making the two of us cum as soon as possible.

And cum I did. Barely 40 seconds after entering my grandmother I was filling her up with my seed. I grabbed hold of her tits and grinded her pussy as I ejaculated hard. I then resumed my vigorous thrusting, not even waiting for my orgasm to finish first. Grandma too came within a minute, so I got to enjoy the exquisite sensations that accompanied her vagina contracting around my cock. But still we fucked, determined to reach many, many orgasms before the night was out.

When I woke up the next morning, I was immediately greeted by a warm wetness surrounding my dick, and another warmth across my whole front. I woke up, and was reminding that I was laid on top of my teenage grandmother, erect cock buried deep within her pussy. Allowing my instincts to take over, I leaned down and kissed her softly.

"Mmm..." she whimpered, and opened her eyes slowly. "Morning Jamie."

"Morning," I said, kissing her again.

"Have fun last night?"

"Very much so. It was..."

"Heavenly?" We both laughed at that, which is an interesting experience when you're inside a girl at the time.

We made out for a few minutes, and then just gazed at one-another.

"What shall we do today?" I asked.

"Well," she replied. "Tonight there's a little gathering I'm supposed to take you to."


"Don't worry about it. And besides, we've got all day until then."

"Well then," I said, beginning to thrust. "Why don't we get right back to making love then?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Jamie."

I went slower that morning, still half-asleep, and not as desperate to cum as I'd been the previous night. Still though, it felt absolutely incredible, making love to my grandmother while we kissed passionately. After about two minutes we came simultaneously, and we stopped thrusting, and merely kissed slowly in order to savour the moment. For nearly 45 seconds I ejaculated, each shot providing me with unbelievable pleasure.

When it was over, I picked up my grandmother by the ass, and she yelped.

"Come along my lady," I said, my cock still buried inside her. "Time to wash off." I got us out of bed, and carried grandma out of my bedroom towards the bathroom. What I saw in there shocked me. Our ordinary bathroom had been transformed into one fit for a king. The bath had become a giant hot tub, and there was a huge shower cubical for us in it.

I took grandma into the shower, and set her down, my cock sliding out of her for the first time in hours. Grandma turned around, and I took the opportunity to spank her.

"Naughty boy," she said, before turning the water on. The warm water felt so relaxing as it ran down my skin.

"Time to get clean then," Grandma said. She put a load of shower gel in her hands, and then handed me the bottle. Understanding, I get a large amount of it in my hands, and got to work. The two of us embraced, and began rubbing each-other all over. Grandma soaped up my back and bum, so I followed suit, groping it enthusiastically. She then got down on her hands and knees, and soaped up my cock and balls, getting into every nook and cranny. I then did the same for grandma's groin, and soon every inch of our bodies were soaped up.

Grandma then turned around and bent over. I didn't need further instructions, and I grabbed hold of her soapy ass, ramming my cock into her pussy, its familiar warmth comforting me. I went back to my previous rigour, my soaped-up pelvis pounding against my grandmother's soaped-up bottom. I reached round and grabbed hold of her boobs, squeezing them mercilessly.

"Oh God Jamie, that's it!" She moaned. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Not one to disobey my elders, I did as I was told, going as deep and as hard as I possibly could. Grandma came quickly, and her vaginal contractions sent me over the edge too. As the pleasure of my orgasm began, my knees buckled, and I had to hold on to the shower rail to stop myself falling over as I came.

"Uhhh my God..." I groaned, ejaculating powerfully into my grandmother.

We spent the rest of the day making love in all rooms of the house, taking a break every now and then to eat, or to snuggle between fucks. This all concluded with a late-afternoon nap in bed where I spooned my grandmother. I was awoken by the feeling of my skin being caressed, and my grandmother's soothing voice.

"Jamie...Jamie..." she whispered. "Time to get up." I moaned a little, not at all concerned that I was being woken up.

"Morning," I said, stretching.

"Evening, actually," she said, kissing me. "It's time to go."

"Go where?"

"To the gathering tonight," she replied, kissing me.

"Can't we just stay here and have more sex?"

"Don't you want to see your friends?"

"My friends?"

"The angels have put together a party for you and your classmates who made it into Heaven. They thought you might like to meet up with them."

"Ah, okay. That sounds good."

"Yes it is. Now get up, young man."

I flopped out of bed, and my grandmother took my hand, kissing me.

"So how do we get there?" I asked. Grandma simply guided me out the door, and when it opened, we were stood in a lavish ballroom. I looked around, and the place was filled with a mixture of angel servants, and people from my school.

"Jamie!" Mark and Peter ran up to me, and I immediately noticed that their bodies had been altered as mine had, my friends having transformed into hunks.

"You been fucking bitches too?" Peter asked, as he and Mark ogled my grandmother.

"Guys, that's my grandma..."

"Your gran?" Mark asked. "Wow, someone started early on the heavenly debauchery."

"Guys, please..."

"Boys, there is no such thing as debauchery here. Everything is allowed," she said, finally reminding me of the grandmother I'd known in life. "Now apologise to him."

"Sorry Jamie...Sorry Mrs Robertson..." the two boys said.

"Good," she smiled, before turning back to me. "I'll leave you boys to have fun." Grandma gave me one last kiss, before walking back through my bedroom door, which disappeared instantly.

I looked around, and there were a lot of people from my year there. Everyone was completely naked, and everyone seemed to have had similar bodily enhancements to the three of us. All the guys were hunks with giant cocks, while all the girls were drop-dead gorgeous. As you might expect, my cock got hard at approximately the speed of light, give or take a little. Several days in Heaven had taught me to not worry about that though. Plus half the room was erect anyway. The other half being girls.

The three of us went over to the bar area, where an angel boy was serving. We got some drinks, and sat there chatting and comparing notes on what we'd been up to. As expected, they too had spent most of their time having copious amounts of sex. Peter had had some angels transform into numerous celebrities and fictional characters and had spent his time fucking them in numerous elaborate role-play scenarios. I particularly enjoyed his story of fucking Arya Stark in deep space while making out with Princess Zelda, playing with Scarlett Johansson's boobs, and being licked all over by Evie Frye, Pixie Lott, Lara Croft, Jennifer Lawrence and Samus Aran.

Mark meanwhile had spent his time having much more vanilla sex, content to make repeated love to the angels. One thing they did both confirm for me though was that their orgasms had been as massive as mine had been, complete with ridiculously enormous loads of cum.

"I guess they're serious about rewarding us," I said. "If I ever see God, I'll be sure to thank him."

"I wouldn't count on it," Mark said. "One of the angels I shagged told me that even they rarely see him, that he only grants an audience to the archangels."

"Well eternity's a long time, maybe we'll see him one day," I said.

The three of us chatted for a long while, about all manner of things, before I saw someone approaching me, looking nervous.

"Um, hi Jamie..."

"Oh, hi Alice," I said. Mark and Peter slipped away quietly, leaving the two of us alone.

"My, um, my friends thought I should come over to talk to you..." she said, as we desperately tried not to check each-other out. Her divinely-enhanced body was too much to resist, however, and by the time she sat down next to me my cock was beyond full mast.

" are you enjoying Heaven?" I asked her.

"It's great," she smiled. "I've had so much fun here." My mind instantly went to the thoughts of Alice having sex with armies of hunky guys. Her mouth, bum and pussy full of angel cock, her body coated in jizz. I wished it was my jizz.

"So, I...I really like you, Alice," I said, and instantly wondered what was wrong with me. I'd fancied Alice since primary school, and a large portion of my masturbation fantasies had been about her. God knows how many gallons of jizz I'd shot thinking of her. Actually, he probably does.

"I...really?" Alice asked.

"Yes. A lot. I always have. You're a great girl."

God I felt stupid saying all that. Clearly dying had lowered more of my inhibitions than I'd perhaps have liked. I was about to apologise, when Alice leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss.

" you too, Jamie..." she said, before kissing me again. "Shall we, um...shall we go back to my house?"

"Okay..." I replied, feeling like some sort of clichéd erotic fiction character.

We got up, and walked through the door that had appeared, into Alice's bedroom. I looked around at it; very pink, with posters of popular male celebrities on the walls. If I was acting like a clichéd character, Alice was a cliché incarnate. She probably dotted her "i"s with hearts. We sat down on her bed, my hands in hers. Without any words, the two of us leaned in and began kissing passionately. We moved closer, and wrapped out arms around each-other as we made out. All my dreams were coming true, and I wanted to savour the moment forever.

My cock, however, disagreed, and I could feel it's jealousy at how much attention my lips were getting. Perhaps Alice could sense it, as I then shuddered in shock as she grabbed hold of my cock, and began stroking it. I enjoyed it for a few seconds, before realising I should probably return the favour. I reached down, and began rubbing Alice's pussy, which caused her to let out a whimper. I slid my fingers in, and began thrusting them in and out.

We both got into a rhythm in our pleasuring. It wasn't the most amazing thing I'd felt in Heaven so far, but fingering my long-term crush while she gave me a handjob was certainly the highlight of my first few days there. Well, except for what happened shortly after.

We resumed kissing, our tongues making love to one-another's mouths as we played with each-other's genitals. Eventually we both felt ourselves go over the edge, and we both moaned into each-other's mouths as our massive, heavenly orgasms began. I shot heaps of cum onto Alice's tummy and tits, while her pussy had similar explosions, the two of us staring into each-other's eyes as we came. When it was over, we both laid back on the bed, panting.

"I never get used to that," Alice said, rolling over to snuggle up to me. I tried not to react.

"Me neither," I said, feeling much more relaxed than before. I guess dual orgasms with your crush does that to you. "Sooo...what now?"

"We could shag I suppose," Alice said, smiling.

"I...I suppose we could," I said, and Alice kissed me again.

"If you want to, I mean. I do. You're a nice guy, Jamie. I really like you," Alice said. "So we could fuck if you want. Or we could just snuggle. Whichever."

"No, it's fine. It's just I've fancied you for so long, I thought this would never happen," I said.

"I've always fancied you too, Jamie," Alice said, kissing me once more. "Let's do this."

Alice laid on her back on the bed, and I moved on top of her. It's funny, I'd done this dozens of times since dying, and yet the fact it was Alice I was about to fuck instead of Jayma or Grandma made it all the more nerve-wracking. Nevertheless, I worked up the courage to move my hips forward, slowly inserting myself into Alice. Once I was all the way inside, the two of us stayed still for a while, savouring this feeling that both of us had dreamt of for so long. I leaned down and kissed her, every second feeling like Heaven on...actually, never mind.

Finally, while we continued kissing, I moved my hips back, and then forwards again. I went slow at first, but before long my thrusting worked itself up into a steady rhythm. The feeling was absolutely exquisite, even more enjoyable than the sex I'd had previously. Maybe it was because this was my first time with someone who was both the same species as me and not related to me. Maybe it was because everything in Heaven seems to be better than what precedes it. Or maybe it was because we liked each-other so much.

Whatever the reason, it was clear from Alice's moans that she was enjoying this just as much as I was, which was quite a lot. I came after about a minute, unleashing another massive load. Alice came at the same time, so I was treated to the wonderful feeling of her vagina contracting around my cock as I filled her up.

I kept on thrusting throughout and after my orgasm, determined to savour this experience as long as possible. Alice grabbed hold of my bottom, and I retaliated by grabbing hold of her boobs, squeezing them vigorously, as I'd always dreamed of doing. I picked up my pace further, pounding away at Alice's pussy. We continued making out as we made love, our bodies trembling under the wonderful sensations it was experiencing. We felt ourselves approaching the edge again, and we cried out in ecstasy.



Our genitals exploded, as we experienced the most powerful orgasms in our existence. It went on and on, seemingly never ending. Just when I thought it was going to calm down, it would suddenly jump in intensity, causing me to shudder with sensations, as my cock did its best impression of a fire hose, trying to extinguish the fire within Alice.

That was all a long time ago now. Billions, trillions of years ago. And I'm still here, in Heaven, enjoying my eternal reward. A few decades after I arrived, the rest of my family and friends died too, so I was able to reunite with them, as well as meet my nieces and nephews, and everyone else I'd not been around to see.


Alice and I are "married" now, although in Heaven that's really a pointless term. We live together, but we still do whatever we want. Sex with everyone and anyone, and generally enjoying being dead.

I suppose I should end it there really, as there's little else more to say. I'll only add that, before I died, I had found it hard to believe that, even if it did exist, Heaven could ever be as eternally wonderful as I'd heard. Well let me tell you, it isn't; it's far, far better. There's little point in me trying to describe it to you further; nothing I've written here can ever come close to describing how wonderful it is here. I'm afraid you're just going to have to die to find out for yourself.


Author's message: So hello. I should explain myself. So about 2 years ago I wrote "A Boy and his Genie" and posted it on many sites, including here. After that I continued writing stories, but I never posted any more of them here. For several reasons, the main one being the rules which prevented me from posting things here.

However, since then, one of the other places I post my stuff has changed its rules to be like here. Over there I've started posting censored copies of my work, and I've decided I should start doing that here. So over the next few weeks you can (hopefully) expect a lot of uploads from me as I post nearly 2 years' worth of stuff for your appraisal!

This story has gone up first because it's the only one I think which doesn't need censorship to be posted here. It's actually a spin-off of something else I wrote, which I will also be posting if I'm able to.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Well, I liked it. It applies a very earthly interpretation to being in Heaven.

DragoTimeDragoTimeabout 7 years agoAuthor

I'm choosing to take that as a compliment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
to funny.

While I was reading this I was drinking a cup of tea. Then right as I got to the sex scene I had taken a mouth full. When I read what is written I ended up choking because I started to laugh. I could not stop laughing for so long it made me sore in the ribs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Oh, Please!

Thelvyner, you take yourself too seriously. This is a piece of fiction. The author is a male. Therefore you can just about figure what Heaven will be like for him since everybody knows that men do nothing more than think about sex every waking minute of the day while they are alive. I actually took the whole story as one big joke because of the manner in which uptight religions on earth feel about sex as a whole. Imagine being allowed to do anything you want, anytime you want, and don't tell me that incest isn't taboo in just about every civilization on this planet. The same with gay sex and other "deviant" behavior that I will not go into. "Everything you can ever ask for is allowed in Heaven." Imagine that among the born-again, gun-toting Christian rightwingers in our conservative government. I'm laughing so hard that it almost hurts. Hah, what just desserts!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Its sad that the universe is only about 13 billion years old, but there are more than 700 billion Gods

ThelvynerThelvynerabout 7 years ago

I find the concept of heaven and hell as laid out here absolutely horrible. That any loving good being would punish or reward anyone for "eternity" for any action taken as a mortal in a finite reality regaurdless of how good or evil the action was to be silly and unbelievable to the extreme.

Do people become unchangable after death? If that is so what is the point of punishment?

A woman punished for cheating on her boyfriend yet everyone fucks everyone in heaven. Jealousy still exists in heaven since you wrote it.

I could not enjoy this story as there are too many falacies and contradictions. Just like anything religious based.

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