The Box Pt. 02

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A multi-part story about woman discovering her sexuality.
2k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/08/2016
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The front door banged open. "Mom I'm home!" yelled Ann. "Going out with friends!" Terri yanked her left hand from her gym shorts porn magazines flying everywhere . . .ah fuck, fuck, fuck! She picked up the magazines hurriedly shoving them back into the box, closed the lid and headed for the stairs. She could feel her panties sticking to her wet pussy, chaffing her outer lips as she sprinted up to the kitchen to intercept her 18 year old daughter Ann.

"Where are you going?" She said breathlessly as she ran into Ann.

"Going to Beth's house to study. You look flustered what's up." asked Ann as she heaved her back pack over her shoulder.

"Cleaning, been cleaning in the basement." She could smell her pussy juice on her fingers and a wickedly embarrassing thought flashed across her mind.

"I'll be back by 10". Said Ann. "Don't worry about food we're ordering pizza, got a test tomorrow, bye." The front door closed as Terri slumped against the wall. Great, just great, that's all I need, getting caught by my daughter playing with myself. She raised her fingers to her nose and sniffed the dampness then hesitatingly ran her tongue along her fingers tasting herself. Oh I'm bad she thought as she turned and headed back to the basement, swearing to throw that fucking box out before she got into any more trouble.

Terri looked down at the box fighting the feelings welling up inside her. She knew she should throw it in the trash this minute; however keeping it to hold over Ted was also appealing. Either way she would be screaming at Ted about his smut collection when he got home. It's all your fault she mutter to herself a she looked at the box. She sat back down on the couch flipping open the lid and reluctantly took the magazine she'd been reading from the top of the pile. The eyes of the naked woman on the front cover bored into her leaving Terri with the feeling that the image could read her mind.

She leaned back on the couch opening the magazine to the story she'd been reading. This one was about a 40 year old woman fucking her son's 18 year old high school friend. She found the part where she left off and spread her legs. She could feel her pussy getting wet again along with a tingling in her clit that spread into her stomach. She followed the story line folding the magazine until she could hold it with one hand letting her other hand come to rest on her belly just above the top of her shorts.

She undid the snap and slowly pushed her hand under the waist band pulling her damp panties from between her pussy lips. She let her middle finger stroke her outer lips then push deeper to find her clit. Just as she was drifting away and the story starting to get interesting the front door banged open again pulling her from her day dream. Fuck now what! She muttered as she pulled her hand away, sat up and dropped the magazine back into the box closing the lid.

"Hi hon, I'm home. Hon?" Ted looked around the living room then the kitchen. He knew she was home he'd seen her car in the driveway. Maybe at the neighbors he thought to himself as he poked his head into the fridge.

Terri shoved the box back into the place where she found it. Ted wouldn't care, hell he wouldn't even say anything if he knew she'd found his stash. Now go confront the bastard and set him right. She set her jaw and headed upstairs while listening to him rummaging around the house.

"You're home early." She said looked at him ready to throw daggers as he handed her flowers. "What are these for?"

"Nothing just something I picked up that's all." Ted smiled at her. She looked at the flowers just a simple bunch you'd pick up at the grocery store. "How was your day?" Terri gulped, damn; she thought to herself, he would do something nice just when I had a good mad on.

"Fine just worked out at the gym then puttered around." She shrugged while trying to keep her war face on.

"Cool; kids home?"

"Ah no they're out so it's just you and me." He pulled her into his chest and kissed her.

"Well I'm going to have a shower then we can talk about dinner." She smiled at him resting her head against his shoulder. Damn it, why does he have to be so nice just when I have a good mad on and want to rip into something? She pulled back feeling her anger slowly slipping away.

"I'll put these in water and start dinner." She said over her should. Ted headed up stairs undoing his shirt and tie.

"Ok. I'll be down in a minute." She put the flowers in a vase adding water then set the vase on the kitchen table. She thought back to the box in the basement and the stories she'd read about MILFs being fucked. She closed her eyes and thought back to what she had been reading her pussy starting to tingle again. She reached between her legs and squeezed her pussy through her shorts feeling it pulse. She heard the upstairs shower turn on then their bed room door open and close. Fucking box she thought. It's all your fault.

Dinner was simple, nothing fancy, the kids wouldn't be home till late. Once dinner was done and after the news Ted helped with the dishes. Then he headed to the office/library to work on stuff he'd brought home from the office. Later Terri looked in on him bring him a beer then watched him work on a couple of spread sheets.

"You going to be here all night or are you coming to bed?" She asked letting her hand rest on his shoulder.

"Bed sounds good." He answered as he rubbed his eyes. "I'll be along I just want to finish this crap first." He hit the print button, saved his documents and pushed the printed copies into a file jacket then put them in his brief case. He leaned his head back against Terri as he shut down the computer. "Long day tomorrow, fucking meetings with the apes from head office." She kissed his forehead then headed upstairs. At the doorway she looked back and watched him pull something from his briefcase. She caught sight of a glossy magazine cover and her pussy turned to mush. I wonder what else he'd brought home? Something interesting to read she thought? Fucking misogynist bastard I fixes his sexist ass.

"I'm going to have a shower then I'll be right there." Said Terri as she walked away thinking that she was really going to have to scream at him once she had her mad back.

"Ok I'll see you in bed." He yawned. Terri striped and headed for the shower, turned on the water, then went to the door of their bed room. She listened as Ted walk down to the basement then she smiled to herself as she headed back to the bathroom. Getting into the shower she wondered what he'd put in his porn stash now as the hot water hit her.

Terri ran her hands down her sides then across her stomach and down over her pussy lips pulling at her pubic hair. She kept herself trimmed but for some reason she didn't understand she reached for her razor and soap then started to gently shave herself. She thought about the image of Pam in the gym steam room as well as the photos of the naked models as she carefully removed her pubic hair, running her fingers up and down the outside of herself. All the while enjoying the tingle in her clit as she thought about Pam and stories she'd read. She turned off the water and applied moisturizer then grabbing a towel she headed to the bed room. Ted lay in bed reading a book as she slipped in beside him carefully shielding her newly naked pussy, her eyes never leaving his.

"You, ah, don't normally come to bed naked?" He said as he looked at her over his book.

"What? You have a problem with how I look?" She arched her eye brows questioningly.

"Ah nope, not at all." He put his book down and pulled her to him his own pj's binding under him as he turned on his side. He ran his hands down her body feeling her flex against him as he felt her ass and thighs. Then gently ran his fingers around her until they came to rest on the outside of her shaved pussy mound. "Hmmm. . .missing something." He pulled the blankets back so that he could look at her as she moved her hips and legs to give him a better view.

"You like?" she asked, biting her bottom lip.

"Oh yeah very much". Just as he kissed her, their tongues dancing against each other, the bed room door burst open. Both Ann and Kevin came charging into the room. "Don't you fucking knock!!" Yelled Ted as Terri pulled the blankets over to cover herself.

"The house across the street is on fire you have got to come and see!" Screamed the kids.Ted quickly got out of bed and followed Ann and Kevin giving Terri enough time to get her bath robe on. Then she followed as everyone headed out the front door. Great, timing, just fucking great. Terri muttered to herself, her sense of frustration rebuilding her anger.

Terri sat on the front door porch watching the firemen as they started packing up their gear while a few others finished poking at the house. The house across the street looking to be nearly gutted, the neighborhood reeking of wet smoke. The neighbors who owned the house, the Jamison's, had been packed off to a motel for the night. Most of the other neighbors had gone back inside their own homes and to bed. Ted had headed back to bed after watching for a while and listening to the; "Oh my God" and "unreal" comments from Ann and Kevin along with the muttering from Terri about fucking timing. Oh well such is life.

Terri headed into the house, locked the front door then walked upstairs to the bed room. Ted was already snoring his arms wrapped around his pillow. She looked at him in frustration her pussy tingling while she muttered under her breath about how God damn unfair everything was. She thought about waking him but it was late and she didn't want to bother him on a work day. Instead she would live with her frustration and deal with it.

She stared into the darkened bed room listening to Ted's snoring. Slowly she turned and quietly headed back down stairs after making sure Ann and Kevin where also sleeping.

Terri turned on one of the lamps beside the couch in the basement, then walked to the stack of boxes taking care not to stub her toes. She picked up Ted's box and walked back to the couch feeling her heart beating in her chest. She wanted to understand why her husband was buying porn wondering what he found in it that he didn't find with her. She opened the box and found the new magazine he had bought noting one article entitled Bi Fun. The front cover showed a naked young woman between two naked men who were kissing. She leaned back opening her bath robe and looked down at her naked body to her newly shaved pussy. She adjusted the pillow under her head then let her left hand slowly stroked her belly, working its way to her newly shaved neither regions. Fucking timing she muttered as she opened the new magazine then once again let her fingers dance along the outside of her pussy lips, drawing moisture from her throbbing cunt.

Cunt, she thought to herself, yeah that's what it is right now, cunt needing to be fucked. She looked at the first story entitled; My Husband's Girl Friend. Beside the story was a photo of two naked women kissing.

Terri gently pushed the middle finger of her left hand into herself then slowly brought it up to her hardening clit. I'll bet Ted would just love that as she started to read.

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26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Who knew

That the lady who lives in my phone also wrote really bad stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

cuck fag shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Getting there (slowly)

but slowly is fine, but fine with a proviso for me, that we don't start progressing down the interracial cuckold senario which has been over done to the enth degree and is basically not erotic for many.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
No,no,no, bonny

nobody is confusing you with anybody. We all know it's not you in the pic. There are no fat rolls and stomach hanging over your cunt in that pic. So it can't be you. Did you borrow it from a friend or the internet? Wishful thinking doesn't make it so. Sorry sweetheart but we're unto you. Can't fool the fag assholes, my dear. You have yourself a nice day trolling today's stories and giving them your five star ratings. We'll be along shortly to offset them for you. Don't thank us now, it's always a pleasure to help out the whore of Lit.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago
Again dear annony has me confused with his mother and sister

I gave this a 5 to offset the asshole of LIT's 1 vote!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Vote 1* for every story rated by THE FAT WHORE (that's what her clients call her) aka BONNIE/VASTIE aka ANON!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
nobody is trying to get you upset bonny

we all know you're foaming at the mouth, why else so many comments saying the same thing over and over-asshole and fag are your favorite words, now you can add "fuck" to your limited vocabulary.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago
Got a dog , dear annony, it's your mother

and your ex wife. No wonder she left your ass after cheating on you for years. Your little gay cock is only 3 inches long and thin as #5 pencil. She told me you use to pee on yourself. heheheheheh Now you pay people to pee on you!! hehehe YOU poor old ugly fag, with ED trying to get me upset. hehehehehe You're such a silly ass. 5 to offset your dumbass 1 vote

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago
Yes, come look at my photo and see who the fucking fag really is

you'll see it's the asshole of LIT!! 5 to offset the asshole of LIT's 1 vote. Hey annony, old ugly fags with ED should be banned from this site. Go suck a cock!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Bonny should buy a dog. Maybe with enough treats he will do her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

tough luck for bonnie. there's a reason if she can't see no cock, just look at her photo...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I think bonnietaylor is trying to tell us she wants to FUCK.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
If and I really mean IF this is going anywhere

It's going there at a glacial pace. The writing and dialogue are simply neither clever or interesting. It's like watching paint dry.

1 star.

Gomez333Gomez333about 8 years ago
Progressing nicely

More than happy with the quality of the content, but like other comments would like to see more in each part, or parts delivered more frequently

Don't wish to appear ungrateful though. Thanks for your efforts

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Terri is developing nicely. Wonder why it seems daughter Ann and son are the same age. Are they Irish Twins, because in establishing these two characters there was no inference to Terri having twin children and this is a bit far into your work for us to be finding this out. Besides the time line, writing a something that includes twin children seems to always draw the writer into attempting to explain how these two people think and feel on a given subject and that is a distraction.

As to rate of change, the slow momentum of main character changing visa vie her line in the sand of acceptable reading material, is progressing just fine for the moment. There will come a time beyond Terri seeking change thru discovery which will need to both hold reader interest and pique reader need for more information. This will require more than a dozen paragraphs and I think you are up to the task. Don't let reader need for more chapters rush you into posting before you are comfortable with the work. Fans will wait a bit to read good work such as you are building here.

Loving it so far.

Keep some pussy hair on a babe. Makes them free thinking people.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Pointless dragging.

Maybe you should delay further submissions until its complete. Can't even remember what the first installment was about.

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
Moving slowly...

Moving slowly...Not a bad story, but by this pace this will be "The never ending story"...3* again

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