The Afflicted


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"Well don't stop," she had chastised him. "Abby certainly wouldn't approve of you slowing down. Now, fuck me senseless."

He did -- as Glennis ordered him -- fucked her senseless. She climaxed loudly, but just as he felt himself nearing the edge she held him back.

"Oh Martin," she moaned. "I know your supply is nearly endless, but hold back for a little while. I think I may have a job for you."

She took him by the hand and they walked down a less-traveled corridor which seemed to be where some spare guest quarters had been built.

The corridor was deserted, save one lone figure who sat in a great overstuffed armchair. It was Monshellen, Glennis's egg mother. She was still naked from the sharing, and her body was slender and beautiful.

"Hello mother," said Glennis warmly.

"Hello dear," she said.

"Why all alone on such a night as this?"

"Oh, not too alone," said the elegant woman. "Loenshellen and Sheireh are in there."

"Why aren't you with them?" asked Glennis. "Aren't they your mates?"

"No," said Monshellen. "We are partners. They are mates. My husband died in our crossing from the great continent to Wales. I have been without a mate for all of these years, my only role was being keeper of the last viable egg."

They sat in awkward silence for a little while. The sounds of lovemaking that was far from staid drifted through the door.

"It's interesting," said Monshellen. "We have been a mostly sexless race for so many years. It is hard to describe, but with no hope of children we also lost the desire in the act that makes them. It wasn't always so. Our times in the first valley were not unlike what is happening here this evening. Harvest festivals, midwinter's eve, engagement celebrations; it was common and even expected that we would lie with many people on such evenings. I hadn't even thought of those times until earlier this evening when Galen and the others cured us. Suddenly my mind was racing with licentious fantasies."

"That makes sense," said Glennis.

"I wonder how much of it is biological," mused Martin. "I know my body has awoken in strange ways since I've been transformed."

"You know, mother," said Glennis after a pause. "Galen's theory is that there is no chance of an Elder becoming pregnant by one who is not of her own kind."

"True," said Monshellen, not picking up on Glennis's train of thought.

"Soon you will return to the new valley. You will rejoin your kind and you will likely choose a new mate with whom you will have children."

"True. I hope so, at least."

"But for tonight," continued Glennis. "You have scores of men with whom you could lay for fun and fun alone."

"Oh!" said Monshellen, finally understanding Glennis. "I suppose you are right. But I would be too shy. I could never."

"But you could," said Glennis. "Right now."

She took her egg-mother's hand and led her into the next unoccupied bedroom. Martin watched her, confused, until she nodded with her head for him to follow.

The sheets were smooth and cool. Monshellen crawled into the middle and Glennis slipped in beside her. Martin slipped in on the other side and looked over at the two women. His skin against Monshellen's seemed to almost spark with anticipation.

"Come on, beloved," Glennis said to Martin. "My mother needs this."

Monshellen's heart raced in anticipation as Martin moved above her. She kissed him tenderly and sighed as her body arched to meet his.

"Thank you, my daughter," she said.

"It makes me so happy to do this," said Glennis.

"I'm worried, though," said Monshellen. "It's been since before the time of the Romans that I knew a man in this way. I'm especially nervous after what I witnessed in the gym."

"Have no fear," said Martin with a smile. "It will only be as much as you want."

She moaned upon feeling him press against her. Her tender flower opened for him easily enough and she cried out as he pushed further into her.

"Hurt?" he said with concern.

"Gods no," she moaned. "It's so good. So good. Please, come further in."

Her hands clawed at the sheets as he inserted himself further. When he pushed fully into her, she arched her back and clasped him to her desperately.

"Are you, you know?" he whispered.

"I'm afraid so," she said.

Her body was so surprised by the renewed feel of a man that the simple entrance of him had given her a small orgasm.

She recovered and looked up at him with a smile.

"There. I'm ready. How does this go again?"

"I'll help you remember," growled Martin.

Martin slid out of her and back in, sending more waves of pleasure through her system.

"Indeed you are very helpful, mechanic," she said. "I believe my memory of how to do this is returning."

Their bodies moved together very well and she submitted to another orgasm before long. Martin couldn't help but grin as the lovely blond woman shook with spasms of pleasure for the second time in a few minutes.

"Let's try it like this," she said when she was ready again.

She lifted up her legs and pulled them back to her breasts, opening herself wider for his thrusts.

"Do you want more?" he asked.

"No, you're doing fine," she moaned.

"No, not more sex -- more, you know, of me?" said Martin.

"Oh, I forgot," she giggled. "Yes. Perhaps just a little bit. Can you?"

"Of course," said Martin. "How much."

He focused on his cock and let it slowly grow. He knew before she did, feeling his tip start to push against the back of her pussy.

"There?" he said.

"Mm hmm,' she nodded.

Martin raised up on his knees, allowing him a better angle to descend down into her.

All the while Glennis watched. She watched her mate with adoration in her eyes, marveling at the pleasure he was bringing this woman from whom she was descended. Her hand stroked Monshellen's hair as Martin pounded into her. The fair, ancient woman began squealing out with pleasure on every down stroke.

"So good, so good," she kept repeating. "I'd forgotten it was so good."

"Oh! OHH!" she finally cried.

She turned to Glennis, a helpless look of pleasure on her face.

"Now?" asked Glennis.

Monshellen could only nod.

"Now Martin" said Glennis.

Martin cut loose the flood gates. His cum lashed the walls of Monshellen's pussy like a milky storm and the woman's cries rose in volume. His own orgasm gripped his body and he fell upon her, but she still kept her legs in the air, reveling at his deep cock inside of her, filling her to overflowing.

At last, Martin pulled out and fell down beside her.

"Thank you," she said tenderly. "I waited two thousand years for that, and it was worth it."

"I need to sleep," said Martin.

He collapsed in post-coital exhaustion, his head cradled on the fair woman's breast, Glennis caressing his cheek.

* * * *

Frederique was making the rounds. Besides Palo and her mates, she had not partnered with anyone else. Those gathered were treating her with a formal reverence, but she had many lovely conversations and witnessed countless wonderful couplings that had her thirsting for her new mates.

She wandered into a sitting room and found a young male cadet coupling with a beautiful black woman of Amazonian stature. Frederique sat in a chair in the corner to watch. She quickly realized that the woman was actually Cora, who had shifted to satisfy this boy's need. Their moans of pleasure grew in volume, but Frederique sensed that Cora's were the well-practiced sounds of someone who knew how to convince lovers that she was enjoying it as much as they were.

"You are amazing," gasped the cadet when he spilled into her at the end.

"So are you, my stud," she purred as they kissed one final time. Cora hadn't noticed Frederique sitting in the shadows and once the boy left, she reverted to her own form and brushed tears from her cheeks.

"Don't change," said Frederique softly.

"Oh!" said Cora in surprise. "Hello, great lady. I didn't know you were here. What did you say?"

"I said, 'don't change'," said Frederique. "Just because you have the gift, doesn't mean you have to use it."

"Oh, but I do," said Cora. "As soon as I kiss them, I feel my body shifting and I... I have to."

"But it makes you sad, Cora," said Frederique. "You must learn to fight it. You are already a stunning, intelligent woman. All of your life, you've survived by pleasing men; by giving them what they want. Now is your chance to escape that. I can show you how, especially with Abby's help. We can show you how to resist it. You are Afflicted now, Cora. Our kind does not go hungry. The Council fund provides you with ample funds to live independently. Do not sell your body any more, my dear. Use your gifts for fun, but not for gain and not out of this desperate need to please someone."

Cora wept some more.

"It started when I was... well, I was young. My mother was widowed and married out of necessity. When I saw my stepfather lusting for me, I was afraid that he might leave us if I didn't... if I didn't..."

"I know," said Frederique. "And one thing led to another, you were good at it, and here we are now. Take this chance, Cora. Seize it and make the most of it."

"I... I'll try," said Cora.

"Good," said Frederique. "Now, come with me."

She led Cora to the hallway and as the two women walked they passed a handsome group of three young men on the prowl. Frederique's consciousness flitted through their minds and she saw that the he one on the left, a handsome young German, was enthralled with Cora exactly as she looked.

She snagged the young man by the hand and presented him to Cora.

"Here's one who wants exactly what you have to offer. What you have to offer, if you catch my drift."

"I do," said Cora, snuggling up to the young man. "Thank you, Frederique."

"I'll be in touch to check on you," said Frederique. "Remember what I said. Now, I have a young man of my own to attend to."

* * * *

Martin awoke less than half an hour later. Glennis and Monshellen had crept out while he slept. He was lying on his back... but he wasn't alone. Someone was beneath the covers and her tender, full lips were wrapped around his cock, willing it easily back to life.

"Frederique?" he asked.

He didn't need to ask, her touch was unmistakable.

"Yes, it's me," she said, throwing off the covers. "Now come to me, Martin. I need you terribly."

He didn't need to be asked twice. She crawled up on top of him and pushed his cock into her.

His cock knew its home and expanded willingly to fill her.

"No need to go slow," she purred. "I want this, and I want it now."

She rode him with a sense of purpose.

"Fuck me, Martin," she purred. "Fuck me with that big cock. I need you so badly; I can't even put it into words. Now fuck me and fill me so full it feels like it's coming out of every part of me."

There was something in her words and her touch that made her intention very clear. She wished for him to hold nothing back and when Frederique wished for such a thing, it couldn't be denied. She did not lift off of him now, but slid up and down his body, her breasts gliding across his chest. She kept this up, working his cock with her hips and pulling him into her with her hungry cunt.

"Almost there," she growled. "Almost there, my Martin. Will you cum with me? Will you?"

"Yes, my love," groaned the clockmaker.

"Now?!" she cried.

"Yes!" he moaned.

"Oh god, please," she uttered.

She crushed her mouth against his and kissed him intently as she felt his heat spray into her.

"More," she moaned into his ear. "More. As much as you can give me."

Martin cut loose with every reserve in his body. It had already been a 'draining' night, but he held nothing back as he emptied what felt like his very soul into her warmth.

Tears splashed onto his face.

"That's perfect, my handsome clockmaker," she wept. "Stay here. Stay inside of me and we'll sleep. We're both tired."

They did just that. Martin wasn't sure how long they slept, but he did know when he awoke. There was the familiar gentle pop and the body on top of him had changed. He had remained hard and a tight pussy was still wrapped around him.

"You're so wet," Aimée's voice whispered to him in the darkness. "That's delicious. Nothing like cum to serve has a lubricant. How much more do you have?"

"I'll make love to you," said Martin. "But I'm not making any promises about how much I'll cum until I get some more to drink."

* * * *

Jacob had spent more time with Abby that evening than he had anticipated. It wasn't a complaint; it had just been something of a surprise. The seven had divided into groups of two, with Frederique going on her own rounds, reacquainting herself with countless old friends. Of course, a different girl might pop in at any moment to be with him, but a large portion of his time had been with his beautiful sister.

They had certainly made love enough. By his count, he had spent his seed in each of his mates at least twice (after the sharing), but with Abby it had to be three or four. Their last session had been in the middle of an orgy. They had walked past a room filled with naked bodies in every position imaginable. Not wishing to disturb the proceedings with their celebrity, they had turned fully invisible before entering the room. It was there, unseen, they took each other in the midst of at least twenty others who were fucking on the floor, on sofas, or even in the air. The energy in the room had spurred Jacob on and his eruption had been particularly intense. They had snuck back out of the room and walked to a kitchen in search of liquid replenishments. As they walked, Jacob looked down to see streaks of white on the inside of her legs.

"Do you need a cloth?" he asked.

"Oh no, I love it," she said in a lusty tone. "I love it. I love the feel of you dripping down there. It is such a tasty reminder."

They practically poured pitchers of water and fresh juice down their throats to replenish their resilient systems.

They wandered back into the gym and found Sean and Jessamine languishing in the pool, obviously resting between sessions. Sean sat in the water and Jessie floated about, using Sean's stiff rod as an anchor that she held on to while luxuriating. Abby went to the pool and sat on the edge, dipping her feet into the water. Jacob followed suit.

Jacob wasn't jealous, but almost amused at the way Sean's eyes lingered on Abby's curvaceous body. He couldn't fault the man. Nor could Jacob deny that his eyes were drawn inexorably toward Jessamine whose breasts floated temptingly in the water.

"So what's your story again?" asked Jacob of Sean. "How do you know Abby?"

"I was one of her daily rations," said Sean with a grin. "Since I was without a mate, Brana asked if I might be willing to volunteer for duty. I tried to avoid it, but duty is duty and I felt I owed it to my kind to service a pathetic little blind girl."

"I should remind you," said Abby with a playful edge in her voice, "that with my gifts you could wake up tomorrow thinking you are a squirrel or an otter. Jessie here would find it a shame to have her mate running away from the 'terrible human'."

"Point taken," said Sean with a grin. "The truth -- I experienced the most delightful night with Abby that I had spent since losing my mate, or until finding Jessie."

"That's better," said Abby. "Now Jessie, as I understand it, you were in difficult straits before Frederique found you."

"Oh yes," said Jessamine. "I can say for certain that I would not have lived out the year if she hadn't found me. Like an angel, she found me. Within the day I was cured of syphilis, I was Afflicted, and given the honor of servicing our two young stallions of legend."

"Did she service you well?" asked Abby, looking at Jacob with a wry grin.

"Wonderfully," said Jacob, without hesitation. "However, I would have to qualify that by pointing out how possessed I was with mating lust. She could have just lain there, and as long as she was Afflicted my body would have been thrilled."

"But I didn't just lie there, did I?" asked Jessamine.

"No, you absolutely didn't," said Jacob.

"Alright, that's it," said Abby. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" asked Jacob.

"Why, underwater, of course. I've always wondered about a second time with Sean, and I can tell you are just aching to sample Jessamine's wares again."

Sean and Jessamine looked at her in disbelief.

"But, you are the seven," said Sean. "You're new, different."

"We're still made the same," said Abby. "Besides, no cross-mating, as Galen has pointed out. No risk there, so let's just have fun."

The four met in the center of the pool which was shoulder deep. Abby wrapped herself around Sean and kissed him intensely.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"Absolutely," she agreed.

Resuming their kiss, Sean fell backward and they sank to the bottom.

"Can you do that, too" asked Jacob.

"Oh yes," said Jessamine. "But I can do Sean one better. He has to kiss to help his partner's breathe. As Madame Villepreux-Power puts it, I can transfer oxygen through different membranes."

"How?" asked Jacob.

"I honestly don't know. She and Pasteur were fascinated by it, and I even took Pasteur down below. We fucked under water for ten minutes and he never needed to take a breath. They had a very complicated scientific explanation that I still don't' quite understand, but I'll learn the details later."

"Alright then, how does this work?"

To reply, Jessamine jumped easily in the water to wrap her hips around Jacob's. She settled down upon his 'normal' length and sighed.

"Now that feels familiar," she moaned. "Get ready. When we go under, just remember not to breathe. You'll have the instinct at first, but if you just wait it out, you'll be fine."

They also sank down. Looking over, they could see Abby riding in water-imposed slow motion upon Sean.

Jacob was met with a couple of surprises. One, they didn't sink all the way to the bottom. Jessie seemed to possess something of a flying ability below the water. With her affinity for the substance, it made sense in a way. Like a fish, she could probably control her depth without even thinking about it.

The other surprise was the feeling of his cock inside of her. Jacob had certainly spent his share of time making love in the water and there was always a difference in the texture of making love. The water seemed to strip away a woman's natural lubrication and made for a less slick feeling. Usually, this made for a rougher, more rubbery friction as opposed to the usual slickness. Jessie wasn't that way though. He found himself sliding in and out of her with the same ease as he might have with a very well lubricated woman in a normal situation. He could only guess that her body had naturally adapted to her favorite environment and was providing the perfect lubricant.

Like she had warned, Jacob felt the urge to breathe and fought through it. It was difficult, but she touched his face reassuringly and just as quickly, it passed. He didn't worry about breathing for the rest of his time with her.

He started pumping into her and her eyes went half-lidded with pleasure. She was naturally very deep and had always taken him in easily, so he thought he might put the question to her.

"Do you want more?" he asked in her mind.

She immediately understood his meaning and nodded with a smile. It seemed she couldn't reply in like fashion, but held up her fingers to indicate an inch or so. Jacob expanded himself and as he did, she pinched her fingers together and finally smiled and nodded to let him know it was perfect.

They floated there, perhaps a foot or so below the surface of the water and made love in aquatic redolence. They exchanged smiles with Abby and Sean from time to time, and the intensity between the two couples grew over the next few minutes.
