The Exhibition


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The girl then slid Sammy into the outer bag, and began arranging her connectors as she had the previous week. "Ok, now I'm going to need to concentrate all your brain on this one, ok, dummy?" the girl shouted to Sammy. "I'm going to put your arms and legs in the position I want them in, and I need you to not move from there. That's it. Just hold still, no matter what. Can you do that? Can you not fuck this up?" Sammy let out a small mew, and the girl then pushed through the plastic bag to arrange Sammy's limbs. She pushed them down, and spread them around, so that each limb extended out towards the corners of the bag. "There. Don't fucking move, you slut."

The girl ensured that the two plastic cards were pulled out to the sides of Sammy, sitting nearly a foot from Sammy's armpits. The girl then picked up her stack of pictures and notes, and used the pole to place them. She picked up Sammy's panties from her basket, and arranged them showing the crust in the crotch below the card on Sammy's left, aligned with Sammy's waist. She pulled the panties she'd stolen from Sammy the previous week, and placed them in the same position on Sammy's right.

When she was satisfied, she flipped on the sealing iron to warm up, and connected the vacuum. A few minutes later, she had completed the process, and stood up. She had her assistants help her connect the bag up to the frame, and they wheeled her out to the gallery. Once she was satisfied with the height, she connected the last things on the outside of the frame. The first was a new collection bag for Sammy's catheter, which she again placed on the left side. The old bag was hooked above it, and she snaked the "return tube" back up to top, and connected it to the water bottle. She had redesigned this, and it now had a bent tube on the spigot, so it cleanly curved into Sammy's mouth. Before twisting it into place, she fed the end through a tight rubber hole in the side of a circular plug. Once she was happy that it was securely attached, she spun it into place, which put the plug over Sammy's mouth opening. The girl then twisted a ring on the plug, locking it to Sammy's gag. The plug stuck out only an inch or so from the gag's edge, and Sammy could tell when it was locked on, as her mouth was no longer drying out as much as it had been the previous week. Although the air was moister, she didn't have any trouble breathing with it in place.

The girl then used a bit of glue to attach two more plastic cards in position over the two cards encased in the bag with Sammy. She ran the wires over to the right edge of the frame, and unspooled another wire to match those two, and ran the three down to a small box with three red buttons labeled "L", "R", and "M". The connected the other end of the third wire to the plug on Sammy's gag, and then stepped back to survey her display. Satisfied with her creation, she went to the back to prepare Sammy's lunch.

Without any of the "special ingredient" for the smoothie, the girl decided to simply add a couple of extra bananas. Once it was done, she took it back to the gallery, and climbed up to feed it to Sammy. She unscrewed the locking ring on the plug, and let it rotate away from Sammy's mouth. "Good job, slut. You are able to concentrate on one thing long enough to not fuck up my art. Now, here's your lunch, and then you can relax before the show. Since, you know, you have to do so much work to get this thing done, it's not like I've been planning it and buying all the parts. Lazy cunt." Sammy moaned apologetically, although she wasn't quite sure why. The girl fed her as before, but Sammy could tell that something was different, as it seemed to have a stronger banana flavor. When she was done, the girl swung the plug back into place, locking it back into position. The girl squeezed the "water" bag, filling up the bottle. "There, now you can have your favorite drink, you filthy whore." Sammy blushed under all the wrapping, but still licked at the tap, letting her cold piss wash over her tongue. The girl looked closely, and was happy to see that Sammy's spread pussy was nicely becoming cloudy through the plastic, as her slime oozed out onto the inner surface.

Part 4


Two hours later, the show opened, revealing Sammy to the crowd once again. She faintly heard the artist addressing them. "Welcome to the second weekend of my exhibition! It's nice to see so many familiar faces returning! I expected something like this might happen, so I took care to update the main display with a number of new features. Feel free to play around as much as you'd like, I've put some explanations down in the corner, but come and find me if you have and specific questions. Have a great evening, everybody, and enjoy!"

Sammy heard the crowd clapping, and blushed deeply while she felt her crotch leak even more. "They're clapping for me, displayed like this."

Outside her shell, the crowd was investigating the new display. Along the left edge, the girl had arranged a series of photos. She had used some of the same from the previous week, along with some additions. At the top, she had the photo of Sammy signing the contract. Below that, the story from the last week: Sammy stripping naked, Sammy's spread crotch with the catheter sticking out, Sammy half mummified, Sammy on display the previous week, Sammy connected to the enema machine, the blender with Sammy's shit on top, Sammy's tongue extending to accept the blended smoothie, and then at the very bottom, an overhead shot of Sammy sprawled on the floor, still partially mummified attempting to masturbate with her useless hand.

On the backside, more photos were arranged, showing Sammy from this week. Again it started with a photo of Sammy stripping, taken at the point where she was letting the panties that were now on display with her slide past her knees. Next, Sammy half mummified with her arms folded over, then Sammy fully mummified, flailing around on her back. The next four showed Sammy being collared, walking down the hallway, entering the cage, and then sleeping curled in the corner. The next two showed Sammy walking back from the cage with her collection bag bulging on her back, and then finally was another closeup shot of Sammy's wrapped head and the water bottle filled with dark yellow urine, as Sammy's tongue was flicking the end of the tube to let it drain into her mouth.

Next to the set of photos, the girl had again inserted Sammy's driver's license and social security card, above the contract signed by Sammy. Below that, she had typed up a letter "from Sammy," using one of the contract pages she'd manipulated. This left Sammy's signature at the bottom, making it look completely authentic. The letter read:

"Hi Everybody!

You're probably wondering who I am, and what I'm doing here. I'm Samantha Kahele, but you can just call me Sammy. During the week, I work at Smith and Company doing boring stuff. However, I've always wanted to do something more, and having the opportunity to be part of a great art project like this has been a dream come true.

Yes, it is very humiliating to be exposed and shown like a piece of meat. That's actually what makes it so great! Knowing that you're outside watching me as I orgasm, or drink my own pee, or eat milkshakes of my own shit. That's what drives me up that cliff to those orgasms!

I know that I'm disgusting, but I don't care. Enjoy my humiliation as much as I do, and I hope you take advantage of everything I can offer you!



Along the right side of the panel, the artist had put her own note.

"Humiliation Whore 2 (2014)

I really couldn't believe how desperate she was to get back on display. She returned a day early, and begged me to wrap her up so she could feel the bondage that much longer. When I suggested that she was like a dog in heat, I immediately know what position she would enjoy. The only problem dealing with material like her is scavenging my mind to come up with ever greater humiliations to keep up with her debauched enjoyment.

I hope your enjoyment is also spurred by my creation, as you assist her in those humiliations."

The visitors also saw that the collar around Sammy's neck had a large tag on it, arranged perfectly against the outer plastic so it could be clearly read. "Samantha Kahele: Humiliation Whore."


The crowd quickly started in, investigating the new display. One person started by simply poking at the plastic over Sammy's spread cunt. Sammy moaned as this happened, and the crowd laughed as they saw her slime move under the cover. Another saw the buttons on the box, and pushed the "L" button on top. To the crowd, the result of this was Sammy letting out a ear piercing scream. She struggled against her bonds, but this only resulted in a slight wobble of the frame that moved the button away from the finger pushing it. Sammy panted through her gag, relieved that the electric shock that had shot through her left breast had stopped.

"Oh, I see you've found her electric nipples," the artist said with a smile. Sammy was recovering from this sudden attack when her right breast felt the shock, followed by both breasts at once. "Don't worry," the artist said to the guest. "There's a limit that ensures she gets some rest."

"And the M?" the guest asked as Sammy panted through her gag.

"Give it a try," she responded. Sammy continued to pant, but felt the gag shake once, and felt her air completely cut off. No matter what she did, she couldn't breathe. She quickly felt her chest shaking as she panicked. Seconds later, the air suddenly returned, leaving Sammy to make a loud gasping breath. "It inflates a tiny balloon in her gag, forcing her to conserve her air better than she just did," the artist said to the guest. "Again, the whole thing has protections built in. She can't be choked or shocked faster than a certain rate, and the durations and levels are somewhat randomized, just to keep things active for her."

Sammy hadn't expected that there would be more things to deal with. She wasn't sure how much she'd be able to take of things like this. Just then, her nipples lit up again, but at a much lower intensity. She yelped through the gag, and felt someone poking the vibrator into her left breast, which did little more than modulate her moaning.

The show seemed a constant barrage of sensations. Vibrations, shocks, panicked moments without air, all the while recycling her own piss for the amusement of the crowd. The effect this had had on her was increasingly visible to that crowd, as her cunt perpetually oozed onto the plastic screen separating them.

Toward the end of the show, she felt completely drained. Again the crowd had discovered that they could push her urine back up into her body from the mostly full collection bag, and she whined as this happened. The whining brought the artist back over, who switched it out with a new one, and connected the full one to her water bottle, pushing the twice recycled pee back up for her to drink again.

Sammy was recovering from this, she felt the vibrator jammed roughly against her cunt, and held there firmly. Although she'd been teased throughout the evening, none of the sensations had been consistent enough to push her over the edge. This was different, and Sammy could quickly feel herself warming up, as her breathing picked up until she was panting through the gag. Just as she reached the peak, the gag sealed shut, and the vibrator was drawn away, replaced with the shocking of her left nipple. The assault of sensations battered Sammy's mind, but as she struggled to fill her lungs, she felt her insides quake with the orgasm that was causing her to shake the entire frame.

From outside, the crowd saw the frame wobble wildly, and then suddenly stop, as Sammy went completely slack. Without hearing much breathing when the gag reopened, someone pushed the "R" button, sending another massive shock to Sammy's right nipple. The sudden pain of this jolted Sammy back to consciousness, and she immediately started gasping for air. She could hear the applause from outside the bag over her own frantic breathing, and felt yet another orgasm rock her at this realization.

At the end of the show, Sammy was barely lucid. She slowly realized that the din of the crowd had died out, and the various attacks had subsided. She was dreading the enema machine, but the girl left with only a slap on Sammy's ass. Sammy was surprised by this change, but took the opportunity to settle into a deep sleep.


The next morning, Sammy was awoken when she felt her catheter shake when the collection bag was changed. Her mind slowly cleared as she fully woke up, at which point she realized that she didn't feel well. She was very hungry, and could feel her stomach gurgling, but quickly realized that part of the problem was that she'd been plugged for nearly two days, and needed to poop badly. She moaned weakly as she felt her bowels cramp and twitch, and quickly came to the conclusion that this was nearly as bad as the enemas.

By the time the show opened, Sammy was already in tears from the pain. She wasn't sure she'd be able to deal with this added pain in addition to the rest of the tortures. She heard the crowd entering, and felt the first few gropes and prods. She heard the artist welcoming the audience, and quickly explaining the buttons and rest of the exhibit. One thing that Sammy couldn't hear was the enema machine being rolled up next to her. After about an hour, she was able to hear the artist again through the haze in her head.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there have been some questions about the smoothies, and in the interest of clearing this up, we'll have a live presentation!" Sammy had no idea what this meant, but soon felt the key slide in place in her plug, followed by the inner tube pushing inside her. A few moments later, the felt the outer tube locking into place. Outside, the artist showed the empty solids collection bag to the crowd, then closed the cover, and flipped on the system.

At first, Sammy didn't feel anything except for a twitch as the inner tube flexed as the water filled it. Soon, though, Sammy could feel the icy chill as the water inflated her. With the added volume filled by the extra shit, Sammy thought for sure that she would rupture as the pressure increased. She felt her body break out in a cold sweat as she was filled, further chilling her. After the fifteen minute holding time, she felt the suction pulling the filthy water out of her. She sighed through her gag, glad to have the pressure released, and glad that she no longer felt like she was cramping.

However, Sammy knew this wasn't the end, and felt the cold water flood back into her. Without the panic that she had felt on the first one, the realization that Sammy could still hear the crowd outside laughing and talking to each other, as they watched her having her shit flushed out of her. By the end of the third flush, Sammy could feel that she had been largely cleaned out. She was anticipating the constant warm cycling to begin, but the artist had other plans.

She had spent the last cycle filling up the blender with the bananas and mix, and then climbing up to drain some of the pee into the carafe. When the cycle finished, she opened the side panel of the machine, pulled out the stuffed bag of shit, and added that in as well. After a quick pulse, she drained the mess into a large syringe, and climbed back up the ladder. She unscrewed the gag cap, and placed the tip of the syringe on Sammy's tongue, and squirted some of the smoothie into her mouth.

Sammy was initially confused by this change in the schedule, especially with the interruption of the enemas, even though she could still feel the tubes in her ass. She swallowed quickly due to her hunger, and it was only when the artist stepped down to refill the syringe that she came to the sudden realization. The previous smoothies had been dominated by the bananas and the smoothie mix flavor. However, the mass of shit that had been extracted from her and mixed in dominated the flavor in this batch. This allowed Sammy to realize what that faint odd flavor had been in the previous ones. She was being force fed her own shit as well as her piss. She squealed loudly through the open gag as this thought passed through her mind.

"I think our little humiliation whore has finally realized what she's been eating," said the artist to the crowd. Sammy could hear the roar of the crowd as they laughed at her, prompting her to let her squeal fade to a soft mewling. When she felt the second syringe ooze out the rest of her meal, she slowly swallowed it to fill her stomach.

Once her meal demonstration was finished, the girl sealed her gag again, and Sammy washed the last taste of her shit out of her mouth with her piss bottle. She was swallowing when the enema machine started up again, nearly causing her to choke.

The show continued with Sammy being filled and drained on her now expected schedule. The combination of this with the torments from the guests quickly reduced Sammy to a mindless blob. The constant bombardment of sensations left her unable to concentrate on anything for too long, and she was left releasing a nearly constant moan, which was occasionally punctuated by a scream when the shocks hit her on high.

After all the guests had left, the girl gave Sammy a quick slap on her ass, and then turned out the lights and left, leaving her to be assaulted internally all night long. The next day was barely noticed by Sammy, as her sleep deprived mind could do nothing but poke at her piss bottle when she felt thirsty, and swallow her shit smoothie when it was squirted onto her tongue. Outside, however, the crowd enjoyed watching the smashed puddle of slime that had spread down between the plastic between her legs.


When the exhibition finally closed, the artist rolled Sammy back to the work room, and released her from the plastic bag. She then started cutting Sammy out of her mummification. Sammy laid perfectly still, eventually curling up and shivering as the final parts were removed. She was so tired and over stimulated, that the idea of masturbating again was the last thing on her mind. The girl finally dragged Sammy over to the bathroom and into the shower, using the duct tape cocoon as a sled to slide her easily. She then turned the shower on warm, and left Sammy to recover.

Sammy slowly warmed up, and as she did, stood up and slowly washed the grime from her skin. She was more tired than she could ever remember, and kept nodding off with her head against the wall of the shower. She dried off, and then went back to the work room to get dressed. As she was on her way out the door, the artist shouted over to her. "Hey, you didn't fuck it up as much this week as I was afraid you would! Maybe with some more practice, you could even get to a level of actually being good at this."

"" replied Sammy with a dazed face.

"Whatever, go home, dummy." Sammy complied, driving home, walking in to her apartment, and collapsing on top of her bed fully dressed.


Sammy woke up to the alarm on her phone, and reached over to shut it off. She stared at the screen, and tried to force the colors into recognizable shapes. "8:02 AM Tuesday," she eventually made out.

"TUESDAY!" Sammy shouted as she jerked awake. "HOLY SHIT I SLEPT THROUGH ALL OF MONDAY!" She quickly stripped off the messy clothes she'd slept in, and rushed to the shower. Forty-five minutes later, she was walking in to her office dressed like it was just a normal day at work.

In her head, she was quietly going over the story if anyone asked, "Ok, I woke up on Sunday feeling dizzy, and by that evening I had a really bad fever, and couldn't hardly move. I was going to call in, but when I checked my phone call log, I'd switched some numbers around, so my sick notice went to some random person instead. I felt far better this morning, so I'm back! Perfect!"