The Fantasies X - Bertie's Girl


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"Are you saying I'm going to have to cause a ruckus in the bar every night to get some time with you?"

She laughs, but not much.

"It's my only source of income, Bertie. Gran depends on it and so do I. I don't make enough to miss work."

"I have to be with you again; can't you see that you have my heart in the palm of your hand?" Or whatever.

She holds me tight but I can only manage a half-hearted return.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." she says.

"Alright Cassie, have it your way, I suppose I'll see you at the bar tomorrow."

I stare at her amazing form when she turns to go inside her grandmother's tiny house; it hurts so bad, biting into my heart, a real fuck job. The house is not much larger than what I'd call a shack, but so are most of the homes around here. The Silver District isn't all slums, for instance the merchant area, where I live, is quite nice for the most part, but everything is a little run down here.

I recognize a young boy hanging out in the alley behind one of the shops nearby. His clothes are ragged and dirty, as is his face and he wields his prized possession, a dull little dagger, with glee, trying to pry open the back door.

"Wade! Again with this shit?" I shout.

He shoots me a look of horror and stops what he's doing. When I approach him, he turns around to run but it's a dead end and he cowers on the ground, his body trembling. Holds that dagger out in front of him, and it's shaking, bad. I laugh a little, but mostly just give him a stare.

"Bertie, I said I was sorry for breaking into your shop. I won't do it again, I promise. Please don't hit me-" he whimpers.

"After the beating I gave you last time, you're still at it? Why not rob the nobility for a change, they can afford it?"

He just looks at me, can barely breathe, then his expression turns into scowl.

"What am I s'posed to do? Mum's a fuckin' whore; spends all our money on the bottle."

"I don't know, you could try working, just a thought."

"Sorry Bertie, I guess don't have it as easy as you did."

I grab him by the shirt and slam him up against the wall.

"Listen boy, when I was your age I was raising my two little brothers by my-fucking-self. I worked from sun up to midnight, every day. Sometimes I went hungry just so they wouldn't and I still didn't resort to half of the shit that you pull." Well that's not entirely true, but maybe it'll give the kid some perspective.

He gives me a doubtful look, and then he smiles a bit. "Maybe I could work for you."

"What?! Why would I want to hire some dirty little delinquent?" I laugh.

I drop him and his head sinks low and he starts to walk off but I grab him by the shirt.

"Wait, I might just have a job for you."


"Bertie! You know I love to see you, but-" Beth says.

"Don't worry, love. Not going in the kitchen tonight."

"Bertie, Lloyd said not to let you-"

"Well, if Lloyd wants to try and stop me, I'll be at the bar. In fact, I'd like to have a chat with him anyway."

A couple of the patrons move out of my way when I enter. The bouncer spots me, but pretends he doesn't see me, I guess. Such a nice looking bruise he's got. I decided to go by anyway, just to be polite.

"Say man, the fuck kind of bird is that on your face anyway. I think it could be a duck, or maybe a buzzard." I say.

"Not you again. Look, don't cause any trouble, please?" he says.

"Fair enough." But I can't promise anything.

I wade through the crowd, say a few pardons, but the drunks can't hear anyway so I end up having to shove a few people. Most of them don't even notice, but one skinny little fellow doesn't like it. I thump him in the head and push him again. He comes at me but one of his friends grabs him and tries to talk him out of it. I just keep walking.

Then I spot her, my Cassandra. Some young pretty-boy has his hand on her shoulder, trying to whisper something in her ear, but she just smiles and tries to step away from him and he just keeps getting closer. He's very well-dressed and looks like he's never done a day of work in his entire life. I "accidentally" bump into him and spill his red wine all over his fine clothes. He looks at me with shock.

"Gods, am I clumsy! I'm so fucking sorry, sir! You should leave right now and have that stain taken care of." I say.


I just stare him down with a scowl and he whimpers and trots off. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Cassie, baby, how's my girl tonight?" I say.

She gives me the look again, but I know she's not searching quite as hard anymore.

"Bertie! Please, don't make my life any harder than it already is."

"I don't want you to have a hard life, sweetheart. I just want you." I say.

Her sigh doesn't reassure me so I gaze into her eyes.

"I want you."

She embraces me, not as tight as usual, but still an embrace. That's my girl. A deep breath, I close my eyes and inhale her lovely young aroma, and then I get a whiff of a more acrid odor. Screaming, people running up the stairwell.

"Fire!" someone shouts.

I throw Cassandra over my shoulder and plow through the drunks that haven't figured it out. So many people in the way and I toss them aside on my way to the exit. The people on the stairs I pull down and they fall and impede the others coming up. Got to get her out though, fuck this crowd.

Most of the dining room below decks is clear, fortunately, except for all the smoke coming from the kitchen. The air topside gives new life to us and I push an older couple out of the way near the podium. Beth is long gone and when I reach the pier and turn to look back, the fire seems to be spreading. There's even some smoke coming from the Captain's quarters.

I set Cassandra down on her feet when we reach the pier. She's breathing hard, even though I did all the work, but she's very upset.

"Oh, I hope Lloyd made it out alright." she says.

"I'm sure he's fine, let's get off the pier, just in case." I say.

We run toward the streets, where a crowd of people is watching the ship go up in smoke and we stop. The fire seems to be spreading rapidly and most of the ship has been engulfed. Lloyd comes over when he spots us.

"Cassie-" he turns at me and scowls. "You! Have something to do with this?"

"Lloyd! He was with me when the fire started. He saved my life!" Cassandra says.

"Hey Lloyd, I feel for you, I fucking hate this. I really liked that boat." I say.

"I'm ruined!" Lloyd says, tears forming in his eyes.

Cassandra is crying and I put my arms around her and let her cry on my chest.

Then she stops and her eyes grow wide. "Bertie! What am I going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"I need another job." She cries.

"Let me walk you home. There's something I want to talk to you about." I say.

We take it easy, going down the main street of the Platinum Quarter. I reach over to wipe a black smudge off of Cassandra's face and we stop. Devastation, so familiar, so normal. She's giving me the look, what is she searching for, anyway?

"I wanted to ask you, before the fire broke out. Would you like to come work at my shop? It's a lot closer to home and I wouldn't work you like a slave driver like Lloyd did. I'd give you more time off, you know?" I say.

She gives an awkward stare. "Bertie, I don't know. I don't think working in a butcher shop is for me."

"Well, I mean, I don't know what Lloyd was paying-"

"Ten coppers a night." she says.

"Thats it?! I'll double it." I say.

"Bertie, I just- you'd double it? Really?"

"No, I'll triple it. You deserve better Cassandra. It would make me feel better to know that you- and your grandmother, have what you need. And you'd have more time to take care of her."

"Oh Bertie! That sounds great!"

She wraps her arms around me, so tight now, that's what I've been waiting for. I hold her close, that body that scent, that voice, my girl, right where she belongs.

"You can start tomorrow, you know, unless you need some time." I say.

"No, I'll be there. Thank you." she says.

I watch her walk into her grandmother's house, one more time. Soon she'll be in her new home, though. Got to make sure everything goes smoothly. When I get to the shop, little Wade is waiting for me. He has his head in his hands and when he looks up at me, he rubs the tears from his eyes.

"Bertie, people were screaming. Everyone was so scared; I think a few people might have got hurt. Do you think anyone died?" he says.

"Look at me boy!" I say.

His lips are quivering, his tearful brown eyes fixed on mine.

"Of course they were screaming; everyone's scared of fire. Maybe a few people had a burn or two but I know for a fact that everyone got out alright. There's nothing to worry about." Except for some of the drunks, probably and some others.


"I wouldn't lie about something like that. Come on inside, I'll get your money. Get you something to eat." I say.

He starts to follow me, and then stops. "No, I'll stay out here."

I hand him the small leather purse when I get back and his eyes grow wide.

"I've never seen this much money! There's got to be six gold." he says.

"Best you hide that from your mum. And take this dried meat, boy, you look like death."


First thing in the morning, she comes into the shop. Wearing much simpler attire today, but not unbecoming in the least. Love that perky smile that she's aiming it in my direction. I have to blink a few times, just to make sure she's really there and then she hugs me. Feels warmer in the shop, more like home, it really is a pretty nice little setup.

Got to show her around, make her feel at home, might even make financial sense to have her here. She doesn't like the slaughter room, but who would? I tell her she'll probably just do packaging maybe keep up with customers at the counter and such. Feels good to steal a kiss or two and I relish our every embrace, my very being is tingling with anticipation while the evening draws near.

She starts down to the cellar without me and I have to move quickly to keep up, all bricked up down here, and dimly lit today but most of the time not lit at all. I bump into her a little roughly in my rush to get there first, all for nothing though, all clear down here.

"Is that a cell?" she says.

"Where, over there? Yes I think it was. To be honest, the people I bought this place from may have been into some underhanded business. Even found a bone or two down here when I first showed up."

"A human bone?" she says.

"Maybe, maybe not, got it all cleaned up now, just can't tell with the low light and all."

"This is a little scary, Bertie."

"You don't need to be afraid. There's a big strong man down here with you." I say.

I hold her close to me and can hear her soft girlish giggle, though it's barely audible. All alone in the dark, with my lovely fragile Cassandra. We take the back way out, up through the cellar doors that lead outside, then shut them behind us. She gets a whiff of something cooking in one of the shops nearby.

"Hungry?" I say.


"I thought, maybe you'd have dinner with me tonight." I say.

"That sounds nice." she says.

We dine by candlelight at a table in my room, best room in the shop.

"This is where you live; did you decorate the place yourself?"

"Yes, but I suppose it could use a woman's touch."

Not really hungry don't eat much these days. I pour another glass of wine. She's hardly touched hers; her eyes are drifting around the room with an expression I can only read as wonder. I suppose some of the stuff in here is pretty fancy-looking. Got a rack of decorative weaponry on the wall that she looks particularly drawn to. Then her eyes drift over the mantle of my fireplace.

"That painting is so, powerful." she says.

"Ah, it's actually a replica. Called the fields of retribution. I served under that general, at that very battle, you know."

She's giving me the look again. I wonder if she really knows what she's looking for.

"You were in the war?" she says.

"Several of them. Seems like that's been most of my life." I say.

She takes my hands in hers and gazes into my eyes, her eyes have a certain sad twinkle in them.

"Did you have to kill a lot of people?"

"I think you already know the answer to that."

"How do you live with it?" she says.

"I think I just hold on to the hope of finding the right woman. And, Cassie, I think that woman is you."

She kisses me. I kiss her. A few more and a few more until I pick her up in my arms and rush her to the bed. I lay on top of her kissing her lips, neck, cheek, breasts, nose, and earlobe, anything I can get my mouth on. My hand slides up her dress to her thigh and it feels so good. She's moaning under me even before my fingers go under her undergarment and into her pussy. That sweet, pleading, look on her face when I thrust her cunt with my fingers a few times. I rise a little and almost rip my shirt off, trying to get some skin closer to her body. She feels of my chest, a look of fascination, soft hands.

"Ooh! Your body's so hard, Bertie." she whimpers.

My hand on the back of her neck when I shove my tongue in her mouth. She's shaking under me a little bit and I move down her neck. I start to unbutton the back of her dress. Her pouting lips mock me while I fumble around hopelessly with it.

"I need you out of this fucking dress." I grunt.

She undoes a clasp on her lower back and it pops loose. I help slide that dress off her sexy little body. When I throw her blouse aside, finally, those ripe little nipples, so ready for my mouth. She giggles when I bury my face in the cleavage of her breasts and shake my head rapidly. Then I begin to suck on her hard little nipples, my tongue doing all kinds of circles on it and flicking it and she gives me a few soft moans.

Got to slow down, relish the moment, every moan she makes, fuck, every sound she makes is music to my ears. My tongue moves down her flat little tummy and she shakes and giggles with my every kiss but her laughter is less and less the lower I go. I slide off her undergarments and bury my face in her neatly-trimmed red bush, its sopping wet and I hear a high-pitched squeal from her as I start to tongue her clit. She starts shaking and squeezes my head a little with her thighs. Getting so loud, she's breathing so hard, have to pull her legs a part a little just to get some air, then she bucks against my face. Voice is quivering, squealing at the top of her lungs, and then she shakes, hard. My face gets covered with it. Well that's a first. Got to wipe some of it out of my eyes, stings a bit. I climb up to see that she's passed-the-fuck-out.

"That's no good!"

I shake her a little, but get nothing. Maybe if I just start fucking her, she'll wake up. A couple of thrusts, oh, fuck that. Got to think, maybe- that's fucking stupid, oh!

"The cellar!"

I run down to the cabinet by the cell, butt-naked. Digging through all kinds of shit, a bone saw, forceps, scalpel, cleaver, manacles- wait, spirit of hart's horn! Been a long time since I used this stuff. Didn't think I'd be using it for shit like this. I run back upstairs, she's still passed out on the bed, oh, that gorgeous body, almost a shame to disturb her like that. Put it under her nose, her eyes shoot open, fuck, hide it quick. She's looking at me and I give her a deep kiss.

"Oh, Bertie! What happened?"

"I think you must have passed out- for a second."

"No, I mean- your head was between my legs and then- it felt so good."

"You've never- you don't feel like a virgin."

Her face turns red, and she looks away from me.

"I'm not, I just never- felt that way." she says.

"You mean you've never- came before?"

"I guess not. Did you- come to?" she says.

"I haven't even gotten inside you." Much.

"Really? I'm sorry." she whimpers.

"That's okay, I'm going to fuck you right now."

I pull her legs apart and get my hands behind her back and she giggles when I mount her, but stops when I enter that juicy cunt. Why hold back now? I pound her at first but slow down when she starts yelling. Keep a smoother rhythm, she's moaning softly in my ear and I steal a kiss every third pump. Speed it up, moans getting louder, a bit more force, got her squealing again, I hope that's a good sign, her nails dig into my back a little, okay too much. She looks so helpless under me, those trembling lips, pleading for more, or maybe they just look that way, fuck it. Shaking again, bucking hard, starts to scream, and- fuck. Feels like I got it all over my stomach, and- she's fainted again. Just keep going- maybe she'll- fuck that.

Reach down to get the vial again. I'll have to get more of this shit. Don't hold it under her nose long, good. Her eyes just flicker open this time. I hold her close and just stick to the gentle thrusts.

"Did I do it again?" she says.

"A little- maybe it would help if we change positions. I'll lie on my back and you can- you know, ride it."

She's giggling again, like a little girl. Fuck it, I love all she has to offer. Getting to put my hands on her ass when she mounts my dick is why this is my second favorite position. Need to keep her pacing herself, though. Seems like she's taking it slow for the longest time. Moaning, whimpering, tits bouncing up and down, that little pussy feels a lot tighter like this. At first she just drops down on it a little harder, slaps against my skin, hands on my chest, every push she makes is so nice. Now she's speeding up, almost at the tempo I'm craving. I try holding her down and thrusting into her, and she squeals. There it is, baby, right there, shaking, screaming, clawing my chest, and that one wasn't as wet. Her eyes flicker shut but then they drift open.

"Why are you getting off?" I say.

"I'm so drained." she says.

"You feel alright?"

"Just need a break." she says.

"Well, maybe you could, get me off?" No harm in asking.

"Okay," she smiles.

She puts a hand on my shaft and starts stroking, not very well though. And when I start to think she's going to do a lousy job, she starts to lick it, and then she puts her mouth over the tip. Her tongue is out and she bobs her head up and down with a nice steady motion. Not what I asked for, but definitely what I wanted. Up and down, that pretty red hair, that sweet little mouth is stretching wide to fit over it, that's my girl. She pulls off and licks the shaft then puts it right back in her mouth. I'm grunting a lot more, put a hand on the side of her head, but don't force her. Flicking her tongue so quickly under the tip, sliding the tongue while she moves her head. I shout out to warn her but she just keeps her mouth over it and my load releases. She grabs a handkerchief, nearby and spits and wipes off her mouth.

I'm staring at her and she smiles and climbs on top of me. She's laying on me now, her head on my chest and I put my arms around her and my hands naturally just move to her ass. She starts kissing my chest and holding on to me. Then she looks me in the eye.

"Bertie, have you ever been married before?" she says.

What kind of fucking question is- "No, engaged once, but it didn't work out."

"Why not?"

"Well, when I was sixteen, I was conscripted. When I got back from fighting, two years later, I was trying to put my life back together."

"That's why she left you?!"

"I'm getting to that, anyway. I had to take care of my brothers, three of us, we were orphans. When I was gone my oldest brother Thomas, who wasn't old enough to fight at the time, took care of my youngest brother Russell. Since Thomas was now contributing, I had a little more time and I fell for the baker's daughter, Melanie, who was better off than me, course if you had anything at all you probably were. So, at first her father wouldn't even let me talk to her, cause he thought I was a hoodlum, for some reason, but eventually I started courting her in secret. When I finally asked her to marry me I got fucking conscripted again a week later, and so did Thomas. After this war, three years later, I came back home and looked around for Melanie, but she was long gone. Can't really say I expected her to still be there, though."