The Club


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"Yes, that's OK."

I repeated what we'd done on our own breasts on each other's. She had lovely soft breasts with smooth skin, and her nipples had hardened and extended, indicating arousal. Mine were also. I noticed that she was wriggling her hips so I guessed what I was doing was having an effect.

"Do you like that?" I asked.

She hesitated, as though trying to deny the truth, then eventually she nodded. We continued for another few minutes, then I dropped my hands and she did also.

"How did that feel?"

"Um, sorta nice, sorta funny. I've never felt that feeling before. I wanted to touch my pussy, give it a rub or something to get rid of the feeling, but it was such a nice feeling that I didn't want to get rid of it. Is it bad to want to keep a good feeling?"

"No, of course not. As I said, it is perfectly natural and acceptable to feel good feelings in your body no matter how they are generated. Now that we've explored our breasts, I want to move on to the rest of the body, so hop up on to the massage table and lie on your back."

She did this, then I moved her feet apart to the edges of the table.

"Am I allowed to touch your body please?"

"Yes, you may," she replied. I was pleased with the speed with which she gave permission.

I started at her feet, gently massaging the soles so she could accustom herself to feeling sensations generated by my hands. I followed this up her lower legs, then up her thighs, stopping a few inches below her pussy. Then I began again from the top, starting at her shoulders, over her breasts once more, then down her ribs, stomach and abdomen, until I finally gently stroked over her pussy, moving between her legs to give a gentle, final stroke over her pussy lips.

"How did that feel?"

"Mmmm, it felt really nice. I've never felt feelings like that, never even knew they existed. Thank you."

"Good, now I want you to do the same for yourself, stroking your thighs, ribs, stomach, abdomen, breasts and finally your pussy. Just take your time and really feel the feelings your body is generating."

She did this for the next few minutes, with her eyes closed, obviously soaking in the feelings. I looked at the time; only another few minutes.

"Great. So that'll have to be all for today. Could you please make a two-hour appointment with Marilyn for as soon as I have a free space and next time I want to see you and Frank please. I need to work with him as well as you because this difficulty affects you both. Sit up now and get dressed. You've done really well. Before you dress though, how about a hug."

We stood, face to face, and embraced, at a distance at first, then closer until I managed to make full body contact, feeling her tension slowly decrease as she learnt it was safe to do this and to relax. I tilted her head upwards towards mine and kissed her, keeping my lips closed to start, then slowly opening both our lips, I slid my tongue over her teeth. Enough for today; I was pleased with progress so far. We released our hug and both dressed in silence.


As is usual on Monday, Troy and I met with Meghan, or Mistress Meghan, The Club's dominatrix, as she's known in the dungeon, at 12.30 for lunch. This gives us a weekly meeting to discuss what's been happening and what's planned for the next week or the foreseeable future. Today was no exception.

"Hi Meg," I greeted her as she approached our table. I noticed she was not in her work clothes but rather wearing a tight, short, knit fabric outfit in lime green with a bare midriff. The fabric clung to her, outlining and emphasizing every contour of her very sexy body making her camel toe and pierced nipples very obvious.

She hugged Troy and me then took the third seat to the table. Paula knew we wouldn't be eating for a while so she simply brought us three glasses and a pitcher of water, greeting Meg while she was there.

"How's it all going?" I asked Meg.

"Yeah, good. We're getting a few clients now; word must be getting out, eh."

"Great. Bringing a dungeon to what was a rural village is a major step so I guess it will take time to accept it and to realize that so many of our hangups are sexually related or related to violence when we were young. Amazing how administering sexual pain can trigger the release of stored memories of childhood traumas," I commented.

"Yeah, it amazes me too, even though I'm quite used to it after working in LA for a while. Anyway, how's the therapy and medical sections going?"

I gave her a brief summary of my morning session with Pam. Both Troy and Meg were amazed.

"This is still happening in the 21st century? That's incredible. So, what's the next steps?"

"I've asked Pam to make a two-hour appointment for herself and Frank when that suits them. She still hasn't had an orgasm so I'd like to teach her to explore her genital region and with a bit of assistance, hopefully she'll cum for the very first time. Have to take it slowly because she seems quite scared of her feelings. While I'm doing that, Frank will be watching so I'll get him to do some of the touching and caressing also. I'll be interested to see if he gets an erection during that process. He does get erections but those, I think, are physically based and may be a result of his beating her with a beautifully made tawse that Pam brought along. I want to see if he has one when he's watching his wife having an orgasm, which would be more a psychological response. Hopefully that's still there; I can't imagine him watching porn so maybe watching his wife will also be a new experience. I wonder, actually, have they ever seen each other naked? They must have, surely."

"I have heard of people who've never seen their partners naked," commented Troy, "Quite remarkable. We were naked almost from the start, eh, honey." We grinned at each other.

"Anyway, so once she has cum, and assuming that he has an erection, I'll see if he can stimulate his wife to orgasm manually, and then I'll invite them to make love together. I'd book the room with the king bed so there's plenty of room, and it's much more comfortable and relaxing than a massage table. I'm reluctant to simply get you to fuck her, Troy, because that would undoubtedly go against all her moral values, and likewise, having Frank fuck me would go against his values. Seems strange to have to teach people how to do what comes so naturally to most. What happens after that depends on how well that works. Maybe later we'll be able to show them some more techniques, even swap partners possibly, and, with Frank's obvious liking for a bit of harder physical stimulation, we could invite them to the dungeon for you to give some advice, Meg."

"It's hard to know what to do in this situation," agreed Meg. "I guess we're so far out on a permissive limb sexually that we find it really hard to perceive things from their ultra-conservative viewpoint. It'll certainly be interesting to see how it turns out, and yes, I'd be happy to show them the ropes in the dungeon," Meg replied, grinning at her obvious ambiguity.

We discussed the situation further, Meg bringing up some other examples of similar situations. Paula had taken our order and our food arrived during the discussion so we ate as we continued the meeting, discussing possibilities for the future and specifically areas for development of the dungeon. Meg suggested a dungeon party now we had enough equipment for a larger number of people. I told her that was an excellent idea, possibly for a few weeks' time, and maybe we could open the rec area for it as well, allowing people to swim and play in the clothing optional area.

"Anyway, moving on," I consulted a printout from Marilyn, "Meg, you have a couple in an hour or so, then Troy and I will be there for our usual Monday afternoon session." I grinned at Troy. "Troy's been having bad thoughts about Paula, it seems, just this morning he commented that he'd like to get her in bed with us. That, I believe, is a punishable offence so I'm certain you can sort something out there."

Meg grinned, very aware of the games we played and was waiting for Troy's response. She knew very well that I loved torturing my darling husband's balls before I persuaded her to punish him by riding him hard, just as she knew that Troy enjoyed beating my tits and pussy before Meg brought me to several screaming orgasms with one or more of the various toys she had. I knew our Sybian had arrived a few days ago and was very keen to take it for a test drive.

"Well, you can hardly blame me," protested Troy, "Carla was positively drooling over the painters who were here last week. She even wore her sexiest outfits to try to tempt them to fuck her. Actually, I don't know for certain whether they did or not because I had to attend to business in town last Friday," he finished looking at me for some response.

I felt my face flushing with guilt. "To put your mind at rest, darling, they did fuck me, twice each. That was an amazing Friday afternoon."

"There, Meg, I told you she needed punishing. I reckon 50 strokes on the pussy with a riding crop, per fuck. Could anyone take 200 pussy strokes with a riding crop?"

Meg laughed, knowing that neither of us would knowingly hurt the other beyond what we both agreed, and that, in the bdsm scene, we were both quite conservative.

"That would be far too many, unless it was spread out over several weeks," she replied, then slipped back into role, "But I do see the need for severe punishment. We'll just have to see what I can dream up for the afternoon." She looked at the clock. "Anyway, I've gotta go. See you later, about 4ish?"

"See you then," we replied. I noticed how Troy watched her wiggling ass in her tight shorts until it was out of sight. He'll keep, I thought.

Troy and I finished up and headed to our next appointments at 2pm. I think Troy was discussing some modifications the couple wanted to make to the woman's vulva area, while I had a client who found it very difficult to reach an orgasm, quite a common problem.


Miss Sophie Penney:

Sophie was a 22-year-old professional woman who lived in the city and was currently looking for a new job. In the last few years, she'd had several boyfriends, all of whom she pushed away because of their inability to give her what she needed and most desired, an orgasm.

"I can orgasm using my vibrator, but when I have sex with guys I seem to just freeze up and nothing happens; I don't feel anything," was her initial statement. "I don't feel like a woman when I'm with a guy because I know I won't be able to experience the full, um, well, everything."

"That's really sad to hear and it must be very frustrating for you, Sophie. Tell me, can you orgasm using your fingers?"

"No, that's why I use the vibrator."

"Hmmm, how often do you use the vibrator to reach orgasm?"

"It varies, sometimes four or five times, sometimes even more, I guess."

"Is that a week?"

She looked horrified. "No, each day. I'd never last a week on only that many."

"How long have you been doing this?"

"Years. I can't really remember when the first time was, although it was accidental and took me by surprise. I was helping my Dad take paint off a desk with an orbital sander and I rested the sander against my pussy and felt an amazing sensation. When Dad wasn't watching, I tried it again and ended up deliberately resting my pussy against the sander, just soaking up the vibes, and then I had this really intense feeling, which I now know is an orgasm, but back then I didn't. I borrowed that sander many times after that until I bought my own vibrator three years ago. Now it's a lot quieter and I can use it more frequently, including in the rest room at work, when I had a job. It's a very good tension release; if things get on top of me at work, a five-minute session in the rest room makes everything feel good again. But I can't cum with guys."

"There may be several reasons for this. It may be psychological; your body may be conditioned to respond with an orgasm to certain specific stimuli, in this case, to vibrations. So, if there are no vibrations, but rather stimulation from a guy, your body doesn't respond as you would like. Or it may be due to something physical in your genital region, in which case the deep stimuli from the vibrator can get through to you, but the topical stimuli from touching or skin contact does not. It would probably be a good idea to have Doctor Troy examine you to see if everything is normal and working. I'll just see if he's free."

I dialled his phone and he picked up after two rings.

"Hi, honey, do you have a few minutes to examine a client of mine please? She is non-orgasmic with partners but can cum easily with a vibrator. I'm not sure whether it's physical or psychological, so would like you to check that she's OK physically please."

"Yeah, OK, I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Great," I said, turning back to Sophie, "Troy will be here in a few minutes to examine you. If we can eliminate physical problems, then we can work on the psychological ones."

Troy arrived a few minutes later with his little black bag that carried the essentials. I introduced them, Sophie outlined the problem to Troy, and then Troy instructed Sophie to remove her shorts and panties and lie on the massage table. While she was preparing, he pulled on a pair of latex gloves. Once Sophie was on the table, he approached her with a reassuring smile.

"I hope you don't find this embarrassing, Sophie, I'll be as quick as I can," he told her.

He quickly examined her pussy, noting that her labia were relatively large, thick and protruding. He carefully moved them apart, seeing the normal healthy color of her vulva and following that up to her clitoris, which was completely covered by its thick hood. He pressed downwards each side of her clitoris and noticed that it was not uncovered, which would significantly reduce any topical sensations from that area, even if she felt aroused.

"You, my lady, would greatly benefit from a clitoral hood reduction, at the very least, and possibly you would like a labiaplasty as well to reduce those lips, tidying up the whole area."

"I had wondered," she replied, "I'd checked online and found a bit about this, and when comparing online photos with what I saw in the mirror, it seemed there could be a problem, which is why I'm here. So, what are my options?"

"Well, that depends how far you want to go. I can simply reduce the hood, which will probably be all you need to feel the sensations you are missing. Then, as I mentioned, you could have a labiaplasty to reduce the size of your inner lips, allowing your outer lips to cover them which would tidy the whole area up. That would be for cosmetic reasons only."

"Do you want me to show her?" I asked.

He turned and looked at me, light seeming to dawn in his eyes. "Yes, honey, that would be very useful please, if you're agreeable."

I was wearing a skirt so it was easy for me to remove my panties. Meanwhile, Sophie sat up and scooted up the table so I could sit at the other end with my skirt around my waist. We both spread our legs and Troy used the hand mirror on my desk to show Sophie what her pussy looked like compared with mine. Sophie held the mirror while Troy compared our pussies, spreading me apart to show my prominent clit, made more prominent by my piercings.

"Yours looks so big compared with mine," she exclaimed, "Is that only because of your bar and ring?"

"Not only," explained Troy, indicating the different thicknesses of our tissues and pulling back on the clit hoods to show how my clit was uncovered while hers was still covered by thick tissue.

"What if you removed the hood completely?" asked Sophie, "Would that make me more sensitive?"

"Yes, but it would also make you possibly too sensitive because your clit would be rubbing on your clothing all the time."

"Well, I could always just wear skirts and no panties," she grinned, then continued, "Could you just remove some of the hood then? And maybe pierce my clit and hood like Carla has? That looks really nice."

"Yes, I could do that for you. That would be a clit hood reduction and could be done at the same time as a labiaplasty. Once that's healed, then would be the time to discuss piercings."

"Be careful with your decision," I warned, "An actual clit piercing is extremely painful and takes ages to heal. Sex is almost impossible until it's healed. I know I got very sexually frustrated at times, eh, honey."

"That's for real," Troy confirmed, "And grumpy."

"Then let's do that," said Sophie decisively. "Can I book in for that here?"

"Yes, see Marilyn at reception and she'll schedule a time when the surgery, the anaesthetist and Troy are available," I told her.

"Fine, so do you need me anymore for comparison?" I asked.

"No, thanks darling."

I swung my legs off the table and gave Troy a quick kiss. He repacked his bag, threw the gloves into the hazardous waste bin, and left. I noticed that Sophie had remained on the table and was gently stroking her crotch.

"Is there something else you'd like while you're here?" I asked, suspecting that the examination of her intimate parts had left her feeling horny.

She looked down, not meeting my eyes. "Yes, I feel incredibly horny. Is there anything you can do for that please?"

"Sure. Wriggle down and lie back." I turned away and took a pair of latex gloves from my drawer. Sophie watched me.

"Do you really need those?" she asked, "I'd far prefer to feel your fingers than have them covered in rubber."

"Ok, if you wish," I replied, replacing the unopened packet and washing my hands in the basin.

I turned towards her as she lay on her back, head propped on a pillow, then climbed onto the table, straddled her lower legs and began stroking her thighs. She responded quickly.

"See, you do respond to touch, just not where the tissue is too thick," I pointed out to her. "Now, just relax and enjoy."

I moved my hands up her thighs, stroking all the way, until I was just below her pussy. I then began stroking between her labia, imagining how it would look once she'd had surgery. I stroked my fingers the length of her love trench, causing her to start rolling her head from side to side, moaning softly as her juices flowed over my fingers. Then I began stroking over her clit hood and clit, noticing that her arousal decreased. I pressed each side of her clit, but was unable to see it peek past the hood as I would have expected.

"Have you ever massaged your clit from the inside?" I asked her.

She opened her eyes. "From the inside? How do I do that?"

"Well, the clit is a reasonably large organ and just the tip of it is what we normally see. But you can massage it from inside through your vaginal wall. Would you like me to show you?"

"Oh, yes please."

I slid first one, then two fingers into her opening, hooking them upwards so they pressed against the internal part of her clitoris. I then began massaging up and down, rubbing over her internal clit. Her response was immediate and strong.

"Oh, yes, like that, mmmmm, that's soooo good."

Her head rolled from side to side, her body writhed. She was certainly correct in believing that she was very sexually oriented, it was simply the trigger that was faulty. I continued with my internal massage and after a few minutes she arched her back, let out a scream and came hard on my fingers. I kept massaging gently, slowing, then removed my fingers from her vagina as she relaxed and opened her eyes.

"Ooohhh, thank you so much," she said, impulsively sitting part way up and throwing her arms around me, "Thank you. That was marvellous. I've always focused on my clit or deep inside my vagina, never thinking that near the entrance is the most sensitive part. My boyfriends have been the same; they've had the deeper is better fantasy that seems to dominate men's thoughts when they compare lengths of cock. Maybe they should realize that the length doesn't matter, but technique does."
