The Cuckolds Retreat Island Ch. 01 Pt. 02

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re edited version Cuckolds Retreat Island
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/11/2018
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FROM JUSTANERD: Wow i'm amazed by how many comments have been made so far some I've had to dunk in a bucket of water to dose the flames and cool them down some and more wanting more of my story. So here goes!!!!!!

Edited by: Generall making for a better read

also many thanks to Matt Kester and Kyle Weir for their valuable input.

There were others but they were tied up for a bit and seeing as how this story was already several days past due from being posted because of no editing done by me the stories kept bouncing back wanting corrections made. So I sent out over 60 request to for help and received back about 15. The three listed above are the ones you can thank for the editing. Any mistakes otherwise would most likely be mine.

This is a re-edit of my story which includes part 2 and the beginning of part 3. I'm hoping that this will appease those that are looking for a longer story. I write for my pleasure and hopefully you will enjoy the story. There were no words harm maimed or destroyed in the writing of this story. Remember this is all fiction. The characters are all made up in my mind (what's left of it LOL).

PART 2 OF CHAPTER 1: Cuckolds Retreat Island

My wife Rose had just left for her job and I decided to get up and start taking care of things that I believed needed to be taken care of. First thing I did was call Sarah Thompson and see if I can get an appointment with her today. Picking up the phone I dialed the number on the card that James Carter, my friend, gave me last night.

"Hello, Sarah Thompson's office how may I direct your call please," spoke a very friendly female voice.

"Yes my name is John Taylor, I'd like to set up an appointment to see Ms. Thompson to represent me in my upcoming divorce, if possible."

"Hmmm... let me check Ms. Thompson's schedule." After several seconds delay, "Yes, Ms. Thompson has an opening at 1p.m. this afternoon, will that do? However I will say that Ms. Thompson generally only accepts women as clients unless the man has unimpeachable evidence."

"Yes I was told that by the person who made her recommendation to me. I have video of my wife in my home with her boss," I stated.

"Ok Mr. Taylor, we will see you at 1p.m. latter today," the friendly female voice said.

Next I knew I might need more info and evidence. so I set out to acquire that by putting out some of my gadgets . Mini spy cams and voice recorders and I had several GPS trackers that I was intending on using. All I needed was the opportunity to put them in place, such as in her car (a GPS and a mini voice activated digital recorder). The others I set up in the house to see if I could catch any more of my unfaithful wife's actions on video and voice, one in the master bedroom and others in the quest room, kitchen and living room for good measure.

After doing all that it was close to 11:30 a.m., and knowing I had the 1pm. Meeting, I decided to get ready. That included a shower, clean clothes and gathering my video . I went into my home office where my home computer was and downloaded the video from my cell phone so that I could burn it to a cd/dvd. It took me but about 15 minutes to do so. The time now was 11:46 a.m., time for that quick shower and getting dressed. The time was 11:59, still an hour till my meeting with Ms. Thompson.

I estimated it was a 20 minute ride to get to her office from my house, but while I was in the shower I had a stupendous thought that I knew I had to check on before I left for that appointment. I was thinking about my wife's affair and how long it may have been going on. Bingo, my wife had her own laptop computer in our bedroom. Her college courses were liberal arts and the like, so her technical knowledge was just basic computer use, emails, Facebook and the like. Other than that she knew nothing about how computers work. But being an IT professional, I do. Her computer surely would have a ton of info that I could possibly use if she emailed or chatted or even saved pics.

Being that I didn't have a lot of time to preview what might be on the hard drive of her laptop, I plugged in one of my 512 meg thumb drives and downloaded her favorites folder, documents folder, picture folder and several others that I thought might be of value in my search. The time was now 12:27 p.m. leaving me just enough time to get to my meeting with a little time to spare.

I arrived at Ms. Thompson's office at 12:58 p.m. I was cutting it close. I walked in and was greeted by, I'm supposing the friendly female voice on the phone . Her name tag said, 'Janice'.

"Hi, my name is John Taylor. I'm Ms. Thompson's one o'clock appointment."

"Oh, yes Mr. Taylor. She's been expecting you. If you'll follow me I'll take you into her office and introduce you," Janice said.

I followed her into a spacious and fancy looking office with a beautiful solid oak desk, behind which sat a very attractive blonde.

"Ms. Thompson, your one o'clock appointment Mr. Taylor is here." Janice turned and started to leave the room.

"Mr. Taylor, I must warn you I don't normally accept Men as clients. I'm a feminist and I believe most of the time the ones at fault if their wives cheat on them are the men involved. However I have represented a very few men, mind you not many, but a few men who had overwhelming evidence."

"Ms. Thompson, I'm here because as far as I'm aware I've done nothing wrong except being dumb and blind to a cheating woman. I have video proof at present of that happening in my own house at this present time. Hopefully over the next several weeks or so I hope to have even more evidence of her betrayal to me."

"Mr. Taylor, unless your wife was being raped you really have no case at present other than your wife had sex with another man. If she invited him into your house willingly legally there is not much you can do except file for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable differences. If you try for divorce for reasons of adultery you'll not fair very well legally. In either case she will come out the winner even if she had sex with half the city. She'd still get the lion's share of everything you and she owns. She could even get part of your business, or the largest controlling interest of it plus owe her alimony for life or until she remarries again."

What Ms. Thompson was telling me wasn't very exciting to me. It was downright making me sick at my stomach.

"Mr. Taylor .... Mr. Taylor ... are you listening to me?"

"I.... umm., sorry, I guess I zoned out. I was hoping a little better outcome in all this." I stated.

"I'm just telling you what the probable outcome would be. In this state Mr. Taylor it's a no fault state meaning that at the least it'd be a 50/50 split on things unless she brings up anything that can be used against you such as child support or physically abusing her. Is there anything like that which she could say about you Mr. Taylor?"

"No, nothing I'm aware of. We've talked about starting a family, however that's as far as we've gotten just talking about it. As far as any physical stuff I was raised never to raise a hand against a woman."

"Well Mr. Taylor, your free hour of consultation is almost up. My advice to you is that it's cheaper to keep her than go the divorce way. However after everything you've told me I'm afraid I'll have to pass on your case."

I stood up and tiredly reached out to shake Ms. Thompson hand. "Well, thank you for at least hearing me out Ms. Thompson."

"Thank you for dropping by Mr. Taylor."

I walked out of that office thinking, "That was a waste of my time, it looks like I'm screwed anyways I go."

While walking to his car I had a brilliant thought, at least he thought he did. "I'm an IT person, if someone was looking for someone like me where would be a likely source to find someone like me?

It'd be the internet of course, I can search for divorce lawyers and view their win loss statistics online . Surely there must be someone out there that can help me."

At which point I drove to his office to start his search. Upon arriving at my company I greeted his secretary Gladys Cummings , "Good afternoon Gladys, everything going smoothly so far?"

"No hiccups so far so I guess everything is going fine ."

"That's good Gladys , Oh Gladys, I'm going to be busy in my office for a while. Would you see to it that I'm not disturbed for a bit unless it's a dire emergency?"

"Sure thing boss."

I sat at his desk and fired up his desktop computer and began his search, or at least he tried to start when he got a notification that he had an email from his uncle William Tagert. He hit the notification button on his task bar, wondering what his uncle was wanting .

"John, is everything ok with you?"

"Well, not really, but I'm working on it. Why do you ask" I replied.

"I was down in your area yesterday and I saw your wife with another man in a bar/restaurant. It seemed they were being very cozy with each other so I used my phone camera to take a short video to see if you know who this man is. Sending it now."

My computer sounded a DINK meaning I'd received an attachment. "Give me a minute to check it out."

I opened the video thinking I may already know who the man was. Sure enough it was my wife's boss Keith Lansing.

"Yes, I know who it is. It's her boss from work. Wait one minute and I'll send you a video of why I know it's him."

I uploaded my saved video from that morning to my uncle.

After looking at it he replied, "I'm so sorry John, your grandfather and I tried to warn you when you married her"

"Yes, I know, but I was a stubborn, stupid young guy with shades on my heart. I wish now I'd at least given some thought about what you to tried to do."

"Well, what are you planning on doing about this situation John?"

"Not sure yet, but looking into possibilities of a divorce, but so far things seem would be a bleak outcome for me."

My uncle added, "Yes , nowadays it doesn't behoove a man to get married with all the negative things that can and do happen during and after a divorce with the feminist court system we have today that's skewered towards women in general."

"I didn't know that until just today when I met with this lady lawyer that claimed to be a feminist lawyer mostly for women in divorce cases."

"John, just hang in there, let me get with your grandfather. Maybe we can come up with some things that will help you out in the long run."

"Uncle Will, anything you can do would be a blessing to me at this time."

"Like I say John, just hang in there. It may get worse before it gets better, but if we can help you out we will. It may take a while to get things set up, but we'll try to make it happen as soon as we can."

"Thanks Uncle Will, I've got to go. I was just starting my search for another lawyer that I might use."

"Ok, keep me posted as to your situation."

At which point my uncle signed off his email account.

I sat there for a few minutes pondering, "What am I going to do now. Oh yes I forgot." I again turned to my computer and logged into my Google search page and typed in divorce attorneys for my area code. Almost instantly a list of attorneys showed up for my* area and surrounding areas. I saved the web page so that he could refer back to it as needed. I took the first name on the list and Googled the lawyer's name, finding several things about him from different web pages, including his win/loss record. I wrote his name down as a possibility. I continued my search with each name from the search results. After several hours I had four names of lawyers that might be of help , so I started making calls and setting up appointments for Monday. Being Saturday and the late hour I started getting voice messages to call on the next work day (Monday of course), so I actually had one set up for Monday morning at 9 a.m. .

The time was getting late and I didn't want to go home yet and needed an excuse to stay away. About that time Gladys came in to the office carrying the day's mail. All of it was junk mail to some extent, but after going through it, it struck me. There's a computer hardware and software show just across the state line near grandfather's place.

I picked up my office phone and dialed home. Rose should have been home by then or she was too busy with her boss to bother answering the phone, so it went to voice mail instead.

"Rose, it's John. There's an out-of-state computer show that I need to go to so I'm leaving from here to go to it. It's near grandpa's place, so instead of driving back later tonight I'll stay with grandpa and come home by tomorrow evening. I'm sorry, but this is something that has to be done for the business. See you later."

I didn't say 'I love you, I wondered if she would even bother to listen to it at all or if she would even notice it. Before I left I downloaded the info from my desktop to a thumb drive for my laptop that was in the car . Another thing I intended to do is look at the info that I got off my wife's laptop while at my grandfather's house. He didn't realize it then, but what he'd find would be devastating .

As I was leaving my office I wished Gladys a good night and told her I'd see her Monday morning. She smiled and said, "The same to you, John."

I proceeded to my car and started the two hour trip towards grandfather's place. The trip was uneventful except for my thoughts kept my mind preoccupied about Rose and her boss fucking in his bed, in his house. I pulled up to grandfather's mini-mansion and parked in the driveway. got out and walked up to the front door. But before I could knock my grandfather and uncle was standing there ushering me into the house.

Grandfather began , "John, what's this about Rose that your uncle Will is telling me that he caught her out with another man not you and being very frisky with this guy? He's also saying you sent him a video of her screwing this guy in your house?"

"That's about the size of it" I replied.

"Well, can you tell me what your planning on doing about it son?"

"I've started checking into divorce lawyers. Already spoke to one already, but she wasn't of much help. She did give me a pretty scary picture of what I could be facing if I did divorce her, at least in this state."

"You're probably right about that son, this state is extremely controlled by the hard core feminists and it makes it rough on men in courts, especially the county seat where you live. The judges there are all pro feminist advocates and most of the lawyers as well in that area," grandfather told me. My uncle nodded his head in agreement.

Grandfather continued, "Son, now you know why I never remarried after your grandmother passed away 15 years ago and basically why your uncle here hasn't married either. I don't know what it is about most women today, but they seem to have the capability to cheat and get away with it, and if you don't like it its tough shit, at least legally they have men over a barrel in the court rooms."

"Yes, that's what this female lawyer mostly said grandfather."

"Something you should know about your grandmother son is she did the same to me as your wife is doing to you now. I didn't like it then and I don't like it now, The blessing for me is that I found this out just a few years before she passed away. In my case it was easier and cheaper to keeper than divorce her. She just spent so much time doing her differing lovers she forgot about STD's and that's what killed her."

"No, I didn't know that grandfather , I often wondered why grandmother passed away so early. I guess I know why now."

"Actually it wasn't something I wanted spread around, so I kept it hidden the best I could. Your uncle here has a similar story except it was his future wife that he was engaged to that was cheating on him."

My uncle took up the story from there, "I found out just before the wedding my fiancé was shagging my best friend the whole time we were dating and during our engagement. That's why we counseled you at your wedding about Rose, we both saw what you weren't seeing at the time."

NOTE FROM JUSTANERD : I've now introduced you to his grandfather and uncle so you can see where they're coming from . I know I'll probably be criticized because this one is sort of short too, but I had so many of you wanting me to continue the story so I thought I'd pop this out to you now. Part 3 will be coming in a day or two if I get the same positive responses that I have with the first part.

'm God smacked over 20,000 views almost a 100 comments (most are positive) and 20 some odd favored the story all on just the 1st pt of my story . Lol... I write on other sites as well (under a different pen name ) . about nerds and geeks (because even at the age of 71 i'm still one with some dorkism thrown in for good measure) my point is I did get reviews and views but it took over a year to get them no where as many as here for my first story though in such a short time of space. So I do appreciate all those that took the time to read it and for those (good or bad) comments . So I have that out of the way ON TO THE STORY.


After the discussion with my grandfather and uncle I ask if I could stay in his guest room a while, I had some things I wanted to review, basically my thumb drive of the files I saved off my wife's computer.

My thinking was that I should start with her picture folder which I clicked on and my pic quick viewer popped up with more than 450 pictures. I then clicked on the first icon and up popped a picture of my naked wife posing seductively at the camera. Problem was, this wasn't a selfie pic, it was high quality camera .png format . Someone took the pic of her which looked like a studio .

"What the HELL," was my first thought.

"Why is she having a picture taken of her in the nude? I've never received any pic like this from her, either email or phone wise. So it appears it wasn't necessarily meant for me, if so, then who? Ok, well I thought I might actually know who , her boss most likely."

The time stamp on the pic was from two months ago, so that eliminates the hope they might have been for me, if it was, then surely after two months I would have gotten it. This pic was very upsetting, but couldn't be explained , but then again knowing what I know now maybe I could . Stupid me. I clicked on the next . WHOA .... what am I looking at? It's the same studio, but a different pose . Her leaning forward giving what appeared to be a sexy kiss face with her hands looking like they were juggling her breast for the camera.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I said to myself.

I started to click on each icon in sequence and each one got progressively more pornographic than the previous one. After 40 or so pics the location changed to someplace I totally was familiar with, my house, my bedroom. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was at first seeing as that's where I caught them to begin with. Again 30 to 40 pics of my wife being fucked by her boss in different poses with my wife's face showing her desires and lust for what was going on. If I thought these pics were bad I was in for a very rude awakening when I viewed her video folder. Actually I had to stop viewing the video's they were making me ill at my stomach and super angry to boot. Problem was, I should have continued viewing them it would have opened my eyes much sooner to what was coming my way and the plans my wife had in store for me in the near future. I check some of the other folders but found little of interest or that mattered to me so I exited and shut down my laptop.

from JUSTANERD working on part 3 but nowhere near finished yet. Hang in there because more is coming. Please forgive for the delay, had to find some editors which took time.

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Kabe1957Kabe1957about 1 month ago

Ending not provided yet. Large number of mixed first and third person in the same paragraph, and often the same sentence. This is usually due to hurried writing and thinking ahead of your typing.

SaltySurpriseSaltySurprise5 months ago

Where is the final chapter?

Wildbill1964Wildbill19646 months ago

Please do the world a favor and NEVER write another story and post it here. The absolute worst I've ever seen.

moultonknobmoultonknob9 months ago

Terrible grammar and basically a complete load of fucking rubbish.

someoneothersomeoneother9 months ago

This is just terrible writing. Author spent 100 words to simply say the guy arranged a meeting with a lawyer. Then the story becomes total shit. I assume that Buster 2U was being facetious in his comments.

C_frommnC_frommn9 months ago

C'mon you have a good story. I'm not sure why but you should consider sitting down and try writing a few words.

LechemanLecheman10 months ago

Hmm 5-yrs and counting, looks to be a lost cause.

I do agree with the consensus, LIT needs to get their act together.

nothing complex required, something as simple as placing authors that have not posted in 5 years with only a small submission quota to be placed in archives.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 1 year ago

Waiting for the next chapter

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 1 year ago

More Please. More Please. More Please. What a Great Plot, Great Writing, Great Story, Great Effort! I can't wait for more! 10 big Blazing Stars Thanks, Buster2U

moultonknobmoultonknobabout 1 year ago

1 is 1 more than this deserves as it's nowhere near finished and what there is is not very good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Finish the story please

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I gave it a 1 because I hate it when a writer doesn't finish their story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I was going to say this author must of got sick or even died when he didn't complete this tale but I see he posted another story a year later! I only gave this story 3* because of the confusing use of I and he, referring to the mc, even in the same sentence! Also, as mentioned, about the incomplete telling of the story. It really pisses me off when you put time into reading the story and it's left unfinished!!!!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

you the writer and you don't need anyone permission too write your story.just write the story and stop acting like a scare child.

Diecast1Diecast1over 1 year ago

Love the story, so where is the next chapter ? AAAA++++

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I am tired of starting stories and finding the author just quit as it was getting good. It would be good if you could mark them somehow so we would know ahead of time they weren't finished.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Grammar is terrible with every rambling sentence containing what should be three separate subjects / actions. However, the changing from first person to third is crazy ie. i got in my car and then he went to his office. Who does that? I suspect this story will never be finished as we have had parts 1 and 2 and there is no mention of the island. Very poor proof reading, rambling 'plot' development and terrible grammar make this like a compilation of many different basic plot devices. Basically crap and the fact that it is unfinished is probably the best thing going for it.

YouamiYouamialmost 2 years ago

I was disappointed that you have not attempted to finish this series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

“I write for my pleasure and hopefully you will enjoy the story.” You may write for your pleasure but when you publish you bring readers into the equation. You should respect them, but you clearly don’t. If you haven’t finished a story, and seemingly don’t plan to, don’t waste readers’ time, particularly with no warning prior to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please, stop writing in both first person and third person in the same story. Or same paragraph and even in the sane sentence. You need to use a grammar detection program. Please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


servant111servant111over 2 years ago

Hate half finished story trains with no ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Why the heck did you not finish this, need to see her destroyed


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