The Game

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A wife makes an orgasm bet.
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Julia and I were married for two years and during our courtship we had experimented with a variety of sexual games. S/M, B/D, roleplaying and on two occasions, three-ways. Once with another woman and once with another man ... sort of.

The experience with the woman was what we've all come to expect: fun experimentation for Julia and fun fulfillment for myself. It was the first time for both Julia and the woman so there was a lot of giggling and eventually surprised gasps and sharp intakes of heated breaths. Very hot. I enjoyed it a great deal. But in the end, it was just sex. I had sex with two different women, each with their own smell and taste and one of whom I was in love with.

It wasn't until we invited another man into our sex play that I realized sex could become a much greater component of a person's identity. A deeper, more complete experience than I ever imagined. When a man loves a woman we are genetically predisposed to protect her and make her "ours". Sharing really isn't hardwired into our brains and that's not an excuse for men to cheat, it has nothing to do with that. It's that we want our DNA to continue; it's pure atavism. We see our woman as the vessel to help us continue our lineage and women choose which man is the most deserving of their womb.

So when a man's woman cheats or leaves him, it cuts to a level that is more than jealousy, it's more than ego bruising. It's deeply psychological. I'm not saying it's easier for a woman, but as I'm not a woman and can't presume to speak for the other gender, I will not begin here.

One night, I discovered this profound psychological crevice when we went to a party at a friend's house. She was having friends in town, a couple whom she worked with and asked us over for dinner. We obliged and arrived at her house expecting dinner, some conversation and then home.

When we arrived, Jennifer, our friend greeted us and asked us in where we met Gary and Susan (obviously not their names). Susan was a warm, attractive woman with a beautiful smile and lovely figure while Gary was a handsome, fit and charming man. They made a picturesque couple.

We sat and talked in Jennifer's living room for a time discussing politics, movies, and anything else that people who just met discuss without getting too deeply involved in each other's business. I noticed Gary was quiet and somewhat removed. I felt that maybe he needed to be encouraged to speak.

"Gary, what do you do?" I asked appearing to bore him before the final "do" in my sentence.

"I eat shit." Gary replied without a trace of sarcasm. "You?"

"I make shit. So I guess we're bound to be friends." I parried attempting to remove the sting of his answer.

Susan chimed in with an effort to be conciliatory. "Gary, do you have to be a jerk to people you just met? Give them time to know you before making them hate you." Susan then turned to us. "Sorry. He's just ... Gary. He drives a limo."

Julia and I both nodded politely and Julia continued. "Do you own your own ..." Before she finished Gary responded, "No. I work for someone else. I make fifteen dollars an hour and hate it. Next?"

Julia and I looked at each other and raised our eyebrows as if to say "this is going to be a long night" before Gary excused himself. "I'm going out for a cigarette."

Jennifer overheard the conversation and couldn't resist coming in to gossip. "Susan is with him because he makes her come more than anyone else has ever."

"Jennifer!" Susan admonished.

"They're cool, Susan." Jennifer laughed, reassuring Susan.

Before I could change the subject, Julia, to my surprise, chimed in. "What does he do? I mean, that's so great?" She looked to my surprised face. "What? I didn't bring it up."

Susan looked to Jennifer and Jennifer responded to her silent question. "Told you. They're cool."

"Well." Susan began after peering down the hall to see if Gary was in earshot. "He ..." she pointed down to her crotch. "is a fucking magician. And I've had a few men do that to me. He is ... I've never had anyone better. It's like I'm his fucking musical instrument. I sing. I laugh. I scream. And then, what he does with his cock is nothing short of miraculous. Jennifer fucked him once."

"You did?" Julia asked with mounting interest.

Jennifer nodded as if she recalled the most delicious cake she'd ever tasted. "That boy is ... well, you can see Susan isn't in it for the conversation or the money. And Susan, any time you want to loan him out, please let me know."

Susan just smiled. Julia, who I noticed was a little flushed turned to me with excitement. "Sounds great. So he's the best you've ever had?"

Susan responded without even thinking. "Yes. He can make me come harder and stronger than any man I've ever slept with."

Gary came in and we all gathered around the table. I noticed Julia was flirting with Gary only enough so that I noticed and I felt the first stirrings of jealousy. Susan and Jennifer exchanged knowing glances to one another which only furthered my mounting insecurity. After dinner, we had drinks in the living room once again and the conversation turned, at Julia's insistence, to matters of sex.

"I love being on top." Julia said with a girlish smile.

"That's good, but I like getting fucked hard." Jennifer chimed in.

"That's for sure." Gary offered casually.

There was a pause before Julia, almost breathlessly asked Gary, "Do you think girls liked to get fucked hard? Or do you think they like it gentler. In your experience."

"Depends on the woman. Jennifer likes it hard and from behind. Then she likes me to pull her onto my cock with her legs spread wide. That gets her off. Right, Jen?"

Jennifer blushed and nodded as though living through it before our eyes. Gary continued. "Susan, well, she's more complex."

"Gary! We don't ..."

"Shut up! I'm talking." Susan quieted instantly although something told me they'd have a conversation about it later and only after he fucked her into blissful multiple orgasms. "Susan likes me to tease her. To make her want it because she doesn't know how to ask for it. So I pull each orgasm out of her gently. Until she begs. I find the things she likes and then I don't do it. I make her beg me to do it. Right, baby?"

Susan nodded, her breath quickening slightly at the thought of having this done to her later that evening. But before she could call it a night, Julia surprised us all.

"How would you fuck me?" The room fell into silence. Gary looked at her and then me. "I don't want a fight."

Julia answered for me. "He's not a fighter. Besides, we're just talking."

Gary appraised Julia as a butcher would a piece of meat. "You? You don't have a problem asking, from what I've seen so far, so I wouldn't make you beg. I'd make you come quick."

Julia laughed. "That's not insightful. Every woman wants that!"

"Not every woman wants to come quickly. Like Susan. Her orgasms are more powerful when I make her wait. You probably wouldn't like that. It'd piss you off. So I'd give you the first orgasm quick. Let you ride it out, that will make you more sensitive for the next one and then the next and then the next. You're a five orgasm girl. Easily."

I was getting upset. Not because he was so brazen with my wife, but because he was right. Julia demanded her first orgasm quickly so that the next one could build and then the next and the next. Sad to say that it had gotten to the point in our relationship that it was becoming routine. We both knew what we wanted and we gave it to each other with precision and complete predictability. How this guy knew it from one dinner was beyond me.

"So you think you can get me off quickly? You think that it'd be that easy? Pu- leeze. Most guys can't figure out where the vagina is let alone make a girl cum."

"Julia, I can attest to his abilities." Jennifer chimed in, still in her haze of sexual memories.

"Want to bet?" Gary asked, his face a mask of pure confidence.

"Yes." Julia answered without a trace of hesitation.

"How?" He asked. "I know how to get Jennifer off and Susan is probably wetting her panties right now thinking about how she's going to get fucked later. So that leaves just you, baby doll, and I don't think your husband will be too keen on the idea."

Everyone looked at me and I felt like I was 87 years-old. Clearly, I was the obstacle to this bet and I hated feeling this way. If I said no, I was the "old man" who didn't want to have fun and if I said yes ... well, at this point that wasn't an option. "Maybe we should just chalk this up to one mystery that will never be solved..."

"Hold on." Julia demanded. "We've been with two girls. Why is this different..."

"Hold on. I'm not having sex with your hus..." Gary started.

"You're not going to. All I'm saying is that I watched you get fucked by another woman! Why can't I just try this? Susan, are you okay with this?"

Susan smiled. "Oh, yeah. I love watching Gary get women off. As long as he comes home to me."

Jennifer suddenly got up excitedly. "We'll time it!" She took off her watch raised it in the air. Julia looked at me expectantly.

"Okay." I said. There was not getting around the parity argument. She did watch me fuck another woman. This, theoretically, was not different. "Fine."

Julia stood up and took her clothes off revealing herself to the room. I had seen her naked a thousand times and in that time I had grown accustomed to every beautiful curve and every sensual line and crevice. Yet watching her undress in front of another man was as though I were watching a brand new woman. A woman I had just met.

As Julia stood there in nothing but her panties she began to feel the heat building in the room as we watched not quite certain how to proceed, yet knowing it would. Gary just sat there watching.

Julia spoke, this time with more breath between her consonants. Her nipples rising with the expected sexual challenge. "Okay. You have five minutes to make me come. If you can't, you can't cum for a week." She looked as Susan who just shrugged and added, "I don't care as long as it doesn't stop him from fucking me."

Gary nodded, assured of his talents. "I'll wear a cock ring. But what if I win?"

"What do you want?" Julia asked expectantly.

Gary pointed to the stairs leading to the upstairs bedrooms. "I take you in Jennifer's room and I get to fuck you how - and for how long - I want. You'll be my fuck toy."

Julia swallowed hard. "Okay." I felt my stomach drop.

Gary got to his knees before Julia and gently pulled her underwear off, his face level with her now exposed pussy. He slid her garment down to her ankles and pressed his mouth to her labia. She gasped and flipped her hair with hand so she could see him. Gary looked up and smiled.

"Please sit on the couch so I can suck on your clit." These words made Julia's eyes narrow with excitement and gasp slightly before turning and laying on the couch. She sat upright in the corner and opened her legs in a sensual invitation to her nemesis.

"Should I start now! I was so engrossed!" Jennifer shouted.

"YES!" Julia, Susan and I shouted in perfect unison.

Gary sat on the couch next to Julia and gently opened her legs. He ran his hand on the inside of her thigh up to her pussy and delicately opened her lips. Julia's expression was intense. Her mouth opened slightly and her breath began to elongate into small, almost imperceptible moans. Her chest became flushed also as Gary stared at her expression running just his thumb up and down over her lips, ever so often he would swirl his thumb over Julia's delicate clitoris. Julia raised her eyebrows as if to say "that all you got?" I thought five minutes would not be a problem but was still jealous watching the two of them share such intimacy.

Gary smirked and then leaned in to begin his erotic assault on her pussy. He grabbed both her legs roughly and pulled them over his shoulders and put his tongue squarely into her wet and wanting pussy. Julia gasped out loud as her body contracted to the jolt of pleasure. Gary wasted no time as he lapped her pussy from top to bottom, only stopping at the top to swirl gently over Julia's clitoris. Each time he did, she bit her lip to stifle a sigh, a moan, a gasp.

"One minute." Jennifer whispered. Julia threw her head back and moaned as I watched Gary slowly take her clitoris into his mouth and suck on it as though it were a nipple.

"God he's incredible." Susan said quietly.

Julia again cleared the hair from her eyes and they met Gary's. She now looked at him with a heated determination I'd seen when we had particularly hot fuck sessions. Now she shared that look with him and I hated it. It also made me incredibly hard.

Her hips were bucking slightly now, matching the rhythm of his persistent clitoral stimulation. "Fuck." She whispered. Her hands gripped the couch in an effort to regain control, but still her hips rocked in unison with his persistent and seemingly talented tongue. Her ass and thighs tightened uncontrollably to meet his lips and tongue.

"I'm going to make you come, Julia." Gary smiled between laps.

"Fuck you." Julia said with a tight smile.

"Soon enough." Gary dove down into her pussy again and this time he placed a finger inside. Julia turned her head sharply and our eyes met. "Oh, God!" She burst out towards at me as if to ask me for help, but there was nothing I could do. Julia continued to stare at me as this stranger fucked my wife's now wet and swollen pussy with his finger. "I'm trying, baby." She said to me in between breaths. "But Jesus, he's good." He then began to stimulate her g-spot and Julia moaned. It was a long, low satisfying moan and turned her attention once more to Gary. He looked up at her while sucking on her clitoris and smiled.

"Two minutes." Jennifer again whispered.

Gary was now gently licking her clitoris and stimulating her vaginal walls with his finger. Julia's breasts started to heave with a mounting flood of excitement, her nipples, the quickest way to orgasm, were red and swollen and piercing the air begging for attention. Gary looked up and smiled. With his other hand, he gently pinched her right nipple and her legs shot out as she moaned intensely.

"Oh. She's a goner." Jennifer winked at me. "You're going home alone tonight. Oh, Three minutes, by the way."

Gary was now massaging her clitoris with his tongue, swirling slowly one way, then another and then up and down. His finger looked as though it were literally pulling her orgasm from within her pussy and his other hand softly squeezed and taunted first one nipple and then the next. Julia started to sweat, her bangs slightly moistened and her hips now grinding desperately into Gary's face. Her gasps were now short moans and cries as she gripped the couch back with her left hand.

"Oh, Jesus. What is he doing? Oh, Jesus!" Julia cried out to the ceiling, possibly asking God for mercy. Now I thought there was no way he would lose. Julia looked at me, her face straining. "I'm trying to hold n baby. I'm sorry. He's ... my God, he's doing things ..."

"Just let it go, honey. You can't fight it." Susan said from across the room.

Julia looked at me with renewed determination and then, suddenly her eyes shot open and she moaned in absolute pleasure. Gary was now putting another finger inside her pussy. Julia was thrusting her hips as he fucked her. "Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! I can't ..."

"Four minutes..." Jennifer called.

Gary knew it was now or never. He smiled and stopped everything. He sat up and pulled his fingers from inside of her leaving her pussy wet and hungry for attention. Julia looked at him with complete shock and, to may surprise, crazed disappointment. Gary then leaned over holding her gaze and slowly and deliberately blew on her clitoris with the lightest breath. Julia lowered her head backwards and just sighed with a lustful gasp I had never heard before.

Gary smiled and then began licking her clit repeatedly, over and over again. Just a tongue on her clit. Julia was now on the edge of orgasm. Her eyes closed with every thought focused on preventing Gary from winning. Suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at Gary, her ass, and legs completely still, her arms gripping the couch with all her might. "You mother fucker!" She said with a quiet ferocity before her orgasm was ripped from her body at the edge of Gary's tongue. Her entire frame shook as wave after wave of ecstasy poured over her. Her moan was long and ferocious and her eyes never left Gary's as a look of complete amazement took hold of her facial features as if to ask "How did you do that?"

The room was quiet as Gary stood up and started to unbuckle his pants, his erection visible through the material. He turned to me, "Sorry, man, but I don't like guys watching me do my thing. Susan and Jennifer, that's cool, but not you."

Julia got up, still in a state of bliss and followed Garry up the stairs. She didn't even look back. Jennifer and Susan looked at each other, laughed and ran after them. I sat in the living for another twenty minutes as I heard Julia come over and over again from inside Jennifer's bedroom. At one point I even heard the words "Don't stop, Gary. Don't every stop!" come from her lips.

It was like being punched in the stomach a hundred times. God, I love her.

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DessertmanDessertman5 months ago

Not for me! I dislike it.

NoBullAlNoBullAl5 months ago

Piece of crap… wasted your time writing only this!!

The author may write quite good stories but this time he forgot the old adage…. If you are going to write and post it then FINISH THE DAMN STORY!!!

Schwanze1Schwanze16 months ago

Read again. Could’ve been a good story

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 months ago

if Gary was likeable and the husband was more on-board and allowed to watch this would have been a hot little old-school bit of erotica. Still good but it makes me want a btb type of ending

WetheNorthWetheNorth9 months ago

What kind of wimp would sit there?

Get up and leave the slut there. That is what she would deserve.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nicely written crap.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician9 months ago

Can you say CUCKHOLD?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Just another cuckold story

StubbyoneStubbyoneabout 1 year ago

Well written ! The couple were obviously into kinky sex given their 3-some with another woman. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. The only problem was the 2nd encounter wasn’t a 3-some. He only got to watch the seduction. The main event was one on one. That felt wrong, but not my story. Keep it in perspective. It’s fiction. No one actually got fucked or their feelings hurt. 5-😊😊😊😊😊 writing. Thanks

Laurentius0150Laurentius0150about 1 year ago

Not a cuckold story fan so zero stars for this. Only good thing about it is it was short read.

rn2711rn2711almost 2 years ago

I hate the story. Why did he agree? Now he can't leave her because she've done nothing wrong.

And what's with the ending sentence? Why did he stay?

Why did he agree not to go upstairs? Then, at least he will participate.

Stupid story.

ErotFanErotFanover 2 years ago

BigGuy33 took up the challenge of writing a chapter 2 to this story. It's worth the read.

BTW - I agree with sbrooks103x, above re the last sentence. But dropped it from a 4 or five to a 3.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

0 stars - stupid cuck/wimp crap. I marked the 1 star above to lower your average.

He should have gone home packed his stuff and moved thousands of miles away - never contacting her again.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

Last sentence dropped this to a one.

MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

The hapless cuck finally snaps and shoots everyone in the room before starting his new life on the road!!!

fishgetterfishgetterover 3 years ago

Gary (the asshole) says "Sorry, man, but I don't like guys watching me do my thing. Susan and Jennifer, that's cool, but not you."

"As he pulled his coat aside at the waist, exposing his 9mm pistol, Hubby says "I don't give a rats ass what you like or don't like, asshole. Julia is MY wife and I WILL watch. If you don't like it, tough shit."

"I allowed you eat her in front of me, and if you want to fuck her, I'm watching. There is no discussion on this." NOW THIS is a comment !!!!!!!!!!

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Cuck bullshit!!!!!!

Got! I hate cuck stories, what a fucking waste of my time.

Real garbage story scores 1/5

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 4 years ago

"It was like being punched in the stomach a hundred times. God, I love her."


racfguyracfguyabout 4 years ago

Gary (the asshole) says "Sorry, man, but I don't like guys watching me do my thing. Susan and Jennifer, that's cool, but not you."

As he pulled his coat aside at the waist, exposing his 9mm pistol, Hubby says "I don't give a rats ass what you like or don't like, asshole. Julia is MY wife and I WILL watch. If you don't like it, tough shit."

"I allowed you eat her in front of me, and if you want to fuck her, I'm watching. There is no discussion on this."

(Horseshit story - 1* because that's the lowest rating I can give.)

InfiniteCycleInfiniteCycleover 4 years ago

All of them.

No real people here, just selfish, self indulgent garbage.

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