The Blanket Policy


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I am guessing that she is going up for a look at the cabins to be sure all is well before the hunters that are booked in arrive. As the park is nearby I decide to drive up there to take a look. Eating my sandwich as I drive along the route. I go through the open gates and take a road that runs parallel to the row of cabins which are across a field. I see her SUV pulled up to the last cabin in the row, which is closest to the thick forest. I then take a dirt road that I know leads to another field but trails within 200 yards of the back of the cabins.

The cabins lie across a small wooded valley so I am able to park unseen and make my way across the valley to the rear of the last cabin. As I approach the rear of the cabin I see that in front of Jan's SUV is parked a Toyota Highlander. I notice it has Illinois plates and Northwestern parking sticker. I know instantly who it has to be. I have to be sure, so I go to the back window that would be one of the bedrooms. No one is inside. I stay low and go to the next bedroom, also unoccupied. These stone building are pretty much soundproof so I don't hear anything from inside, nor can I be heard shuffling through the leaves outside. I go to the south corner that has a side window beside the fireplace that opens into the living area. To no great surprise now I see my church-going dear wife bent over the couch taking a hard railing fuck from Marcus. I view them from the side Marcus on the right, my wife face down, ass up, over the arm of the couch. Lo and behold! Protecting the precious park district couch is one of our blankets! I watch for a minute and take a short video with my phone. I expect it is blurred as my hands shake in anger, but I film it for evidence for later use to end this mess she has made of our lives.

As Marcus is getting to the short strokes I see his legs and ass clench as he fires in to a moaning Jan. Jan facing my direction, eyes closed, opens her mouth wide and moans as she cums. It is silence to me, however, behind the thick glass and stone walls. Deep inside I know the deep moaning sound Marcus hears was once reserved only for me.

I have seen enough, I walk back across the valley and get into the car. The short walk through the woods brings back a memory of when I was young boy. My Grandpa would trap raccoons and fox for their furs. The money from the furs helped supplement his retirement funds. In those days furs were quite valuable and he would make several hundred dollars each winter. I recall he would always set his traps to drown the trapped animal to ease the suffering and reduce the risk of losing them after they were caught. One day when he took me along we came upon a sprung trap that held only the front leg of a raccoon. It seems the trap had hung up in some roots and had not fallen into the stream to drown the captive animal. The raccoon had chewed off its own front leg to escape. As I arrived at the car I knew exactly how that animal felt. I would be willing to chew my arm off to escape from this marriage and Jan.

I head back to work and canceled the service appointment on the car. I tell my assistant to hold my calls. I then begin the soon to be divorced guy dance. Bank accounts split, call a lawyer friend of mine and get that ball rolling, and change my beneficiaries on my 401K and life insurance to my son only. A quick call to my boss at corporate confirms that the offer for Atlanta is always open when I choose to take it. I tell him to pencil me in for 2 weeks. He is thrilled.

My lawyer friend calls back to have me come by at 5 pm and he can work me in. I text Jan and let her know I will be late in a meeting, not exactly a lie I guess. Her reply is, "OK NP." I am sure it really is not a problem for the cheating whore.

I finish up what needs to be done and head over to Tom Arnold's office (no not that Tom Arnold). I have known Tom for years, but he strictly does divorce cases, so had never been to his office. It was opulent to say the least. I told him that his workplace was fantastic compared to my office above the warehouse. He replied that he wins a lot, so to the victor go the spoils. I told him my situation and his assistant took notes and asked a few questions about finances and what I wanted. I also told him about the video and he indicated it would have no bearing on the case, except if I alone were to use it as leverage against Jan to make her sign asap and forego counseling. He would profess no knowledge of it.

All in all it went well. Over the years I have accumulated a lot of company stock that no one really knows about. I planned to cash it in and use the money to give Jan and myself the life of luxury once I am done working. Now I realize that I need to hide that money. Tom gives me a number of a fellow he trusts to do that job of having my stock evade discovery. After that it is pretty cut and dried as far as finances. I would pay some maintenance to Jan, but not much as previously since the new divorce law is no longer punitive. In the eyes of the law Jan is currently able to support herself and the law held no expectation for me to continue to provide her with the same standard of living indefinitely. Since I was in the 190,000 salary range annually and Jan made about 79 grand I would pay 30 percent of the difference for 6 years according to a formula that judges were to follow. I was also thrilled to find that I was entitled to 31% of Jan's current municipal retirement regardless of my finances upon her retirement. The house, well she can have it. I am done with Chicago-land.

At the end it really hit me that I was going through with this. Tom told me he would put it into motion, legal separation then divorce to follow, about 6 months and I would be a free man. He told me he could file and serve her next week, and I told him that I would let him know the best time for it. As I got up to leave it really hit me and I felt a bit weak and ill. I used the restroom in the lobby and promptly lost my lunch in the nearest stall. I cleaned up and went to my truck; dark outside now it had started to drizzle, suiting my mood perfectly.

I arrive home to find her on the phone getting a pizza delivered; apparently she had just arrived as well. I should get an Academy award for acting interested in her telling me about her day, knowing what her lunch consisted of. I honestly could barely stand to look at her.

I guess this is the part where the guy goes home or to the bar and gets roaring drunk. I learned a long time ago that alcohol only puts your problems off, it does not solve them. I feel that so far I have done what is needed to make a new start for myself. The pain is for the life we had, not what our life could be, as that is done. The fact is that what I had seen had made me lose all love for her, pretty much in the span of the afternoon. I never realized that was possible. Like flipping a switch, it is not so much hate, just a lack of caring now. What love we had in the past she had destroyed. I knew I loved her then and I knew now, I loved her no longer.

After our meal Jan goes straight to her laptop in the den. I watch a bit of the Blackhawks game and tell her that I am going to call it a night about 10 pm.

Just before I head up for bed Jan looks up from her laptop and informs me that she will have to go to a trade show in Detroit this weekend. It is not unusual for her to attend these shows a couple times a year, but it seemed to me that it was very short notice and out of the ordinary. I called her on it. She explained my questions away by saying a co-worker "Kyle" was supposed to go but he had to go to Tennessee due to his grandmother passing, and since the fee was paid and the room booked she was picked to represent the team. I did not know any Kyle, but it is possible that it is as she says. I told her that it was no problem. I would probably work Saturday as we were setting up some Christmas displays to roll out the day after Halloween. Honestly I really was glad to not have to see her over the weekend.

Thursday at work I initiated my Atlanta plan. I am leaving our store for the corporate office on Thursday of next week. My closest staff will be told on Monday, the rest of the employees will know after I am gone next Thursday.

We spoke very little Thursday evening; I expect she chalked it up to me being upset with her short notice trip. I was up early and out before she woke on Friday morning. Jan was to leave Friday after lunch. A four and a half hour trip would put her there around 6 pm that evening.

I worked as usual on Friday and forgot about the phone app until after I got home around 7 after a meal out and a couple drinks with one of my department heads. I checked the app as I got settled in on the couch and it showed her in Lansing. Why Lansing and not Detroit? Did I hear her wrong? Maybe the show was moved or overbooked, who knows? At any rate her phone was showing her location as the Marriot in East Lansing near the University. Well that makes some sense they must be taking in the MSU vs Indiana game. At least I knew Marcus was not there, he was playing Purdue in West Lafayette. I will not even have to track him; he will be on my television starting at 11 Sat morning. Later that evening, around 10 pm, Jan texts me that she arrived safe, and she LUVS me. I text her right back, with a phony "good to hear that you made it safe I Luv U too." I sleep lousy; there is no way to get the whole thing out of my head even with her gone.

Saturday dawns cloudy and drizzling. The temp is around 45 as I head in for a half day doing some set up and planning for the Christmas season. I leave just after one and grab a burger on the way home. I check the app as I settle in and tune in the big screen to Northwestern and Purdue. It is cloudy there as well and a light rain. Marcus is playing in the third quarter but I don't see him touch the ball as I watch. The app shows what I expected; Jan is at the MSU game in Lansing. I expect that is part of the trade show and click off the app. The MSU vs Purdue match is on BTN so I flip over in time to see Tony lined up on defense. MSU is up by two TDs midway through the second half. No rain there but it looks cloudy as well and colder with a wind off the lake. I watch a while as Tony looks in fine form MSU goes up by three and I doze off. When I wake it is dark outside and both games are long over. Some west coast teams are on so I flip it off. I check the app and Jan is back at the Marriot. I guess my suspicions are just unfounded about her and Marcus getting together. Not that I really care that much.

No text from her Saturday night. I send a "How's it going there" around 10 pm with no reply, but really don't think much of it. I expect she is in the booze and busy with the trade show. Sunday is a full blown rain and it rained all night. I head out for the paper and breakfast at iHop. When I get back the app still shows her in the Lansing Marriot. I expect they check out at 11 a.m like most places and it is only 10 here. Wait, the time zone is 11 there. I check the Marriot website, yes 11 am checkout. She should be heading home before long. I send a text asking her when she plans to hit the road for home. No reply. I fix lunch and turn on the NFL game, too lousy to work outside and in all truth I probably won't be living here long enough to care about the exterior, as the rain drives the wet leaves to the ground from our trees.

About 3 pm Jan calls and informs me that she is not feeling well and plans to head back early tomorrow morning instead of this afternoon. I play it cool say all the right things. My guess now is that Marcus has headed to Lansing post game and they are having their fun for a couple nights. As the rain lets up I decide that I need to see for sure. I head over to the off campus apartment that Marcus, through the generosity of our local community, is able to afford. I see his Highlander in the parking lot. Now that is surprising. I was sure he would be in Lansing. He could have taken the train and left his ride here, but my God no one does that.

I park across the street and stake out the building entrance. Nothing happens for a while, and then I see a young couple get out of their car and start bringing in boxes like they are moving in. As they prop the door open I get into the lobby and ring Marcus's apartment. He answers and I remain silent and leave through the side door. I head back to the house pretty sure now that Jan's whole weekend trip was maybe not a deception after all.

Sunday night after take out Chinese food I turn on the TV to the NFL. I am not really watching much as I have my laptop out going through my e-mail. My attorney Tom sent one this morning saying that all was going well and that I can have her served when I want. I reply with my thanks and tell him that I will let him know when to drop the hammer. I already know where it will happen. Jan will be served at the park district office, without a doubt. I go through some work stuff, seems the home office in Atlanta is getting ready for me. I have a suite reserved for three weeks in their executive housing upon my arrival. I check the rest of the e-mail and find something odd, the address is Michigan State athletic dept and it is addressed to Asshole. Hmmm, who at MSU thinks I am an asshole?

All About Lansing

I check the email for viruses, and sadly realize that maybe I should get myself checked as well. The e-mail at least checks out clean so I bring it up. It is a large video file and no message, but the subject is: Revenge Asshole.

So stupidly, I open the video. It opens with darkness on the screen, and then a voice that I recognize as Tony Martin's begins to speak. "Hey asshole, I told you I would get even. Your cunt wife has been fucking my brother Marcus and I just happened to catch them last month. Your stupid bitch came here to Lansing because I promised to not tell you that I found them fucking on the couch in Marcus's apartment. Apparently she is as fucking dumb as you are if she believed that. Enjoy asshole."

The video then reveals my wife Jan sitting on a sofa in a hotel room wearing way too much makeup for her age. She is dressed in a long full length leather coat that I had not seen before, and looking a bit pale against the black leather. An off camera voice I don't recognize tells her to stand up, and she does. The voice says open the coat and she reveals her body, naked with the exception of black stockings, black heels, and a familiar from my bottom dresser drawer, black choker collar that has a hot pink ribbon with a placard attached to it. The camera zooms in and it is revealed that she is wearing a field pass to the MSU sideline dated for Saturday. The video goes dark.

After a couple seconds there appears a still photo of my wife standing on the MSU sidelines, placard displayed outside the coat. She is not smiling, and it is obvious that she does not want to be there dressed basically as a hooker wearing a collar that all can see. The second picture captures a team photographer clicking her photo as she watches the field. Some of the team staff is shown giving her snide looks in the next couple pictures. Then once again, the video fades to darkness.

The video restarts; Jan is being led through the door of a suite, same leather coat, this time with a leash attached to the collar. The shot is from behind her and now it is obvious that the wide-backed linebacker Tony holds the leash as she enters. The view switches to inside the room as it now appears Tony has possibly employed a couple of inspiring film students and their cameras to document this evening and his revenge. One camera scans the room. A young fellow I don't know sits texting on the couch, dressed in typical sneakers, baggy jeans, and t-shirt. He is one of Tony's thug pals I guess. The next gentleman I recognize. He is a sophomore MSU player who is currently suspended pending his trial for raping a freshman about a month ago. The third man I also recognize as former MSU football, former NFL, blown out knee, now assistant coaching for Purdue.

I stop the video at this point. Could it be that this film not only is Tony's revenge but mine as well? I felt a chill as I watched her led in, knowing what is likely going to happen to her on film in a few minutes. But to say I care about her safety or well being after what she already did...Not so much.

I check the list of recipients of this e-mail, only myself and an address at Northwestern that I am sure is Marcus are listed, at least for this version. I hope for Jan's sake Marcus and I are the only eyes on this.

I push play and fast forward a bit, she has been drinking it is apparent and guns down something that looks like Tequila Sunrise when offered a glass from a large pitcher on the coffee table. Tony takes his turn first as the others watch her led to the couch and is told to remove her coat. Thigh highs and that collar look a bit odd on my former wife. She looks older and heavier to me somehow. Now that I am more detached she does not look as hot as I always felt she was. The camera indeed adds a few pounds and years in this case. I expect she has been skipping workouts to fuck Marcus, as her belly has become more pronounced. It is not bad, but it is obviously not as it was before the summer.

As Tony slides in from behind I am a bit disappointed in his cock size and girth. He is pretty much average, nothing special. Like they say to the bouncer Dalton in Roadhouse. I thought you would be bigger...

Tony pounds away at Jan for a while. Her big tits flop back and forth as she is taken from behind face down, ass up. When Tony finally nuts he rolls her over and sucks a big hickey on her right Mom tit. He tells her for every time tonight that her cunt is cum into, a hickey will go on her right tit. When a load goes in her mouth and had better damn well also down her throat, her left tit gets a mark. He motions to the thug and his turn on my soon to be ex is also unremarkable. She takes it a bit better; I hear the moan of a small orgasm as her body betrays her. He does his part and fires his seed in her now sloppy hole and adds his mark to the right tit.

Jan is told to go clean up by Tony, and when she comes back into the main room she is rewarded with another drink, also promptly gunned down. Business picks up as the suspended player and the assistant coach get in the game. Spit-roasted on the floor Jan is going to have rug burns on her knees as they drive into her front and behind. Both these fellows are hung and she struggles to take the coach in her formerly tight pussy. He works it in over the span of a few minutes as she gives a solid blowjob to suspended player. When the coach goes balls deep she starts a long spell of spasms and moaning. He has apparently hit the spot as she bucks back to him and much to my surprise still holds her focus on the blowjob. The suspended player grabs a handful of Jan's blonde hair, pulls her forward until she is throated and fires down her gullet. She almost chokes but she realizes in wide eyed horror it is swallow or drown, and she gulps him down. I play that part again, you can see her mind working as he fires burst after burst and she fights to catch up her swallowing. Coach sees it all from behind and goes over the edge pounding away as she is inched across the Marriot rug on her knees. He spasms several times and when they are done they make their marks on both tits.

I fast forward through a lot of the rest. One major highlight is watching my whore future ex-wife snort coke from the head of the coach's cock and then watch her cum four times as he pounds her missionary for over 25 minutes with his coke numbed cock.

In the end her tits are the final scoreboard. Left tit loads down the throat 4. Right tit loads in her cunt 6. Tony throws the two camera guys a bone at the end and lets them play with Jan's tits and jack off onto her face as he holds the camera. Now drunk on alcohol and sex my smiling former wife, with two fresh loads on her face, is the final fade out of the video. Who knows what went on the rest of the night or next day for that matter? Who knows and who cares now?
