The Bonding Chronicles Ch. 14


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It only took her thirty minutes to find civilization, or at least as much as a truck stop a few miles outside of town could be considered civilization. The small room only had a few short rows of shelves, and as the doorway declared her entrance with an artificial chime, the sweet scent of sugar assaulted her nostrils, a short-lived mystery that vanished as she surveyed the rack of snacks that sat in front of the cashier's desk.

The large man behind the counter seemed to be passing the late evening hours with a book, his highlighter moving across a page as he took a brief moment to admire her lean body. The man seemed nice enough, though the scent of his arousal reminded her of how much all men seemed to be alike. There was another patron looking through a shelf on the far end of the store, and as Mercedes moved further in, intent to find a map, the woman raised her gaze and smiled.

"Excuse me, miss. I hate to impose, but I've been staring at this shelf for... well longer than I care to admit. I've got a niece who I haven't seen in quite some time, and... well... I just don't know what to get her."

The woman was beautiful, and as Mercedes continued to move deeper into the store, listening to the brunette's plea for assistance, she couldn't help but smile, feeling some of her worry over her own indecision lessening with each step. The tall woman had a wonderful smile, and her tone reminded Mercedes of her favorite mother's; like no matter what happened, everything would be all right.

It wasn't until she came around the edge of the shelf, where the woman was standing, that she noticed the scent. Sara!

Her eyes scanned around, but the fearsome woman was nowhere to be seen, and as she moved closer to the pleasant-sounding woman, she realized that the scent was coming from the brunette, and more than that, she could smell Andrew all over the woman; his rich, sweet fragrance was unmistakable.

The woman seemed to sense Mercedes' shift in mood, and was not surprised when the athletic woman stopped and her eyes grew wide. She tilted her head and stated, "I apologize, my dear. I hated having to mislead you like that."

Mercedes narrowed her gaze, her body language making it clear she was ready to fight if necessary.

The brunette spoke in a near-whisper, wanting to ensure that their conversation would remain private, "Relax, I promise I mean you no harm."

The lithe woman scanned the shop, causing the stranger to explain, "They aren't here."

Mercede's could only sense Sara and Andrew's scent as it poured off of the strange new woman, and knew that if either of them were within the building, their scent would be impossible to miss. The woman was telling the truth, at least about that detail.

"What do you want?" The suspicion in Mercedes' voice was impossible to miss, and caused the mysterious woman to smile.

"My name is Karen, and Sara wanted me to give you something." Karen looked at her watch, shaking her head at the time. "Listen, I'm glad you saw through my ruse. The truth is, I don't have time to play cat and mouse in order give you this gift, and it seems you're in a hurry as well, so win-win."

Mercedes continued to watch Karen, the position of her feet making it clear she was ready to run, or fight, depending on what would happen. Karen couldn't shake the idea that Mercedes looked like nothing more than a frightened animal, and that the only thing the woman could think about, was escape. From what, she had only a limited idea, but all she knew was that Mercedes had helped to save her family, and even if Sara had not asked, she wanted to help the woman.

"Listen, I don't know what your plan is, but if you're going to run, you will need help."

Karen held out a piece of paper.

"I have some experience starting over, and want to lend you my assistance. Call me when you find a city you like. I can help you get set up."

Mercedes eyed the folded piece of paper as if it were a snake. "Why would I need your help?"

Karen was not surprised by the woman's naive view of starting a new life. At first glance it seems simple, but experience had taught her otherwise. "If you want to be safe, you will need a lot of paperwork — Birth Certificate and Social Security Number, among other things. What I can provide may not be 'legal,' but it will stand up to all but the most intense of scrutiny."

Mercedes shook her head, and sighed, before reaching out and taking the piece of paper. The moment their skin touched, Karen understood why Sara had asked her to heal Mercedes. The woman's body was a tapestry of pain and torment. Karen hated the fact that she had seen worse, but was still impressed by the scale of damage that had been done to the woman's body.

Her supernatural flesh was almost exactly as Sara's had become, both women powerful and agile, strong yet resilient. Though, unlike Sara, the woman carried the scars of her life across her body, her flesh telling the story of her years of suffering.

"Thank you, and tell Sara that I'm sorry."

Karen smiled and laughed, before explaining, "The new identity is not Sara's gift."

Mercedes narrowed her eyes, "What is, then?"

Karen held out her hand, making it clear that she expected Mercedes to take it. "Let me show you."

The young woman did not want to trust Karen, but after a few moments of looking into Karen's pleasant smile, a warm sense of safety washed over her, assuring her that everything would be all right. She expected to be led out of the building when she took the strange woman's hand, but as Karen's fingers closed, sealing their grip, she could feel a tingling sensation cascade through her body, the strange feeling seeming to settle on her numerous scars.

Karen's eyes grew distant as she studied the extent of the woman's damage, realizing the sexual depravity that her ex-mate had subjected her to. Mercedes gasped and struggled not to moan as her sphincter and vaginal walls grew warm and began to throb with erotic pleasure. The sensation did not last long, just enough for her to wish that it would have continued, and as the confusing feelings fell away, she realized that her ass and pussy had been healed.

The confused look on Mercedes face told Karen that the woman knew what she had done, and as she smiled, Mercedes pulled her hand away. She traced a scar on her wrist, and her eyes began to shift as she considered what a tremendous thing the unknown woman was doing for her.

"I promise, I only wish to help."

Truer words had seldom been spoken, and the weight of Karen's desire to help her was not lost on Mercedes. Tears welled in her eyes as she realized that she would not need to live out her life with a broken body. Perhaps someday, she would find a mate that she could love, and she could give herself to him without fear of what he may think of her ruined flesh.

Her lips quivered as she attempted to speak, and after a few moments, she finally trusted herself enough to open her mouth. "I... I don't deser-"

"You saved my family. What I give you now is but a drop, when compared to the ocean of what you have helped to preserve for me."

Mercedes eyed her arms, her gaze settling on the long scars that ran from the center of her wrists, up the entire length of her inner arm where they terminated with pink and discolored tissue. "Would you leave those, so that I will remember?"

"It's not your fault, you poor girl." Karen wished she could turn off her gift, not wanting to feel the flood of depression that assaulted Mercedes as she remembered the events that had led her to try and take her own life. "He's gone, and you did nothing wrong."

Mercedes did not respond, her penetrating stare telling Karen that she would not be dissuaded, so with a shrug, Karen relented, "If you wish for them to remain, I will leave them. Though I hope that someday, you will allow me to finish what I've begun."

Their hands gripped, and Mercedes knew what to expect, so when Karen's eyes grew distant and the older woman's magic washed through her body, she welcomed the flow of energy. Karen had been true to her word, and all of Mercedes' scars vanished within a few brief moments, all except the thick reminders of her weakest moment.

Karen looked at her watch, swearing in an unknown language before she surprised Mercedes by pecking her on the cheek, and saying, "Good luck, dear." And just as suddenly as she had appeared, Karen was gone, vanishing through the door, leaving Mercedes surprised and confused. How had she known that she would be there? Why had Sara insisted on the woman healing her body? Would she ever be able to repay them for everything they had done for her?

Her cheek was warm where Karen had kissed her, and as she brought her hand to the side of her face, she thought she smelled honey.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great chapter! Poor Mercedes

PyroDragonPyroDragonover 4 years ago

Too much telling and no showing.

PyroDragonPyroDragonover 4 years ago
Story is great but

Frankly the sex scenes are boring. I don't know what it is about them. Maybe it's because of so much description and no talking, or too much show and no telling. After a while reading how amazing their orgasms are gets tiring you know? And there's also way too much holidng back. The first few chapters had more of a wild quality to the sex. Now it's more like going through the motions.

PantherParabolaPantherParabolaover 6 years agoAuthor

The Magi pluralization is something that I know, but struggle with. For some reason it feels odd to change the spelling since I think of it as a proper noun, even though it is more akin to a species or job title. I need to let go of my own hangup though, and start spelling it correctly. Thanks!

When I was thinking of Karen growing up in the 18th century I imagined sword duels and fights for honor more than anything else. I pictured gambesons and light cloth or leather protective armor, but the truth is, I have no idea what the culture was truly like in that period. It's like my reference to jets in the sequence with WW2 and the photo of Karen with Alexi, when jets were just coming in at the end of the war, and mostly on the german side.

Like you, a wonderful reader educated me on the history, and I was able to correct my factual inaccuracy. When I can find a minute, I will try and update this chapter with your feedback. Thank you.

Like most writers, I just write from the gut, truth be damned. ;) I appreciate being educated though, and will try and keep your comments in mind if events from that era should come forward again.

OkamiyashaOkamiyashaover 6 years ago
Not complaints

Two things (not complaints just advice):

Magi is the plural of magus and armor was not used in 18th century europe, a gorget was the last remnant of armor. It was just a little crescent shaped piece of metal (3 or 4 inches long) worn on the chest by some officers.

PantherParabolaPantherParabolaover 6 years agoAuthor
Re:Sharing & Same Sex Stuff

Yeah, you might want to bail my friend.

I haven't really gotten deep into their family dynamics yet (written up to Ch. 17 at the time of this comment), but they are not destined to be the most monogamous of people. My assumption is that you are not bothered by female-on-female, but if you are then you're really in the wrong place, because that is a trend that will only get more prolific as the story moves forward.

Male-on-male is really not my thing, like at all, but due to some of the characters, it is not something I am going to shy away from either. I'm not sure if it will ever come up within the main group, so I don't anticipate any prolonged scenes featuring man-on-man action, but given the fluid nature of many of the characters' sexualities, I have a hard time imagining there will not be some scenes with mild male homosexuality at some point.

I appreciate your comment, and recognize that many of the subjects the story is touching on will alienate or drive some people away. Hell, the non-fetish diaper mechanic that Andrew was forced to use early in the story drove SOOOO many people crazy. I guess it's hard to not think of a diaper as a sexual device when you have your genitals in your hand.

The odd thing is, I have never enjoyed my own story in that way, while I have taken care of my interests to other peoples stories as if it were a job. I never really realized that before, but I guess there is something about the creative process -- for me at least -- that prevents me from finding my own work titillating.

Weird tangent aside -- My story may not tickle all your needs, and given its diverse nature, may touch on things you find repulsive or disturbing. Whether you continue with it is up to you, but I'm going to continue writing it as makes most sense to me, and I hope you can appreciate that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Sharing and same sex stuff is not really my thing. Especially the sharing part. I'm not sure how many more installments I can handle. Otherwise it's well written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Next chapter

I have really enjoyed this story, and look forward to reading your next chapter soon.

PantherParabolaPantherParabolaalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Chapter 15

The next chapter is available on Patreon now, and will be submitted to Lit. in a week. It ended up being the largest chapter in this series to date (~46K words, Ch. 14 is 19K words, to put that in perspective), and explores a lot of what the characters have gone through, and how they are dealing with the events that surround them. Another piece of the next chapter involves moving the Wildfang arc forward.

Personally, I think it's a great chapter, and look forward to getting it in front of all of you soon. For those who do not want to wait, and would like to support me:

PantherParabolaPantherParabolaalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Re: JessicaAlexander

Thanks for the inside info. I have this weird hangup that I developed as a kid, when someone told me that Highways are freeways that are contained wholly within a state, and Interstates are freeways that go between states. That is why my stupid ape brain always thinks of US 101 as a Interstate, even though I know that is all dumb miss informed crap.

I have driven that road countless times to see family on the southern OR coast, and in CA, yet still cannot shake that misconception.

The Olympic Peninsula is breathtaking, and the Rainforest around Quinault is absolutely enchanting. The picture on my Patreon is a small window from a photo I took with my wife when we visited there last. It is the place I thought of when I first imagined The Glade, and is a place I cannot wait to take my daughter to when she becomes old enough to appreciate it.

So what? 25? ;)

JessicaAlexanderJessicaAlexanderalmost 7 years ago
5 stars

Another solid 5 stars for this chapter. The only criticism I can make is that it's HWY 101 and not interstate 101. The Olympic Peninsula is part of my old stomping grounds and one of my favorite places in the world so I love that this story is based where it is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Great Story

if inspired by TSM then Sara would be Alyssa and Karen would be Rachel that my analogy of them in the story. My question is karen based of a teacher friend of yours or a model cause she a nice stablty to the group and she's a french Milf too makes hers easy on the eyes to. also hope new bonding continues. the story is like a modern version of wizard /progenitor hybrid character in the real world

PantherParabolaPantherParabolaalmost 7 years agoAuthor

While I'm flattered by the comparison to Tefler, I assure you that we are indeed two different people. I actually live in the Seattle area, while I'm pretty sure that Tefler is somewhere in Europe (a guess, based on Brittish terms he has used in older chapters).

Tefler's TSM series is what pushed me to give writing a try, and after a lot of work, I've developed my skills to where I'm at now -- far from perfect, but much better than ever before.

Glad you are enjoying TBC, and I appreciate your patience while I work through further chapters. The next chapter is shaping up to be one of the largest yet. As I have mentioned on my Patreon, the next chapter will have a heavy focus on character development, specifically personal growth for Sara. The current Wildfang arc should also near its conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I am very suspicious.

This is a wonderfully well written story.

Absolutely love the Genra.


There are many similarities to another very well written story here.

The writing style; quality of thought; and plot-development is much the same as that of the story, 'Three Square Meals' by 'Tefler'.

The twists and turns are really great. They resemble those displayed in this other story.

Love the development of the 'Under Dog' and the, 'Promoting the power of women".

In both stories this is the case. I Love It.!

Both stories present long pauses between episodes. (Rationally explainable, granted)

However, if PantherParabola and Tefler were one and the same person, the long intervals would make a lot more sense. I would accept this with a great deal of, knowing, pleasure . The stories are great. I more than enjoy.! I am anxious 4 the next chapters of both.

Good stories and both (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge) Good Authors.

PantherParabolaPantherParabolaalmost 7 years agoAuthor
Hello Mperro

Thanks for the tip on Chuckle, I went and looked and in this chapter it occurs 11 times in a 41 page google doc. That is an average of once every ~ 4 pages. My first few chapters were lousy with "happy, happiness"

Now, if you want me to ruin this chapter for you, try not to be annoyed by the sheer amount of "smiling" that everyone does (answer 41 times, an average of once per page).

It's amazing how difficult it is, as a writer, not to get caught up in the same words and the same way to describe events. It is something I would like to think I am better at now, but the number of times that some form of the word "smile" occurs in this chapter makes me question that.

Regarding the fact that Andrew could hear Sara’s thoughts even through the time dilation in The Glade, that is intentional. The speed with which the events for Sara are taking place as Andrew watches them are greatly reduced. Moments for Sara are taking minutes to pass for Andrew while he talks to Karen and Tani’m.

By the nature of GT (Glade Time), Andrew’s perception of Sara’s thoughts and actions are as if she is making them at 1/30th speed. It would be like watching a movie rediculously slow, and would be frustrating for sure, but you think and observe the world around you much faster that you act or speak. When you look at your desk, your brain immediately filters through almost everything on it, and so for Andrew, those observations, while slow, were much more understandable. Much like her emotional state, which is like observing the green in the forest, the speed with which Sara is blanketed in her reverie makes no difference for how easy it is for Andrew to sense and enjoy those emotions himself.

Does that make sense? The time dilation in the glade is kind of crazy, and now that we have events taking place on both sides of that, it becomes even more confusing.

I hope you can understand that I don’t feel comfortable sharing my daughters name.

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