The Ghost of Benanee

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A broken heart can last forever.
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Thanks for reading my Pink Orchid 2024 for Women-Centric Erotica Challenge story. It may be fiction, but the facts behind it are real. The Benanee Settlement District was an attempt to open up a large area of south west New South Wales to agriculture, which failed miserably and was subsequently erased from history, apart from newspaper articles of the time. Nurses who volunteered to go to war worked in atrocious conditions, and when they returned were completely forgotten by their country and expected to go back to being doting housewives.

This is my small acknowledgement to both of these historical travesties.

The three women, Jo, Daryl, and Vicky pop up in a couple of other of my non-lesbian stories. This is a prelude to those.


(Riverina Recorder, 3 July 1912 - 400,000 ACRES OF LAND TO BE IRRIGATED. A RIVAL TO MILDURA!

Mr Beeby recently announced the Government's intention to carry out an enormous scheme of redeeming 400,000 acres of land now useless, by conserving the Murray River waters.)

"Well, that sucks," Daryl growled as she slammed the lid of her laptop.

Vicky looked up from her text book, the beanbag she was sitting in slowly enveloping her small frame. "Ok. Anything specific, or just things in general?"

"The Fuckulty has decreed that as of next year, the only electives allowed will be those that have some relationship to our course."

"That does sound sucky. So?"

"I was promised that archaeology would run next year, but I'll have to think of something different now. Damn! It really looked like fun."

"Oh. It's a bit rude to do that so late in the year. Guess that means Creative Writing 201 is not on your list of acceptable subjects either."

"No. Which I'm also not happy about. I was having fun writing, well, you writing about LittleRed and her friends with Jo and me testing scenarios with you."

"Mmm. Yeah. Certainly makes a Saturday night go quickly. And cheaply."

"Thank god for high speed internet and porn in hi-def. Anyway, so now I have to pick another cruddy subject I really don't want to do. Fuck me..."

"Not now. I've got too much study. And please get another bag of beans in this. It might be fine for your big arse, but it swallows me," Vicky said, struggling to stand. Daz laughed, reached under her armpits and lifted her straight up. "Thanks. Anyway, do you have the promise in writing?"

Daryl frowned, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've got the original email. Why?"

"Go for something like Breach of Contract. Dunno if it'll work, but it's worth a try."


(Riverina Recorder, 8 May 1912 - THE BENANEE LAKE SCHEME

The proposal is to cut the land up into blocks varying from 1000 to 3000 acres, sufficient to give each man 300 or 400 acres for cultivation and enough grazing land to carry 1000 sheep. Mr Beeby has practically promised to find the money for the experiment.)

Vicky was in the Uni cafeteria with a few of her classmates when she was lifted out of her chair, spun 180, crushed against two mountains of familiar boob and kissed passionately on the lips. A loud 'Ooo' went around the caf, and Daryl's presumed status as a lesbian was confirmed in more than a few minds. Vicky - the jury on the cute little redhead was still hopeful she was at least bi...

"That was a brilliant idea," Daz said, hugging Vicky. "They went with it."

"Geez, a bit of notice next time, please. This is really embarrassing," gasped Vicky. "Went with what?"

"The breach of contract idea of yours. They ummed and ahhed, but finally agreed that if the Archaeology School is ok with it, then it's considered a Directed Study elective. If it can be related to an engineering area, so much the better."

"Cool. Can you let me go now? I'd like to finish my lunch before the next class."

"Sure. Sorry, just pretty excited. It was always a toss up between engineering and archaeology for me to study, so I'm really happy they're at least ok with the concept." Daryl bent down and kissed her friend on her cheek. "Thanks for the idea. Catch you later."

Vicky watched her friend practically dance out of the cafeteria. She'd known Daryl for less than a year, but it was the lightest she'd seen her move. Normally she stomped everywhere.

"So, was that your girlfriend? She's pretty strong," asked one of her male classmates.

Vicky laughed and shook her head. "No, not a girlfriend in the way you're thinking. We're doing Creative Writing together, and I helped her out with a Faculty problem for next year."

"Fair enough. She just looks like a dyke, even though she's flashing a big pair of tits," which got him some serious glares from the others around the table and a hard punch in the shoulder by Vicky.

"Fuck off, Damien. That's my friend you're talking about."



A ministerial party visited Euston a fortnight ago after inspecting the Benanee Lake country. The party was much impressed with the country and the lake.)

"Here you go girls, triple vodka and raspberry lemonades. Don't drink it all at once, or if you do, don't spew over the carpet. Mum'll kill me."

They carefully sipped the drinks, and as expected, gasped at the amount of alcohol in them.

"Fuck, Jo. You really don't need to load them up so much. Anybody would think you're trying to get us pissed so you can have sex with us," coughed Daz.

"Well, duh. Of course that's her plan, the horny tart. You should have figured that out by now," said Vicky, carefully sipping her drink. "The alcohol is just to kill any bugs in our mouths before we do anything."

"They don't worry me. I'm doing nursing. Germs and other bugs are going to be a daily issue. Anyway," Jo said, plonking herself on the couch between the other two, "that's for later. How'd your chat with the dirt scratchers go?"

"Pretty good," replied Daryl, taking a careful sip. "They've enrolled me in the Certificate of Archaeology, and waived the fees because they need the numbers for it to run. I have to squeeze it in between my major studies, but it should be doable. The only issue is at the end of the year, they have a ten day field trip to a local site for the practical test, but they also want me to undertake a site inspection of my own that's engineering related."

"That doesn't sound too bad, so I guess there's another catch."

"Not really. It's all pretty cruisy. They've left it up to me to research a site and present the proposal as to why I want to study it. That's going to be part of the assessment."

"Not asking much, are they? Any ideas?" asked Vicky.

"I've got a few things that could work but hey, it's only March. Plenty of time."

"Famous last words..." muttered Jo.


(Riverina Recorder Wed 26 Jul 1922 - The Murray Lands.

"Around Lake Benanee and Balranald, the prospects are better than in any other part of the area traversed by the ministerial party.)

"I thought I'd find you hiding in the library. This thing has really sucked you in, hasn't it?"

"Oh, hi Vick," Daryl said, looking up from the monitor she was peering at. "Yeah, I used to go sailing on Lake Benanee, but I had no idea there was a railway and an irrigation system that was built in the area north of it. I sort of remember going over the old lift bridge over the Murray at Robinvale as a kid, and to find it was also for a railway that went into New South Wales is a real surprise. I thought it was only to let paddle steamers through."

"Got a plan for your project?"

"I don't know." Daryl rubbed eyes as she shut down the computer. "Shit, I'm tired. I've been in front of that thing for hours. 'The Benanee Water Trust and Settlement'. I can't believe there's so little information about the area. No decent maps of the irrigation system, hardly anything about the railway, nothing about the village at Koorakee. It's like people wanted to forget the settlement ever existed."

"Well, come on. Let's get back to your place and I'll get you a beer, and Jo can give your feet a massage. You can bounce ideas off us."

Daz nodded and sighed. "Yeah, sounds good. I'm not sure even if I want to go out tonight. A good foot rub and an early bed might be the go."

"Piker. Well, is it ok if I stay the night then? I can't afford an Uber, and I hate the late night bus."

"Sure, not a problem. Always happy to have either of you guys around. You don't take up much room in the bed."


(Riverina Recorder 9 Apr 1923 - Border Railways and Bridges

The extension of the railway from Annuell to Euston is almost completed... When the line enters Riverina it is proposed to carry it on from near Euston to Lake Benanee, where an irrigation settlement can be established.)

"That's it? That's all you can find after three months?" Jo shook her head in amazement. "One photo. Just one photo of some old guy in a hat with a bunch of kids for the whole area."

"I know. It's crazy. Sure, cameras weren't common in the 1920's but you'd think that there'd be more than one. Like, this area was going to be the next Mildura so yeah, I would have thought someone would have taken a few publicity shots of the settlers." Daz picked up her folder of research and flicked through the pages. "Admittedly it's only what I could find online or by calling the Euston historical society, but still... Heaps of newspaper articles though, mostly bad news."

"Bad? Like what?" asked Vicky.

"Drought, rabbits, a plague of mice, roos, the depression, government not understanding how tough things would be, banks being arseholes."

"Some things never change, I guess. So, what's your plan?"

"Well, it's not going to Sydney and dig through the paper archives. I think a site visit might be the go. Helluva lot more fun." Daryl groaned in delight as Jo dug her thumbs into her calf muscles. "Oh yeah, that's good. Jo, keep doing that and I'll do whatever you want."

"Well, since you're offering, I was hoping if you had done robotics, you could have made a three way sound operated dildo machine. You know, something that would pulse to music."

"What, a machine that would do you front and rear, and in the mouth?"

"Nah, although that sounds like fun," Jo said, giggling. "A dildo for each of us so we can all just lie back and enjoy the music. A bang box. For banging boxes. See, when we get close to coming, you'd give out your bass grunts, Vick, her soprano squeaks, and me...Well, you know what I'm like. A musical orgasmatron."

Daz frowned and pursed her lips. "Hmm. I like the idea, but I dunno. Probably need low voltage actuators, but I don't know if they'd respond quick enough. Should do, I guess. I wouldn't use hydraulics or pneumatics. Parts will be expensive, and I'd need someone else to program the interface. I'll think about it, but we may have to stick with manual methods until I work something out."

"Bugger. Well, I'll think of something else." She leaned forward and lightly kissed all Daz's toes. "You have nice feet."

"Thank you, Josephine." She reached up with her free foot and gently rubbed her friend's chest. "You have such happy, perky nipples."


(Riverina Recorder 28 Feb 1925 - Progress Association

The Euston Progress Association are petitioning the Public Works Department to have the Lake Benanee settlement opened as early as possible. Some 500,000 acres of good wheat growing land are available, and it is thought that a move should be made immediately be made to make it suitable for settlers.)

"That's why it's called camping. What you're thinking about is glamping, which just pretend outdoor stuff," Daz said patiently.

"But you're sleeping on the ground with all the bugs, spiders and snakes. It's going to be hot and dusty at that time of year, so I'd want to have a shower if I've been outside all day in that. And preferably a pool. And a bar," said Jo, shuddering at the thought of sleeping under the stars.

"I'd love that too, but my budget doesn't stretch that far. Besides, I don't mind camping in the bush." She looked down at Vicky, who was resting her head in her lap. "What about you, Vick? Still going after this piker's pulled out?"

"Sure. You've got me interested in the area now. The camping side of things doesn't bother me, not that I've done much before. Is the department okay with the plan?"

Daryl nodded. "Unofficially, yes, but I have to present my proposal to a panel in a couple of weeks. If they like it, then they'll give me the ok and a grant of two hundred dollars."

"That's not bad. It'll cover your petrol, won't it?"

"It'll go close, but I really wasn't expecting anything, so that's a bonus." Daz stood and stretched, then headed to the kitchen. "Better put the oven on. Pizza ain't going to cook in the freezer. Anyway, I was thinking of going the last weekend of October and rolling Cup Day into it. Maybe five days?"

"Ooo, Halloween... Aren't you worried about ghosts, or bunyips, or yowies coming for you?" Jo sniggered.

Daz looked over her shoulder and snorted, then pulled her pyjama pants down and twerked her bum. "Nope, and if they did exist, they can bite my big shiny arse."


(Riverina Recorder 12 Mar 1927 - Settlement at Lake Benanee

Mr. J. O. Watt has been appointed Engineer in Charge of the operations in connection with the channelling of the blocks to be thrown open at Lake Benanee.)

"I feel ridiculous." Daryl tugged at her skirt, trying to get it to sit right.

"You look great. You should wear a skirt more often," Vicky said, trying not to laugh at her friend's discomfort.

"With these legs? I don't think so. Anyway, I don't see why I need to wear a shirt and skirt. It's the report they're interested in, not how I look."

"Don't you believe that. Presentation is everything when money is involved," said Jo. "Undo another button and show more cleavage. They'll remember your boobs long after they've forgotten the content of the report, no matter how good it is. And they might give you a bit more cash for the flash."

"Hmph. Fine. I guess that's a good point."

"And you do have a couple of good points. Well worth displaying."

"Flirt. But thanks."


(Riverina Recorder 23 Apr 1927 - Lette Tank

The surveyed terminus of the proposed railway extension from Robinvale is 37 miles from Robinvale, and 27 miles from Lake Benanee. A large tank is being sunk by contractors at Lette, and water for horses and domestic purposes is being carted by motor transport three or four times a week, some considerable distance, owing to the scarcity of surface water.)

"Hmm?" Vicky looked over her shoulder at Daryl, who had snuck up behind her and lightly tapped her shoulder in the cafeteria. "Oh, hi Daz. You look happy. They like it?"

"Loved it. I was sure one of the professors was going to flop his dick out and cream himself, he was so excited," Daryl said, sliding into a chair beside Vicky.

"That would have been funny, but hard to explain to the Vice-chancellor," laughed Vicky, "Well, I'll tell my boss I won't be around for that weekend."

"Great. I'll chase up a tent and a drone. Jacki and her brother are in the FUCKa 4WD club, so they should know someone I can borrow some stuff from."

"I've got a big tent you can use," Damien said, smirking. "Wanna check it out?"

Daryl looked at Vick, who rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Ok. I'll bite. Let's see it."

He pushed back his chair and chopped his hands towards his crotch. "Here. It'll make you smile."

Daryl sighed loudly and slowly leaned over the table, making sure he could stare into the abyss between her breasts. She looked up at him. "You're kidding? You plan to host a flea circus in there?" She pushed herself upright. "If that's the best you can do with a big pair of tits thrust in your face, then I doubt anyone would be interested in your... play tent."

Damien blushed and glanced at his phone. "Gotta go. Need to buy a pen before class," he said as he scuttered away.

"What a fucking goose," Daryl said as she sat back down to a smattering of applause from the rest of Vicky's class.


(Riverina Recorder 27 Aug 1927 - Benanee Lands Available

The first sub-division of Benanee lands has been gazetted, and applications may be lodged up to Tuesday, 18th October, 1927. There are altogether 62 blocks, in areas of from 1005 acres to 1497 acres, and the annual rent is from 5d to 6d per acre.)

"You're taking firewood?" Jo asked. "Don't they have trees in New South?"

Daryl laughed at the confused look on her friend's face. "Just a bag of split wood. I've been caught before either with only wet wood or the area stripped bare."

"Don't see why you need it. It's not going to rain, and aren't you cooking on a gas stove?"

"Yeah but drinking around a gas burner isn't the same. Anyway, why are you worried? Changed your mind about coming?"

"Actually, I did think about it for a sec because Mum's got us going to some second cousin's engagement party and I really don't want to go. Lesser of two evils..."

"Can't you just say no?"

"Not now, unless I was dead. All family is expected to show up, if they're invited. It's a Chinese thing."

"Fair enough. Well, maybe you'll pick up someone for a quickie."

"Doubt it, but it will be an open bar. That's a plus."


(Riverina Recorder 5 Nov 1927 - The Benanee Lands



The first subdivision of Benanee lands on the Murray, between Euston and Balranald, under new conditions of settlement, in which the Irrigation Commission is to provide and guarantee supply of water for stock and domestic purposes on each farm, promises to be a success.)

Daryl put her hands on her hips and shook her head. "Instant up, my arse. I knew I should have gotten Blake to show me how it went together. Simples, he said..."

"Well, it's only taken an hour to get the tent up and it's still daylight, so that's not too bad." Vicky turned the sausages on the hot plate and handed Daz a beer. "Snag's are nearly ready. Sort out the rest of the gear in a bit."

"Thanks," she said and lowered herself into a camp chair. "You know, I miss this. Sitting beside the Murray, just watching the water roll by."

"It is nice and relaxing. You grew up in Mildura, didn't you?" Vicky put a couple of snags on bread with some fried onion and tomato sauce and passed them to Daz. "Here you go. Bon appétit."

"Ta," she replied and opened the stubbie. "Yeah, really just around the corner from here. Glad I'm out of it. Large town with a small town mentality. Everyone knew, well, thought they knew everything about everyone else. And if you were slightly different, then you were out in the cold..."

"Yeah. I know about that. Even little things would do it."


Vicky shrugged. "My boobs. Crater nips I was called."

"Really? Your inverteds? I like them. They don't embarrassingly poke out when you're cold and it's fun trying to get them to pop up."

"I think they're weird." Vick took a bite of her sausage. "These are really good. I'm glad we picked these up from the butcher, not the supermarket."

"A bit more expensive but definitely worth it. Anyway, about your cute little rack, and it is cute. Jo and I love it, and I doubt any other friend you hook up with will run away just because you have a slight divot." Daryl laughed and shook her head. "Never thought I'd be commenting on another woman's tits, and definitely never thought I'd be suggesting this. Take your bra off and lie on the ground."