The Gift


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Returning to the dressing room Sam removed the dress, and put her own clothes back on. She then gathered the garment, and out of curiosity checked out the price tag.

Quickly Sam exited the dressing room holding the price tag towards her friend. "Oh God Karen" Sam said, "It’s $450.00.... Bill would kill me"

Karen on the other hand smiled and took the dress. Turning towards the saleslady she then said "We’ll take it", then immediately turned back to Sam and said,,, "No Buts,,, It’ll be your Christmas present, after all I never know what to get you."

Sam started to say "but",, when Karen raised a finger in warning, so she paused then said "Thank you it’s wonderful" instead.

Now as the two ladies departed the store they ran headlong into the same young police officer.

"Ladies" he said with a smile, and short nod of his head, while stepping out of their way.

Immediately Karen jumped into the conversation "Officer,,, Gibson" she smiled back, while reading his nametag. "Sam here thinks you’re",,,

"No!!!" Sam shouted out, as she realized what Karen was about to say. Then to emphasize her point Sam began pushing her friend away all the while turning bright red. Once again the two ladies broke out in laughter, yet Sam could not resist a final look. As she glanced back she saw Officer Gibson there where they had left him. His smile had broadened and his eyes were constantly watching them. God he was cute Sam thought I wonder if he liked the new dress.

Next came the shoe store, but this time Karen knew exactly what she wanted. Going directly to the clerk she said "We need a pair of Italian styled, high heeled sandals. The higher the better, and if possible they should also be black, and strappy.

Size the clerk responded, to which Sam piped in "6 and a half".

Moments later the clerk returned with three choices which he showed to the two ladies. "This pair I think" Karen advised indicating her choice with the point of her foot.

"Certainly" the clerk offered. "Will you have a seat please."

"Oh no" Karen continued. "They are not for me, they’ll be for her" indicating Sam by placing her hand in the small of her friends back.

Suddenly Sam had a funny chill run up her spine, yet she was unsure if it was due to the brief warm contact on her back or the fact that she was now the center of attention. The clerk had switched his gaze from Karen over to Sam and she watched as his eyes appraised her. Slowly she sat down then allowed the clerk to apply the first shoe.

Instead of asking Sam the clerk turned back to Karen and asked "Strapped about the ankles or up the calf?"

"Oh definitely up the calf" Karen replied.

Immediately the clerk’s hands began delicately wrapping the straps higher and higher up Sam’s calf. As he came to the ends, he tied the first stage of a neat little bow before looking up at Sam. "Is that too tight?" He inquired.

"No" came Sam’s reply. "That seems ok."

With that the clerk finished tying off the first shoe, then followed the same procedure on the other foot until at last both shoes were in place. Then standing the clerk asked "So how do they feel?"

Sam stood slowly, apparently testing her stability, then nodded her head and responded "Feels good."

"Try walking around" Karen suggested then waited while her friend did just that. As Sam came back to her original starting point Karen said "Well,, lets see them at least", and thus it was that Sam slowly raised her skirt to almost her knees. The shoes really did add to the beauty of Sam’s legs. The high heel accentuated her naturally curvy calves, but it was not until Sam began to walk about a bit more with her skirt raised that Karen smiled. "We’ll take them" Karen advised after Sam’s second tour. Then winked at Officer Gibson, for his thumbs up. It was obvious Sam had not noticed him, but as luck would have it Karen did and his reaction was as much as she could hope for.

Outside the tiny shoe store Officer Gibson continued his rounds. His smile now was now as big as it could get, for once again he was treated to the sexy legs of the redhead. He wondered briefly what that brunette was going to tell him, earlier about her friend. Wondered too why she seemed pleased he was still ‘checking her out’. At least he thought she was good about it. Continuing his patrol Officer Gibson turned back one last time, and wondered if that sexy red head had bought the business suit,,, Damn she looked good in it, but now if she was planning on adding those heels...

As they were preparing to leave the mall, Karen made one last stop to purchase 2 pair of high fashioned, black, seamed stockings.

She then turned to her friend and said "Well Sam now you know what you’re getting for Christmas what say we go shopping again tomorrow and you wear it."

"What?" Was the immediate shocked response. "You want me to wear this,,, in public?"

Chuckling lightly Karen said; "Of course. You didn’t expect to wear this only inside now did you?"

"I,, ummmm,,,".

"Look Sam desperate times call for desperate measures. You need to go out and show Bill what he’s been missing."

"But,,,, I can’t. Not with another",,,,

"I’m not talking another Sam. Here’s my idea, you said Bill was working late, and neglecting you lately, so what I suggest is you do something wild to snap him back to his senses. Now, now before you get all panicky I suggest you seduce Bill tomorrow night. You guys are going to that celebrity thing aren’t you?"


"So what I suggest is you tell Bill you’ll meet him there. Then without showing him, put on the new outfit after Bill goes to work tomorrow. I’ll come by and we’ll go get your hair and nails done. Then can you imagine his reaction seeing you all dolled up at that event. He’s not going to want to keep his hands off you. In fact if I recall correctly Bill will be doing the Santa thing first for the kids right?"


"Well what better time to spring it on him. Strut up to him in his Santa suit. Sit on Santa’s lap, give him a big kiss, and then whisper in Santa’s ear exactly what you want Santa to give you. I figure after that, and a few hours with other men lusting after you while Bill’s there, he’ll not only want you tomorrow night, but he’ll likely take you,,, right there in the garage. In fact to add spice to the pot I am even wiling to loan you my new Jag convertible. Think about it a sexy woman and a fast car. Bill doesn’t stand a chance."

"Do you really think so?"

"Trust me,,, you’ll see tomorrow."

Thus it was that plan B went into effect.

The gold embossed card on the seat of the car reads Mr. & Mrs. William Carpenter are cordially invited to the celebrity gala event, in the Sugesshi Towers, 87th floor, Penthouse. As Sam parks it, and opens her door she swings her legs out, then remembers the invitation, and thus reached back to retrieve it. This simple action causes the skirt portion of her outfit to separate, revealing Sam’s exquisitely toned and stocking clad thighs. Suddenly a loud crash occurs, followed by the persistent siren of a cars security alarm. As Sam returns to a seated position she looks towards the source of this alarm, and it becomes immediately apparent what the cause had been.

A young valet had been moving a large bin filled with presents presumably for the evening’s presentation. As her legs flashed into view he had paid more attention to them than his job and the cart had crashed into the parked diplomat’s Mercedes. Sam surmised this, for the valet was now alternating his attention between the car and her. Perhaps he was hoping she’d stay to explain how she had actually caused this, but instead she smiled and proceeded inside. It felt quite good being lusted after from afar, and Sam promised herself to thank Karen for teaching her. The last Sam saw of the commotion was when the building security guards rushed past her and she paused to watch. They were now examining the large gash and dent on the driver’s door while trying to get an explanation from the poor valet. As Sam pushed her way past the growing throng she smiled again,,, Bill had best appreciate the efforts she was taking, otherwise she might have to explore some other possibilities…

Entering the main lobby of the Sugesshi Towers Sam was surprised at how her new heels seemed to echo on the marble entrance way. She supposed that had the commotion outside not occurred, all eyes would have now been fixated on her. She imagined how men might perceive her, as the solid click, click, click drew their eyes to her. She would have tried to pretend she hadn’t noticed, yet could imagine how several males might point or nod in her direction. She imagined how they might whisper, crude, yet intriguing suggestions pertaining to her. If only they knew what she planned… The smile on Sam’s face broadened at those quick musings, and she found herself striding forward using that same confident gait she had just imagined seconds before. Still though the deep rhythmic sound made her wish that at least someone would pay attention.

As she approached the elevator Sam was surprised she was actually alone. This of all places within the towers was always a hub of activity, yet the closest person was one of the security officers who had returned to his desk obviously calling in a report. With a loud ding, Sam turned back to the elevator then waited a few seconds before the doors finally opened. Stepping inside Sam immediately noticed the change from marble, to carpeting, as her heels no longer clicked when she walked. For a moment she turned to the right then back to the left looking for the control panel. Then having found it, her eyes followed the buttons up until she located the one marked Penthouse. Reaching out with her newly manicured and polished nails Sam pushed it. After a brief pause the doors began to slide closed, but not before Sam detected a rapid clicking which grew in volume and intensity. Suddenly a hand darted between the closing doors, which paused, then opened again.

"Phew!!" The statuesque brunette commented with a wide smile as she entered. "Thought for a moment there I’d missed it."

Sam smiled, a polite little smile, then nodded her agreement. She also allowed her eyes to examine the lady before her, perhaps comparing her competition for the evening. She was a pretty lady perhaps 23 or 24 years old with very long wavy brown hair. Her eyes were a soft gray color and her lips a deep, deep red. She had very little make up other than the lipstick though, but it was also apparent she did not require it. Continuing down the lady seemed to be about 5 foot 4 and perhaps, 120 lbs. She wore a long snug fitting gown, and sported a brilliant possibly diamond necklace. Sam watched as the lady turned to the control panel and noted that her dress was completely backless only supported by three tiny straps. The first one tied at her neck, the second about mid back, and finally about her waist. It immediately became obvious that with this dress the lady wore no bra, nor underwear of any kind.

Perhaps Sam might well have wondered how anyone could go out in public showing off so much, had it not been for the lady’s hair. As her motion had ceased the lady’s hair now floated back into place along her back, and for the first time Sam realized it was actually longer than she had imagined. Sam guessed the young lady must never have cut her hair for not only did it go below her shoulders but also slightly below her hips as well. With Sam’s eyes transfixed upon the young lady’s hair, which so neatly covered most of the exposed portion of her skin. Sam had not heard the question, and thus it was that the young lady turned and caught Sam checking her out. Raising her arms to each side of her breasts the young lady pretended to adjust the material, by tugging back and forth.

"Nice isn’t it?" she said all the while watching Sam’s eyes. Sure enough they followed the motion of her hands and thus when she had commented Sam was gazing at her breasts.

"Umm, yeah I guess" replied Sam. "But isn’t it a bit,,, revealing?"

Smiling at how her trick had worked the young lady replied, "Oh no,,, yours is much more revealing,,, what kind of material is it?" As she had begun speaking the young lady stepped forward and placed a hand upon Sam’s jacket over her breast. Softly she squeezed, then commented, "it’s so soft". She could feel as Sam’s body seemed to recoil from the touch, yet she also detected the heat, which emanated from that sexy orb.

"What do you think you’re doing" Sam demanded stepping back, only to find herself now in the corner. The young lady followed in stride trapping her there, then brought a finger to her own lips, in the Shhh sign.

"Do you want them to know it was you who wreaked the Mercedes?" she asked in a soft voice without moving her finger. All the while as she spoke behind the barrier of her finger the young lady pressed forward, until with her last word her finger now touched Sam’s lips as well. With a quick motion the young lady pulled her finger away, and slipped her tongue into Sam’s unsuspecting lips, but more than that, her hand slid back to Sam’s breast.

As Sam’s mind struggled with the realization that this lady knew it was she who had caused the accident, her body surrendered unwittingly to the tender advances. It was in fact only when her mind heard the soft moan instead of an excuse that the depth of those advances became apparent. Suddenly Sam didn’t know if she should she fight the kisses or the hand. Twisting her head sideways Sam managed to break free of the other lady’s lips, and offer a

"No stop"… But the caressing continued.

Her attention starved breast seemed to desire this, and in fact it was feeling so nice… so nice… But Sam knew she had to stop. She saw the young lady’s lips seeking out her own again, so this time Sam twisted her head, and simultaneously grasped the offending arm.

"No" she repeated as her arm pulled, but the young lady was not about to give up so easily.

Sensing Sam’s intentions the lady closed her fingers about the already hard nipple and as her arm moved the tiny bud was pulled causing Sam to gasp from shock and pleasure. Once again the young lady jumped on the opportunity offered by Sam’s opened unsuspecting mouth, and they were locked in a passionate kiss. This time Sam pushed the hand away first, but as the passionate kisses continued Sam felt as though her very breath were being taken away. Releasing the young lady’s arm Sam moved her hand to her attackers head intent on forcing her to move from her mouth. Move was indeed what the young lady did, for first her hands were back upon Sam’s body, and then her lips moved to explore Sam’s soft bare neck. Again Sam moaned, then tried to squirm free, but in order to gain any leverage she had to part and raise her stocking clad thigh to the outside of the other lady’s legs. She felt how her skirt rode up as she did this. Felt how her panties rubbed hotly against the other ladies thigh, but more than that, Sam felt the lady opening the button of her jacket. "No… Please" she begged, but her attacker either did not hear or did not wish to hear.
She felt the lips move again, this time to one of her bra covered breasts and Sam realized she had to stop now. She decided to push with all her might upon the shoulders, thus breaking the lady free, only it was too late. For as her arms began to rise the lady pulled the bra cup away and began exploring the hard bud of her nipple with her tongue.

"Oh God" Sam moaned as the pleasure shot through her, and instead of pushing her attacker’s shoulders she wrapped her hands within the long mane and held her there. She felt how her body rocked back and forth against the hot thigh between her legs. Felt the hands now exploring the bare flesh above her stockings, aiding her in that very rocking motion. Sam’s mind began to falter, no longer caring who was making love to her. She needed this, and perhaps as a sign of this resignation she closed her eyes, arched her back, and moaned freely.

It was the sudden loud ding of the elevator, warning bell, which brought about an abrupt stop to Sam’s assault. Just as quickly as she had started the young lady stopped. She rose, with a smile and fiery glint in her eyes, pulled Sam’s jacket closed, leaned in and kissed her once more. As the doors opened she slowly pulled away, leaving Sam flushed, and breathing hard. Whoever these new passengers were, Sam could not immediately bear to look at them. It was hard enough trying to keep her breathing under control, much less face their scrutiny with the guilt she now felt. Thankfully she had been saved before going too far by the innocent interruption of other revelers going to the party. With that knowledge firmly implanted in her mind Sam began to look about. The elevator now had 8 new occupants, all of which were perfectly paired off. The wives or girl friends all sported long evening gowns, which were tasteful yet not as overtly sexual, and thus Sam, surmised they were dignitaries. It was likely that they had gone for a pre-party cocktail within one of the suites, and as luck might have it arrived just in time to save her.

Sam had just started to relax, noting that they were now passing the 18th floor, when suddenly she felt the young lady again. This time since she couldn’t act directly the young lady’s hand had floated back, and pressed against Sam’s skirt. Slowly her fingers began, sliding up, and down, teasing and stoking the thighs beneath. Sam on the other hand couldn’t believe this. She tried pushing the hand away, but once again the young lady was not to be dissuaded so easily. This time the young lady retaliated by leaning into Sam’s body, cutting off her ability to stop the teasing surreptitiously. Now if Sam wanted to stop her it would require bold actions. Actions, which would at the very least, would also alert the others in the elevator as to what was going on. Since that was the last thing Sam wanted; allowing others to know of her situation; she resigned herself and allowed the caressing to continue.

It really wasn’t so bad though she thought. The young lady’s hand was soft, warm, and would only stroke lightly up one thigh then down the next. Up and down, up and down Sam tried not to concentrate on it. Tried to instead watch the floors tick by, but she found that just that delicate stroking, was enraging the fires, which only minutes before burned uncontrollably. Sam tried closing her eyes, but found it heightened her senses and the feelings seemed stronger. It was softly rubbing now through her panties; gliding now along the outside of her swollen wet lips. Up one side, and down the other. Up and down, up and down. Sam was losing her battle again giving in to the skilled pleasures of this young lady. Her lips quivered with the pleasure, so she softly bit bottom one, then as they parted again Sam closed her eyes and offered a silent long moan. Her hips were betraying her, slowly now grinding on those sweet fingers. Trying to make their contact firmer, trying to force the contact onto her clit. Sam found herself offering more space for the young lady to caress, by parting her thighs, and true to her passion the young lady accepted. Now a second finger joined the first rubbing hotly up and down Sam’s panties; one on each side of her sweet lips. As they stroked up to the top the two fingers would squeeze softly together trapping the hooded clit beneath. They never rubbed it though nor allowed any other motion. It was only that tiny radiated pressure, which dragged Sam’s pleasure higher, and yet still the young lady teased.

Sam tried to be a bit more aggressive in her actions trying to obtain that sweet orgasmic pleasure. She ground faster upon the fingers but the young lady slipped them free, stopping Sam’s mounting pleasure. What was she doing??? Why would she not allow her to cum??? It was almost as if,,,, Suddenly Sam feared she intended to bring her off as the doors opened on the party. Hundreds of people would potentially know of her folly…. Oh God ,, She had to do something,,, there were only 12 floors left…