The First SaR Mission Ch. 12


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"Out of desperation, I called a gentleman that I had met at a public safety conference two months prior. His name is Jack McClintock and he is the "Alpha," (a term I had never heard used before) of a Werewolf pack. They are called The Full Moon Pack. I am sorry to admit that I discounted them as well, not for real. But, Jack had said that Werewolves were four-legged creatures with extreme strength and intelligence and senses better than bloodhounds. What is more, the woods and wilderness are their territory. He had said that they were available and willing to help when needed. Well, we needed them. He showed up with over one hundred Werewolves and a few of us ordinary humans. He came with everything that he would need to fulfill his promises. I was amazed. They are, given their size, the most organized and well-equipped operation with the most eager and capable members I have ever seen. They were able to thoroughly search fifty square miles of impossible terrain in less than one day. And, they did find the Dawsons. That's when the plan went astray. Some of the Dawsons were severely injured. They could not be brought out on foot because, frankly, some of them would not have made it. What's more, we couldn't get a helicopter in to extract them."

"So this team of Werewolves was forced to adapt. They set up a camp and prepared to render the best medical assistance possible in the field, where they could not get any significant medical equipment. That was when the story took another twist. Anna Dawson, mother to two small children, both severely injured, one not expected to survive and wife to Aaron Dawson also, severely injured with an uncertain future, serendipitously discovered, that being turned into Werewolves could save her family. She appealed to Jack McClintock to change her family and herself into Werewolves. This is something not taken lightly within the Were community. But, after much consternation, the turning was granted on a mercy basis. The process takes about three days. But, in that three days, their campsite had to endure a severe storm and twenty-four hours of extremely heavy rain. The campsite was entirely isolated by flash flooding. Well, on this beautiful Sunday morning the Dawsons ordeal is almost over. And, with that background information, I will now turn the stage over to Jack and Mari McClintock and the Dawsons."

Berry and Bob leave and Jack, Mari, Aaron, Anna and the pups take the stage. Mari steps out in front while everyone else takes a seat at the table. Anna is sitting at the right end of the table and the two pups sit on the floor next to her.

Mari: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press; The Dawsons are aware that the entire world has been following their progress this last week and they thank everyone out there for their prayers. They also understand that the entire world has questions regarding all that has happened and they have agreed to try to answer those questions. First, Aaron and Anna will give you a chronology of the events as they unfolded from each of their perspectives. Then they will open the conference to your questions. May I present Anna Dawson, [Anna stands briefly], Aaron Dawson, [Aaron stands and then returns to his seat], Suzy and Bobby Dawson sitting next to Anna. Suzy and Bobby are here today in wolf form so that the press can meet them. We consider their identities to be masked well enough in wolf form that they may be photographed. Finally, at the end of the table is my mate and the Alpha of The Full Moon Pack, Mr. Jack McClintock. Now we will begin with Aaron and his prepared chronology.

[Mari turns and goes to sit next to Jack.]

Aaron: Good afternoon, I am Aaron Dawson. I was the pilot of the plane that was forced down in this wilderness. I am forty-two and an Electrical Engineer, by profession. I have been a private pilot for over twenty years. I am instrument rated in single and multi-engine land based general aviation aircraft. The aircraft that we were flying is a Skytwin 310Q and I owned the aircraft. The aircraft was current on all of its inspections and certificates. While I know what transpired early Tuesday morning, I do not know exactly what failed or why. That will, I assume, be determined by the accident investigation. What I will present to you will be an abbreviated chronology of the flight and the accident, with a few notes along the way. My chronology will be interrupted by the hard stop of the landing. This is because, from that point and up until Wednesday evening, I was unconscious with two compound fractures of my lower legs.

Aaron begins his presentation of the flight from his perspective but, is interrupted by the din of a helicopter. At that moment the heavy lift helicopter began to lower the wrecked airplane to the ground behind the stage. Aaron, as well as the press core, stops to watch the process. Four pack members rush out to help guide the plane to the ground. Once the plane is safely on the ground, the helicopter releases the slings from the winch cable and transitions to its prepared landing site. When the helicopter lands and the noise abates, Aaron returns to his chronology.

"However, approximately, one minute later I could smell raw fuel...

(You have read the story, right?)

...causing a sudden deceleration. At that point, everything went black."

"I need to offer my complements the medic that tended me AKA "Bandaid". He was right; Anna is a smart woman, come Werewolf!"

"That is all that I have. Anna will now read her chronology."

"Good afternoon, I am Anna Dawson. Aaron is my husband and now in the tradition of Werewolves, my 'mate.' Susan and Robert, here beside me, are our children, our 'pups.' I will pick up the thread with that "hard stop" that Aaron mentioned. I am a non-pilot, and to put all of the cards on the table, I am very acrophobic. My injuries consisted only of many severe bruises, and I was conscious at all times during and after the landing, except during the turning process."

Anna makes her presentation detailing the events of the past few days.

"Obviously a great deal more happened during the time between the accident and our arrival here in base camp this morning, however, Aaron and I have given you a condensed version of those events, but it was our intent to present all of the significant facts. We are going to try to answer all of your questions. Keep in mind that we are new at both being Werewolves and at conducting a press conference. We probably will not know the answer to every question asked; we will do our best. Let's keep this as orderly as we can and we will try to address all of the questions that you have. Hold your questions for a moment longer. Alpha, Madam Alpha, do you have anything?

"Yes, Anna, I do."

"Ladies and gentleman of the press, you know that we have tried to be as open and forthcoming with you as was possible. You have followed the evolution of this operation live and as it happened to the extent that the situation allowed. I have been impressed that you have been cooperative and polite. I want it understood that while this press conference was convened at the request of Anna and Aaron, it is still my venue and I will set some basic rules of etiquette. These people are here to tell you the truth, as they know it. They have been through pure hell in the last few days and face life changes that you cannot yet imagine. You will not badger them you will not ask leading or loaded questions. If you intend to make a statement with your question, don't. The first time it happens, I will shut you down. The second time it happens, I will shut the conference down. There are no secrets being kept. If you ask a question and someone here knows the answer, then you will get an honest answer. That's all."

"Mari do you have anything?"

Mari shakes her head, no.

"Good, let's begin."

"We will start over here and just work back and forth."

Jack points to a reporter: "Yes, your question, please."

"Cynthia Chandler, CCN News; for Anna:"

"Anna was the idea for your family to be (I believe the term is "turned") totally yours or was it suggested to you?"

"Oh, no. The idea was mine alone. I had reasoned out that it was our best hope of survival. Pack members were forthcoming with answers to my questions, and I felt genuine compassion from them, but I also sensed trepidation and maybe a little fear at my suggestion."

Jack points to the next reporter.

"Rob Landen, NCN News, for both Aaron and Anna:"

"I take it that you are now both Werewolves. How does it feel to be a Werewolf?"

Aaron speaks first...

"That is a surprisingly difficult question to answer. Taken literally, I feel a lot better than I did just before I became a Werewolf. Taken on a more transcendental level, it is rather strange. In human form, I really don't feel very different, however, I know that there is another "me" within me-my wolf."

"He is unconcerned with most things human. He is a creature of instinct. As an exaggerated example, if a rabbit were to dash out across the ground, I imagine that I would sense my wolf's desire to chase the rabbit. If I were to simply relent and allow my wolf to come forward, then I would shift and take off after the rabbit, this conference be damned. When I caught that rabbit, I would sit my butt down and have a lunch, totally unconcerned by your horrified stares. Anna?"

"Well what Aaron described applies to my wolf, too, but there is more. It was suggested to me that I may have received what the Were community calls an "old soul." That is a soul that has lived one or more lives in the past and carries forth memories and learned wisdom. My wolf seems to understand humans, we communicate freely, and she is smart and has a wicked sense of humor. To be honest with you, I am pretty sure that this life is going to be fun."

"George Grom, Syndicated Press: for Anna:"

"Anna, how do you feel about being forced to spend at least a year, living with a pack in a nudist resort?"

"You know, it is amazing how many of the questions about Werewolves turn out not to have simple answers. Before I answer your question-you and no one else is to parse my words, take them out of context or misconstrue what I am about to say. No Werewolf you are ever likely to meet will be a monster!"

"That said: if you go to the zoo, walk into the cage of an African lion and haul off and give him a good kick-well, that lion is and animal of pure instinct. That instinct is very simple. It runs something like, 'You attacked me, so you are lunch!' Now there are two problems in this scenario: the first is that 'You were an idiot', (nothing personal, but the operative word is "were"), the second is that lion's instinct was not tempered by a human's reasoning ability. I don't know if you have had a chance to see one of us in our wolf form or not, but our wolves are very large powerful animals. In my mind, the contest between a Werewolf and that African lion would be a toss-up. The reason that you need not fear a Werewolf is that by definition we are always two animals, one complete wolf, and one complete human."

"That year spent living with a pack is for the purpose of teaching and testing. To teach the human side of a Werewolf to be the dominant half of the duo, and testing that the wolf will always be kept civil. I am told that the old Were laws were very specific in that, one year was granted to a new Were to pass certain tests or be put down. My understanding is that there are packs that still follow that old law. I understand that The Full Moon Pack does not set a hard time limit on passing the tests, however, until a new Were does pass all of the tests they will not leave the Pack's compound except with guards, who may be armed if necessary. I will look to the Alpha to correct me here if my information is wrong. Is my understanding correct, Alpha?"

"Yes, Anna, You are precisely correct."

"So, to that part of your question, the year is to ensure your safety and our reputation. Now, as to The Full Moon Retreat being a nudist resort... It isn't unlike going home and taking a shower. Most of us take our clothes off before we get into the shower. Our wolves tend to be quite a bit more massive than our human forms, so clothes tend to explode on shifting. We do not wear metal rings or anything that could not tear, break or expand. And, shifting back from our wolf form, of course, you can put clothes on but, you won't arrive with any. So, from a practicality standpoint, having no clothes to deal with makes being Were much simpler. And, modesty is not a wolfen trait. Besides, I need to work on my tan."

"Dan Ratner, 59 Minutes: for Aaron:"

"Aaron, you were an engineer before this. Do you expect to continue in that career now?"

"Well, you know, I hope so. I had been an engineer for over twenty years. It would be a shame to waste that experience. However, in the lifetime of a Were I could master many careers."

"Barbara Waters, The Evening News: for Aaron:"

"Aaron you said, 'in the lifetime of a Were you could master many careers.' How long will you live?"

"We are not given that to know, as you are not, but if you mean what is the natural lifespan of a Werewolf, then, I am told that it is something under a millennium."

Heraldo Riviera, known as a master of leading, loaded, and 'gotcha' questions.

"Heraldo Riviera with The Faux News Channel: For Susan and Robert:"

"How do you like being forced to become Werewolves?"

"They can understand you, but they are unable to speak!"

Anna completely misses the conspiratorial conversation between her wolf and the pups over the family bond.

Suzy and Bobby rush to the edge of the stage, in front of the dais, and give two little wolfie howls, then spin, drop onto their foreleg elbows, butts high in the air and facing the audience with tails flagging high above their backs.

Some cameras slewed skyward while many reporters were laughing so hard they couldn't catch their breath, the silent meaning not lost on most of the press reporters and news correspondents. Except for Heraldo, who, after pitching his question had turned toward his videographer's lens for a close-up face shot. The videographer, a consummate professional, dutifully framed Heraldo's face just to the right of two fuzzy little asses waving in the air.

Jack, leaning over the dais table to see the pups, trying to hold a straight face, announces...: "Let the record show, that they like it, just fine! And with that, this conference is complete!"

EPILOG: [The Oval Office]

The president sits watching on a big flat-screen TV.

The President: Hah, hah, hah! Oh, God, how many times have I wanted to do that to some smart ass reporter. Bob, get them in here! I need to shake some hands, especially a couple of small paws! And, find out what kind of small medals we could give them.

Chief of Staff: Medals for what, sir?

The President: "I don't care if it's for best Halloween costume, just find something!"

LeWolf: "Hah, hah. Anna, this is gonna be fun!"

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Amber_RosesAmber_Roses8 months ago

This was a great read I hope you keep it up

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

Firstly, what a great story, the writing style changed and evolved and works really well for me, that said, my “go button” isn’t misplaced commas etc, it’s nearly always poor spelling, capitalisation etc, so for me the way the latter half of this story works well!

The way in which it was ended does irk me though, the demeaning Oval Office scene is not in keeping with the rest of the story and what it actually needed was 1, a dialog re expectant life lengths and political ramifications etc, not unlike the ending of “Dominant Species” story by Partwolf, and 2, a proper Epilogue one year on showing us the way in which they’ve changed and developed as both Humans and Wolves and whether they pass the testing required at the end of their “probationary period”.

Many thanks to PerryNormal for writing, editing on the fly and then publishing a pretty significant piece of work here on Lit, it takes a lot of courage and commitment to put your own work up for judgement and then to change that work at the behest of anonymous strangers, you did a fine job and I enjoyed it immensely, well done and thank you. Regards Ppfzz.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I enjoyed the story.

I really enjoyed this story. I don't normally read werewolf stories but found this one hard to put down. The technical aspects did not bother me either.

I realize that this story has been out for a while but I never understood the reasoning behind transporting drinking water to the remote camp. At 8.3 Lbs per gallon that was an awful lot of unnecessary weight to transport. After all the plane did land in a stream and all the packs had water purification Included. Just saying.


A long time lurker.

txcrackertxcrackerover 3 years ago
Just finished a reread !

Just finished a reread ! IT'S STILL A GREAT READ !

biercebierceover 4 years ago
Still great

Rereading this story just confirms my memory of how wonderful it is. Thanks again!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Constructive criticism should be heeded.

This is what you wrote:

Berry and Bob leave and Jack, Mari, Aaron, Anna and the pups take the stage. Mari steps out in front while everyone else takes a seat at the table. Anna is sitting at the right end of the table and the two pups sit on the floor next to her.

This is what you should’ve written: (notice how I used both a CONTRACTION and the CORRECT tense!)

Berry and Bob left, whilst Jack, Mari, Aaron, Anna and the pups took the stage. Mari stepped out in front, while everyone else took a seat at the table. Anna was sitting at the right end of the table and the two pups sat on the floor next to her.

Throughout this tale you have consistently used incorrect tense (past/present/future), seemed allergic to the use of contractions and have repeated HUGE parts of the story 2, 3 and 4 times! The folks giving it 5 stars can’t be lovers of the written word. Otherwise, they’d have given you the tools to improve upon your work. Your imagination is astounding (to come up with this tale) and the story is very good. It just needs work in order to improve and perfect the finished product. Get a well read editor to go over this story with a fine tooth comb, cut down on a lot of the technical jargon (most wont understand or care and it just weighs a story down) and this story could EASILY make a bundle for you as an e-book!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love It

Great Story! Started out pretty rough with the play script/fly on the wall style of writing (great style if you are reading Shakespeare ...not so great for a fantasy novel) and the over the top technical jargon (I pretty much got the gist of the first chapter...but it mainly, like an airplane, was over my head). However since you were willing to take everyone's criticisms and adapt your writing style to the majority of our reading styles? I commend you <3 Ive had authors on other sites (*cough* Wattpad *cough*) act like total juveniles when I merely pointed out that most readers have an imagination and do not need a full chapter of embedded "outfit" and "character" images ripped from the web. One even went as far as to block me for having an opinion that ran contrary to theirs?

So yes thank you for taking and using our criticism to edit your story from a rough "script" to a very welcome and interesting tale. I cannot wait to read more tales about Anna, Aaron, and their pups! Interestingly enough this is the first story I've read where the "curse" wasnt passed on by biting, licking, scratching, and/or sex. The only comparable how Edward changed Bella in the Twilight Saga (and thats vampires xD)

SilvertipMoonSilvertipMoonalmost 7 years ago
Awesome story

I loved your story plot, the story world, the humor and the character development. I will, however, leave just a little critism that I hope assists you in future writing or that you will at least think about in future endeavors. I had no issue with the technical stuff that you wrote as I do believe it fell quite nicely into the story line, it could have been parsed down some but I got the idea you wanted your readers to know more rather than less so it was alright to read. What I did have a hard time with was the constant repeating of some items such as plans on the interview which was repeated at least 3 times almost word for word. Most readers would have understood the idea the first time and to reread it 2 more times was rather annoying to me because I wanted back to the storyline. That was just one example but there were more than just that one item repeated. That honestly is the only real criticism that I had about the work. It was much easier to read without the tags you had in the first postings as well so thanks for throwing those out as well. Otherwise awesome first attempt I have favorited you so I definitely hope to see more from you in the future! Sorry for any spelling errors writing this on a phone that only sees a portion of the screen, SilvertipMoon

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623about 7 years ago
Oh My!!

I loved this story!! I don't care that it had little sex in it, it was worth the time to read it and the price if I were to buy it (and I would in a heartbeat!!). I loved most of this 'book' but the first couple of chapters had me skipping ahead because it was just too difficult for me to read. Your later chapters held me enthralled until the end! I can't wait for more to come out, but I also know that the writing process is not an easy one. Thank you for a wonderful 1st effort and Please Keep Writing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I have followed the whole story and find it very well written, a great plot, drama, and humor. You say this is your first try, well you nailed it! An awesome read, thank you for your work in writing this story! Mike

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Outstanding 5-STARS Story

I gave you 5-STARS for every chapter. A very well written story with an excellent plot and exquisite character development. I hope you keep writing as you are an excellent writer. My 1st praise for this story is that you finished it. Over 85-90% of the stories on this site are unfinished which for readers is totally fustrating. Especialy stories where the writer writes 6-7 or more chapters and then just up and does not write anymore. I guess they enjoy throwing their readers under the bus. I hope you will continue to write and a sequel with Anna and Arron and the kids learning how to be wolves would be wonderful. Especialy Suzy and Bobby intergrating with the other were children and their learning more about there wolf. Again and very well written story and a very enjoyable reads. Retired Army NCO

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

It was very interesting to watch you develop as a writer and the humor was there from the start and not something you kicked in. Looking forward to more from you and hopefully more of your well contrived world.


biercebierceover 7 years ago
Excellent story

Thank you for a great adventure. Please continue to share more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Keep writing

Outstanding story, a 5 star all the way. Hope you will continue writing !

big65dawguwbig65dawguwover 7 years ago

Just want to congratulate you on a well written story , especially for a first timer .As you pointed out it started a little ,dry , technical & wooden , but you seem to quickly get in the groove & did very well in fleshing out the characters & making the story flow more naturally . It was a very interesting study on what goes into SaR Mission & all the tiny mundane things that make it work . Looking forward to your next tale.

ender2k2kender2k2kover 7 years ago
really interesting story

I hope you do other stories in this world you have created.

txcrackertxcrackerover 7 years ago
Excellent !

This was an EXCELLENT series and I have given it 5*s for each chapter < which I don't do easily> you have earned the stars .

I think your wife did an outstanding job with the proofing and should also be given great kudos for her untiring work . Hey she put up with you and your newfound habit ! I also think your addition of the parts of partwolf 's story was well founded and I for one loved it <as I am a faithful reader of partwolfs stories also .

Suggestion is to read the rest of his stories for back round for helpful direction in your future work . There are some other Great werewolf series here on Lit also .

This series will make my favorites list also .

Thanks for the read

tx cracker

Griffin_ScoutGriffin_Scoutover 7 years ago
Looking forward

To your next story.

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