The Ballad of Maggie Pt. 01


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"Like these boobs here," she pointed at her six lower torso breasts. "I was trying to get a bigger rack- don't judge me, okay? Yeah, I kind of screwed that one up, too, but it's okay. I've made it work with my boyfriend, and now I like them. I've been thinking about getting more below the original pair. I mean, more freakishness wouldn't do much to me at this point. So, yeah, that's me."

This girl is a bit nuts, Maggie thought. She seems alright, but she's missing a screw or two.

At that point, one of the girls walking in from earlier spoke up. Disrobed, she had a penis-like organ jutting from her crotch and laying against her leg. "Hey, I'm Britney. Um, senior in philosophy." She coughed. "I have STFCS. It's this disease... a contagious disease that makes boys into girls and makes girls grow a big clit. I looks like a penis, sort of, and it kind of works like one, I guess. I'm not really sure where I got it, but it turned my boyfriend George into Joy." Joy raised her hand, a half smile on her face. "There were a couple other guys I dated that got transformed, too, but they don't go here anymore. Okay, about my thing... Well, I'm horny a lot."

Joy nodded vigorously and said, "Forgive her, if her when she gets a boner. I've got to fuck her, like, three times a day, or she gets really frustrated, and she gets mopey or mad, or she gets, I don't know, sad maybe? It's not her fault, but I like fucking her, so it's cool."

"Yeah, like she said. I get horny a lot, but it's okay. I get fucked, and that's still a lot of fun. I've talked to a couple of others like me, and they said that it never feels like a chore, even if their lovers get a bit tired."

Nichelle asked, "Is school okay?"

"Yeah! It's great now. I mean, at first, I couldn't manage things very well, and I talked with a counselor. He showed me how different handicapped people cope, and we treated it like that for a while, and we did okay. Then, I learned how to juggle things better. Actually, I think it makes me a better student, because I was never this organized."

"What did your parents say?"

"Um. Well, that's hard. They think they raised a slut. I guess they're kind of right, but at this point, I have to stay monogamous, because I don't want to spread this thing around. That's hard, because I, like, see a bunch of hot chicks in this room, and I just kind of want to... Sorry, I got carried away." Her enlarged clit got bigger, raising a bit on its own. "Um, yeah, it makes you like girls, like, a lot. I still like to look at boys, but I don't want to spread this thing." The erect organ seemed enormous on her female frame. The tip of it reached the bottom of her cleavage. When she slouched to indicate she didn't want to talk anymore, it briefly caught under her left breast and sprung loose. It then flopped a bit and came to a rest on her left nipple. She sat on her hands.

Joy seemed mesmerized by the thing and, smirking, looked back to the room. "So, yeah, I'm Joy- I used to be George- a senior in history and communications. Um, I slept with Britney in a one night stand. Then, two weeks later, I felt really sick and then became a girl. I don't really want to be one, but the experts I talked to said that there was no way back. Boys who magically turn into girls don't even respond to hormone therapy, and surgeries get magically reversed, so here I am. I think I'm still a guy at heart, you know? I like all of the old stuff, like action movies and first person shooters." Beth and Maggie looked at each other and rolled their eyes at that. "I do okay, though. My parents are pretty cool with things, except that they don't like that I'm still with Britney. They don't get all that. Uh, let's see. Yeah, I find occasional magical stuff that helps me keep up with Britney's needs, because that's, like, intense. I like that part, though."

"What kind of magic stuff?" Nichelle asked.

"What? Oh, there are a few things that help. I have a little supply of Be Your Sexiest!® lube that works pretty well, but you have to avoid addiction. That happened once, and it wasn't a good time. Well, it kind of was? But not for my grades. There's this vulva peach tree over at Terrance Park, and I can use that, but I was told not to use it too much. I also have a recipe I've been working on using some little magic bits from different places. It sort of works, but dosing is stupid hard."

"We'll have to compare notes later," Nichelle said.

"Um, okay, I guess." Joy's expression reflected the discomfort with Nichelle's magical predilections that the most of the room seemed to share.

The room's attention switched to the next desk where a small woman sat. She seemed a little annoyed that she would have to speak, but she started, "I'm Wyona, a freshman. I haven't gotten a major yet. I'm un... What was it? Un..."

"Undecided?" Joy offered.

"Yeah, undecided. I used to be Wyatt, but this summer, I was skinny dipping in a lake with my buddies, and this stupid monster attacked us. It used its, uh, what do you call them? Tentacles, yeah. It used those to grab our parts. Most got away, but I'm not a fast swimmer. It grabbed my dick and totally sucked me off. Then, it made me what you see now. That's pretty much it."

"But you decided to come to school," Nichelle said.

"Yeah, I did. I mean, I was going to go somewhere else, because my girlfriend was going, but she dumped me, yo? Yeah, that sucked, but what can you do, right? She wasn't mean or anything, and it wasn't her fault or nothing. My folks were cool, though. I told them the whole story, and they said they did some skinny dipping when they were kids, so they just said it was an accident, and I wasn't in trouble or nothing."

"Okay, Brandy, right?" Nichelle said, turning her gaze to the next person.

She was the only one in the room with any clothes on. She had a pair of plastic panties on. "Hi, I'm Brandy. I'm a freshman, too. I want to be pre-med, I think. Yeah, so... I was in high school last year, and I made out with this boy under the bleachers at the football game, right? Well, I didn't know he had a girlfriend, or I wouldn't have done it, because I'm not a bitch or anything. This fucking bitch, though, she thought it would be funny or something to curse me. She had some spell she found somewhere, and she cast it on me. Now, my pussy puts out pheromones. Like, a lot of them. I can't take off panties like this in public, or we'd all be fucking on the floor in, like, five minutes. They're crazy shit. They make you want to fuck anyone."

"Whoa... What happened to the girl that did this?" Joy asked.

"She got in trouble, and she's in juvee now."

"Right. What do you do about your, you know, thing?"

"Oh, shit. Yeah, so I'm not immune to my juices, and they're always going. I have this mask I can wear, but it only works for a bit. Usually, I just take 'em off in the shower, and then I totally have to, you know... Well, I have this waterproof vibrator. Anyway, if I cum and then dry off fast enough, I just put on a new pair."

"Can you, like, bag your scent?" Joy asked, a hopeful look on her face.

"Why would I do that?"

"I'm looking for help for me and Britney, right?"

"I guess I could. I'll see what I can do tonight."

The next one in line went ahead and jumped in. "So, I'm Chelsea, a Junior." Her enormous boobs had drooling vulvas instead of nipples. Their inner labia splayed out, and the clitorises stood up proudly from their hoods. "I'm a French major; my project is about how the French are adapting their words for new magical phenomena, since the Académie has to approve works. It's really cool how they're dealing with things. Anyway, about three months ago, I was backpacking in Belgium, and I found this big tree." Chelsea, as a rule, liked to gesticulate when she talked, and she was utterly unselfconscious about how this made her incredibly elastic breasts bob around, bouncing and wiggling.

"Ungh..." Britney moaned, apparently involuntarily.

Chelsea stopped. "You okay?"

"Uh..." Britney tried. "I, uh..." Her grand clitoris looked slightly bigger than it had been just a minute before.

Joy said, "She really needs to get off. We can leave."

"It's cool," Nichelle said. "Go ahead and do that for her now, and then she can hear everyone's story."

Britney looked surprised, and she shuddered, her hips rocking as if on their own accord.

Joy smiled. Apparently, she got some sort of pleasure in breaking barriers with her girlfriend. She gripped the base of the great organ and pulled it into her mouth.

"Oh my god!" Britney cried. Her eyes were as wide as a comedic cartoon character, and her hip undulations became uncontrollable bucking. Joy's fingers went from the base of the clitoris into the folds of her quivering labia and then into the vagina. She rammed her fingers in and out as she expertly mouthfucked the end of the clitoris. The stunned room watched in amazement as Britney quickly orgasmed. Her voice rose to feminine screams, and Joy tried to take in as much as she could until she had to release Britney's cocklike appendage from her mouth. Still, a couple of spurts of what looked like semen erupted from the end.

"It's okay. It's why we have towels and cleaning spray," Nichelle said. She was already on her feet, getting those things.

"I'm sorry. Britney said, her face red from both euphoria and embarrassment. "I, uh... I just..."

"It's okay, baby," Nichelle said. "Society will have to accept more than just our presence at some point. They'll have to accept our sexuality. I mean, we can't be expected to starve ourselves or make ourselves ridiculously uncomfortable. People will have to get used to seeing naked parts and maybe even some public sex. The people in this room, they understand it at some level, I'm sure."

"Shit," another glob of cum flicked from her softening clitoris. "I mean, okay, yeah..."

"No one disrespects you for that in here."

"Okay, thanks, I guess."

"Right." Nichelle was helping Joy wipe down the area. "Okay, Chelsea, why don't you continue?"

"Sure. That was kind of hot. Alright, so there was this tree there. My hiking group thought it looked funny, because it had this big part at the base that looked like a pussy, and there were these knobs on it that looked like tits. Well, I got down to pose for a picture of me licking the tree cunt, and it spurted sap all over me. Within an hour, I had these babies." She lifted her boobs proudly with her hands. "Yeah, the pussies on them are always wet, but it's so much fun to play with 'em, even though a lot of guys are kind of freaked out by them. I just put some absorbent pads in my bra, and I make it through the day just fine. My old boobs were normal size- I wore B or C cups, depending on the brand- and they would hurt if I bounced them. These, though? I wouldn't even wear a bra, if I didn't need to use the pads."

Nichelle nodded. "You sound like you prefer the new you."

"I wouldn't go that far. I mean, these suckers get more attention that I'd usually like, and I've freaked out a couple of dudes. Now, I make sure to make sure that a date knows that I am transformed first. I don't say what my transformation is, but I want to make sure that I don't get another freak-out situation. That makes life harder, but you know, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That's my philosophy."

"Alright, Jennifer, wasn't it?" Nichelle said to another woman.

"Yeah, I'm Jennifer," she said. She was in a bean bag chair, her legs spread wide to accommodate her titanic pussy. The mound alone jutted from her crotch several inches. Her pussy lips curtained out nearly to her knees, and her clitoris was the size of her fist. "I am a sophomore in geography. This happened to me this summer when I was at home. I saw that there was this vulva peach tree in the backyard, and I heard somewhere that they could be trouble, so I decided to cut it down. I was alone, so I got our chainsaw and got at it. Those things must be conscious or something, because it fucking attacked me like those apple trees in 'The Wizard of Oz.' Those peaches splattered all over me, and one really juicy one hit me square in the face. I ran into the house to shower, but I guess it was too late. Now, I've got this giant cunt."

"Do you cope okay?" Nichelle asked.

"Well, yeah. I mean, I got this seamstress to help me out, and now I can hide it in a skirt. I've learned that I have some muscle control over it." Without moving anything else, she waved her labia around and made her clit bob and circle. "It's kind of a fun trick, and I found out that my orgasms are out of this world. I think that I might have some sort of mind power with them, but it's a little hard to focus when your whole world becomes pleasure. And, I don't get many dates. Actually, none, since I'm a bit afraid to even try that game."

"Mind powers?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, like I think I have telekinesis or something."


"There is so much about magic that we don't understand," Nichelle said. "Anything else you want to mention?"

"No, that's it. Just me and my giant cunt over here."

"Right. I never caught your name," Nichelle said, addressing an enormous woman sitting cross-legged on the floor. Maggie was pretty sure that she had seen the woman somewhere before.

"I'm Petunia," she said in a powerful but feminine tenor. "I am a senior in sports medicine. I was on the basketball team, but I got kicked out." She must be at least seven and a half feet tall, Maggie thought. Her body was powerfully muscled with visible corded sinews and perfect tone all over, even when she sat there, relaxed. Her bosom was quite large and firm with small nipples poking out erect. "I'm sorry, it's hard for me not to be loud. I was cursed by a teammate my sophomore year. She put something on my towel, and at first, there was no problem. I thought someone just put shaving cream in my towel or something.

"That night, I went to fuck my boyfriend, and when we came, it was super-amazing. He kept coming and coming, and we were doing great. When it was done, though... He was a she, and I was taller and stronger. We, uh, broke up. I still found him... her? I still found her attractive, but she was all freaked out and wanted her space. I was hurt, because I thought she found me ugly. Anyway, my ball game got awesome. People thought I must have juiced or something, and that bitch who cursed me must have been pissed. I was stronger, faster, had better reach. Yeah, I was kicking ass.

"Well, a couple of months after the accident, I thought I'd play the field some more, and I tried to date this new dude. He was on the hockey team, and I thought he was super-hot. Yeah, when I fucked him on, like, the fifth date, it fucking happened again! He became a she, and she thought I did it to him! I said, shit no, it wasn't me. I don't play with magic! Well, I thought, fuck her, right? She can go play on the field hockey arena, the dumb bitch. The third time it happened, though, I found out she was right. Fuck, right? I mean, it sucks that I can't go and fuck a dude, because they won't be dudes anymore, but look at me! I was the ultimate baller. I could fuckin' slam dunk. Bam!" The room shook at the strength of her voice.

"Then, I thought, I can go fucking pro. Another boost, and I'll be the best fucking basketball player the WNBA has ever seen. Shit, I might be able to be the first NBA player, you know, compete with the men. I found the weaselest asshole on the men's team I could fine, you know? This dude, I fucking knew he had hit some bitches. Well, he had it coming, and I could do it. I fucking seduced that motherfucker, and then he was a she, and she was stupid pissed, but I was bigger than she was now, and she got scared. She told the school, and the laws and rules didn't do shit about this situation, but they could kick me off the team for illegal enhancements."

"You don't do that anymore, do you?" Nichelle asked. She looked a bit rattled, and Nichelle was pretty much never rattled.

"Do what? Turn guys into girls? Nah, I quit. See, one of the things that happens when I do that is that I take a little of their sexuality. Now, I see women like most straight dudes do. I'm probably more like lady-boner over there now." She pointed to Britney. " I guess I'm a lesbian, right? Well, it's cool now. The first three dudes? They were accidents. That last one had it coming, whether I wanted to be stronger or not. It is not cool to beat up women."

Joy spoke up. "It's taken me some time, but I don't think being a woman is a punishment."

Petunia laughed. "Well, not to you. But it was to him. I made it a punishment."

The room was silent for a moment, until Nichelle spoke up again. "Alright, Mina and Talia, what's your story?

Two women shared a bean bag chair, one of them holding the other. "I'm Talia, and my mute lover is Mina." Mina had a vulva running vertically where her mouth and nose should be. Talia, by all appearances, was unaltered. It was pierced in several places: through the clitoral hood and six points along each labia. "We were lovers before Mina's transformation."

"First, what are your majors?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm a European history major, senior year, and Mina is a music major. She specializes in piano. She's also a senior. Yeah, so ours is a tragedy made good. We discovered some a Be Your Sexiest!® stash last summer, and we got the chapstick. We were hanging out in Arizona, since Mina was playing at this nightclub, and I tagged along as a waitress. Anyway, it was dry, and I'd read that the Be Your Sexiest!® chapstick would really help, and way it put this big pussy on your face sounded like fun. Mina is a sub, and we made a weekend of it. If it looked like it was wearing off, then we'd re-apply or just apply it right over her pussy face. We made this awesome game of it, and it was so hot.

"Well, work time came around again, and it didn't wear off. It turns out that we did exactly what we were not supposed to do. She was stuck. I think we could have broken up, because I knew it was my fault, and Mina knew it was my fault, but we made it work. We learned some sign language, since Mina can only make a couple of sounds."

"What sounds?" Nichelle asked.

"Go ahead, honey," Talia said. She caressed Mina's abdomen. Mina made several sensual groans, like a woman desperate for sex. "That's mostly it, I'm afraid. I do my best to make it worth her while, though. I have to say that she she is improving her piano skills rapidly now."

"Okay, Amrita, can you tell your story?" Nichelle asked.

"I can, though there is not much to tell. I am Amrita, a sophomore in computer science." She was a small woman of dark complexion. She had two more pairs of small breasts under her original pair. Each was topped with a mahogany brown nipple that stood two inches from wide areolae of similar size. "About 2 months ago, I was working on my friend's deck- I'm really hand with a nailgun- when I encountered a boob-mouse. They're these breasts that walk around on little legs and sometimes attack people. I tried to shoo it, not know what it was. There's this mouth on the underside, and it bit me.

"Boob-mice have a paralyzing bite, you see. I fell backward, and it jumped onto my left breast and started sucking, making my nipples big. It did the same with my right and then sucked on my chest below that, so I have what you see here. It was scary, but each time it did that, I orgasmed. When it was done, it stood there for a few seconds, vibrating. Then, it split into two and ran away. Now, I have these. They are not too bad, but they are really sensitive, and they're hard to hide. My friend made a custom padded bra that covers them all, and makes me look like I have bigger boobs instead of big nipples."

"What did your parents say?" asked Nichelle.

"They do not know. I am not sure what to tell them, but I do not see them often, since they are in India. I am sure that they will not quite understand. For now, I work on my degree, and I am doing well."