The French Connection Ch. 03


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"Which seat will she run for now?" Cindy asked.

"Michaels's seat." I said. "And then someone else will run for the Cook seat. It's all part of the plan..."

"What plan is that, Uncle Don?" Todd asked.

"Certain, shall we say, professional politicians and groups are trying to stack the Council. The Weston seat swap is part of it. We'll have to see who runs for what..."

Part 14 - Making Sausage

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" shouted the lovely redheaded reporterette from in front of City Hall at 7:00am, Wednesday, March 28th. "The vote is in, and Assistant Public Health Officer Susan Weston has been elected to fill the unexpired term of Thomas P. Cook on the Town & County Council!"

"Ms. Weston won by a fairly convincing margin over Jenna Stiles, 52-31%." said Bettina. "Asked if this boded ill for Ms. Stiles's campaign for D.A., Dr. Romanov of the University's Institute for Politics said that it actually bodes well for Ms. Stiles's name recognition, and that former Deputy Chief Della Harlow is the one whose campaign for Sheriff may be on the rocks."

"And in State news," said Bettina, "the Legislative session is almost over, and a grand total of three bills have been passed by our State lawmakers: the Awards bill, with awards already being given out by the Governor; the Corporate Data Security Act, protecting big companies from Sunshine Laws and the Open Records Act; and the School Safety Act, which creates gun free zones within 50 ft. of all high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools."

Bettina: "The School Safety bill was not expected to pass, but moderate Republicans, led by Rep. Wilson Hammonds of Pottsville, voted with Democrats to pass the bill in the State House, while the Democrats ramrodded the bill through on a straight-party-line vote in the State Senate. Governor Val Jared did veto the bill, and the veto likely will be sustained."

"Passing that bill caused experts to believe that other bills might be worked out, but that has not been the case." Bettina continued. "There will very likely be no Budget, which means the State continues to work at the exact same levels as last year, with no increases for inflation or cost of living. But the most serious situation is the Law Enforcement Bill. The State Patrol has warned that they will go on strike if a bill for them is not passed, and SBI Agents fear they will be out of work next week."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"This is Priya Ajmani, Five-Alive News in the Morning!" shouted the gorgeous Indian reporterette at 8:00am, Wednesday, March 28th. "With the Legislative session nearing its end, the political Parties are trading barbs more than exchanging ideas for legislation. But one thing they all agree on is that Governor Val Jared is not taking the lead in solving the State's political problems."

"But no Legislators are filling the vacuum of leadership, either." continued Priya. "As State Senator Katherine Woodburn said in a speech yesterday, the gridlock has reached a point where no one is even trying to find common ground. Meanwhile, State Senator Woodburn congratulated Susan Weston on winning the Council seat to fill the unexpired term of Thomas P. Cook, who was indicted on financial charges and then disappeared without a trace."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"It's bad." said Senator Moe Molinari, who had called me on my personal iPhone. "Senator Cerone and I have enjoyed the lunches at each other's restaurants, and we've come to agreement on one thing: that there is no possible bill. But the Select Bipartisan Group, as we and a few others call ourselves, are willing to meet with you, and see if there's any hope left."

"We can but try, Senator." I said. "Tell your group to be ready to work through the night. I'm going to lock us all in one room and throw away the keys, and I'll be the only one in there with a crowbar..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There is an old saying that goes: 'People who love sausage and the law should never watch either one being made.' And it is the truth.

After lunch and making arrangements, I logged in as an SBI Reserve Inspector and flew down to Midtown in the TCPD's Bell 206 helicopter, parking on the helipad atop the parking deck that served the State Capitol. I went inside and was met by an assistant of State Senator Jimmy 'Coffin' Cerone, who guided me through a labyrinth of offices to a small conference room.

Inside were State Senators Molinari(R), Cerone(D), Woodburn(D), Cain Mitchell(R), Sean Stockton(R), Richard Langdon(D), and State Representatives Isaac Jacobson(D), Sharon Marshall(R), Johnny Perdue(R), Wilson Hammonds(R), and Elijah McKinney(D) of Southport, who represented the grimy, crime-ridden black districts of Southport.

Also present was Colonel Hartmann, the Commander of the State Patrol, and a youngish man named Dave Smigelski; he was Governor Jared's staffer for dealing with the Legislature.

I sat in the chair at the center of the long table, with Col. Hartmann opposite me. Molinari and Cerone were the ends of the table, and everyone else found seats where they could around the table. I was faintly surprised that neither Molinari nor Cerone took the reins to lead the meeting; all eyes were on Your Iron Crowbar.

"All right." I said. "We can go around the horn to get everyone's positions, or I'll just dictate a bill and you'll all agree to it, yes?" There was laughter in the room at that.

"I'll go first." said Perdue, the only Libertarian in the State Legislature. "I believe we should separate the State Patrol and SBI portions of this bill into two separate bills----"

"Absolutely not." said Katherine Woodburn. "Senate Democrats won't even hear of that."

"Why not?" growled Colonel Hartmann. I was not sure why he was here; maybe the Republicans had invited him to verbally shame the Democrats. It wasn't working. "Why not separate us from the SBI, and you guys take care of my people separately from the other stuff?"

"I can give you one of two answers, and you see which one works best for you." said Richard Langdon, his shrill voice coming out of his tall, lanky body always surprising to me. "The first is that we keep leverage by keeping the bills combined, and lose that leverage if we separate the bills. The second, as a more practical matter, is that even if we do separate the bills, the State Patrol bill would not go through unless we get what we want on the SBI bill. So there's really no point."

Colonel Hartmann looked disgusted, and who could blame him... but what he didn't realize was that Langdon had actually told him the real and open truth... something that rarely occurs in Legislative bodies at any level.

"Besides," said Elijah McKinney, "maybe the SBI and State Patrol should be working more closely together, even merged into one unit. This would give the State the law enforcement manpower we need in times of emergencies, such as riots, when crowd control is needed." No one was fooled; everyone knew what McKinney really wanted to control: white opposition to black violence. He was one of Senator Maxine Watts's closest supporters with the 'Black Voices Raised' group.

"Are you kidding?" gasped Colonel Hartmann, a bit naively not understanding what McKinney really wanted. "We're the State Patrol, not the National Guard, and we're not a paramilitary organization like the NTF is." The NTF was the SBI's Narcotics Task Force, which had been accused of being a paramilitary entity unto itself when Jack Lewis was SBI Director. It had taken a certain redhead with a crowbar firing a machine gun at the NTF to wake some people up, but I digress...

"The NTF is not a paramilitary unit!" Katherine Woodburn said hotly. "It's a unit dedicated to taking filthy drugs of our streets and not letting them get to our children---"

*TAP!* *TAP!* *TAP!* *TAP!* *TAP!*

New use for the red crowbar! It was now being used as a gavel. "Okay, okay, we're not going to debate the finer points of the NTF vs. the State Patrol." I said. Nice try, Don, but it was a NO GO.

"The Governor would also be interested in integrating the SBI and State Patrol," said Dave Smigelski, "or at least to have a much closer working relationship, in order to crack down on Illegal Immigrants in the State and turn them over to ICE for prosecution and deportation."

"No way in hell!" Wilson Hammonds, standard-bearer for the Republican Establishment Elites, who followed the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's orders to protect and preserve illegal immigration for the elite big companies of the Nation. "Jared can burn in hell before we'll allow him a dime to persecute undocumented workers!"

*TAP!* *TAP!* *TAP!* *TAP!* *TAP!*

Everyone quieted down, but Smigelski had introduced the 800-lb. elephant in the room: the Governor would veto any bill that did not address Illegal Immigration to his (the Governor's) liking. The long meeting was about to become much, much longer...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

They brought in a dinner buffet. Everyone went through the line, some twice. Except Colonel Hartmann. He'd had enough of this, and announced that he was leaving.

"It is obvious to me that no one here except Commander Troy gives a God-damn about the men and women of the State Patrol. And it's not just disregard; I've never seen such utter hatred for law enforcement as I'm seeing from you Legislators, of both parties. You are all disgusting fatbodies!"

"You do realize you're talking to and about the people who allocate money for your salaries?" snarled Katherine Woodburn.

"And you think that's a threat?" shouted Hartmann. "You think that's your stranglehold over us? What are you going to do, Senator, when you have no State Patrol to allocate money to? What are you going to do, when there's no State Patrol giving out tickets to enrich your local and State Government coffers? And when there are bad highway conditions, and accidents on the roads?"

"But you don't care about that, do you Senator?" Hartmann continued, on a roll, now. "You don't give a shit about us; you only care about your fucking political games, of who has what over who as 'leverage'. Well, we're sick and god-damn tired of being your political pawns. Go find someone else to fuck over." With that, Hartmann stalked out of the room.

"Well," said Dave Smigelski, not helping at all, "I guess we'll add getting a new State Patrol Commander to our list of things to do. Want the job, Commander Troy?"

"Let me tell you something, jerk." I replied, standing up to full height and bearing in on him, but not quite shouting. "Colonel Hartmann was right. And he and the State Patrol are just a microcosm of the People of this State. They are disgusted with all of you. They did not elect Jared because he's anything great; they elected him because they are tired of the status quo politicians that don't seem to give a flying fuck about them."

"They saw a deeply corrupt standard politician in Jack Lewis, and they were desperate for anything but that." I went on, twisting the proverbial knife. "They see you guys unable to even pass a bill in the Legislature, then attack Jared when he shows that an armored vest actually worked. Do you people truly not realize that the Voters don't see it they way you do, and that they are sick and tired of you?"

"Then why are you here now, Commander?" asked Richard 'Dick' Langdon. "If you're so disgusted with us, why are you participating in this meeting?"

"I thought I might actually be able to facilitate something good happening." I said. "But I think I was wrong; I think you bastards are beyond hope. So is that what you want me to do? Want me to follow Colonel Hartmann out the door?"

"No." said Jimmy 'Coffin' Cerone. "We want you to stay, and help us get past this. Langdon, if you have a problem with that, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Now let's have some dinner, folks, and have a little cool-down period."

As everyone ate, Katherine Woodburn asked me "How is your daughter doing after that ordeal in that warehouse, Commander?" Everyone became attentive.

"She's doing well." I said. "I think she's on the young side to really understand what happened. She's really not at the death-awareness stage yet."

"That's fortunate." said Sean Stockton. "So she's had no nightmares, or anything?"

"Not that we're aware of." I said. "She hasn't woken up crying in the middle of the night or anything."

"Incredibly brave thing, your Police Captain did." said Jimmy Cerone. "Just unbelievable." There was general agreement.

"And then Jared goes off and gets political at the joint session where she was being honored." said Langdon. "Showing that armor vest off."

"That was my other Captain that took that shot." I said. "And he wasn't being political about it, despite what the False News Media said; he was just showing the Legislators how close a call it was for Captain Ross."

"So you're still a Jared-lover, Commander Troy?" snarled Cain Mitchell. It was an outright accusation, full of hatred and hostility.

"He's a damn sight better than the corrupt Jack Lewis." I said with authority in my voice as I stared down Cain Mitchell. "I'll never regret that election outcome, no matter what anyone says about Governor Jared."

"Commander," said Cerone, "why don't we begin our discussions of the Law Enforcement Bill again..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Julie Newton was exhausted. She'd just gotten out of her sister's townhouse when the Police had begun showing up. Then they brought her sister Yvonne back to the townhouse. That meant that her, Julie's, escape from Supermax was known about, and that the Police would be on the lookout for her.

She'd burned a false I.D. to check into a seedy hotel on the southside of Town. Then she'd heard about the Hedonist party. It was at a club that was beginning to run down, called 'Punk'. And it was supposed to be a big orgy, where the participants would wear masks. That sounded like a place where she could disappear.

So here she was at this 'party'. There was plenty of food and drink at the bar, so she was able to eat well and drink. She watched the action on the floor, which consisted of masked men and women engaging in hot sex acts. Many were couples swapping, some soft-swapping, some hard-swapping.

Then there were the young, very fit young men with washboard abs and large cocks, servicing older women while those women's husbands' watched. Though all were masked, Julie was sure that some of them worked for Rita, while others were college studs in that mythical Sigma Epsilon Chi (S.E.X.) fraternity, with the size to match.

Julie noticed that in the far corner of the room, a woman was being lustily fucked by a man as she sucked another man's cock, while other men watched and waited their turns. The woman looked to be very beautiful despite the 'Batgirl' mask she was wearing that covered most of her head. Her breasts were large, her body fit, and her pussy was taking cocks, large cocks, like the starved whore she probably was.

Then Julie noticed a handsome young man looking her over. He was fit and well-hung, so she smiled at him in invitation to join her...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"All right," I said to the exhausted Legislators in the room as it began getting late. It was 10:30pm. "The Republicans in the room, especially Mr. Perdue, want the SBI-SIS to be discontinued. The Democrats in the room, especially Ms. Woodburn, want the SBI Reserve to go away. So why aren't we reaching a compromise on this?"

"Some of us, Mr. Crowbar," said Moe Molinari, "don't think it's a good idea to do away with either."

"That's right." said Jimmy Cerone. "And I'll commit sacrilege by saying that I want something left of the SBI Reserve so that you, the Iron Crowbar, can continue in your role as SBI Reserve Inspector. Your influence on State Law Enforcement is much more soothing than some here are willing to admit."

Wow, they really were laying some things on the table, I thought to myself. But I ran with it. "Okay, we discontinue the SBI Reserve Program, which never got off the ground and no one participates in, any more. But we still have an SBI Reserve of select law enforcement personnel, with a certain level of skills and experience, and probably a minimum level of rank or grade, such as Sergeant, that can be called up when needed. Maybe retired local LEOs, and such."

"What was the problem with the Reserve Program in the first place?" asked Sharon Marshall.

I replied "It was created by Governor Jared and Senior LEOs, meaning Police Chiefs and Sheriffs, as a means of reducing the size of and mission of the regular SBI to a support role, and bringing up experienced local LEOs to help with cases outside their own jurisdictions. The idea was to have a pool of well-trained, experienced people assisting locals as well as being able to cross county lines. It was also hoped that it would strengthen badly frayed relations between local LEOs and the SBI of the time."

I continued: "It has largely failed due to lack of use. Jurisdictions wouldn't call for SBI Reserve help, and many local jurisdictions didn't want their people getting called up to go to other jurisdictions when they were needed at home. My own Town & County Council loves to rant about me helping the SBI and FBI, as an example."

"Having said all that," I said, "there does need to be a Reserve pool for extreme situations, such as the Atlanta murdered and missing children situation some decades ago, or if the City were hosting the Super Bowl or College Football National Title Game and interagency support is needed."

"And the SIS?" asked Woodburn. "Roll that into the NTF?"

"No way." said Johnny Perdue. "The NTF is bad enough as it is. They need to be scaled back, and be only a support role for local LEOs They're too powerful and too overbearing on local LEOs as it is, they act like a paramilitary unit... and not all of the locals have Iron Crowbars to stand up to the NTF." I smiled at that one. I do love 'standing up' to the SBI-NTF. Katherine Woodburn was not smiling; she was most very displeased with Perdue's statement.

"What I suggest," said Dave Smigelski, "is to transform the SBI-SIS into a new unit, called SBI-ICE. This unit will be dedicated to pursuing and arresting Illegal Persons in our State for turnover to the Federal ICE for deportation or incarceration, and restoring jobs to American citizens and the People of this State, especially our black citizens."

"I'd rather shut down the SBI and State Patrol than allow that to ever happen!" shouted Wilson Hammonds, his face deep red with utter fury. "There will never, ever be an SBI-ICE while I have any influence on it. Never!" He and Smigelski stared at each other, and their hatred for each other was palpable throughout the room.

"Commander, it's getting late." said Moe Molinari. "Tell us what we're going to do on this..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The young guy was mounting Julie as they made out hotly on the mattress on the floor. Julie had not realized how horny she was until the stud had kissed her and began fondling her breasts. Now she was on her back, naked except for her mask and her black high heel pumps that shaped her slender legs nicely, and the stud was next to her, kissing her and sliding his fingers in and out of her sopping wet pussy.

She was dimly aware that other people in the room had begun watching her and her new friend as the heat of their foreplay increased. She was stroking the boy's cock, which had hardened and lengthened to its impressive nine inch length. Pre-cum was leaking from the tip as Julie gently jacked his meat.

When the guy could stand it no longer, he lifted up and rolled onto her. She spread her legs in welcome as he mounted her, dryhumping her, letting his cockshaft slide along her swollen labes as he teased her until she was squirming with hot desire. She finally was able to reach between them, grab his hard, thick shaft, and fit his cockhead into her slit. He pushed forward.