The Book of Ruth: Coming Fast


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"Okay, suppose you fuck him. What then, baby? It can't last. You're going away for college back East. You'll have him for the rest of the summer, that's all."

"I don't know if that's too little time or too much. I just don't know..."

Steam blurred the images slightly, but I could see the girls soaping each other under the spray. They were a trifle familiar with each other's body. No slurping or groping right now, but this obviously wasn't their first shared shower.

Hmmm, me as an executioner? I've already labeled myself a corporate hitman. Guess I'm not Mister Normal Nice Guy.

They finished washing and drying each other. They squatted to pick through the clothes stacks. I always kept a supply of clean tees and shorts of various sizes for my occasional guests. I stored the clothes on lower shelves so guests must bend over to reach them, heh heh. Nice views!

I switched off the noise filter and resumed eavesdropping.

"Look at all these clothes! Randy couldn't fit in any of these shorts. He must keep all this here for his girls. He's probably fucking bitches every day -- get'em sweaty, get'em showered, get'em into these slut shorts, then get into'em again! How do I even have a chance?"

"Hey baby, that's about exactly what you want from him, right? You know he's a good fucktoy, or at least your sister and mom think so. You just trying to give him the complete Shapiro set?"

"I just don't know what I really want. Yeah, I want to fuck the bastard. I think I might want to be with the bastard. I don't know for how long. Maybe a long time. But first I've got to get him."

"So what do you want me to do, baby? Double-team him? Think he'll go for a three-way with us?"

"There's only one way to find out." Ruth took the tee Katia was about to slip over her head, and her own, and put them back on the shelf. "Just put on some tight shorts. Let's go get him!"

Katia found the little spandex bun-huggers I keep on hand for tight juicy female butts. Ruth donned a pair of sun-faded Daisy Dukes that exposed the lower half of her double-bubble cheeks. They whispered and kissed, then left the bathroom.

My eyes were still on the Mac's little screen. My spycams let me watch the topless girls sashay down the hallway to my nook. So they had a plan, did they? I thought to play a different game. I switched the Mac to a brochure layout, and acted innocent. I swiveled my chair around to face them as they closed in on me.

"Hi girls, nice tits! What's up?"

"Oh, I really want to talk to you, and we just thought you might like to hang and have a little fun." Ruth's inviting smirk mirrored Katia's sly smile.

"Wow, that sounds great! But I'll need a rain check. I have to go do business," I lied. "Hang on, let me throw your clothes into the dryer." I tended that laundry task and returned. "They'll be dry in ten. Do you two have a way to get home?"

Ruth's disappointment was obvious. "Uh, well we drove to Venice and started running. I guess we could run back. It's not too hot yet."

"I can give you a lift there, no problem. Now, just what kind of fun can we have in nine minutes?" I raised my eyebrows. "Hey, I know! How about you two dyke-out for me? Maybe 69 on my bed? Yeah, a good hot show!"

Ruth and Katia both looked startled. They glanced at each other, then at me, and back, like dashboard bobble heads on a twisty road.

I laughed. "Okay, I guess you can't do much in eight minutes. Well, you could suck your tits. That wouldn't be too pervy, would it? Here, let's see what you taste like."

I reached out, took a hand of each, and pulled them near. I closely admired those four firm barely-legal breasts. I licked around one of Ruth's nipples, then one of Katia's. "Oh yeah, nice. Okay, your turns." I pulled them closer together.

Ruth shrugged and bent to Katia's right nipple. I cupped Katia's left breast and sucked. Katia wobbled a bit while we stimulated her. As I moved to Ruth's right nipple, she straightened and Katia suckled her left breast. Ruth moaned and twitched.

DING went the clothes drier's timer bell. I stood back from the girls.

"Okay, time to go. We'll have to do this again sometime, and hop in the hot tub, then the pool, then into bed, et fucking cetera. But business is business. Let's roll!" I gently but firmly pressed their butts and pushed them into the hall. "Let's get your clothes now, and I'll drive you to your car."

Yeah, Ruth thought she had a plan: Fuck me and see what happens. I had another idea. People seem to long for the unobtainable. If I deny Ruth now, she would want me even more, and be easy to manipulate, right?

The girls dressed in their clean running gear. We passed through the kitchen on our way out of the house. Nina left a note: AT BOBBY'S TODAY. Bobby was one of her lovers, another night-shift worker. We got on okay. But I missed not having Mom to hug and kiss this morning. Sometime later, then.

Katia crawled into the back seat of my silver company SAAB. Ruth took the front passenger seat. Ruth watched me closely during the drive back to Venice Beach. I thought maybe to taunt my cousin Doug with these two babes, but he probably wasn't even up yet, the slug.

We had an interesting drive down Pacific Avenue. Lots of stoplights gave us lots of time to converse.

"So what did you want to chat about, Ruth? Can we talk in front of Katia?"

I drove. Katia giggled again. Ruth looked abashed.

"Well, it's like this, I just want to sort of apologize, sort of..."

Ruth turned away from me and stared out her window.

"Okay, a sorta apology, I guess I can sorta accept that. Now what?"

Katia giggled again. Ruth's neck blushed bloodily.

Ruth turned back to me. "I'm... I'm sorry I've been such a bitch to you, all these years. I'm sorry I've called you names and stuff. You're really an all right guy."

Katia interrupted. "Even though he fucked your mother and sister, right?"

Ruth's blushing glow intensified. Her voice barely croaked.

"Randy, I just want to be your friend. Can we be friends?"

Ruth had maneuvered herself into a corner. I was starting to enjoy this.

"Katia, you're good friends with Ruth, right?" I glanced at Katia in the rear-view mirror. She nodded to me.

"And friends get to suck each other's tits and clits, right?" Katia naturally tan skin blushed, and she nodded again.

"And if you're her friend, and I'm her friend, then we're friends too, right? Like a package deal?" Ruth turned to look at Katia, and they both nodded.

"Okay then, I'll be glad to be your friend! But I really do have to get on with business now. Call me soon, okay? We'll get together."

I parked behind Ruth's baby-blue Pugeot. We all slid from my silver SAAB and stood on the sidewalk. I took Ruth in my arms. "See you later, friend." I gave her a firm not-too-fast kiss, no tongue. I turned to Katia. "And you too, my friend." I held her tight and kissed her passionately. I felt Ruth fume behind me. Hah!

Ruth never did call me, nor return to my house. I guess she re-thought per plan. Whatever. I would not see her again for more than two years. (Katia was another story!)

Time moved on.

--- 1984 --- Thanksgiving ---

My cousin Doug and I had survived yet another family feast. Turkeys and pigs did not survive. Yes, it's GOOD to on top of the food chain!

Now, on Black Friday, all the womenfolk were out bargain-hunting, and most of the guys were nearly comatose around TV sets, watching whatever athletic games they were addicted to. Doug and I were not sports junkies; we lounged on the deck surrounding the pool at his Venice apartment block. Yes, the water was nicely heated. Yes, the women were scantily clad. Yes, our eyes were pleased.

"So kid, you still getting laid a lot?" Subtlety was never Doug's strong point. We both sipped our Anchor Steam drafts. Mmmm, real beer...

"Yeah, well, business sucks up a lot of my time, but I'm not exactly doing without, even when I'm traveling."

"I thought Jill handled all your remote affairs. Is she putting you on the road too? You're some jet-set playboy now?"

"Hah!" I almost snorted my Anchor suds. "More like a messenger boy with only carry-on bags. Most of what I get to see are airports, hotels, offices, and workshops or warehouses. Not a lot of local color there, y'know?"

"Well, what local color *do* you get? And do they taste good?"

I smiled. "A gentleman never talks about such matters. If I were a gentleman, I'd just say that I have many friends, all over. And new friends are pretty easy to find."

"Sure, you just buy'em drinks and dinner and dance'em into bed, right?"

I smiled again. "Well cuz, it's not like you never gave me any lessons. I sit at the feet of the master here."

"Fuckin' ay!" Doug raised his bottle, saluting himself. I returned the gesture.

We chatted through the day till sunset. Coastal evening air was chilly enough to drive bare female flesh from the pool. I bid Doug a "see-ya next time" and started the short drive home.


Jill and Nina were already in bed when I got home. Our mom was on top of my sister in their languid 69. Jill's smooth thighs slowly accordioned Nina's busy head. Jill opened her eyes, glanced at me, and grinned, then went back to tonguing our mother's pussy. I saw Nina's juices dripping into Jill's mouth.

I cleaned up fast, a hasty shower-shampoo-shave session, and returned to them.

Nina saw me and smiled, "Hey kid!" I said, "Hi Mom", and moved behind her. As I knelt behind her taut butt, Jill looked up at me, merrily slurped my cock to lubricate me well, then slid me into Nina's pussy and resumed licking our mom's clit. My swinging scrotum gently bounced and brushed Jill's forehead as my pubes stroked into Nina's ass-cheeks.

We did not hurry. I did not pound. Eventually, our ministrations on her pussy took their toll on Nina. She raised her face from Jill's vulva and sang a moan, long, low, melodic, vibrant. She did not collapse. We did not stop. Nina moaned again, and again.

I hastened my pace to match my building excitement. My juices threatened to explode, oh yes! As my testicles swelled, ready to eject their full load, Jill stopped licking Nina and slurped my balls into her mouth. That was enough.

I erupted! As usual, I did not cum in spurts, but in a long continuous volcanic stream, spewing incandescent semen into my mother's willing womb like a flame-thrower. My orgasm seemed to last forever. I yelled.

Nina screamed now. Even spent, I stayed mostly rigid, and continued sliding in and out of mom. And she kept screaming, till her lungs gave out and she indeed collapsed on her daughter's toned body, pulling her vagina off my softening member with an audible PLOP.

Jill thirstily drank our combined juices as they spilled from Nina, then leaned her head back and thoroughly cleaned my cock. Who says big sisters are worthless?

Exhausted Nina rolled aside. Jill slid around and aimed her pussy at me.

"You've got to finish me, bro. Get busy!" Jill spread her legs wide. I got the message, loud and clear.

I leaned my face into her vulva and attacked with tongue and fingers, slurping her anxious clitoris, probing into her velvety vagina with my right hand's digits, finding and grazing her G-spot. Jill twisted her own nipples viciously. Her moan was low and gutteral.

I replaced my fingers in my sister's cunt with my thumb. I lubed well. I slowly inserted into her rectum and wriggled that thumb. I bit down on her clit. That's all she wrote!

Jill's yells: quite loud. Her movements: quite convulsive. Her vagina: quite liquid. Her orgasm: quite satisfactorily, thank you very much.

The three of us huddled together in a soggy, tired, happy cluster for some minutes. Damn, I love these women so much! We managed to crawl out of bed and drag into the shower. We cleaned each other thoroughly. We had to taste-test our work, of course. We passed.

Jill stumbled naked to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee and make a snack-pack for Nina, who dressed for work. Mom's night-owl dispatch shift started soon. She would be nice and relaxed at her job, heh heh.

Still naked, Jill and I hugged and kissed Nina good-bye as she left for work, then changed the sheets on her bed. We had not had coffee ourselves; we crawled into Jill's bed and spooned and slept. We half-awoke sometime in the darkest hours, and made slow lazy love, and slept again.

We woke early, disentangled ourselves, drank coffee, munched muesli and yogurt, dressed for our pre-dawn run, and jogged down the beach in a morning mist. Fog droplets condensed on our skin as we ran.

"Kid, I think now's the time to tell you. TBI is going big-time. And you'll be key to this."

"Is that your way of saying you're going to pile another load of shit on me now?" Jill loves to spring surprises on me on mornings like this.

"Yeah, exactly! You know our DC office? You get to take it over. It'll be our expanded Eastern headquarters. You'll be in charge of all our operations from the Mississippi valley onwards."

"What, you're sticking me behind a desk? You know I hate that shit. I hate DC too. The fucking weather is awful and the food sucks. Not to mention the sleaze ball politicos."

"No, you won't be office manager. You'll still be The Man! You'll be doing pretty much the same as now, just more so, for all the eastern US and Canada and the Caribbean. You'll always be on the move. Just keep everybody we deal with honest and focused. Don't worry about bribing politicians -- my DC guys already take care of that. And maybe you'll like Atlantic seafood."

The prospect of shifting from LA to DC did not exactly thrill me. I visualized myself stuck in some anonymous Tiny Cubicle Office Building behind glass doors emblazoned with THUNDERBIRD INTERNATIONAL: Minerals, Metals and Materials and our hawk's-head logo. Sure, there would be sexytaries around, but still...

I sighed. Jill ran the show. I was not about to quit. I would just have to accept, and acclimate. And live well. Living well is the best revenge.

My life was slithering into a new phase. Oh fuck, not ANOTHER transformative experience!


NEXT: Doing (and enduring) Ruth

Author's note: Oh Gentle Readers, I do hope you are not overly bothered that Ruth, the title character, hasn't yet been fucked senseless. Have no fear -- she gets PLENTY in the following episodes, all fairly standalone stories. Yeah, stay tuned for more good stuff.

Many thanks to my editor MarkC1984.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Lovely flowing storytelling. While I hop to the next chapter, let me say that your knack for writing is genius and you shouldn't stop. Please continue for as long as you can. Cheers!

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 8 years ago
Enjoyed the gamesmanship in and out bodoir

The SC laid back, but on down low mercenary vibe was nothing but fine as well. It's nitpicking, but while setting up Ruth for plum part, I wanted to know more about Jill and Nina's special qualities and quirks outside of BR. This was a velvet read all the way though.

The author is taking the scenic route and I wish it was even more roundabout but reluctantly understand choices have to be made to maintain the flow. Full marks. *****

rodavrodavover 8 years ago

Cool, i love the way these family loves each other and their loving sexual intercourse.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
morally ambiguous

Or maybe Randy just has no morality. Are you Randy?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

He's a real cunt-tease with those little girls. He seems to do his mom and sister OK. I'm eagerly set to read the rest.

HypoxiaHypoxiaabout 10 years agoAuthor
no spoilers

@writerjab: Hmm, that's a good idea! But I can reveal that Randy will encounter Ruth around Baltimore in a couple years, and they'll fall together and... events will occur that justify the next episode as a Loving Wife tale. Stay tuned!

writerjabwriterjababout 10 years ago
I like!

How the family culture of nudity so easily progressed into fucking. Oh, and tall women are HOT! As for Ruth, I get the feeling there's some jewelry in her future -- perhaps a pearl necklace!!!

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