The Cheating Zone 03: Lori


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"Well, I take it last night opened your eyes," she said.

"Yeah, I never knew just how bad things were with Lori. There's no question. Divorce is the only answer," he said. Dr. A looked at him carefully and drew a piece of chalk out of her desk drawer.

"You're limiting yourself, Randy. Surely, there's something much better. Let me explain," she said. She got up and walked around the desk. Standing in front of Randy, she drew a circle on her desk with the chalk and filled it in.

"We're going to play pretend here, okay?" she asked.

"Okay," Randy said.

"Let's pretend this is a button. A very special button. What if I told you that by pressing this button, Lori could disappear, transported anywhere you wanted. Do you think you could press it?" she asked.

Randy looked at the circle before looking up at her.

"Anywhere?" he asked.

"Absolutely. And it doesn't even have to be a real place. Would you do it?"

"But wouldn't her absence go unnoticed? Wouldn't people start looking for her?" Randy asked. Dr. A smiled.

"Not if she never existed here. Oh sure, you'd remember her. Maybe others very close might have a distant memory of her, but there would be no record, no trace, no pictures, nothing to prove that she was ever here. What now? Could you do it?" she asked. Randy considered her words as he looked at the circle. Could he really do it? All he would have to do is press the button and "poof," no more Lori. No more taunts, no more cheating, no more lies, no more conspiracies to murder him. He reached out and put a thumb on the circle.

"Hell, yes," he said. Dr. A hugged him and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Good man," she said. She went back to her desk and pulled out a ring with a curious blue stone setting. It looked just like the one he saw on Ryan's finger. She handed it to him.

"Place that on your right index finger," she said. "The chalk I drew on the desk was just a circle. This is the real thing."

Randy looked at the ring, then back up at her.

"But where will I send her?" he asked.

"I have an idea you might find interesting," she said.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Well, isn't tonight the weekly Twilight Zone marathon?" she asked. Yes, it was, and it was something Randy always looked forward to. Lori hated it, which added to his pleasure.

"Yes, it is," he said.

"That's one of your favorite programs, isn't it?" Dr. A asked.

"It always has been," he told her.

"Don't tell anyone, but it's one of mine as well," she said. "Rod Serling tells some wonderful tales and I just loved the brilliant sense of irony and justice in many of those old programs. In fact, I believe that one of your personal favorites will be playing tonight at 9:00."

"Which one is that?" he asked.

"Spoilers," she said. "You'll know it when you see it. Do you trust me?"

"Sure," Randy said.

"Good. I'll set the ring to activate at 9:15, then. You'll have 15 minutes to press the blue stone," she said. "Understand that once it's done, it can't ever be undone. And the ring loses all its power at 9:30."

"Okay," Randy said. "Let's do it." Dr. A smiled broadly.

"Wonderful," she said. "Consider it done. Keep your laptop application running and you'll know instantly if you're successful."

"What about the other assholes?" Randy asked.

"They'll be taken care of tonight as well, don't worry. Check your local 8:00 news. I think you'll find it interesting," she said.

They talked a bit more about life, love and justice before Randy got very quiet.

"Dr. A, will I ever see you again?" Randy asked.

"You know you can always reach me if you ever need me," she said.

"I'm sorry, it's just that, well, I like talking to you. I've felt better, more alive and more, well, loved, than I have in such a long time," he said.

"You're falling for me, aren't you, Randy?" she asked. "It's okay and perfectly normal under the circumstances."

"Maybe, a little," he said. "It's been so long since I've felt so comfortable with a pretty woman." She came around the desk, sat in his lap and put her arms around him.

"Randy, you're a good man. A decent, honest, hard-working and loving man. I know many women who would love to be with you. And I'm certain one of them will before you even know it. Under other circumstances, I'd be honored to call you mine. But know this, Randy. I'll always be with you, everywhere you go," she said.

Placing her hands on either side of Randy's face, she gave him a soft, sensuous kiss on the lips. He felt a jolt of electricity go through him and saw flashes of things in his minds - things he couldn't begin to explain. But suddenly, he understood, and he accepted her gift of love.

"Randy," she said, placing her hand over his heart, "I'll always be right here. And I'll always love you unconditionally. Maybe not in the way you have in mind, but perhaps on some lonely night, in a dream, we might meet again. And you can always talk to me, in here," she said, tapping his head.

Randy looked at her and felt a love he couldn't explain. But he seemed to understand what she told him. He nodded his head.

"Thanks... Adrestia," he said. She got off his lap and led him to the door, handing him a pile of blank white cards.

"Don't forget to 'pay it forward,'" she said.

"I won't," Randy said. "And thank you. For everything."

"It's my pleasure, Randy," she said.

Randy made it back to his truck and realized he had spent most of the day with her. He got in and stopped for a burger and a beer before going home. For the first time in many months, he had a happy disposition and even stopped to look at some birds gathering in the trees.

After spending some quality "alone" time communing with nature, he headed home. This would be it, he said to himself.

He got home just in time for the first Twilight Zone episode of the evening, grabbed a Coke instead of a beer, and sat down. Lori was back to full-bitch mode as she prepared for her "girl's night out."

"Well, I see you finally decided to come home. How did it go with the doctor?" she asked.

"Went great," Randy said.

"So, did the doctor figure out how to cure whatever it is that's making you so damn sick?" she asked.

"As a matter of fact, yes. And I should be feeling much better by the end of the evening," he said.

"So what did you do for the rest of the day? You were gone an awful long time," she shot back.

"I went and grabbed a beer and a burger then just spent some time checking out nature. It's amazing what we take for granted, you know?" he said.

"Whatever," she said sarcastically, before going back to the bedroom. Randy ignored her and engrossed himself in the week's marathon.

Soon enough, she was gone and Randy considered the ring on his finger. He checked the time - 7:59 pm. He turned on the local news and was shocked at what he saw.

"Tonight on Eyewitness News," the anchor said. "A mysterious explosion at EMX Manufacturing in which six men, including the plant manager, Ron Akers, was killed. The others are believed to be supervisors, but the names have not been released pending notification of next-of-kin.

"It's not known what caused the explosion, but authorities believe it's connected to a piece of aging equipment that mysteriously activated. The plant, in operation since the 1950s, has a long history of safety problems and OSHA has closed the facility until a full investigation is complete.

"Workers have told Eyewitness News they have seen an unidentified woman meeting with Akers several times a week for months. Those workers have told us they believe the woman - possibly the spouse of another employee - may have been involved with Akers and others sexually. It's not known if this woman is connected to tonight's explosion, but authorities have not ruled it out.

"In perhaps a related item, police say they received a video in which Akers is seen allegedly discussing a plot to murder one of the plant's employees, using the very piece of equipment involved in tonight's incident. Authorities do not know the source of the mysterious video but say they are investigating.

"Stay tuned to Eyewitness News for all the latest developments in this strange tale. Next up, a lovable pooch proves that dog is really man's best friend..."

Wow, Randy thought.

"Adrestia," he said to the otherwise unaccompanied room, "I hope you're safe."

"I'm just fine, thank you," he heard in his mind.

He turned back to his marathon. Fuck Akers and the other assholes, he thought. They got what they deserved. He knew he'd be answering a lot of questions in a few days, but tonight, he would celebrate. He turned on his laptop and fired up the surveillance program.

Sure enough, Lori was flat on her back, naked, getting stuffed with one huge cock after another. As always, the men fucking her wore no condoms, meaning they would probably all get a good dose of gonorrhea.

"Fuck me," she moaned over and over. The thought scanner was just as intelligent.

"Fuck, fuck, oh God, fuck me, more cock. Give me more cock. I want cum. Oh fuck. Fuck." Enjoy it while you can, bitch, he thought to himself.

Nine o'clock came soon enough, and as Adrestia promised, one of his favorites had just started. It was called, "To Serve Man," a classic story in which aliens landed on Earth to supposedly save the human race from all the evils of war, poverty and want. Lloyd Bochner played one of the main characters, a man who worked to translate a book the aliens brought with them. Suddenly, it dawned on him.

The book in the episode turned out to be a cookbook. The aliens wanted the human race fit, fat and happy, but only so they could be harvested for food. Randy grinned with delight. He looked at the ring and as promised, the blue stone lit up right at 9:15.

He waited for the perfect moment, glancing between the television and his laptop. It came just as the Bochner character learned what the book really was. The next scene showed him in his stateroom on the Kanamit ship heading to his destiny. At the same time, Lori was flat on her back, her hands spreading her cum-filled pussy wide.

"Eat me!" she screamed. Randy smiled wickedly. If you say so, he thought as he pressed the blue stone on the ring.

Suddenly, the Bochner character was gone, having dematerialized like in an old Star Trek episode. In his place was a naked cum-coated Lori, now on the floor where the other character stood, her legs splayed wide.

It worked, Randy thought to himself. It actually fucking worked!

"Thank you again, Adrestia. I love you!" he shouted to the room.

"You're welcome, Randy," he heard whispered in his ear. "I love you, too. Now go, live, love and enjoy life."

As he watched, Lori realized she was no longer the center of a gangbang and looked around in shock. She glanced at herself and realized she was now in black-and-white. She slowly stood up and took inventory of the small room. The door opened and a nine-foot tall Kanamit entered, causing her to scream.

The alien cocked his bulbous head and considered her. He squeezed her arm, then a breast. He ran one long hand up her leg and stuck a finger in her pussy. Looking at the wetness now on his finger, he shook his head in disapproval, removed a syringe and injected her with something. He nodded and quietly left the room.

Lori, still shocked by what had just happened to her, seemed to notice a monitor and went to it. Apparently, she was able to see Randy in what used to be their living room and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Randy," she said weakly, "Is that really you? What's going on? What happened?"

Randy turned the laptop so she could see the screen and rewound the video to show her getting fucked and begging to be eaten. She jumped back in shock.

"No, no, Randy, please, it's not what you think," she said.

"Oh, but it is what I think. You were getting fucked and were begging to have someone eat you out. So I just gave you your wish," she said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

Randy explained the premise of the episode she was now a part of and her eyes grew in horror.

"No, Randy, please don't do this to me. Take me back. I'll be the best wife ever," she begged, tears falling down her cheeks.

"No can do," Randy said. "It's a one-shot deal and it can't be reversed. By the way," he said, pulling up video of her with Akers, "your lover boy and the five others you fucked yesterday are now dead. Guess they won't be murdering anyone next Thursday the way you wanted. Sorry."

"No, Randy, that was all just talk. Nothing was going to happen, really. Please believe me," she begged.

"Not gonna happen," he said. "I heard everything you two said and saw everything you did. I even saw your thoughts. I also know all about your abortion. I told you if you cheated on me you were out. You didn't listen and got yourself infected with gonorrhea. So now you're out. For good! Have a safe flight. Bye," he said.

"NOOOOOOOO!!" Lori wailed as the scene changed to a man wearing a suit, holding a cigarette in one hand.

"Tonight's tale was supposed to be the recollections of one Michael Chambers, but instead has become the final and belated regret of a woman who thought she was the best a man could get. A sexual dessert, if you will, for anyone with the right physical attributes. But as Lori Page now realizes, she has made the unfortunate transformation from a carnal dessert to a morsel in someone's soup. Tonight's simple reminder that no one escapes true justice, brought to you as a public service of the Cheating Zone."

He smiled, winked and took a drag off his cigarette.

Fade to black...


Note: "Dr. A" may appear in future stories... Stay tuned...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

To bad we didn't get to see her arrive in the abattoir to be butchered and witness her final regret and despair.

GrandEagle53GrandEagle534 months ago

OH! How wicked. Loved that show.

silverthorne16silverthorne165 months ago

Nice, but I would have truly been interested in learning exactly when, why and how the wife came to hate her husband. What her motivation was for what she ended up doing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This was a great story. I loved how ST incorporated the Twilight Zone episode into the story. Lori was a despicable character. She deserved all that she got. The death of Akers and the five supervisors at the plant was perfect as well. Five stars for such an imaginative story!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Good story. I got the sense that this was Dr A’s first appearance in your stories, ‘Tramp. Glad I finally found this one. Looking forward to more stories so keep’em coming.

5 stars

oksideshow859419oksideshow85941911 months ago

Reading this series now and I was thinking I really do enjoy reading your stories some are a little long but I still like them keep up the gggrrreeeaaattt works of art. TY


Medussa55Medussa55about 1 year ago

Another great tale. I do hate it though when the cheater flips from full on ' I hate him, I want to kill him' to ' What have I done?' mode. I just doesn't sit right. I know it's probably selfish lies but women don't flip feelings that fast. Small niggle, great story

muddman74muddman74about 1 year ago

That was cute, good idea ST. 5 stars

RanDog025RanDog025about 1 year ago

Another 5 BIG ONES!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Was a wimpy cuckold Way to long.

And then had to be led down the path of retribution.

Crying and crying

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