The Bull Ranch

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Submissive bulls? A twist on human cows.
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The truck drove up to the front door of the big, square industrial building perched on a hill in the middle of nowhere. A young man, studious and nerdy, open the door and stepped out into the cool morning air, walked up to the front door of the building and rang the intercom. "It's James DeFranco from the Bulletin to meet with Doctor Saunders."

There was a buzzing and the door unlatched. He opened it and walked in. In the beginning, it looked like any other plant he'd toured. Men and women some in lab coats, bustled up and down the hall ways, going to or coming from who knew where. Then amongst the workers was a woman, totally naked, with huge pendulous breasts, with an unmistakeable film of milk on them. No one seemed to notice anything unusual and as quickly as she appeared, she opened a door and was gone. There was a whiff of antiseptic in the air, but also another smell, not as easy to identify. A head emerged from one of the offices, "Come this way Mr. Defranco." Said a cheerful, if somewhat severe looking young woman.

The young woman ushered the man through a busy waiting room and into an executive office where a thin, balding studious looking man in his fifties wearing a lab coat welcomed him. "I am Doctor Saunders, head of the facility here, Mr. Defranco."

"Just call me Frank, most people do."

"Okay, Frank. Welcome to our dairy. Thank you for coming. I got a call from your editor last week and we are glad you are here. As you know while human cow farming has been an industry in this region for many years and ours is one of the biggest dairy operations, the bull ranching business is new, and somewhat controversial. I hope we can both reassure you and answer any questions you have."

"Well, I couldn't help noticing a naked woman in the hall way. Would she be one of your cows?" "Yes, likely on her way to re-sign her commitment papers. Each six months, they have to come into the office and if willing re-sign for another six month period. It is very rare for them not to re-sign as you know, the work is very pleasant and lucrative. I could say the same for our bulls."

"They sign for six months too?"

"Yes, except for those in our advanced program. That one requires a five-year commitment. It pays much more per month and over five years is almost enough to set a bull up for life outside if he should choose that. Somehow I doubt that many will choose an outside life."

"Really? Some activists say that the new program is dehumanizing, degrading and shouldn't have been licensed. Some in the legislature think so."

"Well, I hope you are here with an open mind. Since the precipitous drop in fertility amongst adult males some extreme actions have been taken as you know."

"Yes, from personal experience. I am one of the potent males, so now I have to have sex with five women a week. It's tiring and some of those women, well."

"I know just what you mean, as one of only four potent males in my community of 200,000, I have to do the same as you. My wife hates it I can tell you, but what can I do? Well, perhaps if the ranch is successful, and we have been doing very well so far, it will relieve some of the pressure. Well, let's start with a tour. I thought I would show you first a bull pen for a bull that's been here just nine months and then I will show you the pen that houses Bull One. He's here on the second year of his five-year program, but before that he was on the six month program for five years as well."

"So, he's been here seven years?"

"Yes, and you have heard of him of course?"

"I have. His number is listed on over a thousand birth certificates, since the requirement to list the sperm source became law to prevent accidental incest."

"That's right, and I think you will see his experience as a bull has been a really boon to him and to society at large. We work with UIT professors to develop our programs to make sure that they are attractive, effective and safe, but we can talk more about that after the tour."

"Could I tour the cow barn afterwards? I think that would be interesting."

"Of course." The doctor replied with a knowing grin.

The First Pen

"Take a look through this viewing window. It's one-way glass so that he can't see us and looks down at the pen. The bull lies on that table. It's like a massage table, with a ring and an opening for the face at the top, and extends down to the ankles. Motors built into it turn the table a few degrees in each direction every five minutes to avoid bedsores. His cock and balls hang down through an opening in the table and he ejaculates into the funnel arrangement. Bulls like him on the short-term program have a fairly modest dose of medication, just something to improve the sperm and ejaculate production a bit and a relaxing medication to help them adapt to their new life. The only surgical work we have to do is to reroute the urine so it doesn't risk contaminating the ejaculate."

"So is that easily changed if he should decide not to continue?"

"Oh yes. Very easily undone. Now lets go down into the pen."

The two men rounded a corner and went down a set of stairs to enter the room. A robed female technician was in the room adjusting the equipment with one hand on the side of the bull. There was a porn movie soundtrack playing on the speaker. Frank blushed as he wondered what the technician might think, but she continued to gently pat the bull in an approving manner. The room was very warm, and a bit humid. Ideal temperature for the always naked bull on the table.

"This is bull Number Five. He's quite potent and a good breeder." The doctor said as he placed a hand on the bull's hip and walked towards his head. "We use female technicians exclusively with Number Five. That's not true of all the rest. He is monitored constantly. See the displays. They show time since last ejaculation, time expected until next one, the amount of ejaculate, and the usual vital signs. The one innovation I am most proud of is this tube in his anus. The outer diameter contains electrodes and paired with one on the milking device, a sleeve that masturbates him, it delivers a mild cyclic current to tighten his pelvic floor muscles. It's just like a strong thrust."

"Sounds barbaric."

"There are lots of similar devices on the market. People buy them for personal use all the time and the current level is carefully adjusted. See this trace here? That's the bull's anxiety level. Anything below one is considered good and here," he said pushing some buttons and sliding his finger along the display "is the moment of ejaculation when the current was strongest, you can see that it barely registers. He's a good boy this one." Said the doctor giving him a pat on the ass. In response, the bull's smile broadened. "They are like a person in that regard, they like to patted and complimented. Notice the smooth skin. "

"They are people though."

"Well, they were when they came in and will be when they leave, but right now they are bulls. They are treated much better than people. He's watching a constant stream of porn on his monitor there, tailored to his preferences, revised and updated each two hours. The centre of the anal tube is hollow to allow waste to escape and be removed by the vacuum tube. The waste is very soft due to the diet the bull is fed, directly into his stomach through a tube."

"He doesn't get to eat?"

"He never goes hungry, is never thirsty and never has indigestion. His food is perfectly balanced nutritionally. He has a much better diet than he'd ever have outside. All the bulls take a pill before they arrive. It's part of the recruitment process. It's related to a chemotherapy drug. It strips all their hair off. We give them a much smaller dose in their feed so it doesn't grow back. The hairlessness saves energy and makes it much easier to keep them clean. They don't ever shower, they are just sponge bathed."

"He doesn't smell, just of cum. His balls are really big, almost the size of a naval orange."

"Yes, it's partly because he uses them so much and partly some of the medication we give him."

"How often does him cum?"

"His cycle is here on the display, adjusted automatically to be the most pleasing for him. He cums, has a refractory period of twenty minutes then is stimulated over nine and a half minutes, then cums again. He puts out about 25 ml each time which is well above what you or I would put out. The sperm count is much higher than ours despite the increased volume. That continues for fifteen hours a day, he sleeps nine and it recommences. These ones loose track of time though. A day is like a moment for them and they are surprised when they are told their six months is up."

"So, he cums twice an hour, or thirty times a day?"

"Close to, and he enjoys the last as much as the first. He has no distractions, no pressures, no boss after him, no wife to please, no mortgages, no debts, no one to keep up with. Just him in his beautiful, comfortable world. We pipe in an artificial intensified smell of pussy. Smells almost like the beach doesn't it?"

"I'd really like to see Bull One though. Can we do that?"

"Sure, this way." He patted Bull Five on the butt and complimented him before opening the door and going out. "This room has no window. There are too many proprietary secrets. Your editor assured me that you wouldn't reveal those aspects."

"No, no specifics. Just general terms. I am more interested in the welfare of the bull."

"As are we. We want good strong healthy sperm, and good production. You can't get that with abuse. Now what I am going to show you might shock you. Most people think of a prime bull as a big muscular creature, but they aren't. As you've already seen, they can be quite passive when treated right, and in some ways more like human cows."

The doctor opened the door and led Frank in. "Look at that. He doesn't look much like a bull, but he is not only a bull, but the leading bull in the world for impregnations and production." Before the men on a bed like the one in the first pen lay a man, somewhat larger than the other. His skin was thin and pink. He was very smooth with little discernible musculature. His balls and cock hung down from the table, but his balls, each the size of a watermelon, were supported by a scale. The Doctor ran his hand reassuring over the mans legs and buttocks. He glanced up at a screen. "He is in a tumescent period right now. It is twenty-six seconds long." With that the buttocks began to clench. A clear sleeve round the mans cock began to pulsate. "Watch this, it takes him only one and a half minutes to cum." Frank stared at the cock fascinated by the pulsation. After the minute and a half, a stream of cum flowed out of the cock. It was like nothing he'd ever seen before. The stream pulsed but never diminished, almost like out of a water tap. It flowed for the minute and a half and then very quickly it stopped and the cock began to shrink. "Amazing isn't it. He gives twelve to thirteen ounces each time. There has never been anything like him before."

Frank stood there shocked. He knew this was a man before him, but he couldn't quite accept it. The man's face was shown on monitors that could be seen in any part of the room as in the previous pen. "He likes this?"

"You can see the smiles, can't you? And the look of ecstasy when he cums. Imagine a flow like that, how that must feel. It would have to be incredible." Frank watched through another cycle as the Doctor walked around the man, his hand always on his body, patting and stroking.

"Yes, I can see his face, but well." Frank was left speechless.

"You can smell cum in this room, that's artificially boosted. Again, it helps production. The room is a perfect temperature for him. Notice too the screen in front of him. He doesn't watch the porn that the six-month man watches, we have a camera trained on his ass hole, one on his cock and one on his nuts. In the corner of the screen are statistics to encourage him in production. They show the number of children born with his genes, the number of ounces of cum produced today and for the week and the point in his cycle he is. Once a week we drain his nuts. Each holds almost a quart of cum. He recovers from each orgasm in the exact time for the next cycle to orgasm, except for the day we drain him. We do that to encourage further growth and to verify his output and reserve. He's a marvellous creature and totally focused on making cum. As his output increases, so does his satisfaction and happiness, and mine too. I guess it's contagious"

"Why only male technicians?" He asked as one of them came in to swap cum containers.

"Women only distract. The professors at UIT say that he will be happier and produce more this way. Kind of like a queen bee in a hive. You notice how smooth he is? Well, one of the professors theorized that the thrusting during orgasm was inefficient for us. I mean there is no cervix to fire the cum against. So, the ham strings on both his legs have been surgically severed."

"What, you made him a paraplegic?"

"Temporarily. If he decides to leave the program, they will be reconnected. He is so happy and content, I can't see it happening though." Frank sat stunned. "Feel how smooth he is.

Reluctantly at first Frank put a hand on the bull. It felt warm, moist and smooth, just as the doctor said. He stroked the bull gently and ran his hands down his legs. Just then the bull's sphincter began to pulse, building yet to another orgasm. He put his hand on the bull's butt and felt the pulses himself. When the orgasm came he bent down to observe the cock close up.

"We had to stretch his urethra a bit. It was a bit uncomfortable but it's been worth it. His cum flows more easily now." While the bull's balls were enormous the cock was a normal size and the urethra looked oddly huge.

"His cock is a normal size. How come?"

"That's not the part we are interested in, or is he. He gets the same pleasure regardless of the size, it's the orgasm that's huge.

Much to Frank's chagrin he needed to turn and adjust his own cock. The view of this utterly submissive bull had an affect on him. He couldn't help but imagine himself in the bull's place.

"This bull is so happy and this program so successful I wish that I could join it." Said the doctor.

"Really? And give up freedom."

"Who really has freedom nowadays."

The doctor knelt and motioned Frank to join him. He put a hand on one of the huge balls and slowly stroked it. "I have a wife who is always after me to be more successful. The state makes me bed five women a week to meet quota or I go to jail. There is war and famine every day in the paper. I just want to check out some days, but of course I don't. The ranch needs me and my bosses wouldn't let me go. These bulls have it made in the shade. Their every need accommodated, and you can see the joy on their faces, especially this one, when he orgasms, and it goes on so long, then a short rest period and joy again. What a life!"

"It's okay to feel it, look at the monitor. He likes it, a lot. If I could justify it I'd hire someone just to fondle his nuts each day." Frank tentatively touched the left one. It was smooth, the skin slightly stretched, warm and with a solid heaviness to it. "Isn't that great. What a stud! It's funny, people think of masculinity as being rough and strong with big muscles, yet there are plenty of men out there today who have big muscles, look strong and virile, and yet are sterile. This planet has turned things upside down. Pollution has neutered those men. Now it is the man like this, quiet, patient, but with a set of nuts no man could even dream of, who is really the height of masculinity. Look at the monitor. Over twelve hundred women have carried his babies to term. That's real masculinity." Frank continued to slowly stroke the balls of the bull, and the bull continued to smile happily. The doctor could see that the journalist was deep in thought. "What would it be like to have a pair of nuts like these between your legs!"

"How'd you walk?"

"Who cares, Frank. This is paradise, and you don't have to walk anywhere."

The doctor let Frank dream for a minute, then stood, breaking the reverie and led him to the door. The doctor led him back to the reception area and turned him over to one of his assistants for a tour of the cow barn.

After Frank had gone, the receptionist came over and whispered to the doctor.

"Doctor, did you know that Susan Johnson, the lawyer acting on behalf of Bull One gave birth to a baby girl? The last I heard she hadn't won the draw. I wonder what happened."

"Wasn't it about eighteen months ago she was here to represent Bull one? How old is the baby?"

"I've heard it's nine months."

"She had to talk to him alone for quite a while. I wonder."

The doctor returned to his office and spent the rest of the afternoon on routine paperwork. He noted that two of the bulls had renewed for six months, though there was a note from their legal representative, Susan Johnson, that it would be the last time for the two, this being their second.

The receptionist poked her head into the office interrupting the doctor's thoughts, "Doctor, Mr. Defranco asked for some of our hair removing pills before he left. Do you think he might be coming back?"

"Oh, I am almost sure of it. If he does, could you make sure that you recommend Susan Johnson to act for him as power of attorney?" He said smiling.

"Isn't she making a little trouble for us with those two bulls?"

"Oh, she won't be anymore. I can't see her giving us any trouble."

"Oh, I will make sure that I give her my strongest recommendation." The secretary said smiling back.

The next day Susan Johnson was in to sign some paperwork on behalf of two cows that had come due for renewal. Both were happy to renew, but Susan expressed some concern as to whether it was good for their health. One had been particularly harshly caned for a minor infraction.

"Ms. Johnson, can I see you for a minute in my office?" Asked the doctor.

After entering and closing the door she sat down. "Doctor, I am very concern that these cows and bulls are staying in your program too long. It will be hard for them to adjust to outside life, and the physical changes are getting more severe all the time. The women have bigger and bigger breasts, and the men bigger testicles."

"Well, the bulls and cows both profit generously from the program, but I'll tell you what to do. In future, you will sign off on all extensions that I tell you to. The two bulls that are on their second six-month terms, you will change to five-year terms. Any new bulls who you represent, regardless of what they want, you will sign agreements for five-year terms and you will roll over these terms until I tell you to stop."

Ms. Johnson's face had become red with anger. "That's ridiculous. I represent the client not the company. That wouldn't be in their interests at all. I am not going to do that!"

"Ms. Johnson, when you were here eighteen months ago, you saw Bull One, alone. We turned off all monitoring equipment at your request. I've checked the records. Ten ounces of semen went missing that day."

"One of your technicians spilled it I bet."

"No one spilled it Ms. Johnson. You took it. You jerked off that bull and you took it. That's how you got pregnant. Your husband is sterile. You entered the draw, but like most people, you didn't win a chance with a fertile man. You didn't put the true origin of that sperm on the baby's certificate. Bull One is not listed as the genetic father. As a lawyer, you know the consequences of making a false statement. Do you want to remain as a lawyer?" The statement about the origin certification was a bluff. He didn't know for sure, but from her reaction, he knew he was right.

Her face fell as she knew that she'd been discovered. "So, what do you want, money?"