The Chip Pt. 03


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Ashley at once began crying but it didn't affect Claudia one bit. As Claudia continued using the bandaging she teased her mercilessly and said to her as she looked down at her and wrapped her up like a mummy, "Awww, poor little thing. Are you sad? You'll get used to being my little miniature slave girl just like the men did. And guess what, dear girl? There's no reversing what happened to you. And did you ever imagine yourself being a human dildo? Well, you are one now!"

Ashley began begging in hope the Asian woman would have some compassion but all she did was tear off a small piece of adhesive tape and put it over her mouth. "I DO hate it when a grown woman begs. Now at least I won't have to listen to you," said Claudia.

Claudia then placed the bound Ashley in the bird cage and said to Kasumi, "This one will not go to the basement. I'm going to take her home and later on she's going to make me cum, the little lesbian dildo!"

"Sounds like a plan, my dear Claudia. I sure hope I can use her on me," said Kasumi.

"I don't see why not!" added Claudia.

"Here's another one for my collection," gleefully announced Claudia. "That gives me six altogether. But I'm not stopping now! I'm going to place a help wanted ad online and we'll see what happens. Oh, Kasumi, honey, this gets me so excited. Should we go get in bed and have some sex?"

"Not right now," Kasumi replied. "I'm just not in the mood, Claudia dear."

That's a first, Claudia thought to herself. Even back in college she never refused sex with me. Maybe Kasumi needs some of that potion. "That's okay, girlfriend. You can't always be ready and willing. I'll just go masturbate or even use Ashley."

"I'm sorry, honey." said Kasumi.

You're going to be sorrier than you can imagine, Claudia thought as she looked at Kasumi with a fake smile. "Don't worry about it," she said.


The ad online was successful and five more young men and two young women applied for the positions in person. It was the normal procedure as they came to Claudia's office. One at a time they were invited in, told to sit down, and given a spiked drink as Claudia explained the job to them. One of the requirements for them to be considered was that they had to be unattached, meaning no husband, no wife, no boyfriend, no family nearby, but just alone to themselves. So once they were given the potion there would be no one around looking for them. It was a fool proof plan for Claudia to gain more miniature slaves for her collection.

One by one the shrunken applicants were placed in cages and taken to the basement where they were given a DVD to watch to be shown how they were now Claudia's slaves and there was no reversing the effect of the potion. Even the men cried when they found out their fate, but the one who cried the most was Kasumi!

Claudia remembered that Kasumi spurned her invitation to lick her cunt and she sneaked the potion into her drink as the two dominant women interviewed the last job seeker. Kasumi was screaming at her ex-friend so Claudia grabbed her in one hand and wrapped her up with bandages to completely immobilize her. Then she placed a small piece of adhesive tape over her mouth to shut her up.

Within one year Claudia had captured over 175 little slaves. Her plan to capture the country was moving along very well. She had also forced Kasumi to sign over control of her hugely successful drug manufacturing company. But even though it looked like there was no stopping Claudia and her wicked scheme to conquer anyone she came in contact with, she made one gigantic mistake that she overlooked. In her joy of shrinking her best friend she failed to make sure Kasumi didn't have any communications device on her possession.

Kasumi had hidden a very small but powerful cell phone that her friend back in Japan, Ayeka, had insisted she take in case she ran into any trouble. Kasumi remembered that she balked at the suggestion that she would need it but finally agreed with Ayeka. How glad she was then!

When Kasumi was sure Claudia was gone for the day she told Ashley about her phone and then called Ayeka and explained her situation. Ayeka told her that she had come up with a potion that would actually reverse the shrinking. Kasumi was very excited and together they made plans for the young Japanese woman to fly to the United States and explain everything to the police so they could stop the sadistic Doctor Haruki.

Two days later young Ayeka arrived at Doctor Haruki's office with an escort of two male policemen and two female policewomen. Ayeka didn't even bother to knock on the office door and went right in, not waiting for an invitation at all. Claudia was seated on the sofa across from her desk when Ayeka and the police officers went in.

"What's the meaning of this?" Claudia exclaimed.

"My name is Ayeka Soto and I came here from Japan to rescue my good friend Kasumi Aoki. Where are you keeping her and the others you have under your power?"

Claudia saw that she was in big trouble so instead of trying to lie out of her predicament she calmed down and asked Ayeka and the police if they would like to sit down and have a drink.

"We don't drink while on duty," the one policeman said.

"No, Doctor Haruki, we don't want a drink and we DON'T want to be shrunken! Your wicked scheme is up! Keep your hands on your lap and don't move. Where are Kasumi and the others?"

But Claudia wasn't budging. She vehemently denied knowing anything about the others and told the five of them to leave her office or she would call the police chief.

Just then Ayeka's cell phone rang and she saw that it was Kasumi. "Kasumi, where are you?" she said excitedly.

"Ayeka, oh thank goodness that you are here! We're in the basement locked up in little cages. Please hurry!" said Kasumi.

"I'll be right down! How do I get there?" Kasumi told her exactly where they were and how to get there. "You three watch her and don't let her try anything. You don't want her to use that potion on you. Perhaps it's best that you tie her up or handcuff her before the two of us leave. I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job but this woman is dangerous and what she has been doing is even more bizarre."

Ayeka and the one woman police officer got on the elevator and went to the basement as Kasumi told her. In a room they found five men and two women in cages and each of them about a foot tall. Ayeka opened the door to let the shrunken Kasumi out, and then held her boss in her hands and removed the adhesive tape that bound her.

In the meantime up in Claudia's office, the doctor had nonchalantly slid up the hem of her short skirt to reveal her very pretty and hypnotic thighs. Their smoothness and beauty emitted an hypnotic power that drew a person in to where he or she couldn't resist falling under their magnetism. The three officers fell into a trance after staring at her legs and were ordered to obey her every word.

"When the others come back up here I want you to seize them and tie them up hand and feet. Then when they are secured I want you to do as I say. Any questions?"

The three officers were dazed and answered Claudia in unison, "No, Ma'am. There are no questions."

Down in the basement Ayeka said to the diminutive Kasumi, "I am going to give you a shot that will return you to your normal height. It all has been tested so there's very little danger. It will take about two hours to get back to normal. In the mean time I will also inject the potion into the others to get them back to normal size. Once you're all back to where you belong I suggest, Kasumi, that we destroy this stuff and never have this happen again. Now where is my bag?"

Ayeka looked around before realizing that she must have left it up in the doctor's office. "I'm sorry, but the potion must be upstairs. You stay here and I'll be right back," she said to the officer.

She quickly went back to Claudia's office and again didn't knock when she went in. She fell right into Claudia's trap and was seized by two of the tranced officers who quickly grabbed her and tied her up as ordered. "Here's what I want you to do," Claudia said to the three policemen, "Go down to the basement and capture your friend and bring him and Kasumi up here. Ayeka, it was noble what you tried to do but it didn't work. Let's just wait until the others return. Now go get them," she said, and the officers left.

Shortly the three tranced officers returned with their partner in handcuffs and Kasumi in her cage. "Here," said Claudia, "Force this drink down Ayeka's throat."

Ayeka screamed but being tied up she was no match for them and she swallowed the potion down. "Next, I want the rest of you to do the same, drink this liquid I'm giving you now."

All five of them drank the potion and began to shrink almost at once. They were afraid as they kept losing size. Kasumi cried like a baby because she knew her only chance to get back to normalcy was thwarted by the beautiful, leggy Claudia Haruki. Claudia paid special attention to Kasumi.

"Kasumi, you and I had a special relationship but you didn't want it that way," she told her shrunken slave as she held her in her one hand all wrapped up. "I was hoping we'd be partners and continue on together as we bring this entire nation to their knees in servitude to us. But I saw a change in you when you turned down an invitation to lick my pussy and I was bothered. So I decided to shrink you and make you a slave. Then you called this thing in Japan to come rescue you but I was on top of that too. So you really decided your fate yourself."

Claudia then put her small friend between her thick, smooth, very pretty thighs and held her there. She continued wrapping her in New Skin, a form of bandage that made her small slave feel as good as any dildo on the market. Kasumi knew what her captor was about to do and she began screaming in horror. Claudia tore off a piece of New Skin and placed it across Kasumi's mouth to silence her. Then she pulled down her panties, opened her legs, and used her friend as a human dildo, and for the next several minutes slid her in and out of her pussy until she came several times.

When finished, Claudia held her in one hand and removed her gag and looking her right in her eyes, said, "Now don't you wish you would have obeyed me?"

By the following year Doctor Haruki's shrunken slave numbers had grown to over 700. She also had 25 normal sized Japanese entranced slaves who carried out her every order without any resistance. Claudia moved her entire operation out into the country into a walled estate for more privacy. One of her entranced slaves was the local Chief of Police, guaranteeing her that she would not get unscheduled visits from the department.


Despite rumors going around saying that Doctor Claudia Haruki had shrunk hundreds of people that she enslaved, nothing was ever proven and she easily won the Governor's office of her state. It didn't seem like anyone or anything would stop the sadistic beauty from succeeding in her vision to conquer the entire country, and she sure had the beautiful hypnotic legs and the power to do so.

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