The Decoy Princesses Pt. 03


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"Say it again and call me 'Master' this time, bitch," he said, crowing in triumph.

"I... am... sorry... Master," she ground out through gritted teeth with her head still hovering just above Nox's feet. This was beyond humiliating for her. She was a warrior of the vast orc hordes. She was a citizen of the proud Orc Empire and here she was, naked and kneeling on all fours, forced to pay lip service to a mere servitor race.

"Suck my cock, slave," Nox then ordered, grabbing his manhood and holding it up for her. "And while you're at it, start fingering yourself!"

"Yes... Master..." Forna snarled as the words were forced from her lips even as she lifted her head up to take his cock into her mouth. He slid his hardening member in and she started to suck on him. Nox moved slightly forward so that he could wrap his hands around the back of her head to keep her from pulling too far back. Just to test it out, she tried biting down on him and found that her jaw locked whenever she tried to put more pressure on his cock. She was unable to do anything to harm him... just as he had said. At the same time, she was unable to resist his command to pleasure herself as she propped herself up with her left hand as her right hand slid down her body to cup her mound, spread her pussy slightly, and slide her middle finger up into her now sopping wet cunt. She moaned as she stimulated herself all the while mentally beating herself up for this degrading act she was now forced to perform.

Above her, Nox was snapping his fingers. "Line up and start fucking his bitch!" he yelled to his friends. "And get that other one over here, too, and fuck her! We ain't leaving 'til everyone has a turn!" he declared. Forna heard the rousing cheers of all the goblins around her and a moment later she felt the first of the vile little creatures stick his prick up into her pussy to start humping away. As she sucked on Nox's cock, now fully hard inside of her mouth, she was taken by the goblins one at a time from behind. They'd come up, penetrate her, hump away, blow their load inside of her, and then step aside for the next one in line. Forna found herself moaning each time they came inside her pussy. The few times she decided to open her eyes she saw that Irga was on her hands and knees right beside her doing the same thing with a goblin forcing a blowjob from her while another one fucked her from behind.

While she was focusing on Irga for a moment, her eyes unexpectedly fixated on her friend's dangling, bobbing breasts underneath of her, Nox suddenly came inside of her mouth, blowing his thick cum down her throat. The force and sheer amount of it took her by surprise and she momentarily gagged on it. Nox had wrapped himself around her head, forcing her to keep his cock inside of her mouth as she struggled to breathe and swallow. But she managed to recover if nothing else to deny this goblin the satisfaction of knowing what he was doing to her. Once he was spent, he pulled away only to be replaced by another goblin... and then another... and then another.

By the time they were all through with her and Irga, Forna was exhausted, sore, and oversensitive. Because the goblins had forced her to pleasure herself while in the middle of the goblin gangbang, she'd gotten off a few times as noon gave way to afternoon which then gave way to dusk. Both her and Irga were laying flat on their stomachs, breathing heavily, as their bodies quivered all over. Waterskins were pressed to their lips that they both gratefully drank down until they were pulled away. "On your feet and follow us, wenches," one of the goblin women, now fully clothed, ordered them as the others attached heavy chains to their shackles and collar. Then they put a chain between Irga's collar to Forna's and then put a lead chain from Forna down to a pair of the goblin women who gleefully led them deeper into the woods amid the progression of goblins already heading that direction.

The woods got darker and thicker the further in they went until they were deep in a heavily forested valley. The trees cleared out slightly and both Forna and Irga gasped at the twisting, winding goblin village that was here, nestled mere miles from the Storm Citadel, that appeared to still be growing along the small river that flowed through the center. Most of the small houses and shops that were already built were on the western side of the river, up against the base of the rocky mountains and looked to be surprisingly defensible. As they were led into the town, various bonfires and crude oil streetlamps lighting the roads that followed the ebb and flow of the river, they were surprised at just how such a place could exist right underneath of the orcs' noses. But, Forna then reluctantly conceded, every goblin that wasn't on the front lines had been ejected from the city surrounding the Citadel. "How is this possible?" Forna heard Irga breathed in astonishment.

"Because we be goblins, toots," one of the goblin women piped up from behind. "We don't need much space and larger races always underestimating us."

Forna and Irga were led to a large building in the center of town that had rooms more to their size. Granted, the rooms were about twenty feet in every direction with just a bed, a simple fireplace stove, a wash basin, and a chamber pot, but it was big enough to move around in. Irga's collar was unhooked from Forna's just before she was led into the first room on the bottom floor. Forna was put into the next room over where her chain was locked to a ring embedded into the headboard of the bed. She calculated that she had just enough length to reach everywhere in the room and to just be able to stand in the doorway, but that was about it. Then, just to add insult to injury and to prevent any kind of escape, one of the few goblin women she saw used her magic to reinforce the locks to prevent tampering. For the first time, Forna's heart sank as she was ordered onto the bed to lie down and wait for goblins to come by. No one knew where they were and there was no chance for two naked orcs to escape from the middle of a goblin town.

Unable to do anything else, Forna laid down onto her surprisingly soft bed that was just big enough for her. She lay there, staring off into the ceiling, hands resting on her slightly swollen belly full of goblin cum, muttering under her breath as to why the fates were so cruel to her and Irga. They hadn't done anything wrong. They'd both lived and fought with honor. It wasn't their fault that the lesser races didn't know their places. But now she was being treated as a lesser race and now being in their shoes, so to speak, she didn't like it. What was worse was that whatever geas that had been placed on her was strong and she didn't know of any way to break it. As she was lost in her thoughts, she pressed down onto her belly. With as much seed that was in there she had no doubt that she'd get pregnant with a goblin spawn or two that she'd then have to nurse. How long did goblins gestate for anyway? She knew it was like half the time as the filthy creatures bred like rabbits and grew to adults in half the time as it took a normal sized humanoid. It was why there were so many of them around all the time... and now a lot of them were starting to congregate here.

Soon she stopped thinking of such things as she heard the plinking of a coin hitting the bottom of a metal cup that was mounted just outside of her open door. A goblin came in, jumped up onto her bed with her, and ordered her to spread her legs for him so that he could fuck her. Unable to resist the order, she complied and tried to ignore it as yet another goblin had his way with her.



Nox was feeling good the next day as he woke up in his bedroom in his home with a naked girl under each arm. He'd gotten laid more in the past day than he had in the past couple of years. It was good to be a hero to his kind. As he stretched out while getting the sleep out of his eyes, the girls stirred on either side of him. "Noxxy... baby... ya gonna lay us again?" one of them purred like a cat as she ground suggestively against him.

"Yeah, show us again what this thing can do," the other said, trailing her hand down to grip his cock.

"Love to, ladies," Nox said with a big old grin on his face as they talked in their more natural goblin language and not that bastardization, halting, common language that made them sound like morons, "but duty calls. Come back when I get back into town in a few days and I'll pump my shaft into ya both some more." They both giggled and squealed as they got out of his bed and dressed. Nox couldn't help but pinch them both on their small green bottoms as they did so. He then used his bath chamber in the next room over, then went into the kitchen to eat some breakfast of bread and dried sausages, dressed, got his pack and weapons, and was out the door.

The next part of his plan was even more audacious than taking a couple of orc slaves. If he played things right, he'd have more slaves and a supply line running to their hidden little town of Underbrush. He led some of the town's miners and four warlocks up to a little known natural cave system in the mountain where a stream came out of to feed into the main river that went though their fledgling little town. While he went through, the miners set about widening the caves by digging and clearing rock using magic, and then putting support braces in to make it a nice, large travelling road. For Nox, however, it was a long trek through the tunnels and caves that took nearly two days to get though. When he popped out on the other side of the mountain range, he was in the eastern high country of the human held lands. The mountains were the main reason why hardly help had come to the elves' assistance in the initial orc invasion of their lands on the Impiltur Peninsula that jutted southward into the Dragon Seas. The mountain range that Nox had just crawled through divided the peninsula in half, running from the highlands in the north all the way down south to the sea.

He could see the village that he had his sights on to get a line of supplies from. It was a human village, for the most part, with some smattering of other so-called 'civilized' humanoid races in it; elf, dwarf, and gnome being some of the more prominent. Nox had scouted the village before and outside of a few men to mount a militia, they didn't have much by way of guards. He set up camp just inside the hidden entrance to the cave, stowing most of his gear here, before heading out down the rows of fruit orchards and rolling hills of farmland. It was a nice land and Nox looked forward to spending more time here. That is, after he made his offer to trade with the humans. He really hoped that they'd go for his proposal. Otherwise, it'd be on to plan B.

The ideas and plans were all going well in his head until he turned a corner and ran smack dab into a gnome.


Hiley the Gnome was one minute heading for her orchard to pick fruit and then the next minute she was face-to-face with a green man who was just slightly taller than she was... a goblin. She stopped and looked just as surprised as the goblin that she'd suddenly stumbled across. They both stood there for a moment, blinking at each other in shock. Just as he raised his hand and opened his mouth to say something, she threw one of her knives at him and opened her mouth to scream for help from the nearby village, hoping that her tiny voice would carry that far. "HELP! ATTACK! GOBLIN!" She screamed. In that instant, the goblin hopped back to dodge the knife, took out an arrow with a bulbous head on it, nocked it in his bow, and fired it at her. Before she could get another sound out it had exploded, showering her in smoke and making her cough so that she couldn't yell. At the same time she was knocked down by the net that was encased inside of it. It wrapped her up and she rolled back down the hill a bit from where she'd come from. The goblin was on her in an instant, grabbing the net that encased her and dragging her back up the hill to where he'd been hiding at... and being none too gentle about it either. Before she knew it, he had a rag out and was stuffing it into her mouth before tying it in place with another rag on top of it. She was now totally helpless and at his mercy.

But the goblin didn't do anything to her right away. All he did was drag her even further up the hill. Why? Hiley wondered. There wasn't anything up here. Or was there? Her big eyes widened even more in horror when the goblin dragged her into a small cave that was hidden from view by the small treeline that were at the base of the otherwise steep and craggy mountains. How long has THIS been here? she wondered. She let out a grunt of discomfort as the goblin threw her up against a stone pillar and proceeded to tie her to it. Then she squealed and squirmed as he then started going through her little pack and all of her pockets, his grubby hands pawing at her all over her body. He relieved her of her gathering bags, knife, and picking tool. He looked at the telescoping tool with a pincher claw at the end of it with curiosity before looking at her. "Hi," he said with a toothy smile. "Now, if I take your gag out, are you going to be a good little gnome and be quiet?" he asked her. When he bent over to undo her gag, she tried to headbutt him. "Oookay... that's a no," he said as she just glared daggers at him. "Why you hate Nox so much?"

"Because you're an ugly, evil, vile, grubby little creature!" Hiley shouted from behind her gag that just came out as a series of angry, muffled mumbles.

But the goblin... Nox... seemed to understand her. "Not evil... just... not you..." he said thoughtfully. "We goblins do what we have to so we can survive. We don't get to lead cushy lives like you do. All I want is what's best for us," he casually explained. "We want to open up trade with village."

Unable to help herself, Hiley threw her head back and laughed, shaking her head and kicking her feet in amusement. There was no way the village elders were going to trade with a goblin. Then something hit her and she looked further back into the cave. Her breath caught. How many goblins were in here? Or worse... did this cave actually go through the mountain all the way to the orc held lands on the other side? When she looked back at Nox, he was studying her intently. "Hmmm. I see that you figured it out." He then seemed to sigh, his tone going from high-pitched goblin to surprising smooth and calculated. His voice now betrayed an intelligence that she didn't think that goblins were capable of. "Unfortunately, I can't let you go now to warn the others that I'm here."

"Fuck you, Goblin!" Hiley shouted though her gag again, trying to spit at him.

"Fuck me?" Nox asked. "No, no... I'm gonna fuck you."

Uh oh... Hiley gasped and her big eyes went wide as Nox was on her once again. He untied her from the stone pillar and dragged her into his nearby tent where he tied her down spread eagled to stakes in the cave floor. At least he put her on a bedroll, she noted. Now that she was totally immobilized, he went for her clothes; stripping her of her boots, pants, shirt, and underwear by ripping, tearing, and cutting them off until she was naked. Hiley squirmed and squealed in outrage from behind her gag the entire time, hopeful that someone... anyone... would hear her distress. Finally, Nox took out a small piece of metal, that looked like a ring, that he then used some kind of magic to pull it into a larger loop. Then he seemed to snap it into two at one point to open it up. She looked at the thing in fright as he then hovered overtop of her to lower it down to her neck. NO! She thought a half second before the magical collar snapped around her neck. The moment she heard it click, she felt all of the fight leave out of her. Ooohhhhh... godddds... what'd he do to me? she wondered.

Nox was snapping his fingers in front of her face to get her to focus on him. "You going to be good girl now, gnome?" he asked. Hiley moaned and nodded as if bidden by magic to obey his every command. "Are you my little slave now, gnome?" he asked. Another moan and a nod. Hiley couldn't stop herself even if she tried. She watched as he then started taking off his leather armor and clothes until he stood over her, naked, with his green cock standing impressively erect... noting how huge it was. Then her eyes followed it as he moved around to stand between her spread out legs. She was transfixed by his cock, swearing that it was going to split her wide open but at the same time feeling a yearning to have it inside of her. "Heh... you like this, slave?" he asked, stroking it once. Hiley moaned and nodded, feeling herself go wet in response. "I've had orc and goblin women alike cum on this thing. Looks like I get to add a gnome to the list."

With that, he knelt down between her legs, positioned his cock right at her wet, waiting little pussy, and drove it into her. Hiley tensed in her bonds, her feet pointing and her fists clenching, as his cock slid easily into her body, filling her up more than she thought was possible without laying with a human or an elf. She squealed behind her gag as her pussy stretched to accommodate him as his cock bottomed out inside of her without any problems whatsoever. Nox settled overtop of her, his surprisingly muscular chest pressing down against her bare breasts, making her nipples feel even harder. She looked up at him and he looked right back at her as he started to drive his hips into hers. Hiley grunted and moaned as she felt his cock slide in and out of her. To her surprise, he was far larger and a far more attentive lover than she'd had in the past. He seemed to take his time with her, feeling her passion build up inside of her body as her pussy intermittently squeezed his cock as the pleasure grew. Hiley found herself subconsciously bucking up against him to meet his thrusts... unsure if it was because of the cursed collar or because Nox was just that good. Every time he drove into her, his pubis was hitting her clit just right, driving her wild in the process.

"Nngh... Gods... you're hot, toots..." Nox was grunting as he began to thrust faster into her. She could feel his cock swell within her. It wasn't going to be long now. He bucked hard, pounding his hips into hers before he let loose with his torrent of cum deep into her pussy. Hiley tensed again and squealed loudly as her own body came along with his. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she felt delirious as the orgasm fried her brain. Her body shuddered beneath his while his balls twitched nonstop against her ass and his cock throbbed inside of her. Then he collapsed in a heap on top of her as her chest heaved with labored breathing. They both moaned as their bodies twitched and spasmed in the afterglow. Then she felt him kiss her on the side of the head as her eyelids felt heavy and sleep threatened to overtake her. "Thanks for the ride, slave, I'll do you again when I get back," he told her as he then draped a blanket overtop of her body.



Fucking the gnome put a little spring into Nox's step as he got his clothes, armor, and gear back on and headed back down the hill. It was now getting into the afternoon, later than he wanted but still doable. He was able to get to the village before the sun got too far down on the horizon. He was met with curious, and sometimes hostile, stares as he walked in, but no one stopped him. Nox went straight to the town hall in the center of the village and asked the human there who was in charge. Minutes later, he was sitting in front of a trio of older men; a human, an elf, and a dwarf. "We were told that you have a... proposition... for us?" the human elder asked.
