The Bet


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She 'ummed' and 'ahhed' as tears began to fall down Billy's cheeks, now trying to stay as still as possible, but finding that wherever that cock sat, it just wouldn't stop feeling incredible.

A wave of something overtook him, and for a second night turned to day as his insides lit up, cock spasming, gently leaking its stream of white medicine even as it flicked upwards like it was trying to launch gallons of cum into the air.

Meana watched as Billy's back arched, face slack, eyes up in his head for a few seconds as it all overtook him, and then he was back, leaning on her, breathing heavily.

"You okay?" whispered Meana, herself dangerously close to filling the boy up like soup in a pinata, her hands clenched into fists, nails digging into her palm to control the lust coursing through her bloodstream.

"Yeaaah... fine," he muttered, eyes lidded, "hhhhowwmuch timmmme...."

Meana snorted.

Incredible. The boy had just had an anal orgasm and was still trying to convince himself he wasn't into it.

"Well sure honey, it's... oh no, I didn't set it!"

Billy's eyes forced themselves open to stare at a screen which showed five, untouched minutes.


Meana's face was a pout of insincere apology.

"Oh, I'm SO sorry Billy!!... I guess let's put it at three and go from there? It's only fair," she said reasonably, changing it to a three and showing him.

He looked at her, or at least in her rough direction, as his eyes flicked upwards whenever he caught the ridge of her cock on a particular spot inside his butthole.

"UHnnnn!.. okkkayyyyyeeee..."

"Here we go!" she said in a sunny voice, clicking on the screen and locking it before he could see that she hadn't started the timer again, before chucking it over her shoulder, far away.

Then her hands grabbed his hips.

"Oh, I think my legs are a little achy.... Do you mind if I move you just a tad?"

Billy's hands flexed on her shoulders in time with her cock throbbing inside him.

"Y..yeahhh... yeahhh," he breathed, although whether he was answering her request was unclear.

"Excellent," she whispered, more to herself than to Billy, and she began to move him in circles on her lap, a wolfish grin reaching her face as she watched him utter little mewls and yips of forced pleasure.




Billy gurned as her cock churned up his insides, the heat and presence filling him as Meana devoted every iota of her being to the task of turning him into a cock-loving dick-whore.

"Ooh, I've not heard that sound before," she tittered as he keened like a dog.

It was simply overwhelming, his brain turned to mush as he gripped her shoulders for dear life, leant back with his head staring at the ceiling as he lost all grips with reality, her cock the source of his every whim and desire as Meana fed it to him, coaxing his body into submissive ecstasy.

"Oh, I think I know how to make things a little easier..." she said, concentration intense on her face as she licked her lips, ".... Let's go up and down a bit....."

He didn't even respond, enjoying the way she was pleasuring him too much to hear words.

Then his hips were being lifted, and Billy groaned as a space opened up in his body, a large, empty space, where all his inhibitions and worries poured back into him.

"W.. wha......"

He didn't have to endure it for long, as Meana pulled him back down with the strength of an Olympic weightlifter, smacking his ass down onto her lap creating a huge *SCHWAPP* sound that might have sounded like someone was being flogged due to how sharp it was.

"HUUHHHHNNNNN!" screamed Billy as he was speared on the end of a horse-cock, and this time he was wrenched back to the present, into the face of the girl who was balls-deep in his ass.

"You like my dick in your ass don'tcha," she sneered.

"MMMGUHHhh!" he moaned as she rotated again.


"YEAUUUUUHHHH," he gurned, as she evilly stimulated every inch of his anal wall she could lay her penis on.

"Take it like a good boy," she uttered as she flung him up in the air, and snatched him back down again.


Billy squealed, and then the air was rent with cries, moans and those heavy slaps as Meana began to pound him, never taking her eyes away from his as he capitulated in the face of overwhelming force, hair flying up and down because of the speed at which she was trampolining him on her lap.


"That's it *UGH!* baby, you gonna *UGH* take my cock huh? Huh?!! *UGHHH YEEUUUHHHHH!*"

Meana's ass bounced on the bed, springs screaming under her weight as she flattened a semi-circle into the mattress with her incredible ass plus the force of Billy's body being pulled down onto her, and the creaking of metal springs joined the cacophony as they engaged in the loudest sex imaginable.

Meana's quads flexed as she bounced Billy up and down, arms pistoning, sinking him onto her shaft like a glorified fleshlight, pounding his lights out whilst he spasmed in her arms, making him scream as another full-body orgasm was force-fed into his anus.


Meana laughed at the whites of his eyes as he stared at the inside of his skull, sweat dappling his forehead and stinging her nostrils as the smell of Billy's pre-cum, which at this point was forming a sheen of translucence across Meana's belly, thrummed through her nostrils, invigorating her to try and force more of herself into his battered body.

Billy squealed as his hips connected with her legs, and for the first time he noticed large plums rebounding off his butt-cheeks.

If he had been able to think, or process information, he would have realised her giant ballsack was catapulting against his butt, sloshing with man-seed.

"HUHhh... GuhhhhfffmM-Mee!-ean!-nna!-aa!," he drooled, as saliva ran down the sides of his cheeks, flying up and down like he was enthusiastically riding a pogo stick, except the stick was inside him, and breeding his ass.

Meana's balls were tight, but she fought back the rising tide with all her might. This boy needed to be fucked to hell and back, and she'd be damned if she wasn't going to enjoy this night to its fullest.

"I *ughhh!*, Love *huh!* AmericaUUHGGHH!"

She was loving the inability of Billy to defend himself as he was ravaged, with no-one to save him from having his inner treasures plundered by Meana's donkey dick.

Her lips curled into a snarl as she feverishly slammed away at his insides, but she softened when noticing the faint smile that reached Billy's slack-jawed face as another raging orgasm ripped through him, and when his trembles died down he was seeing through lidded eyes, arms weak as they held onto his conqueror.

"That's so good... *Hnnn*... Now you're never going to escape me," she breathed into his ear, slowing into a more love-making pace, and now Billy's hips were rocking forwards and backs like he was a cowboy riding a horse into town, his little cock patting Meana's belly.

She glanced down and giggled in delight at the way she barely felt it, such was the lack of weight of his manhood.

Just the cutest thing.

"You're the best little boy aren't you Billy," Meana whispered, hilting her cock inside him which hit all the best places, making the boy exhale sharply.

"Yyyeh," he squeaked, arms shaking from the sequence of intense pleasure which had forced his heartrate and body to a million miles an hour.

"Little slut," she added, placing a wet kiss on his cheek.

"Mmm," he sighed, and Meana began to stick dirty kisses all over his face, making sure to leave saliva on each one so that by the time she had finished, Billy's face was nearly as wet as his cock was.

"You're gonna take my cum, yeah?" she whispered.

He managed to meet her eyes, although how much he was able to process was debatable.


"I think that's a yes," she whispered, before biting down on the flesh of his neck, leaving a nice proud hickey for him to show his friends.

The two ground against each other, and Billy was now finding a weak canter on Meana's incredibly invasive saddle that had him moaning like a zombie as his entire life of deluded masculinity was brought to its knees.

Her cock was the best thing ever.

He tried a particularly high bounce which nearly broke his brain, blurting out a high-pitched squeal, because his sensitive anal walls had smacked down onto Meana's cock with a depth that he needed in his soul.


"OH, don't stop you naughty boy!" cooed Meana, watching him ride her dick whilst touching all the parts of him she wanted, tweaking his nipples, patting his butt, stroking his belly like a newly pregnant wife.

"Gonna put a baby in there," she whispered. She wasn't even sure what she was saying any more, but it felt so right.

She groaned as he began to pump up and down, sheathing himself on her cock so it disappeared entirely from view, and when he raised himself up, it was like a dirty magic trick, a giant cock revealed from nowhere, before being swallowed up by his greedy insides once more.

"Good boy!!!"

"Yeah, yeah.... Yeeeah...."

Billy was riding Meana with wanton abandon now, reaching so high his nipples were flying past her head with each bounce, and both people could feel the tension rising, each thrust a bit move venomous, each comedown sharper and harder. Meana was red in the face from trying to stop herself from finishing, but then Billy came down to the base of her crotch, all ten inches pulsing inside him, and looked her in the eye with furious lust as a rope of his cum launched into the air, splattering onto her face.

She heaved as her balls cut off all resistance and reacted with pure aggression, ejecting a ton of bull-semen which zipped up her shift, exploding in Billy's ass like a watercannon.

"HUHHHHHHhh!" squealed Billy as he simultaneously released and received wave after wave of ejaculate, mesmerised by the incredible sensation of being filled as a lake of warmth spread through his insides.

His glazed expression was unable to process the laughably inferior ropes springing from his cock, splattering up onto Meana's chin and nose as she opened her mouth to catch his love after the brutal opening salvo of her donut filling release, gurning every time another huge batch of semen sloshed up her urethra and into his core.

"mhh God bbbbby, that'shho ghhooooooood...."

Meana moaned through the cum falling on her lips as Billy swooned, undone by her womanhood, an emasculated, destroyed man.

No, he wasn't a man.

He was her boy now.

The two figures writhed together, locked in a sticky embrace, and when they had both stopped jerking and jiggling, Billy laid his eyes on a woman with icing dripping across her whole front, smiling at him as she licked his cum from her lips.

Usually a part of him would have considered the sight slutty as hell, but it was a moot point when she had just dumped a mountain of cum in his ass after pounding it for the last half-hour.

Meana's chest was heaving as she stroked his cheek.

"Ohhhh boy, we're going to have to take some time to ourselves.... There's no way I'm passing up a chance to tap that ass again."

Billy gurned as she softly bumped their hips, causing an internal earthquake, and his hands found her shoulders as she giggled, grazing her teeth across his lips, teasing him with the possibilities of a kiss before drawing back again.

He followed her desperately, but she evaded him, just out of reach.

"Oh you need me don't you," she breathed, bringing those lips to his ear instead, voice deep with need.

A few jerked breathes escaped her as his anal ring spasmed uncontrollably on the base of her cock, and hands clammy with sweat came to his ass and back, rubbing his skin with dirty moisture as Meana enveloped him in her presence.

As they moaned and shook in each other's arms, a titter came from the door.

Billy's head jerked round to see the door open a crack, and gobsmacked faces and grins as the party members ogled his ass, which was being openly plugged by Meana's humungous cock.


The people squealed, slamming the door closed and thudding back down the hallway, and Billy moaned as he heard the screams of laughter from outside as his social life was flushed down the toilet.

He let out a sob, broken, until a hand brought his chin up to look into loving eyes.

The embarrassment and confusion dissipated like clouds on a summer's day.

"I'm here," she said.

Billy felt the twitch of her cock as he bit his lip, and a zip of pleasure ran up the length of his spine.

"W-want to come back to mine?"

The way her eyes crinkled as she laughed was the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

"Ohhhhh I guess I could be convinced, but first I think we need to get something straight between us."


She clamped her hands to his ass cheeks and pulled him into the air.

Billy's legs automatically wrapped around her, arms clinging to her shoulders as she carried him, and before he could think she had begun to fuck him in mid-air.



Her gaze could have melted steel, and she bared her teeth, unleashing a monster that he was not prepared for.


She began to motor, and he groused as she terrorised his asshole with hip thrusts so heavy it was like she was trying to break him in two and storm his insides as she aggressively dug her nails into his fat cheeks.


Billy's arms clung to her for dear life as she bred him, squealing, defenceless in mid-air.


Minutes passed as Billy's whole body shook, and the smell of his cum on her face was beginning to thicken as a sliver of it hung from her chin like a bulldog's drool, her growling, snarling face pressed against his forehead as her hips slammed up into his ass again and again.

The orgasm that hit this time was pure animalistic pleasure, the sounds coming from his lips wet and gurgling as Meana pressed the pleasure button that couldn't be fought, only enjoyed.

Toes curled, and a heavy batch of pre-cum warmed his insides as Meana let out a crazed leer.

Eventually, after a further ten minutes of hard fucking, she carried him to the bed and fell on top of him, weighing down on him heavily with sweaty tits on his chest, hips glued together in a full missionary position.

He gasped as she grabbed his chin and turned it harshly to face her, before turning their rutting animal sex into deep, burning lovemaking.

Billy went from screaming to sighing as she attempted to spread her seed in his womb, and anyone who had been watching would have seen a true baby-making rhythm as she fucked him like a husband fucking his wife on their wedding night, deep and passionate.

She kept her blue eyes locked on his as she butted the back of his legs, making the penetrations that little bit more invasive, that little bit more meaningful every time she sandwiched him into the bed, arms tightening on his sides in a harsh massage that worked its way to every inch of his body.

The bed creaks became endless, interwoven with sweaty moans and urgent cries as the two figures wrestled in a grunting embrace, the pretty, heaving figure on top so aroused and in heat that she couldn't have stopped even if she'd wanted to.

The party music outside died down, but still the two continued, a dark shade of blue filtering through the windows as the sun began to creep up from its reluctant hiding place.

"Mmmaybe we should stop," moaned Meana, sweat dripping down her forehead, drool collecting at the sides of wet lips and mixing with the cum which was hanging from her face as she put another aching dick-thrust right to his centre, making Billy writhe.

"NOoooooooo," he whined, arching his hips so she could put another straight into him.


Their bellies and chests became slick with bodily fluids, and when Mean came in to kiss him, he didn't even hesitate when the taste of his own cum hit his tastebuds, sucking down semen from her face as she kissed him so sloppily that it looked like someone had laminated them both from the neck up, after which they finally sucked their tongues back into their original resting places.

Just as Billy was about to hit his peak again, eyes widening in readiness, the door flew open and Alecia stormed in, looking haggard.

"Guys, it's FIVE AM, and.... "

She froze as it looked like someone had grabbed her by the throat, and Billy just about managed to grasp her reaction through the ecstatic haze enveloping his senses as her nostrils flared, and then a hand went over her mouth as a long spurt of ejaculate launched from Billy's dick onto his belly button.


She looked down at the huge wet patch the figures were embraced on top of, the sheen on Mean's back, the girl's guilty face which looked like it had just been dunked in a tub full of donut icing and hair gel, and turned her eyes away in horror, hands out to try and unsee the two huge balls snug against the fully naked asshole of her most certainly no-longer virgin friend Billy.

"Oh God... I-I'll sleep on the couch... you guys just... do what you have to do... Jeees...."

With that she staggered out, slamming the door closed, thinking how she would probably have to replace the entire bedroom, much less the sheets, after those two were finished with it.

Billy was still juddering, involuntary shakes hitting his legs wrapped around Meana as the girl let out an awkward chuckle.

"Hmmm... maybe she's right, we should get a little sleep..."

Billy watched her lips moving, and pressed his own against them.

".. it might mPHHhh-!... mmmh....."

Meana relaxed her weight back down on top of him as they kissed without tongues, gentle nudges of appreciation for the sweetness of the other.

"Okay then.... You asked for it," she whispered.

"Yeah?" he mewled, like a girl asking for a sweetie.

Meana felt her calves become taut, legs setting themselves once more to re-enter her boy at speed.

God he knew how to push her buttons.

"Good boy...."

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Liquidmess1Liquidmess13 days ago

Omg. I was fucked once by a transexual and it was heaven. It was not nearly as erotic as the story. I want to be made to submit to a persuasive, dominant girl with a long fat dick and be filled by her hot cum. Great story

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

"You like my dick in your ass don'tcha," she sneered.


Meana moaned through the cum falling on her lips as Billy swooned, undone by her womanhood, an emasculated, destroyed man.


He let out a sob, broken, until a hand brought his chin up to look into loving eyes.


Which is it? "...sneered"; "destroyed" (with intent); or "loving"?


And "womanhood" or "sloshing with man-seed."? Either not womanhood or not man-seed.

SensubSensub12 days ago

An amazing story, loved the vulnerability and passion. What a fortunate boy.

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

"....a Chad....." Nothing like ridiculous incel nonsense to spoil a story.

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Replying to onecuriousreader: What the hell?????

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