The 80/20 Solution Ch. 11-12


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"From what we have heard from both of you, things couldn't be any better here. We were tickled to death to hear that Nikki went back to school and that Jordan's cookbook is almost finished We are also pleased to hear how well Sandra has integrated into your and Jay's lives. But to summarize everything, it is time for all of us to move on into the next phase of our lives. We actually arrived last night and talked things over with Jim and Paula, and they agreed with us. So this morning we met with an attorney who is drawing up duplicate, very simple no fault divorce papers and powers of attorney so that you can handle any stuff that comes up. I say they are duplicate, ours have to deal the houses. Wendy is giving Nikki her half of your house Jordan and I am signing the title to my half over to you Emily. If you ever sell it, send me some money or don't. It just doesn't quite feel right for a guy to give his wife's future husband most of his estate. But that's a guy thing. Just tell Jay that it belongs to both of you. I said the attorney is drawing the papers up and that we would call him if anyone had a problem but that we weren't expecting any problems because there don't appear to be any issues. Even if there were, we are catching a 9:00 plane back tonight. I have a charter next week that I have to prepare for. This is the busy season down there." He fell silent. Jordan nodded to Emily.

"Jordan and I have talked a lot and we expected this and agree that this is the best thing. We might argue about you giving up your portions of the houses but we won't. While we agree with everything, I would be lying if I said there isn't a strong emotional feeling the goes with it. I suspect that Jordan isn't saying anything because he has a lump in his throat." Jordan nodded.

"Emily." Wendy spoke for the first time. "We understand completely. We both have cried over this and prayed hard about it too. On the other hand, we know that it is the right thing to do but we want you to know that you are still our best friends and if you come visit us which we both want, we would like to be best friends WITH benefits as long as that doesn't cause any problems. And we may come up for awhile during hurricane season down there. We hear that it is a shitty place to be when a hurricane is bearing down on it."

"OK, Jordan and I agree to this and will sign the divorce papers when they are ready."

"There is a sixty day waiting period but no one has to go to court. They can mail each of us the completed papers. But now that we are agreed, I need to tell you that the day after we sign the final papers, Wendy and I are going to get married. They have a problem with unmarried people living together down there. Right now they accept us as being crazy Americans, but if we want to integrate into the culture, which we do, we need to be married."

Both Jordan and Emily congratulated them heartily. Then Wendy spoke again, "There is another reason too. On the third week out, we were in a storm and all three months of my birth control pills were destroyed. So in about 7and a half months , you two will become godparents. If it is a boy, he will be named Jordan. If it is a girl, she will be Emily."

Jordan broke out in the biggest smile any of them had ever seen. Emily sat for a moment and then jumped up and ran to hug Wendy. "I am so happy for you. I don't know about Rod though; I can't picture him changing diapers."

"They don't use diapers there. They wrap babies in large leaves and after they are dirty, they compost them and put it in the gardens."

"You expect me to allow my god daughter to go around wearing a leaf?"

Jordan spoke for the first time, "I was thinking that my godson would need a hole in his leaf."

Everyone broke out in a laugh. Just then, Rod's cell phone rang, he answered and said, "Yes. We're done. Come on down."

A few minutes later, Jay, Nikki, Paula, and Jim entered the restaurant and more hugs were shared. As they sat down, Sandra walked in and sat down in her usual spot between Emily and Jay.

Rod said, "We didn't want to leave Sandra out but we wanted our talks to be just between spouses. I already briefed her in general, but you need to fill in the details later. We only have thirty minutes before they call our flight and 45 before they call Paula and Jim's."

Jay leaned over and whispered to Emily that the museum liked Paula so much that they offered her a full time job and that Jim's friend liked his work so much, he offered him a job with stock options. She nodded in agreement.

When the first call for Rod and Wendy's flight was made, they all walked to the gate together for another round of kisses and hugs. Then they walk three gates down and waited for the flight to Boston to be called. Then there was another round of hugs as they boarded the flight. The five just stood there quietly lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Sandra broke the silence. "Since I knew what was coming, I baked a cake this afternoon. So why don't we adjourn to our house for cake and coffee on one condition, Nikki can't criticize my cake."

Nikki laughed, "I would never criticize you about anything, love, except why it took you so long for you to let Emily and Jay get in your pants."

"Me? I was ready for them both the night they asked me to move in with them. It is Emily's obsession with being patient which had worn off on Jay that kept me using my fingers until they were ready."

Jordan added his two cents. "That may be more information than I needed to know."

"Oh hush Jordan, you had your hands on my tits the second Friday night we got together and a finger in my pussy two weeks later. But it took you almost a year to get your cock inside me."

Both Emily and Sandra replied, "TMI. TMI."

Jay closed the talking with "Out of the door wenches. Your masters want cake."

As they started toward the door, Emily turned to Sandra and said loud enough for all to hear, "That settles that. Jay gets no pussy for a week for that comment. So it's just you and me sister."

"I don't have a problem with that but to be honest the image of him as my master gets me a little wet."

"TMI." Cried Jordan.

They ate their cake and coffee and chatted for awhile and then at 10 called it a night. After they bid Jordan and Nikki goodnight, the three lovers looked at each other. Emily asked; "Well that ends Phase 1 of our lives. Anybody have a suggestion on how we start Phase 2?"

Sandra spoke first, "I suggest that we go to bed and Jay will fill your pussy with cum while you suck on mine. Then I will clean up your pussy while Jay recuperates. Then he can fuck either my ass or my pussy, his choice, while you hold and stroke me like you do. You know how much I like that."

Jay's response was, "I win."

Emily looked Sandra in the eye and said, "I agree with one condition. If Jay cums in your pussy, I get to clean you out too. I've noticed that you are getting a little possessive about his cum and your mouth. I want my share too."

"Rats, I had hoped that you hadn't noticed."

"Then let's do it." They all said in unison and moved the show to the bedroom.

Chapter 12- New Lives, New Growth

Several weeks later, Christmas arrived. The five friends shared it together. Jay gave each of his lovers a waist chain with two diamonds and an emerald. He explained that the two diamonds were Emily and Sandra and he was the emerald. He also had a man's necklace made with two diamonds and an emerald. Emily gave both Sandra and Jay a new laptop. And Sandra gave each of them and herself a weeklong stay at a bed and breakfast she had heard about an hour away during her spring break. They gave Nikki and Jordan a basket with every vegetable seed that they could find. It was a large basket. The big surprise was that Jordan gave Nikki an engagement ring. She was excited but announced that she expected it after she told Jordan that she wanted to be pregnant by the end of January. The wedding was set for January 15. Jay would be best man and Sandra and Emily would be her bridesmaids.

The wedding was beautiful and they went back to Seattle for their honeymoon. In June, They got a phone call from Rod that told them that they were god parents of a little girl named Emily. The decided to add Jay, Nikki, and Sandra to the list of god parents because on the island, everyone was almost every child's god parent. They promised to try to make a visit before school started. Right on cue, Nikki delivered baby Wendy in September, and everyone was a god parent again.

Then one day in October, Jay and Emily came home to find Sandra sitting on the sofa with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. They asked what was wrong. Finally she looked at them and said, "Alright, which one of you did it?" Both Emily and Jay looked totally confused. "I have missed two periods in a row and I want to know which one of you knocked me up." The look on Jay's face was priceless. Emily broke out in laughter and hugged her girl friend tightly. Then she said, "I hope it was me that did it. I've always wanted to be a father." Sandra said, "Let's go, we have to tell that little shit Nikki that Wendy is going to have sister to grow up with." Jay said, "What if it's a boy?" Sandra replied, "Not a chance. You are such a babe magnet, girls are just drawn to you. So it will be a girl." They walked the half a block and knocked on Nikki's door. Five minutes later the neighbors heard either a loud scream or a loud laugh coming from inside the house.

Seven months later, baby April was born. Her name was April because Sandra liked the name and it was the month she was born. That plus the name Paula was already reserved for Emily's first girl. Emily talked about having a baby but kept putting it off because of work. In August, Sandra noticed a concerned look on Emily's face and asked what was wrong. Emily replied that it was probably stress but she had missed her period. Sandra reached into her purse and pulled out a self test package and handed it to Emily and said, "Go.Test."

"I can't believe it, I'm pregnant. I have never missed taking my birth control pills."

"Well it might be because I threw them away two months ago and have been giving you baby aspirin in their place."

"That was just a joke, you didn't really do that did you?" Sandra just nodded. "But my work....."

"Fuck your work. You will work up till the last week, you take maternity leave, six weeks later you go back to work. It happens all the time in business. You will go back shocked to find that they survived very well without you."

"But who takes care of the baby when I go back?"

"Well Nikki and I have decided that we need a nanny to take care of the two we have and now that you are pregnant and she is expected her second, it will be almost a necessity."

"Nikki is pregnant again? Did you and Nikki plan this?"

"Of course we did. Her's can't grow up with only older siblings. They each need a contemporary."

"I guess we need to tell Jay. Where is he?"

"He went somewhere with Jordan. But I suggest that you wait until after you fuck him tonight. He might have a heart attack when he learns that he has finally nailed his primary love."

"I'm not his primary love, we both are."

"We both know differently. I am your joint lover and Jay loves me but primarily he loves me as part of his love for you. You share me and I love it that way. But you are the one he loves beyond all reason. He loved you before I came along and would love you still if I left, which isn't going to happen. I want to grow old loving you two and being loved in return by both of you."

"You missed something. In the beginning that was right; but the night after Rod and Wendy left at the airport, things changed and it looks like you haven't realized yet. That night you became part of 'US' not an adjunct to it. Until then you responded to what Jay and I said or told you to do; that night you just told us what we were going to do. You earned your way into being a full-time partner in this adventure. Now Jay loves you individually just as I love him. And I love you the same way."

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. I like being able to have a warm blanket around me. I don't know if I can be part of the blanket."

"You already are. Look, you had a training bra once to enclose your newly budding breasts and it felt good. But one day you got your first woman's bra. If yours was like mine, it wasn't comfortable, it was too big for me, people were going to stare at me; all of those things. But I grew into it. Honey, you've already grown into your new bra, but you are still telling yourself that the training bra was more comfortable. Throw the fucking training bra in the trash."

Jay came home about 7:00 and brought Chinese. The girls passed conspiratorial glances all night but Jay just let it go. They were always conspiring about something. When they were in bed, he made love with Emily and was lying on his side recovering before he was going to please Sandra.

Emily looked at him and said, "Honey, how would you feel about having another child?"

He looked at Sandra with a smile and said, "It's a little early for a second one, isn't it?"

Emily swatted his arm, "It isn't her smart-aleck. It's me."

"But you always take........"

"That's what I said, but it seems that your little snot nosed lover here conspired against us and well, I'm about a month pregnant, I think. In fact she and her best friend were co-conspirators. They planned it so Nikki and I would deliver about the same time."

"Jordan just told me about Nikki this afternoon."

"What else did Jordan say?" Sandra asked a little eagerly.

"He said that he and Nikki had talked about moving out of town to get a bigger garden and a bigger house. Then he said it would be great if we all went together and built a really big house with living for them on one end and living for us on the other with a common kitchen and living area in between. He even mentioned a nanny. The reason we were gone so long was that he took me out to show me a place that he thought might be perfect. Nikki found it."

Sandra asked, "And what did you say?"

"Jay, before you answer that, I want to ask your little slut a question. Look me in the eye, slut, and tell me the truth. If you don't I'll cut you off for a month and you won't get near Jay's cock for more than a year. You can just lie in bed fingering yourself while you watch Jay fuck me anyway and anywhere he wants. Now, just how did Jordan get all of these brilliant ideas?"

"Well, Nikki and I talked a little about something similar and we might have mentioned it when he was around. And Nikki might have mentioned this property she saw one day when we were driving around. You know how smart Jordan is, he probably put two and two together."

"I know how pussy whipped Jordan is when it comes to Nikki. I imagine that it took you two thirty minutes or less to tell him exactly what to think. And he had a smile on his face when he said, 'That's a great idea Nikki. Let me talk it over with Jay.'"

"Well, maybe. But Jay, what did you say?" She was about to burst.

"I said that I would talk it over with you two and that we would get back to them on it."

"Good, they are coming over for breakfast to talk in the morning. We can talk about it then. Now I've waited for a long time, Jay fuck me now. I'm dripping all over the bed."

"Yes Jay, fuck her little conspiring asshole while I stick something else in her mouth."

Sandra was on her hands and knees waving her ass at Jay before Emily had time to finish talking. Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth or ass, Jay took advantage of the opportunity while Emily sought to put her entire pussy into Sandra's mouth. Jay was the more successful in filling Sandra but Emily came twice before Jay got his release. Sandra had three. They fell asleep bundled together in a ball.

As promised, Nikki and Jordan arrived for breakfast a little after 7:00. The babies ate while the adults talked. It turned out that there was more to talk about then just an idea. Nikki and Sandra had pictures and drawings of similar housing arrangements. They also has the realtor's information on the land and aerial pictures of it complete with their notes on where the garden would be, the place for the barn for the horses they would get, and the site and orientation for the house. So the idea quickly morphed into details.

Jordan finally summed it by saying, "Jay, the more I think about it, the more I like it. We are house poor already before the new baby arrives and you guys are going to be having more kids someday I'm sure. This would work great."

Sandra said, "It's sooner than later, Jordan."

Jordan smiled at her and said, "I'm happy for you, Sandra." He went to give her a hug. Sandra took his hands and deftly moved them to surround Emily. "Not me, silly; her. You men just don't understand things."

Jordan looked surprised but broadened his smile. "Emily, I know you have been putting this off, but I am truly excited for you and Jay. Are you happy?"

"If it were just you and Jay here, I would say that I am ecstatic; but since your wife and my lover's slut are here, I'll just say that I am surprised." She looked at Nikki and stuck out her tongue at her. Jordan looked at Nikki too but with a big question mark on his face.

"Why are you two looking at me? All I did was tell Sandra to replace her birth control pills with baby aspirin. She did it. But I was worried when Emily didn't get pregnant last month. If she didn't pop this month, we were going to have to do something drastic. But it took, so now we don't have to worry about it. Besides, we made sure that the nursery in the new house will have plenty of room."

Jordan turned to the silent Jay, "I don't know what to say. I hope you are happy."

"Jordan, I couldn't be happier. But I guess that we need to talk to a realtor and then an architect or someone."

Nikki piped up, "Your meeting with the realtor is at 3:00 this afternoon out at the property and you can see this guy tomorrow morning in his office to see if you like his work." She handed then each two business cards."

"Jordan, do you ever have the feeling that you no longer have any say in your life?"

"Jay, I haven't felt that I had any say in my life since Wendy left with Rod. But to be honest with you, I wouldn't have it any other way. But don't tell Nikki that; I don't want her to start feeling cocky."

"No honey, you have the cocky; I have the pussy." Jordan turned red.

Sandra announced, "Meeting adjourned."

Emily said as they cleared the table, "Jay, don't you think it's time for you took take your slut out back and whipped her ass?"

"I've thought about it; but I think she would like it too much."

"I heard that."

Emily leaned over and kissed Jay, "I love you so much and my daughter is going to have a fabulous father."

"No son?"

"No. Sandra was right; girls are just attracted to you. She will be a girl."

"I like girls."

"We noticed."

Jay and Jordan met with the realtor and the architect. A month later, they closed on the property and commissioned the architect to design not just the house but the grounds as well. The barn and several outbuildings were installed within the first three months and even though she was six months pregnant, Nikki and Jordan had begun their new garden.

Three months later, Nikki delivered a beautiful blond girl which they named Sandra and called Sandy. A month later, Emily screamed at Sandra and Jay, cursing them both just before she delivered twin girls, both dark headed, which they named Paula and Wendy. The father and other mother beamed with joy.

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WoodencavWoodencav12 months ago

Loving the storey, and Sandra is a great addition. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

SpratGilfisSpratGilfisalmost 8 years ago
Still going well

I am continuing to enjoy the story but I think Sandra is an unnecessary distraction.

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