The Forest of Ecstasy Pt. 02


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The military captain shook his head, not allowing such thoughts to enter his mind. This was the final battle, and he wasn't going to lose. Not again.

"It's adorable how you could be so easily fooled. Your hatred for the Professor played so easily into my waiting hands. You actually thought he was the one betraying you," Neris laughed, and even that sounded like sweet music to the Captain's ears.

"Leave him out of this, I should have known it was you all along!" James yelled back, wondering just where the rest of his crew might be.

"Right now he's going through the trials, we'll see if he can make it through. And to think, he was the one who came closest to foiling this entire plot. The map, the only thing that could get you here, was nearly lost in the pool of the nymphs. That would have been a real shame, truly. They don't exactly play fair..."

The map, that was it! But who had it last? Simon? He needed to learn more, needed to understand why this was happening. But, more than anything, he needed to stall.

"I don't understand any of this, Kate, or whatever your name is now. Why go through all of this trouble just for us?" James asked. Neris looked at him for a moment, her signature smile never going away, not even for a second.

"It's Neris, and you shall address me as such," she said, before she began to walk around the room. "You see, from the history Enthrona has told me, our people have been living on Venus for centuries. For our people to survive, we need what you all call semen. We need to be able to continue populating our species and our planet, just as you do. In older times, you used to be able to simply abduct males from the planet and not be seen, but in the modern era, that's nearly impossible..."

Neris turned to see if James was still listening, and to play along, he nodded, even forcing a smile. She smiled back before stepping up to one of the statues of a mermaid, running her hand down the marble.

"We've had to wait so long to expand, Captain Baker. It's felt like forever, and we're all ever so eager to start the process once again. Hell, we've even had to go into the past to try and collect, which, mind you, is ever so fun..." Neris paused, licking her lips as she recalled several other missions from before.

"When we learned that there was a group on Earth trying to colonize Venus, Enthrona saw it as the perfect opportunity to begin growing our species once again. I tried to survive with the rest of my crew, but in the end they weren't able to survive the trials. Then there was just me, and our Queen. She saw something in me, saw...potential, I personally like to think. The process was so simple, and that's when I became a part of the greater cause that exists here. And now you're here, so we can finally start what we've always wanted to accomplish..."

Neris finally finished, turning to face James. She watched his confused expression turn curious as he stared back at her.

"That'" James replied, finally, biting his lip as he looked at the succubus standing before him.

"You think so?" She asked, her tail slowly swishing behind her.

" fucking hot," James groaned, his eyes traveling up and down her body.

"Well then why wait? Let's get started..." Neris cooed, walking towards him. James struggled against his chains, but not to escape. He wanted to get closer to her.

Neris reached him and came in close, tracing one of her fingers up his chest. James closed his eyes and sighed, shaking with need.

"To be quite honest, Captain Baker, I wanted to jump you the moment we met. It's been hard to...contain myself," she whispered, leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"Please...need..." James groaned, trying to get closer to her.

"You're not so tough now, are you, Captain? What is it that you truly desire?" She asked, pressing her body against his, rattling the chains.


Neris silenced him by going in to kiss him, taking his lips with her own. James melted against her, moaning with need as he returned her kiss. After a few seconds she took his bottom lip and slowly pulled it back, feeling him lean in for more before she let go and pulled away.

"Mmm, I've waited for this moment for so very long," Neris moaned, watching James slowly open his eyes after the kiss of a lifetime. He gazed at her, eyelids half shut, before proclaiming:

"Please, unchain me...I need to touch you..." he moaned, his voice hoarse with need.

"There's a good boy," Neris grinned, slowly tracing a finger down his chest to reach the padlock. She waved her hand and the padlock burst open, causing James to drop to the ground. Neris stepped back, arms outstretched.

"Take me, Captain Baker..."

James jumped up, ran forward, and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying backwards into one of the statues. She hit the marble with a loud smash, breaking it into pieces that fell around her like rain.

"Alexei, Eddie, Simon, we need to get out of here! Where are you!" James cried, running around in search of the others. He ran to different parts of the chamber, searching desperately for any sign of help. As he reached one of the beams, he suddenly heard movement behind him. He raised his fist and spun around, ready to knock her back again.

"Don't try it again, or I..." James suddenly froze, finding himself gazing into a sea of spirals that glowed a multitude of wonderful colors. His arms fell slack and his head fell to one side, mouth agape as he fell into the smooth rhythm before him.

"You are one clever human, that I will admit. It'sss too bad you'll never make it out of here," the Queen laughed, watching as the Captain fell prey to her hypnotic eyes. A smile spread across James' face as he watched, trying to count all of the colors at once. A coil came around and began to wrap around his mid-section, pulling him in closer. His fighting was over.


Simon and David ran down the hallway, following the map. Once they reached a doorway with a flashing dot they stopped. David put his hand on the doorknob, but Simon stopped him with a hand on his shoulder as he suddenly heard something.

"Be prepared...this isn't going to be pretty," he warned David, hearing moaning from within. David nodded, pushing the door open.

Inside, the two came face to face with the coupling of Alexei and a strange, green skinned woman. She was pulling on the flower-device wrapped around his cock, and they watched as she tore it off. Alexei's cock was on full display now, much to the satisfaction of the woman, who tossed the plant aside and settled over him.

"Now, you will become one with us..." she grinned, slowly bringing herself down on top of him.


The woman looked up at Simon just before she vanished, taking the plant along with her. Alexei looked around, disoriented for a moment, before he turned back and saw the others.

"Oh god, thank you...that was almost the end of me," Alexei groaned, out of breath as he grabbed his uniform and pulled it on. He then joined the others by the door.

"Do you still have the dynamite from before?" Simon asked.

"Of course, you know I'd never go anywhere without it," Alexei grinned, pulling out a pile of explosives.

"Okay good. I want you both of you to go and find Eddie. He has to be around here somewhere. Then, plant the dynamite near the main chamber and meet me there. It's time to finish this," Simon said.

"I like your enthusiasm, Professor! We'll meet you back there," Alexei replied. Simon nodded before going back out into the hallway. The map pointed to the right, so he ran in that direction, hoping to find something that would end the torture they were experiencing.


Simon ran down what seemed like an endless row of hallways, each corridor seemingly identical to the last. He pulled the map back out of his pocket, but found it to now be broken. The center arrow was spinning in a circle, as if to tell him this was his final destination. The last stop.

"Hello? Anyone? Captain?!" Simon called out, hearing no response. He finally stopped in the middle of one of the corridors, breathing heavily. The neverending hallways seemed to go on forever from what he could see, and there was no turning back.

"Please...oh god I hate being alone," he whispered to himself, suddenly realizing just how dark it was in the corridor. Just as he was about to continue, a door to his right swung open, revealing a glowing yellow light. He instinctively walked towards it, passing through what seemed like a portal as the light enveloped him.

After passing through, he found himself standing on a red carpet display in Hollywood, the flash of photographers snapping pictures of him nearly causing him to faint. He shielded his eyes with his hand, watching as others passed him on the way to the main event.

He walked up to one of the photographers, hoping to find out some information.

"Excuse me, but where are we?" He asked. The man before him had a black hat shielding his face, but he then reached up and pulled it off, revealing the grinning face of Sergeant Eddie Mitchell.

"We're at the Egyptian Theater, Professor, this is your moment!" He chuckled, raising his camera and snapping a shot right in front of Simon. Simon backed away, his eyes a mess of colors as he suddenly bumped right into someone. He spun around to see Alexei and Kate, both dressed in their finest attire, walking in side by side.

"Can't wait to see you in there, Professor, it's such an honor!" Kate smiled, touching his shoulder for a moment before following Alexei into the theater. Scared and more than a little confused, Simon followed them into the theater, where the rows of seats were almost filled completely with spectators. A large, white banner above the main stage was inscribed in gold letters with the message: "PROFESSOR SIMON THOMPSON NOBEL PRIZE CEREMONY".

Simon's mouth dropped open as he took in the meaning of that sentence. He was winning a Nobel Prize? The one thing he'd dreamed of his entire career!

"Come on, they're starting!" Kate smiled, taking his arm and pulling him over to a row of empty seats. The three sat down, watching eagerly as the lights began to dim. A man dressed in a suit with medals attached to his chest strode onto the stage, walking over to the microphone and clearing his throat to speak.

"When I first met Professor Simon Thompson, I must admit, I was more than a bit apprehensive. I mean, a Mythology Professor going on a real space mission? That's not something you see everyday!"

He paused for laughter and applause, the audience showing their clear support for the man being honored.

"As our mission went on, Simon proved to be one of the bravest men I've ever had the pleasure of serving with. He saved us in so many pinches, and when the time came down to it, he decided to allow Queen Enthrona to take her rightful place as ruler, and spread her love to Earth, where it belongs. Everyone, give it up for Simon Thompson!"

Kate nudged his elbow with a smile and Simon found himself getting up, walking down the stairway to the stage as the audience clapped, cheered, and hooted for him. He waved at the audience in a general fashion, smiling as he took in all of the excitement around him.

When he reached the stage, he found Captain James Baker standing there, holding the Nobel Peace Prize Medal. Simon took it from him, shaking the Captain's hand when he offered it. James then left the stage while Simon took the microphone, realizing that while he thought he had nothing to say, a speech just sort of came to him.

"Thank you all so much. I've been waiting for an honor like this for my entire life, and I guess it took a mission to Venus to achieve it."

The audience laughed and cheered again, making Simon blush.

"I cannot tell you what this means to be. I'm unbelievably honored to not only win such an award, but to also be here with the crew that helped me to accomplish it. Thank you all so much!"

The audience went ballistic, standing up to cheer and scream their approval. Simon stepped beside the podium and bowed, milking the moment for all it was worth.

"It could always be like thisss, you know."

Simon turned to see Queen Enthrona waiting near the edge of the stage, gazing up at him. Suddenly, everything went silent. The crowd froze in place, some still in mid-clap as they completely stopped. It was if the world around Simon had shut down. He turned to look at the Queen, who seemed to be the only one still moving.

"What is this?" He asked, holding up his medal.

"It's a sssimulation, Professor. I think you'll find we have many ways of creating them to suit your needs and desiresss," she smiled, flicking her tongue out at the final syllable.

"T...this is fake?" Simon asked, crushed as he looked out at the crowd.

"It doesn't have to be," the Queen smiled, slithering towards him. When she was close enough she reached out and took his hand in hers, rubbing her palm over the medal.

"This can be your reality. Anything you desire, anyone you want. All you have to do, is serve us."

With that, the room around them vanished, suddenly replaced by the castle's main chamber once again. The Queen still stood before him, but he was now sitting in what he recognized as the throne. Before him, Neris held a seemingly unconscious James in her arms, running her fingers through his hair. Alexei, Eddie, and David all stood on the other side, watching him just as they had back in the movie theater.

"It all comesss down to you, Professor. All of the power rests in your hands. The power to rule the world, to rain hell on your enemiessss and love on those you admire. This can all be yours, if you so dessssire..." Enthrona cooed, her tail slowly sliding along his ankle.

Simon looked out at the other members of his crew, realizing how good her offer sounded. He would never again be able to live the reality of winning a Nobel Prize, or to feel the lust he felt for the creatures of Venus. This was the moment he'd been searching for his entire life. He could change his entire life for what really did seem like the better.

But how could he deny the mission he'd been sent to do? He'd grown quite fond of his crew members, even James, who he currently had the power to save. His eyes caught movement down to the left, and he saw that Alexei was holding up a small black object. The explosives expert winked at him, moving the object back behind his back. That made his decision all the more simple.

Simon never wanted to be famous, after all. He wanted to be a hero.

"I decline your offer, madam. We came here to destroy you, and that's exactly what we're going to do. Go, Alexei!"

Alexei grinned and raised what Simon now knew to be a detonator into the air, slamming his thumb down on it.

An explosion rocked the base of the castle, sending the group falling to the floor. The entire castle began to rock and crumble around them, sending large beams crashing to the floor.

"No, no!" Queen Enthrona screamed, rushing to safety. Neris dropped James and ran to follow Enthrona, covering her head with her arms to protect herself. Simon rushed down and grabbed James by the arm, lifting him up.

"N...nhh..." James groaned, unable to speak.

"Come on, Captain, we need to get out of here!" He cried, pulling him towards the exit. He followed the other three crew members out to the entrance, rushing down to the grass as the castle collapsed into nothing but rubble behind them. Simon lay James down carefully on the grass and dropped to the ground, feeling nauseous.

"Hey, buddy, it's okay, we made it. We made it," Alexei consoled him, resting his hand on the Professor's shoulder. Simon turned and looked back at the castle ruins, unable to believe that he'd been the cause of it all. When it mattered most, he made the right choice. It made him feel accomplished and important, exactly the feelings he'd been seeking by going on this expedition.

"Come on, everyone. Let's go home."


"Everyone strapped in and ready to go?" David asked, taking his place on the ship's control bay.

"You bet," Simon replied, ensuring that James was still upright in his seat. Their Captain was still hypnotized, his eyes a mess of colors as he slumped down against the restraints.

"Okay, here we go!" David called out. The USS Servitude then began its ascent from the surface of Venus, the crew members watching from above as the lush forests and jungles slowly disappeared from view. Soon they were back up in space, a familiar and very welcome sight for all of them.

"Well I'd say that was certainly a wild adventure," Alexei chuckled.

"Yeah, agreed," David replied, turning to face them.

"So what are we going to say when we get back?" Eddie asked. The others fell silent.

"I hadn't really even considered that," Alexei admitted.

"Will anyone believe us?"

"Will they call us heroes?"

"What about Kate?"

"Why don't we just face that when it comes. For right now, we can celebrate being free!" Simon said.

"Aye, cheers to that!" Alexei laughed, raising an invisible glass and clinking it with the Professor's. Beside them, James began to stir, groaning as his eyes now shot open.

"W...wait, we made it back?" James asked, gazing out as Venus began to disappear from view. The others laughed, watching him return to reality.

"Yes sir, all thanks to the Professor here," David said, gesturing towards Simon. James turned to face him.

"Is that true? You got us out of there?" James asked.

"Well, it was mostly Alexei's explosives, but the creature ended up allowing me to choose whether or not to stay behind or leave. I wasn't going to leave you guys like that," Simon replied. James was silent a moment, as if pondering something. He then reached out towards Simon, holding out his hand.

"Looks like I was right about you all along, Professor. You really did come through in the end," The Captain smiled. Simon smiled back and shook his hand, honored to be celebrated by one of his greatest heroes.

"We're fully out of orbit now, gravity should be stable," David announced, unbuckling his seat belt.

"Let's celebrate, the liquor's on me!" Alexei said, getting up and walking over to the minibar. The rest of the crew followed, taking a glass and holding them up together.

"To insane space adventures, and a crew strong enough to take out anything in their path!" James said.

"Here, here!" The other crew members cheered, clinking their glasses together. It was over. They had crushed an empire, and won the right to tell everyone about it. Now all that was left was to enjoy their time on the ship before arriving back on Earth, where Simon would finally receive the winner's welcome he'd desired so long ago.


"Descending now, prepare for some turbulence," David said as the ship began to lower towards the surface of Earth, the crew clinging to their seats as things began to shake around them.

"What's the first thing you're going to do when we land?" Eddie asked the group.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to get some high quality Vodka and dance the night away, my friend, and you're all welcome to join me!" Alexei laughed, joined by the others. The crew were in their best spirits as the USS Servitude finally landed down at PHIGMA's airstrip, dropping the pod bay and regrouping by the airlock.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait to kiss the ground," David chuckled, opening the airlock. Simon took a deep breath, watching as the metal plate blocking his view of the airstrip slowly descended. Would there be anyone to cheer him on? To yell his name, just like in his wildest fantasies? Or would they have forgotten about the lone crew of the USS Servitude, believing they had died just like the last crew.

When the airlock finally dropped, he got his answer.