The Babysitters


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Cindy simply brought her hand out from behind her back to reveal a plastic baggy containing three fat joints. Andrea thought she knew what it was, but she wasn't sure. Cindy obviously wasn't going to tell her.

"Is that." Andrea began and stopped not wanting to ask a stupid question.

"Weed?" Cindy finished for her as she watched Andrea's eyes light up with intrigued astonishment. "Yep."

"That's illegal, Cindy. Where the hell did you get that?" Andrea asked with a mix of fear and curiosity. Like any normal, American kid she'd heard of marijuana. She knew it was supposed to be bad and evil and all that. She half expected it to jump out of the bag and steal her soul despite the fact that it was just three little cigarettes in a thin plastic bag.

"So?" came the flippant response from Cindy as she opened the bag and pulled a joint out.

"So? We'll get in trouble!" Andrea said in worried whisper. Cindy just smiled knowingly at her na‹ve friend.

"Only if we get caught," Cindy said in her usual unworried tone, "Just open the window a little bit and stick a blanket under the door. It's just weed. It's not like you're going to go crazy and stay up all night seeing demons flying around your head. At worst you'll fall asleep. Don't be a sissy, Andrea. It`s not like your mom is going to come busting in the door. She isn`t even home."

Cindy knew which buttons to push to get the desired reaction from Andrea. Andrea's look of fearful shock was quickly replaced by defiant anger at the idea that she was a sissy. Just because she was from the suburbs didn't mean she was some pampered, sheltered bitch.

"I'm not a sissy." Andrea said.

"Then let's smoke this," Cindy responded, knowing she won.

"Fine, but you have to open the window," Andrea conceded.

"Ok. No problem. You have to jam something under the door," Cindy said as she got up to open the window. "Oh, I have some incense, too. That'll help with the smell."

Both girls completed their minor tasks. Cindy cracked the window just a bit feeling the cool breeze against her skin. She then placed a stick of incense in the incense holder and lit the stick of nag champa. Andrea just shoved as much of her comforter as she could into the space under the door. She was still pushing on it with her feet trying to get it perfect when Cindy said "Good enough, let's light this thing."

Cindy wasted no time lighting the joint once Andrea joined her on the bed. Andrea watched her friend closely as she touched the fire to the tip of the rolled smoke and it caught fire for a second as Cindy puffed it once letting the smoke roll out of her mouth. She brought the burning end close to her mouth and blew out the flame with a cloud of white smoke before returning the unlit end to her lips and taking a long, slow drag and then handed the joint to Andrea.

"How do you. you know. smoke it?" asked Andrea shyly as she held the joint like it was bloody knife or an armed hand grenade. Cindy almost laughed and was forced to exhale hurriedly to avoid a coughing fit. She stopped herself when she saw the hurt look on Andrea's face.

"You just suck on it, kind of like a straw and then you inhale the smoke in your mouth. Don't suck on to long or you'll get too much smoke and you cough your ass off," said Cindy.

Andrea did as she was told. The weed had an odd, skunky smell to it which, if Andrea had ever smoked before, would have told her that this was fairly decent smoke. It tasted funny, not bad, but nothing like she expected. She puffed and then she inhaled.

"Now hold it in for a minute," Cindy said as soon as she noticed Andrea had inhaled. "This is something you have to savor."

Andrea again did as she was told as she passed the joint back to Cindy. She held the hit as long as she could. Just as Cindy was finishing up her hit Andrea exhaled with a series of coughs. Cindy held the joint out to her as she started to recover. For her first time smoking Andrea was doing quite well.

"Good job," Cindy said as she slowly exhaled her second hit, "First time I smoked I coughed so much I puked. You're lucky this is good smoke."

"Really?" Andrea said as she held the joint in her hand and examined it.

"Well, it isn't the best, but it's better than some," Cindy said as she watched Andrea examine the joint as it slowly burned. "Hey, don't study it. Smoke it."

"Huh?" Andrea said before she suddenly remembered what she was doing. She was already starting to feel the effects of the pot. "Oh, sorry."

The girls continued to pass the joint back and forth until it was down to a tiny, little roach that Andrea dropped on her bed after it burned the tip of her fingers. Cindy picked it up and set on the incense holder as Andrea started laughing like a moron at nothing in particular. Cindy knew what this meant: Andrea was stoned.

"Feeling pretty good?" Cindy asked she laid down on her side, her right arm propping up her head as she stared at Andrea's back with a wicked smirk on her face. Andrea turned and noticed Cindy laying on her side and decided that looked comfortable and laid down on her back still chuckling softly. She knew she'd just been asked a question, but she'd already forgotten what it was.

"I guess that's a yes," Cindy said softly as she reached out and began to gently run her fingers along the soft skin of Andrea's arm. It felt so good just to touch her friend anywhere. She was already getting wet. She just couldn't take waiting much longer.

"What?" the gentle skin contact on her arm brought Andrea back down just enough to remember that Cindy was talking to her. The fact that she was all touching her didn't bother her so much. In fact, the contact felt nice.

"Do you like the weed?" Cindy asked as she continued to allow her fingers to trace little circles on Andrea's skin.

"I guess," came the wary response from Andrea. "I feel a little. I don't know. weird?"

"Good weird or bad weird?" Cindy said as she casually scoot a little bit closer to her friend and allowed her free hand to land on Andrea's smooth, t-shirt covered tummy. Andrea didn't react. She just smiled as she kept eye contact with Cindy.

"Good weird, definitely," she giggled as she rolled over on her side too facing Cindy as Cindy's hand went with the flow until it rested on Andrea's waist just above her hips. The girls faces were less than a foot apart as they stared each other down. Almost subconsciously Andrea brought her hand up to Cindy's panty clad before absent mindedly allowing to slide down and forward pulling up Cindy's t-shirt just a little bit as her fingers dragged across it.

"I'm glad you liked it," Cindy said, her voice getting quieter as she began to find her harder and harder to keep herself from jumping on top of Andrea. Her hand was now beginning to slowly meander under the bottom of Andrea's t-shirt to softly caress the soft skin they lay underneath. Again Andrea barely seemed to notice. Andrea, for her part, was playing with the edge of Cindy's t-shirt with her fingers occasionally brushing against Cindy's belly.

The light touch was almost too much. It both tickled and aroused Cindy. She just couldn't take it anymore. Andrea had been staring at her with that cute, little smile on her face for what seemed like an eternity even though it had only been a hand full of seconds. She just had to do something. So she kissed Andrea.

It was a quick kiss. Just a light peck on the lips. A test, if you will, to see if she was reading the situation correctly. This was nothing new to their friendship, but she knew how sensitive Andrea was to her advances. Some days she could do no wrong, others it was best to keep her hands to herself. But after last weekend she just had to have more or she'd die.

"What was that?" Andrea said in almost a whisper. Her smile was still there, but she had a scared look in her eyes. She always had that look when Cindy did these kind of things.

"Nothing. I just think you're beautiful. Did you like it?" Cindy asked as her began to work a little higher up Andrea's side pushing the up along with her.

"Yeah, it was nice, but." Andrea started to say.

"Good," Cindy said before she kissed Andrea again. This time she added a little more passion. Andrea was stuck between knowing she shouldn't be letting this happen and knowing that it felt so right. It always felt right when Cindy kissed her. That's what scared her so much. She knew that for some reason she wasn't quite sure of this. It was supposed to be wrong. But it wasn't. It was oh so right.

While Andrea's mind debated the issue briefly her body had already made it's mind. When Cindy's tongue gently begged her lips for entrance her lips parted with asking permission from her brain. When Cindy's body shifted as if she wanted to lay atop her Andrea's body again acquiesced without a conscious thought. The feel of that soft, warm tongue dancing with her own, the soft, warm body pressed tightly against her own. It was the stuff of dreams.

Andrea's hands began to slowly, then more urgently explore the silky skin of her friends back and butt cheeks. She squeezed and stroked the softly yielding flesh as Cindy did the same to her. Both girls were now openly moaning into each others mouths. Their passion was quickly getting the better of them as pushed and pulled against cloth to grab more skin.

"God, we got to get out of these clothes," Cindy said as she broke the kiss and sat up quickly. With a almost violent urgency she quickly discarded her t-shirt revealing her thin, sleek frame to Andrea's adoring eyes. With equal speed she worked her panties off and threw across the room. She grabbed the waist band on Andrea's panties and pulled them down with an equal urgency.

"Sit up, sweetie," Cindy said to Andrea and Andrea obeyed in a daze. Cindy made quick work of Andrea's t-shirt and in an instant the girl's were again locked in sweet embrace. Now there was nothing in the way and both girls instantly felt the difference.

Hands continued to explore as tongues intermingled between the girls open mouths, but soft, firm bellies slid against each other as legs intertwined and breasts pressed against each other, hard nipples electrified by the contact.

The small room was alive with the sounds of bedsprings squeaking and the girls impassioned groans as the girls' thighs found their way between each others' legs. The feel of Cindy's firm thigh pressed up against her now sopping wet pussy and throbbing clit was better than Andrea could've ever imagined as she began to instinctively grind her sex against the soft muscle. Cindy did the same to Andrea's now slick leg and soon the bed springs were squeaking even louder than before as the girls began to fuck each other like animals.

This had not been the plan, but Cindy went with it, enjoying the feeling of the friction as she began to sweat from exertion as she humped Andrea's thigh wildly. Even though the girls mouths were locked together in a lusty kiss their moans still filled the room with sound of their lovemaking, but as the friction began to build and the feeling began to overwhelm both girls the kiss was broken and nothing could block the sounds any longer.

"Oh god," Cindy grunted as grabbed Andrea's hands and pinned them behind her head while she pounded her cunt against her friend's thigh. Andrea couldn't even form words as her own hips gyrated wildly against Cindy. She was already beginning to feel her orgasm building inside of her. She'd never felt any like this before. This intense, this violent, this good. She was totally out of control. Her body was doing it all for her and she couldn't care less.

"I'm coming, Andrea," Cindy said between panting grunts as her thrusting hips somehow managed to kick it up another notch. "Oh fuck! Oh fucking." She stopped talking as the orgasm finally reached the surface and her body was filled with warm ecstasy. Her animal grunt was like music to Andrea's ears as her back arched and she felt her own rush of pleasure course between her body and mind while Cindy still held her pinned to the bed.

Cindy's mouth found its way to Andrea's again as Cindy collapsed on top of her best friend as her first orgasm subsided. She released Andrea's arms and they instantly found their way to Cindy's backside to knead the soft flesh as both girls attacked each others mouths with renewed hunger.

This was going much better than Cindy could have possibly dreamed. Things were moving so fast she almost worried that it was a dream. If it was she had no plans of waking up anytime soon. Not until she got a chance to eat the sweet, wet pussy that was still softly grinding against her now slick leg. First, she had to slow this down a bit before it became too much.

Somewhat reluctantly she broke the kiss and began to work her way down Andrea's sweat slick body placing sweet kisses and bites of every inch of skin she could all while Andrea moaned her approval. A few kisses on Andrea's thin, long neck, some bites on her shoulders and then back to nibble on those cute, little ears. She wanted to taste every bit of her.

Slowly her back down again until she reached Andrea's beautiful, small breasts and teasingly kissed the valley between them before slowly working her lips and tongue up one and then the other carefully avoiding the already painfully hard nipples. Andrea groaned her disapproval as she looked down glassy eyed at Cindy. Cindy giggled lightly before gently blowing on one the taut buds causing Andrea to groan again as her back arched in torturous pleasure.

Cindy giggled again before taking pity on Andrea and gently nibbling on the poor girl's nipple. Andrea continued to groan as Cindy began to suck on the taut bud. Andrea's hands found their way to Cindy's head to run her fingers lovingly through her black hair and to make sure she didn't change her mind. She loved the sensations that were coming from Cindy's gentle suckling.

Gently biting down on Andrea's nipples Cindy reveled in the reaction she got from her best friend. Andrea wiggled and moaned so deliciously with even the slightest manipulation of her sensitive body. Every swirl of Cindy's tongue, every light caress on her back it all brought a reaction from Andrea.

Patiently Cindy kissed her way over to her friends other breast to give it the same loving treatment. She could smell the hazelnut body wash that Andrea cleaned herself with everyday mixing with the salty taste of her sweat. Like candy only so much better.

"Fuck, Cindy," Andrea said between pants in a weak voice, "That feels so good."

Cindy just groaned in response not wanting to break away from her loving attentions on Andrea's nipples for even second. Not yet at least.

For Andrea this was an entirely new experience. No one has ever paid this much attention to her breasts. The few times she had made out with boys it had always been a lesson in adolescent male clumsiness. All hands, no concentration. This was entirely different. She felt like she could just lie there in her bed and let Cindy devour her breasts until the end of all time without a single regret. If she died right now she'd die happy.

With another gentle bite on Andrea's tender nipple Cindy finally began to work her way down once more. Andrea groaned, almost disappointed that her poor breasts were no longer the center of attention until she realized where her friend was heading. Her own fingers quickly found their way to her breasts to take Cindy's place as she watched with great anticipation as Cindy kissed her way down Andrea's body.

Patience guided Cindy's every movement as she kissed her down Andrea's waifish body. Licking gently at her rib's as Andrea exposed them by arching her back. Going down further, she kissed and nibbled at the soft, sensitive skin of her friends belly eliciting little laughing squeals from Andrea. She received the same reward as she licked around the cute, little belly button she found in the middle of that smooth tummy.

Andrea's eyes widen as saw Cindy work her way closer and closer to her center. When Cindy softly bit the sensitive skin of her inner thigh Andrea let out a long groan. It all felt so good. She couldn't even imagine what that mouth would feel like on her pussy.

Cindy had finally found her way to her final destination and wasted no more time. With a long lick she got her taste of Andrea's tangy pussy. Both girls moaned in unison as Andrea's hips bucked involuntarily. Cindy grabbed on to her friend's thighs to spread them wide as she began devouring Andrea's pussy in earnest.

Andrea's body jerking involuntarily as Cindy's tongue swirled around her throbbing clit and then licked down her slit before delving into Andrea's depths. Cindy's mouth seemed to engulf her entire sex. Her soft, warm tongue and sucking lips showed no mercy. Andrea was finding it struggle to keep herself from screaming out in joy as her fingers tweaked her nipples hard and she stared down at Cindy as she quickly worked her towards her second orgasm of the night.

"Oh, Cindy," Andrea panted as she brought one of her hands down to hold Cindy's head, "Oh god. so good. Don't stop. Don't fucking stop!"

Cindy had no intention of stopping now. Not even god himself came threw the door and condemned to hell. Nothing mattered right now besides making Andrea scream her name as she covered Cindy's face with her sweet, sticky nectar. It was quickly becoming apparent that she wouldn't have much longer to wait.

"I'm gonna. I'm gonna.," Andrea started to pant out before her body suddenly went rigid, her hips raised off of the bed and a long bellowing groan escaped her lungs as she came harder then she had ever believed possible. She nearly passed out as all sound went dead and stars flashed on and off before her eyes while Cindy made sure she didn't miss a single lick. Andrea's hands helped her out with a grip Cindy would've thought impossible from someone so small in she hadn't known better.

Andrea was feeling a level of bliss she had never dreamed possible before tonight. Just as she was feeling herself coming down she felt that warm rush fill her being one more time. This time there was no holding on to Cindy's head, no attempt at speaking. She was just quaking pile of girl jelly. Nothing but pure bliss filled her soul as she passed out.

When she awoke seconds later Cindy was planting sticky kisses all over her face as she lay on top of her friend laughing gently. The look on Cindy's face as she noticed Andrea had returned to the land of the living showed her pride just as Andrea's weak smile showed her gratitude. The girls kissed and Andrea tasted herself for the first time on Cindy's lips and tongue. It was divine.

The girls kissed and tenderly explored each others bodies for awhile as Andrea regained her senses. This feeling was so right. There was no confusion, no fear left in Andrea. Cindy's sweat soaked body pressed tightly against her own as they shared a passionate kiss was the most natural thing in the world. She didn't quite know if she was a lesbian, but she was absolutely certain that she wasn't straight.

With minimal effort Andrea rolled Cindy onto her back without breaking the kiss. She knew she wanted to return the favor Cindy had granted her, but she wanted to enjoy their kiss just a little bit longer. Those soft lips, that warm tongue meshing with her own felt too good. She felt like she had all the time in the world.

Finally, she broke the kiss and started to work her way down Cindy's body. She tried her best to imitate the patience of her loving friend, but the knowledge of her task was too much for her over stimulated mind to bear. Still, she tried her best and Cindy was more than satisfied with the results.

A few gentle kisses on Cindy's long neck and wet trail of licking kisses down her friends chest and Andrea was planting gentle kisses on the soft mounds of Cindy's breasts. Cindy's hand quickly found it's way to the back of Andrea's head to stroke her soft blonde hair as she cooed her appreciation when Andrea placed her first tentative kiss on Cindy's diamond hard nipple.