The Family: Ceremony of Unveiling


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"And our young men are the perfect masculine," Robert said.

Meg then spoke of the husband's role. "Our husbands lead us, emotionally and otherwise. They stay emotionally connected with their wife and children throughout their lives." She put extra emphasis on her next statement. "Jason, we've never had a divorce in The Family."

Robert spoke next. "Our wives relish their role and are submissive to their husbands because they have all of their emotional and intellectual needs met within The Family."

"If they are disobedient? If they're not submissive; what then?" Jason asked.

"Tell him, Heather," Robert said.

"We are disciplined," she answered shyly, unsure of how Jason would react to her reply.

Jason leaned back into his chair, took a healthy sip of his scotch, and remained calm as he asked Robert to explain what Heather meant.

"You control a fine thoroughbred with a loving, firm hand. Occasionally it needs the whip," he answered. "Our wives and daughters are not served well by a weak husband. If they're to reach their true potential they will need a strong husband that is unafraid to provide firm physical discipline when needed."

"And, how am I to do that?" Jason asked.

"It's time you learned," Robert asserted. He motioned for Heather to come to him. She let go of Jason's hand, looked to him for a moment, then left his side and went to her father.

Heather kneeled on the cushion of the sofa next to Robert, facing away from Jason. She leaned forward and placed her hands on the top of the back cushion. She stuck her behind out and wiggled her feet. Jason was now directly opposite her and looking at her behind at the soles of her high heels as they dangled off the front cushion.

Heather turned herself slightly and looked over her shoulder, down her long slender back and marvelously sculpted behind. She looked toward Jason and then to Robert. Nervously, she asked him, "Am I going to be spanked?"

Robert spoke to her first and then to Jason. "Yes, dear. I'm going to spank you as if you had misbehaved." He then looked to Jason. "And you will learn the proper way to spank a young woman."

Jason couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. His penis was already stirring to life in anticipation of what was to come. "Yes, sir," he said.

Meg stood and positioned herself beside Heather. She reached for the hem of her daughter's dress and pulled it above her hips; letting it bunch at her waist and as it rose above her hips, Jason's eyes widened.

Heather's white, sheer, full back panties were now visible and with the panties fitting tightly across her behind the dark shadow defining the crack of her ass was clearly in view. The panties were too delicate for a reinforced gusset, meaning the outline of her pussy lips could be seen below her ass crack.

Jason was nonplussed and taken aback. He wasn't sure how to react. Was he to come to her rescue or simply enjoy watching his young love being spanked? His hard penis was giving him the answer.

As her dress was being lifted Robert continued his instruction. "It usually doesn't take very much, Jason. The daughters are disciplined with spankings from their fathers so that by the time they marry, they are seldom combative. Truth be told, most of our daughters enjoy a firm spanking from their father or husband. The wives that marry into The Family are more of a problem. But, we have ways to establish their submissiveness and once they accept it, they are very happy with it."

"And, we enjoy the emotional and sexual attachment we keep with our fathers," Meg said as she straightened the folds in Heather's dress around her waist, seemingly undisturbed that her daughter's ass and pussy were on display.

"A woman's behind is very tender. Much more so than a man's. You should start gently and work your way up in intensity," Robert said. He turned his torso toward Heather and lifted his left arm from his lap.

"Thwaack!" his hand make a loud sound as it struck Heather's behind.

"Eeeck!" Heather shrieked as the sting registered. She was embarrassed that Jason was witnessing her spanking. She didn't dare turn around and tell Robert to stop. That action would only result in a more severe spanking. Besides, the embarrassment was having the strange effect of making the stinging feel even better than it had ever felt before.

But, the spank still hurt and Jason could see her legs and buttocks tighten as Robert's hand slapped across her ass.

"Spread you legs further apart, honey," Meg told her.

"Yes, ma'am," Heather responded and moved her knees further apart until there was almost two feet of space between them. Widening her stance resulted in her shoulders lowering. Her head was now even with the top of the back cushion.

She laid her face against the back of the sofa and waited for the next spank. With her legs spread apart, her pussy lips were pushing against the thin fabric and the inevitable wet spot was developing where the sheer silk fabric met her velvety soft skin. The spank she anticipated wasn't long in coming.

This time, her buttocks tightened in anticipation of the blow. "Thwaack!" The sound was a little bit louder and the sting a little bit more intense than the first one. Robert's hand was big; almost as large as her ass and Jason wondered if the blow stung as as much as it looked like it must.

Heather started to cry out, but didn't. Instead, she pushed her face into the soft cushion and muted her response as best she could and she wondered if Jason was noticing that her pussy was wet.

"She's not allowed to rub her own bottom," Meg said as she moved her hand across Heather's behind, caressing the red marks which were clearly visible underneath her sheer panty.

Robert explained again that the young ladies that marry into The Family have the most difficult adjustment to make. "Many of them have never been spanked before. Not even in their youth."

"Earlier, you said there were ways of helping them accept it?" Jason asked.

Robert asked Meg to bring all of them another drink. As she poured them from the bar she called across the room. "One for Heather also, dear?" she asked.

Heather pulled her head from the cushion. "Please, daddy?" she asked. "I know I'm getting a spanking but can I have another drink?" Heather asked, still holding her legs apart and ready to receive another spank.

"Yes, Heather also," he answered Meg and caressed Heather's tender behind as he waited on his libation.

"Thank you, daddy," she said.

"Jason, to answer your question; Yes, the young ladies marrying into The Family do come to enjoy being spanked. Let me explain why," Robert said and before he explained further he gave Heather another hard spank to her behind.

She wasn't expecting it and she recoiled from the shock, once again burying her face into the pillow and moaning. While she was moaning, the next blow came.

Jason could clearly see that her entire behind was red. With her panties being so sheer and pulled tight across her buttocks he could also see that her pussy lips were swollen and wet.

Robert continued, "The spanking stings, Jason. By watching Heather you can see that it does. It stings for every young woman in The Family. But, as our daughters grow older the spanking also sexually excites them. This is especially so for the young wives that were not spanked before they married into our family."

He explained further. "The key to gaining their acceptance is to combine pleasure with the pain. I'll show you what I mean."

Robert slid his hand down the soft silk covering Heather's ass and onto her upper thigh. The flesh on flesh contact cause Heather to sigh as he stroked down her leg and then up it again.

When his hand reached the top of her thigh the muscles in her buttocks released. Robert grasped a handful of her flesh between his thumb and first two fingers, then let go of it and moved the fingers onto her pussy lips, rubbing them through her panties.

She was embarrassed to have her future husband watching her father caress her ass and pussy with such passion and sensuality. But, she couldn't deny the sensation. Heather moaned with pleasure and buried her face into the pillow.

Jason heard her muffled voice. "Mmmmm, father," she moaned.

Robert continued probing his daughter's pussy through the thin fabric. "Jason, you have to give Heather pleasure along with the pain. She needs to know that even though you are disciplining her, you still love her and care about her feelings."

His hand slid under her panty and onto her sex as he spoke.

"I see, sir," Jason said with a gulp of his scotch. "Heather seems to be enjoying it."

Meg arrived with the drinks on a tray and handed Jason his as she chimed in. "Us girls want the discipline our fathers and husbands give us. It makes the pleasure we receive from them all that much better."

Robert pulled his hand away from Heather's pussy and spanked her ass hard. It was followed quickly by a swat to her pussy lips, already swollen and red.

"Owwwh, daddy. That hurts," she retorted.

Robert returned to caressing her pussy. "Does that feel better, young lady?" he asked, knowing the answer before he asked it.

The pleasure was too great for her to try to control her reply. "Mmmmm, yessss," she moaned.

Meg sat drinks down on the coffee table in front of the sofa. "Shall we pull off Heather's panties, Robert?"

He nodded his answer and reached for his drink as Meg slid her fingers under the sides of her daughter's underwear. She pulled them off her hips as Heather wiggled her ass and pulled her knees together so the panties could slide down her legs.

Jason was beside himself as he saw Heather's ass and pussy completely uncovered for the first time. Her normally soft white skin was red from her spanking and her labia were swollen and red.

Heather stood on wobbly legs, still facing the back of the sofa and showing Jason a long double S-shaped profile as Meg pulled the panties down to her ankles. Still in her high heels, she stepped out of them and resumed her position on the sofa; knees on the cushion and hands on the back of the sofa.

Jason was able to see her pussy very clearly now and the thought of him looking at her sopping wet excited Heather. Her hands trembled for a moment as she reached for the drink Meg was handing her and wondered what Jason thought of her privates.

Her pussy lips were covered with wispy blonde pubic hair. It was very thin and very long and it was drenched in her juices. Jason hoped she would turn around so he could see her bush, which he suspected was composed of only a thin crop of hair.

Meg handed her a Martini, which Heather took two healthy sips from before handing it back to her mother. "Thank you, Mother," she said, enjoying the smooth liquid and hoping it would calm her down.

"You're very welcome, sweety," Meg replied and sat her daughter's drink on the table.

Jason could hardly believe the scene unfolding in front of him. He was torn between emotions. Never in his wildest dreams would he have guessed he'd be watching the woman he loved so dearly receiving a spanking from her father. To top it off, he was watching her pussy being caressed by him. And, all of it was being supported by her mother; as if it were as normal as the night following the day.

He didn't know if he should be revolted by it, or be aroused. His upbringing was telling him to stop this immediately. Stand up, pulled Heather away from her father and never allow him to touch her again. He leaned forward in his chair and almost stood to grab for Heather.

But, his cock, as well as his aroused sexual feelings were telling him to relax and go with it. Let this play out, he thought. "These are their family ways and who am I to judge them?" he thought.

"They trust me. I need to trust them," he said to himself. Besides, his cock was rock hard and Heather seemed to be enjoying her spanking. "Pleasure and pain," he whispered as he drank his single malt.

Meg heard him and replied, "Yes, pleasure and pain. Both are equal sensations for the women of our family."

Robert delivered two firm spanks to his daughter's ass. "Thwaack.....Thwaack!" the sound echoed through the room and Heather squealed as the stinging sensation ran across her buttocks and seemed to go right through to her abdomen, up her tummy and across her breasts and nipples. Without even thinking, she pulled on them with her free hand and pinched her nipples through her dress as she once again moaned into the cushion.

Robert delivered a definitively harder spank on the next stroke. It came from below her ass cheeks and as Robert's hand swung upward, it contacted Heather's upper thighs and her swollen lips. When it made contact, the force of the blow lifted her knees off the cushion and pushed her face further into the back cushion of the sofa.

Heather whimpered and tears welled up in her eyes. Jason could tell that this spank really hurt Heather and his first impulse was to run to protect her. Once again, he moved to the edge of his chair, leaned forward onto his feet with his weight off his hips, ready to take action....Only to ease back into his chair, knowing this was The Family way.

Heather was whimpering as the next forceful spank came. She moaned from the sting it caused. It's hard to explain, but the stinging also felt good because it came from her father and she thought of how good it would feel when it came from Jason. She thought of Jason spanking her and her pussy was dripping wet from thinking about it.

Robert continued his instruction. "There is something very important you must understand, Jason."

"Yes, sir?"

"The Family does not tolerate any abuse of your wife. A husband that is suspected of abusing his wife will be called before the Council of Elders. Evidence will be examined. Witnesses will be questioned. Consequences will be severe if the husband is found guilty."

"I understand, sir. You have nothing to worry about," Jason responded.

Robert moved his fingers onto Heather's sex lips and pushed them into her wet and waiting hole as he spoke. Heather purred like a kitten. Jason didn't know why, but his cock throbbed and jerked as he watched his future father-in-law's fingers probe her.

Heather moaned with pleasure and her chest heaved as her father continued explaining The Family's ways to Jason. She was now confident the spanking was over and all that remained was the pleasure.

His finger continued probing Heather's pussy. "The Family's sons are also disciplined with corporal punishment until they reach puberty," Robert told him as he gently fingered his daughter. "Then, other more effective methods are used such as physically demanding work assignments. Once they become men they are used to our ways and are ready for life outside of The Family."

"Oh father," Heather moaned when he pushed another finger to her dripping wet pussy. Her body began to tremble and shake and she knew she was losing control. Her hips pushed back against his hand as Robert began to move his fingers in and out rhythmically, causing a squishing sound that reverberated gently throughout the library. "Ohh! Ohhhh!!" she shuddered as her vagina throbbed around her father's probing fingers. The throbbing morphed into jolts of excitement and she closed her eyes tight and moaned as a climax overtook her senses. She felt like all the stinging pain from her spanking was rushing out of her body. Heather moaned as her body convulsed in pleasure.

Jason watched in amazement as she trembled in pleasure. He could even see her cunt lips squeezing Robert's fingers tight as forbidden pleasure consumed her. "I understand, sir," Jason replied. And the truth was that he really was understanding.

Heather still had the sniffles from repressing her tears and pulled her face from the cushion and turned it sideways so she could breathe better. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the gentle caressing of her dripping wet pussy as she listened to the conversation.

"And, you understand what I am showing you tonight and why?" Robert asked pointedly, and after asking, he pulled his fingers from between Heather's legs, leaving her sexually frustrated and whimpering softly.

"Yes....yes, I do. You shocked me at first...I admit it. It's so different and difficult to digest. But, as I watch you discipline Heather I am gaining an understanding of The Family's ways," he replied.

Robert continued to probe Jason. "And, do you understand that you will be expected to discipline your daughters in the same way as I am disciplining Heather? Heather will expect this from you and so will I."

"I do....and....I will," he stated.

Meg put her arm around Heather and hugged her. Both ladies smiled as they looked at each other. Heather and Meg both felt such a sense of pride and relief at the same time. Both knew Jason had taken a big step toward proving his worth tonight and Heather let a gush of air escape her lips, acknowledging the importance of the moment.

They also knew there was much more to come before her Ceremony of the Unveiling was complete.

Heather's spanking was over. It had left her behind and sex lips sore and tender to the touch. She was glad the pain was over, but disappointed that Robert's fingers were no longer caressing her pussy. She couldn't sit her bare behind on the sofa. It was too tender for that; choosing instead to fold her legs under her and sit on her calves.

In what was unexpected to Jason, Meg lifted Heather's dress over her shoulders, leaving her naked in her high heels and exposing her breasts to Jason for the first time. They were supple and full and held their youthful shape high on her chest. Her nipples were pink and luscious and at the moment they were puffy instead of constricted.

Heather was blind to Jason's expression as the thin fabric of her dress rippled across her face, Heather wondered if he approved of her breasts. She hoped so, and as the hem of her dress finally rose above her eyes she glanced nervously toward him and smiled when she discovered his gaze was locked on her chest.

Jason wanted nothing more than to suckle her now. He couldn't take his eyes off of Heather and he hoped she would come back to her armchair beside him and hold his hand and kiss him and sit naked next to him. But, she didn't leave her father and mother's side.

She sat between them with her legs folded underneath her, revealing to Jason her bush and her beautiful tits, but keeping her pussy hidden..

As the four sipped from their drinks, Robert decided it was time to reveal more of The Family's ways. "Jason, in order to strengthen the emotional attachment with her father, each daughter is allowed into her father and mother's bed when she turns eighteen. It gives her the security she craves as a woman."

"So.......So, you and Robert?" Jason asked Heather.

"Oh, yes. Yes, it is so wonderful," she answered. Jason's mouth hung open.

"Heather is welcome in our bed as long as she seeks Robert's approval first," Meg added. "It has been that way since she was eighteen."

"She will be welcome in our bed until her first born child is ten, Jason. That is The Family way," Robert explained that all daughters of The Family are allowed to share their father's bed from the time of their eighteenth birthday until the day they announce their engagement to be married.

"After that, they remain chaste until their honeymoon is completed. From that time forward their husbands must allow them to return to their father's bed when they ask. If they refuse their wife's request, the council will be convened to address his failure."

"When my child turns ten it stops? Why then?" Jason asked.

Heather was feeling emboldened by her parent's explanations and fielded his question. "When our children are reaching puberty I need to begin teaching them The Family's ways. By that time I'll have had many years of enjoying my father and mother's bed. Then, it's time to devote my energy completely to my husband and children."