The Babysitters


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Andrea just kept blushing. She didn't know why she even mentioned it. She had never told anyone about that night before. She had really wanted it to happen. Andrea couldn't have admitted it then and still wouldn't now, but she had been attracted to Becky like she had never been attracted to anyone else before. She'd cried the next morning after Becky had gone home. Not just because she'd failed to see her friend masturbate, but because she knew that it meant the end of their friendship. It did. Becky made herself scarce soon after that.

And now here she was hearing how her new best friend had sex with her old best friend. It was weird and confusing to say the least. Damn it, she was jealous even though she knew she shouldn't be. The booze was definitely getting to her head.

While Andrea sat there blushing and worrying about her sexual identity Cindy's drunken mind was forming a plan. She knew exactly what was going on in Andrea's head. She witnessed it several times and, like a lot of girls of her persuasion, she had moments like these herself. She'd been able to work it out, but not everyone was able to. Some people needed a little help. Cindy was in a helpful mood.

"Come on," Cindy said as she got up and looked down at Andrea. Andrea just looked at her friend confused.

"What?" Andrea said after a pause that seemed to last an eternity. Cindy just responded by grabbing her friends hand and pulling her to her feet.

"Come on," She said as she began to lead her upstairs, "I have something to show you."

Andrea followed wondering what exactly was going on. If she had known at the time she probably would've ran the other way and regretted it for the rest of her life. When they got her room and Cindy began unbuttoning her pants Andrea almost did just that. The only thing that stopped her was fear of missing out on something she'd wanted for so long.

"What are you waiting for?" Cindy asked as she pulled off her jeans and panties in one tug, "Get undressed."

"What.what are you doing?" Andrea asked in a shaky voice even though she knew exactly what Cindy was going to do. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy even as her pussy began to tingle and moisten at the sight of Cindy's trimmed sex. The butterflies nearly flew out of her stomach when Cindy stepped up to her and grabbed her hands again before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"I'm going to show what you missed out on, silly," Cindy said with a wink as she reached down to help Andrea rid herself of her cargo pants. Andrea was lost in her thoughts. She was both scared and unbelievably aroused. She wanted to move, to either run out of the room or help Cindy remove her pants; she wasn't sure, but she was frozen.

Cindy didn't seem to notice as she finished unbuckling, unbuttoning and unzipping and began to tug Andrea's pants and panties done in the same manner she had her own. As she lowered herself down to her knees to help the clothes on their way down she found herself staring at Andrea's beautiful pussy. The scent filled her nose. She could almost taste her friends arousal and she almost did, but she kept her urges under control. No need to scare Andrea away by being too forward. With any luck there would be plenty of time for that later.

"Come on," Cindy said as she took back up and smiled softly at Andrea. She grabbed her friends shaking hand and led to her own queen size bed and guided her to take a seat against the headboard. Andrea allowed herself to be led and positioned almost as if she was in a trance. Really, she was. She was simply entranced by the sight of Cindy's pussy.

Once she was comfortable Cindy simply spread her legs and began to slowly massage her pussy as Andrea gasped and stared at her friend in awe. She somehow hadn't expected Cindy to just start touching herself like that. She'd almost thought it was all just an elaborate joke, but the sight of Cindy's long fingers slowly sliding between her already slick pussy lips as her other hand caressed her breasts through the thin material of her t-shirt proved to her that this was for real and, more importantly, this was beautiful.

Cindy's eyes were closed as she patiently began to work her fingers over her sex. She was obviously a girl who knew what she liked. Her trimmed fingers took their time rubbing her swollen lips as her thumb made slow, tight circles around clit. The moisture of her sex glistened in the soft light of Andrea's room as she softly moaned letting Andrea know she was enjoying herself immensely.

While Andrea's eyes were glued to the sight of Cindy's exhibition her own hands lost their lethargy and began to almost unconsciously began to work their way to her pussy. As her fingers grazed her clit Andrea let out a hissing sigh and a shiver ripped through her body. She closed her eyes for a brief second as the pleasure of the mini orgasm coursed through her, but once it faded her eyes instantly returned to the sight before her.

The pure beauty of Cindy's fingers working in and around her pussy as her hips slowly gyrated against the stimulation was absolutely spellbinding. Andrea did her best to mimic her friends movements. When Cindy Rubbed her clit Andrea did the same. When Cindy slowly dipped her index fingers into her depths Andrea followed her lead and let out a quavering moan. The smell of the mutual arousal filled both girls' nostrils.

Cindy's eyes slowly opened as she felt herself approach her first orgasm. Her eyes went from Andrea's fingers madly pumping away at her tight, slick flower up her tight belly that was exposed by Andrea's arm as Andrea savagely molested her tiny breasts under her thin t-shirt to her exquisitely contorted face obviously focused on Cindy's sex. The sight made her want to come that much more. Beauty, pure beauty.

"Oh god, Andrea," Cindy panted to her friend causing Andrea to remove her gaze from her handy work to Cindy's face, "I'm going to come, baby. Come with me. Oh God, come with me."

Andrea just groaned as she redoubled her efforts to obey Cindy's command. She'd never been this aroused. It was unbelievable. At the moment she realized that Cindy was the best friend she had ever had and ever would.

And with that thought she felt her orgasm begin to build and her breathing came in quick pants until she felt her whole being enveloped by a surge of pleasure unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. She screamed with ecstatic joy as bliss shredded her mind and her body tensed up and became rigid.

The sight of Andrea coming was more than enough to push Cindy over the edge as she came with a shivering squeal as her eyes squeezed shut. She saw stars as Andrea's screams of joy echoed through her brain. It was glorious.

Neither girl's hand left their work as they came down from their orgasm. They were too keyed up to stop now. Andrea's fingers were still wantonly pounding away at her wet, throbbing pussy. It was now Cindy's turn to stare in amazement. Cindy, however, was not content to just watch.

Andrea nearly screamed when she felt her fingers being joined by her friends, but her scream was silenced by Cindy's mouth on hers. The feeling of Cindy's fingers working her pussy and her soft lips against her own left Andrea weak. Any desire to protest quickly melted away.

Cindy's fingers were like magic on Andrea's pussy. She was pure putty in her friends skilled hands. She didn't even notice at first when Cindy began to guide her left hand to the moist junction of Cindy's thighs, but once she felt that slick fur touch her finger tips she wasted no time in getting to work.

The girls shifted position until they were on their sides facing each other, bodies close together as they kissed and did their best to bring each other to another glorious orgasm. The scent, the feel, everything was so perfect. Cindy's tongue felt so right in Andrea's mouth. Her warm body felt so good pressed against Andrea.

Cindy's thumb was making tight circles around Andrea's clit as she worked her index and middle fingers in and out of her friends tight sex. Andrea did her best to keep up with Cindy as she tried to keep her head, but as Cindy hit spots she didn't even know existed she had a hard time just keeping her fingers inside of Cindy's sticky hole.

Not that Cindy minded. She was so turned on that even the clumsy ministrations of her inexperienced friend were enough. She ground herself against Andrea's palm. Her main task was bringing Andrea to her second orgasm of the night anyway. Her own pleasure could wait.

Andrea was getting close. Those glorious fingers were driving her mad. Her moans easily escaped the deep kiss she shared with Cindy. Her pelvis pounded wildly against Cindy's hand as she felt it building and then with another scream she came again.

"That's it," Cindy whispered into Andrea's ear as she quivered against the invading fingers that were now thoroughly soaked with girl come, "Come for me. You're so beautiful. So beautiful."

Andrea's hand came out from Cindy's pussy as she wrapped her arms around her best friend and kissed her hard while Cindy continued to play with her through the entire orgasm.

"Oh , god. That was gr." Andrea started to say as she finally came down from orgasmic high and broke the kiss with Cindy, but the sound of the garage door opening suddenly made her realize that she and Cindy weren't the only people in the world.

"Oh shit." Andrea said as she shot up from the bed, "My mom's home! Get dressed!"

Cindy did as Andrea told her and the girl's pulled on their pants in record time and ran downstairs just before Andrea's mom came through the door. Cindy barely had time to sneak the empty Irish cream bottles back into her backpack before Miss Evans rounded the corner.

"What are you girls doing up?" she said as eyed the two flushed, panting and messy haired girls trying their best to look innocent on the couch.

"Umm," Andrea said trying to buy time for an excuse. Her still buzzing brain was of absolutely no use however. Cindy was on the ball however.

"We were just about to go to bed, Miss Evans. We fell asleep watching the movie. We'd probably still be asleep if you hadn't parked in the garage," Cindy was good at making excuses. Andrea's mom accepted it gladly. She was obviously a little drunk herself. She made some chatter and excused herself to go to bed and the girls followed her lead.

And that was the end of their fun. Andrea had wanted to finish up, but Cindy had just said, "Don't worry. You owe me one," and they had just gone to bed.

When they woke up neither one of them even mentioned it. They just smiled at each other knowingly and that was that. It had been a fun night, but Andrea had managed to file it away as a freak occurrence. Still, she wouldn't really mind if it happened again.

These were the thoughts that running through her head as she nodded off to the sight of some bitchy girl getting her arm ripped off by some zombie in a dark alley for some reason. She didn't care she was just so comfortable.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Wake up," Andrea heard as she became aware of the fact that she was being nudged somewhat roughly by a hand on her shoulder.

"Wake up," Cindy repeated as she pushed Andrea of her shoulder, "The movie's over and my shoulder's asleep, lazybones."

"What time is it?" Andrea asked as she finally came back to life and removed her head from Cindy's shoulder.

"Ten," Cindy said as she started to rub her shoulder.

"The movies over already?" Andrea asked as she started to yawn.

"Nah, it just sucked, so I turned it off."

"Oh, it wasn't that bad," Andrea said as she got up and stretched.

"How would you know? You were out fifteen minutes after it started," Cindy teased as she got up and folded up the afghan and put it back on the couch

"Was not," Andrea protested as she turned around to face Cindy's as she flattened out the afghan trying her best to make it look perfect. Andrea suddenly remembered the promise of money and started picking up the living room a little herself.

"Please, I heard you snoring right after the dumb bitch was ripped to shreds," Cindy teased as finally finished her small task to see Andrea carrying the popcorn bowl into the kitchen. Her eyes were instantly drawn to Andrea's cute, little butt in her tight jeans. She was a little more interested it was between those thighs, but it was still a nice view.

"I don't snore," Andrea said from the kitchen as she put the popcorn bowl in the dishwasher and turned it on. She yawned again as she turned around. Why am I so tired tonight, she thought to herself as she made her back to the living room. Cindy was standing by the entertainment center again this time turning everything off.

"So," said Andrea after Cindy finished her small task, "what do you want to do now?"

"Let's go listen to some music up in your room. I feel like getting out of these clothes and getting comfortable," Cindy said as she pulled on her on second hand soccer shirt and grimaced.

"Fine by me. I'm thinking about going to bed anyway," Andrea agreed.

"No sleep, music," Cindy said in a mocking, parental tone as she pointed authoritatively at Andrea. Andrea just yawned again.

"We'll see."

The girls wasted no time getting changed once they were upstairs. Not that it was hard considering their usual sleep attire was a pair of panties and a t-shirt. Cindy merely unbuckled her belt, unzipped her cargo pants and let them slide down her leg to the floor revealing a pair of incongruous pink, floral panties.

"Hey!" Andrea said as she noticed what Cindy was wearing on her cute butt, "those are mine."

"I wondered where these came from," Cindy said as she ran her fingers along the inside of the waistband,. "They're too cutesy for me."

"Cutesy?" Andrea replied as she allowed her pants to fall to floor. "They're panties. What else are they supposed to look like?"

"Umm, ever heard of thongs?" sneered Cindy as she sat down on the bed on pulled her cd book out of her backpack. Andrea noticed this and immediately began to protest. "No punk," she said as she sat down next to Cindy and began to pull off her socks.

"Okay, okay," Cindy said as slipped a couple of cd's out of the book and got up to put them in the cd player. She put in one from Andrea's pathetic selection to keep the peace and hit shuffle and play before sitting down at the head of the bed.

As the music began to work it's magic the girls started talking about the usual subjects of gossip. Andrea focused on cute guys somewhat convincing while Cindy centered more on bitchy girls she obviously had a thing for. They also talked about the next day, clothes, the music that was playing and so much more.

As time clicked by Cindy started to talk more and Andrea started to talk less. The music Cindy had selected was extremely relaxing and Andrea was again having a hard time staying awake. She tried to fight it off, but as Cindy was describing the difference between British punk and American punk Andrea nodded off.

Suddenly she became aware of the fact that she was being beat across the head with a pillow. She grunted in protest and put up her hands to block the offending bag of goose down only to get across the stomach.

"Stop it!" she finally shouted, "I was sleeping!"

"I know you were, you dumb ass. That's why I was hitting you," Cindy responded matter of factly as she whacked Andrea one more time for good measure. Andrea just rolled over and buried her in her pillow. Cindy had just about had enough.

"Come on, Andrea," she said as she gently punched Andrea's shoulder as she feigned sleep. "It's only eleven thirty five on a Friday. You can't go to bed now."

"Why not?" Andrea groaned in response, "I'm bored. Let's just go to bed, we will do something tomorrow."

"Get up!" Cindy yelled as she reached out and the one thing that pissed Andrea off more than anything: she started to tickle her ribs.

"Stop it!" Andrea screamed between bursts of laughter as she squirmed her way off the bed and away from Cindy's teasing fingers. When she landed on the floor with a thud she could hear her best friend giggling wildly.

"Bitch," she said as she got back on the bed. "You're going to wake my little brother."

"Oh, he's not waking up for anything." Cindy replied dismissively. "So. what do you want to do?"

"Go to sleep. What else are we going to do?"

"Oh, I have few ideas." Cindy replied in her best impression of a sexy voice as reached out and gently stroked Andrea's thigh.

Andrea giggled and brushed her hand aside. Cindy knew she loved it. She only needed to lose these annoying little girl inhibitions. Last week all it taken was a little bit of Irish cream. Sadly, she didn't have any booze with her tonight. Luckily, she had another plan that she knew Andrea would enjoy and, more importantly, might just make it easier for her to enjoy Andrea.

"Come on, Andrea," Cindy said as she allowed her hand to be removed from that soft, thigh. "If you stay up I'll make it worth your while."

"I already told you, I like boys, Cindy. I don't want to." Andrea started to protest nervously.

Now was the time of decision. She couldn't appear over eager or she wouldn't even get a chance to witness the beautiful sight of Andrea bringing herself to a sweet, self inflicted orgasm. Andrea may have been willing on the inside, but she had will power like no one else Cindy had ever met. Cindy respected that will power even if it was the one road block to her plans. She had to be smooth.

"Oh, hush," she said as she lightly slapped Andrea's knee, "I have something else in mind, you prude."

"Prude?" Andrea responded, mildly offended. "Lesbian."

"Shut up, prude. You know you liked it when I fingered you last week." Cindy came back teasingly. She wasn't about to let Andrea get away with a statement like that without a comeback.

"Shut up yourself!" Andrea whispered loudly. "You promised."

"Oh, stop it. I already said it didn't involve sex you weirdo. Don't you want to know what it is?" Cindy said as smirked knowingly at her friend.

"What is it already? Is it Irish cream?" Andrea's eyes lit up as this thought crossed her mind.

"Nope," Cindy answered, her smirk getting bigger, " It's even better, but you have to promise not to freak or tell anyone."

"What is it?" Andrea asked, intrigued. What could better than alcohol?

"Promise." Cindy repeated as her face became serious. Andrea thought about it briefly before answering firmly in the positive. They sealed the deal with a pinky swear and Cindy got up and went to her back pack.

Andrea couldn't help but check out Cindy's body as she stood and then bent over right before her eyes. Her eyes examined the soft curves of Cindy's ass barely hidden by the thin material of the stolen floral panties and the smooth, silky still markedly girlish legs that extended downwards from below those cute cheeks. The little bit of Cindy's back that was revealed when Cindy bent over and her short white t-shirt rode up also caught her eye. Andrea was definitely turned on by the mere presence of her friend. She was just unwilling to admit to herself what was obvious to Cindy from the first day they met.

When Cindy got up and turned around palming a plastic bag and lighter which she quickly hid behind her Andrea allowed her eyes to quickly glance over the small, but definite swells of Cindy's young breasts under the thin cloth. Cindy stood still well aware of the examination and frankly enjoying it.

Suddenly, Andrea's bothersome conscience finally kicked in and she turned away blushing slightly. Cindy smiled, but kept her mouth shut as she took the few steps to the bed and sat down on cross-legged in front of Andrea. The "surprise" was still hidden behind her back.

"Well." Andrea said after recovering from her embarrassment, "what is it, freak?"