The Empath Cycle: 2001 It Takes One - Book 2


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"You're mine, bitch! No other woman will ever touch you again!" When the answer was only a whine, she bent her head to bite a nipple. Hard. Back up, her ice blue eyes boring into her lover's, she growled. "You're mine! Say it! SAY IT, BITCH!"


Lucia accelerated the grinding of her pussy on Claude's extended shin to the rhythm of the hammering of her hand in the other's vagina. In moments both exploded in a paroxysm of pure unadulterated pleasure, unaware they shared it with the other women.

Chapter 9

"Wow, sis! What just happened? And how come they are here with us?"

They were lying on their usual deck chair. It had again stretched to accommodate the eight women. Two of whom were sleeping, smiling beatifically as they cuddled closely.

"I don't know. Seriously. All I did was to project reassurance to them. Then things got out of hand."

"We know." Ryanna said and Julia nodded. "You left yourself wide open and when we automatically melded, you lost control and the meld got caught up in their strong emotions."

"How is that possible? Nothing like that happened the other times."

"If you remember, on the previous occasions, there was a Senior Therapist, or a Support Therapist, in the case of Claude, to bring you back. Also, the emotions involved were much milder. That's something we're going to have to be very careful with and another good reason for Jade to begin her studies as soon as possible."

"I can see that. That's one reason I've kept them sleeping when I realized they had followed us here. First, do we want it to be known that we can bring people here? I know Cathy brought a bunch of children, myself included, but nobody would believe kids even if they talked about it. These women are another matter altogether. I definitely don't want to risk being treated like a Guinea pig by people who want a vacation or a place to live their fantasies."

"Oh, I don't think that will happen with those two, dear." Patricia said. "Remember what Lucia risked to save you from it before and Claude was there to help too."

"I guess, but there's something else we need to talk about before we risk waking them, either here on in the real world."

"I know." Karlie agreed. "I caught some of it too. It reminded me very much of my pirate/slave fantasy, but at another level, I'm afraid."

The others signified their agreement that something may have gone terribly wrong and that the traumatic potential was high.

"I have an idea." Ryanna said. "What if you sent them in a fantasy like you did with Karlie? And when they come to at the house, we could explain to them that that's all it ever was. We could even skip what happened in the first place altogether. I'm not sure they really realized what was going on."

"We could even enter their fantasy with them and control it somewhat." Jade suggested.

"Could we?" Sylvie wondered. "First, it's two fantasies, not a single one as in Karlie's case. Second, can anyone tell if it was a dominant/submissive fantasy or a sadist/masochist one? I can't. All I caught were their extreme emotions."

"That's right." Patricia offered. "I couldn't tell if it was a single fantasy or two, real aspects of their personalities coming to the fore or being twisted by the emotional amplification of the meld. What about you girls? You have the most experience with this."

"I'm in same boat as you all." Julia said. "My shields were down as much as I've ever allowed in company because you are all a bad influence on me. So, once I was in the meld, I was caught in it as much as you were. In my opinion, though, it was not a fantasy, but their own repressed personalities. Pure in the extreme and not twisted at all."

"I agree with Julia." Ryanna followed on. "These two have repressed their love for so long that they may have sublimated it in the only roles they would allow themselves: superior and inferior. Now we have to show them how to integrate this in their lives as a form of play. Much as you do and have shown Julia and I."

"I trust your judgement, but how do we go about it? What if the damage is already done?"

"Oh, I seriously doubt it. To be in the positions they are in means they have strong, stable personalities. Remember the kind of patients they treat and the environment they work in. In fact, since we're not sure what roles they were playing/living exactly, I would even suggest we simply wake them slowly while projecting peace and serenity. No, not in a meld. We'll have to work some stuff out before we try that again on our own. We'll see how things are with them and, if needed, Karlie and Jade could then explain how to express those traits or fantasies in play."

"What do you all think?" Sylvie asked. "That sounds sensible to me."

"To me too." Patricia said. "I think it's safer than sending them in a fantasy without preparation. Remember how real Karlie's seemed. We could even pretend to wake up with them and see how it goes from there."

"Good idea, mom." Jade put in. "Push comes to shove, Sylvie could always send them back to sleep immediately, then Ryanna and Julia can call in a Therapist or I could call Oliver LeBlanc who is a Senior Support Therapist."

"I second Jade's suggestion. She may be a rapist when the mood strikes her, but she has good ideas occasionally. It's another game, girls. I'll explain later." Karlie told Ryanna and Julia when she saw their questioning eyes. "We should stay here where Sylvie can control the environment, but maybe she could recreate our bedroom or the living room so they don't wake up in a totally unfamiliar place."

"It's decided then." Sylvie concluded. "We'll wake them in our bed and see which way the wind blows."

Lucia slowly emerged from slumber feeling refreshed and languid all at once. Though she was only covered in a sheet, the air was warm and comfortable despite her being naked in bed for the first time in many years, but she didn't object since it allowed her to feel an equally naked body molded to hers. A deliciously feminine body. She could feel and smell a fresh breath inches away from her own lips, mixing with her own.

Tentatively, she brought her arm over and was rewarded to the feeling of soft skin. Encouraged by this success, she moved her knee forward and, once she made contact, was happy to feel a leg lift so she could slip it in until it rested against a hot, moist, vulva. Opening her eyes she beamed at the beautiful woman facing her.

"Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?" Claude asked.

"Good morning, dear heart. I will sleep well for the rest of my life if I can do it in your arms. And you?"

"Do you need to ask? I haven't slept better since our days at McGill when I fantasized you slept beside me every night."

Grinning like fools, happy fools, they gazed in each other's eyes for a long time it seemed. Lucia's pale blue eyes, perfect chips of glacier ice shooting intense heat straight to Claude's core, while her own brown eyes, so dark they looked black when she was emotionally agitated, as at this moment, were deep pools into which Lucia felt she would drown gladly.

As one, they leaned forward to share a kiss of such tenderness they fervently hoped it would never end. But it did... eventually.

"You realize we are not alone, my love."

"Of course we're not. If we asked nicely, do you think they would give us some privacy for a while?"

They could feel a mix of relief, amusement and deep affection wash over them. In a moment, they could also feel a gentle pressure, almost a suggestion, an invitation. Hand in hand, they got out of bed and walked to the stairs. At the landing before the first floor, they saw that the stairs ended on a pale marble floor. A sharp contrast to the rich wood finish of the staircase on which they were.

Suitably impressed by the transition, they continued and strolled along the cool corridor until they reached tall, wide ebony doors in front of which stood the two most impressive specimen of femininity either had even seen in real life or otherwise. Perfectly identical twins, they towered at no less than six and a half feet. Their darkly tanned athlete bodies superbly muscled and proportioned, exuding raw power, without the unsightly bulges favored by body building narcissists. They were naked except for the smallest G-string possible and an arrangement of delicate gold chains framing their magnificent breasts while leaving their large erect dark brown nipples exposed. The only hair on their bodies were on their precisely trimmed eyebrows, adding yet another exotic element to their presence.

"Would you like some company, ladies?" Asked the one on the right in a deep, sultry voice. "Or would you prefer different packages?"

Before they could blink there were two Asian dolls before them. Still identical, but a mere five feet tall, their delicate golden skin accentuated every aspect of their prefect bodies. From their delicate feet up gracious legs, to pouty pussy lips artistically adorned by drops of feminine dew, topped by erect pearls clearly peaking from their hoods, sensuous hips and ass (which they demonstrated by twirling graciously before the stunned women), flat stomach except for the most subtle swelling of the belly, perky breasts peaked by rosy nipples arrogantly pointing upward toward the women's avid eyes, slender arms with delicate hands weaving hypnotic patterns in the air, perfectly symmetrical faces with high cheek bones and black almond eyes, framed by lustrous black hair that fell to the dimples on their lower backs. Their only accoutrement, fine gold bracelets that chimed with each hand movement, ankle, waist and neck chains. Finally, dozens of small pearls weaved as highlights in their midnight-black hair.

"Maybe you prefer the modern types." Said the one on the left in a gentle sing-song.

Two identical Marilyn Monroe barely covered by impossibly diaphanous veils replaced them, followed in quick succession by redheads, brunettes, blondes, famous singers, athletes, public personalities, actresses...

"Stop! Stop! You're trying too hard girls." Lucia laughed. "Which one are you, by the way?"

"Any. All. Whichever you choose." The punk rocker on the right answered in a gravelly voice. "In fact, this is your fantasy and we wanted to accompany you until you went into the Mistress bedroom to see how you were doing. We see you adapted very well. Unexpectedly so, in fact."

The two women looked at each other and laughed. "We'll explain later, but you didn't tell us if these are your bodies under different guises."

"We can be patient for a little while, but not too long, we hope. We were worried about you." The one on the left pouted. "No, these are not our bodies. They are pure figments of your own fertile imaginations. We are only spectators. Passengers if you will. If you hadn't spoken to us directly, we would have stayed in the background."

Lucia had a distinct feeling that different personalities were in control of the mouth in alternation.

"So did we decide to have these temptresses here or did you?"

"Weeeellll... We could feel the deep love you have for each other and once we were assured of your mental stability, some of us wondered if we could play with you. Ouch! Hey, you meanie. I felt that. Okay, all of us wondered if you would want to play with us. So we suggested that there be two women to greet you as six may have been too obvious or intimidating, especially since you, Lucia, just accepted the lesbian side of your personality. The shapes, sizes and everything else are yours alone."

Claude and Lucia looked at each other and fell in each other's arms laughing.

"I never pictured you for a pervert." Claude exclaimed.

"Who's the pervert? I will cop to the Asian dolls, but most of the others I didn't even recognize, except for the obvious ones, and I certainly never fantasized about them."

"It's the same for me except that I will own to the giant amazon as a fantasy of mine. I imagine that our subconsciouses got away from us."

"I suppose so. You girls want to play with us, do you?" Lucia said. "Well, as much as we appreciate the offer, we would like to have some privacy for a while. We have some catching up to do and things to discuss. Is that okay with you?"

"I guess so." Pouted the punk rocker on the right, her multicolored crest bobbing as she scoffed her foot on the floor.

"Don't whine, dear. It's unseemly in a lady." Lucia told her, but she patted her cheek as she went by, her arm around Claude's waist. "We will see you later."

"When you are ready," said the punk on the left, "follow the corridor to the green doors. We will be on the beach. Have you ever ridden naked bareback on a horse?"

"No." Answered Lucia nervously.

The two punkettes giggled. "You're in for the thrill of a lifetime."

Then the women were alone. The doors opened by themselves and they walked through.

The Mistress bedroom was huge. The wall on their right consisting of byzantine-style windows letting in a cooling breeze. The furniture was tasteful and did not clutter the space. In fact, everything in the room seemed arranged to showcase the huge four-poster bed. Upon getting closer to it, they could distinguish beautiful erotic carvings covering the thick posts and the sides of the canopy. The mosquito net was tied open, revealing turned down emerald silk sheets and a gold lace coverlet.

"So this is Juliette's Arabian Night palace." Lucia sighed.

"It must be. I wish we could see the water room. The description of the bath sounded positively luxurious."

"I honestly never really believed the accounts of the mammies."

"Considering the source, I did. I just never expected to be able to see it for myself, especially since they died. We all have our own haven, but I've never heard of one so elaborate or that anyone visited another's."

"Not for lack of trying, though. It's been a secret project of all of those in the know."

"I know, but nobody has ever been able or dared, for that matter, reproduce the original psychic storm."

"Plus, there have never been empaths as powerful as the mammies. Do you think it's only an effect of Sylvie's special talent?"

"I doubt it, even if she's really a catalyst. It must be a combination of Ryanna and Julia's strength, Sylvie's catalytic talent, combined with the other's lesser talents."

"Surely that can't be all of it. It's been tried before without success."

"You're right, but you forget the strong emotional component of the Event."

"How could I, dear heart, when every moment with you is like a dream from which I hope to never wake."

"You have the soul of a poet, my love. I suppose we will have to write this down in the Secret Archives too."

"I don't mind in the least. Soon everybody will know of our love anyway."

"Aren't you afraid it will endanger the divorce proceedings? Maybe we should go on as before until it's done."

Lucia lowered her eyes and tried to hide her mischievous grin. "Could you?" She asked coyly.

"Of course not, my love." Claude laughed as she gathered Lucia in her arms.

Still in the throes of orgasms, the women's barely had time to realize that the pure white horses had crested the last dune and were still galloping headlong toward the water. Their screams of passion became ones of panic then of incredulity as the beasts didn't sink, but ran on the seemingly solid surface.

Laughing one moment, they only had time to gasp as the beasts suddenly disappeared and they were falling. They surfaced amidst general laughter.

"That's one way to cool us off." Claude huffed mock-indignantly before joining the hilarity.

"Sorry, ladies, but if you had seen your faces when the girls 'dropped' you, you would laugh too." Karlie said.

"I imagine." Lucia managed between peals of laughter. "So the horses were Ryanna and Julia. Can you all change like that?"

"They have been turning into cats since they were young. So changing to horses wasn't a big stretch for them." Patricia answered. "They are teaching us the trick. It's not a problem to take different forms while in a fantasy, but it's not as easy to change what is essentially our residual self-image."

"What do you mean 'since they were young'?" Claude asked.

"They have been playing here with the mammies since they were babies and their favorite forms are calico cats." Jade told her. "You saw them when they led you from the Mistress bedroom to the water room. We thought you might like it. It's Karlie's favorite place on the whole island."

"Well, you must admit the bath is glorious." Karlie protested.

"It sure is, but we all know why you like it so much." Jade teased.

Karlie sputtered for a moment, then joined the laughter. "You see, our first visit here, the water room was part of one of my fantasies and..." She explained.

"And she was a sex slave to a notorious female pirate who broke her in." Jade guffawed.

Lucia looked at Claude. "And you called me a pervert.

"Well, you are." Her new lover answered. "You would have raped me if I hadn't begged you first to..." She stopped, blushing a deep red at her admission.

The other women all laughed uproariously.

Patricia moved closer and slipped her arm around Claude's waist. "It's okay, dear. From your reactions back in our kitchen, we can guess that you looked into the toy chest and asked her to use the strap-on on you. Was it the big single or the double headed one? Personally, I just love when Sylvie takes me in both holes at once."

"You should have seen the look on her face when she opened the box of goodies." Lucia teased her lover. "I thought she was the experienced lesbian, but..." She rushed to take Claude in her arms when she saw tears fill her eyes. "I'm sorry, dear heart, I forgot. I got caught in the moment and I was just teasing. I know what you did for me and I love you so much for it. Please forgive me."

They all heard a splash coming from the direction of the beach and Sylvie rose from the water beside the women, taking them in her arms. "Hey, you, there will be no sadness on our island." She scolded Claude gently. "This is a place of healing and happiness..."

She was interrupted by two flamboyantly iridescent dolphins jumping over them all, then by Ryanna and Julia also emerging from the water to join the group hug, followed immediately by the rest.

The sense of peace and well-being that flowed over them made quick work of Claude's sadness and Lucia's guilt. Once the emotional storm had passed, the two women found themselves embracing on a large thick-cushioned deck chair with Patricia and Karlie spooning at their backs and the others kneeling around, lovingly caressing them.

"Ryanna and Julia told us there was some kind of unresolved issues between you two." Patricia told them. "We thought you had dealt with them in the palace, but obviously you didn't. At least not completely. Do you want some privacy or will you allow us to help you? It's your choice. You are the experienced psychologists, after all."

"What do you say, dear heart?" Lucia asked Claude. "Considering where we are and their repeated spontaneous leaping to our emotional rescue, I suggest we 'spill our beans' to them."

"I know how much stock you put into cognitive behavioral therapy, but this more of a case of just talking it out."

"That's what I meant. Earlier, we were too busy to talk much and I don't mind sharing with our new friends."

"If it's all right with you, then I don't mind either."

As Lucia Morgan raced up the stairs of the Stewart Biology Building, she hoped desperately that things would settle soon. What with the chaos of the first week of school and working thirty hours a week as a bartender, she was having second thoughts about the advisability of going to the university full-time.
