The Hard Body's Continuing Education Ch. 04


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"All right, since we have such a big lead, we're going to give them a chance, Cori," Miles said. "I'm going hit left-handed on this hole and you're going to, well, it would be easier to show you than tell you. Take off your jacket."

Cori took off her jacket and handed it Victor, who threw it in one of the golf carts. Miles took the butt plug out of her ass and they threw that back in the gym bag. She was standing at the tee on the eighth hole, topless, a pair of nipple rings and a small chain hanging between them. She had on her tiny black-and-white plaid pleated skirt, white leg warmers and heels. The red bow was still in her hair and her candy-red lipstick looked unblemished despite the blowjob a few minutes ago.

Miles grabbed the center point of the chain that connected her nipples and attached another gold chain to it. He handed her driver to her and told her to get in her stance as if she was about to hit the ball. She measured the distance from the ball, scooting back a few inches to give her room to extend her arms, keeping her feet shoulder width apart.

"OK, hold that pose," Miles said. He ducked down below her arms and grabbed the other end of the chain that he had just connected to her. This end of the chain had a large gold ring on it with a clasp that could be opened and shut with a quick flip of the thumb. He opened the clasp and snapped the ring around the shaft of the golf club, pushing the ring down until both the chain connecting her nipples and the chain from there to the club were taut. Then, he fastened a small clamp to the shaft of the club above the ring, ensuring that the ring wouldn't slide back up the shaft and provide any slack. Cori could feel a slight tug on her nipples, but nothing painful. At least not yet.

"All right, you have to play every stroke of this hole just like this," Miles said. "I imagine you'll want to shorten your swing a bit."

"I imagine!" Cori laughed, again surprised by their screwball creativity. She took a short practice swing, barely drawing her arms back, exaggerating the twist of her torso to try to keep as little strain as possible on her nipples, then she drew the club forward slowly, testing to see how far she could follow through. "Wow, that feels so weird," Cori said, reminded of her fishing expedition yesterday. "OK, I think I can at least hit it. I don't think it will go far, though."

"That's all right," Miles said. "But I should warn you, you must play your own ball this entire hole and it's the longest on the course."

"Why am I not surprised?" Cori laughed again. She took the best swing she could, so focused on not hurting herself that she barely connected with the ball, which dribbled off the tee and went just a few yards before rolling to a stop.

"Ugh," she groaned. "This might take all day."

"I won't complain if it does," Miles said. They switched the chains to a different club and watched Cori swing again, admiring the way her nipples bent first to her right, then swung back to the left as she swung the golf club, her breasts jiggling with the motion. "That's a sight that would never get old."

The guys each took their shots, even Miles easily out-distancing Cori, who took six shots just to match their first. Her nipples were getting more tender and sensitive with swing -- still no pain, just a discomfort that was aggravating and mildly arousing at the same time.

"She's starting to get the hang of it," Sam said. "Better add step two."

"Step two?" Cori asked. What now? Were they going to tie her clit to the club too?

Victor took the red ribbon out of Cori's hair and, with Sam squeezing her tits together, tied it around her breasts, mashing them together before wrapping them up in a bow. The result was a bit of slack in the chain between her nipples, but Miles slid the ring on the golf club shaft down a bit to tighten it again.

"Best present I ever saw," Victor said, admiring the package of tits and nipples.

Cori thought she had to look ridiculous, but didn't figure this would make it much harder to swing than it already was. That was before Sam went to the golf cart and came back with a vibrator. He turned it on and put it inside Cori's pussy, pushing it back and forth a few times before leaving it there.

"Let's see how that affects your swing," Sam chuckled.

Cori just shook her head, knowing that this was going to be nearly impossible. She took a short, hard whack at the ball, surprised that her breasts didn't bust out of the ribbon. But Victor had tied it tight. She followed the ball, the men laughing as she walked gingerly, careful not to move the club too much, holding it close to her body. And she took small steps, fearful of shaking the vibrator around too much or having it fall out.

The little thing was working too, humming happily inside her, slowly driving her crazy. By the time she finally sank her put -- 12 strokes in all -- her nipples were rock hard, her breasts were ultra sensitive and her pussy was getting wetter by the second. They took a few pictures of her, then reluctantly removed both chains from her as well as the nipple rings. They also removed the vibrator. The ribbon was still tied around her tits.

"I wish she could play the whole round topless," Sam said. "But we're almost back up to the clubhouse for the turnaround. If the wrong people see us, they might report it to the board. I don't want to get Hildebrand in trouble."

"I've got an idea," Miles said, eyeing the sand trap next to the green. "You guys got a good load stored up?"

"Always," Sam said.

"I was ready to blow half an hour ago," Victor admitted.

"Good," Miles said. "Do it however you want, but just make sure you get every drop on her tits, especially her nipples."

Sam saw Miles eyeing the sand trap and caught on. "Sure thing," he said. They led Cori over the back side of the green just to the side of the sand trap. They were secluded back here and Sam wasted no time taking his cock out. Victor followed suit and Cori dropped to her knees, sucking both cocks, alternating from one to the other while they fondled her tits. Understanding that time was an issue, neither man tried to hold back, both reaching their orgasms quickly. Victor came first, plastering her left breast with a large load, purposely holding his cock to her breast and letting the cum seep out rather than jerking it and producing wild jets of cum. The result was a fairly solid coating of cum that blanketed from just above her left nipple, over the nipple and oozed toward the underside of her breast.

"Nice shooting," Sam said, and did his best to duplicate the effort with her right breast. The second they were done, Miles stepped in and led Cori by the elbow to the sand trap.

'Lay on your belly and stick your tits in the sand," he said.

Cori finally got it. They wanted to use their cum to make the sand stick to her breasts. If they got enough on there, it would look from a distance like she had a small brown bikini top on when, in reality, she would still be topless. "You guys are crazy," she laughed. But she did it anyway, pressing her breasts into the soft sand, glad that it wasn't too rough on her nipples. She shifted around a bit, trying to make sure she got as much on as she could, knowing the cum would dry quickly with the sand on there. When she stood up, sure enough, both nipples were covered with sand as was a decent size patch of the skin around the nipples.

"Wow, that feels funny," she said, looking down at her breasts. She noticed that there were a couple globs of cum on the red ribbon, but they had done a good job of keeping most of it on her tits. Miles took the ribbon off and told her tie it back in her hair. She knew he had seen the cum on it but, since he made no mention of wiping it off first, she tied it in her hair anyway. It was hardly the first time she had cum in her hair and she knew it wouldn't be the last.

Now she stood before them with her cum-coated red ribbon in her hair, her tits covered by a layer of cum and sand and her ass and pussy still hanging out below her hiked up skirt. She still wore her leg warmers and high heels as they approached the ninth hole.

This time when she swung, there was nothing to restrain her arms or breasts, so she hit the ball hard, her tits jiggling freely, the sand sticking to them surprisingly well.

The guys didn't want to ruin the chance to make her walk the course naked by fondling her tits as much as they had been, so the focused instead on her ass, randomly grabbing and groping it, squeezing between her legs as they waited for each other to tee off. In the cart, Miles' hand rested squarely between her thighs, fingering her pussy. Normally, guys this age who had gotten off so many times in the last couple of days would have been worn out by now. But Cori knew these were men who popped Viagra like it was candy and had been having sex multiple times a day for most of their adult lives. Their stamina and sexual desire seldom waned. And if it did, they certainly were happy to use her as a stimulus to build it back up with their crazy games.

The green to the ninth hole was next to the clubhouse and was a popular halfway stopping point for restroom breaks and refreshments. The guys decided it was time to see just how well Cori's sand top was working. They sent her in to the clubhouse, telling her to use the restroom first if she needed to, then go to the snack bar and order four milk shakes. They each sat at a table several feet from the snack bar where they could watch the show.

The door was right next to the entrance to the restrooms, so Cori was able to duck in with no one really taking notice. She was happy to find the restroom unoccupied -- not a shock since there were only a handful of girls working and everyone else here was male. She sat down on the toilet, collecting her thoughts. She wasn't stressed or scared or angry, but she needed a moment to herself to just relax and not think about what body parts were exposed, who was looking and how she would be used next.

She looked down at her tits, aware of the odd feeling of sticky cum plastered to her skin, topped with a fine layer of soft, light brown sand. It was such a bizarre site, seeing her nipples stick out, completely unencumbered, yet completely covered by the sand. It reminded her of those swimsuit models who had the swimsuits painted on them so that they really weren't wearing anything but it looked like they were.

She sat there for several minutes. She was tired. She had fucked so much the last two days, not to mention snorkeling, fishing, playing tennis and now golf. It was exhausting, yet she knew there was no letting up now. Miles still had half a day and Victor had a full day and they were surely neither one going to tell her to take a couple hours and take a nap. It was OK, she told herself, after tomorrow, she'd be back on her own, just relaxing for the rest of her vacation. How nice would it be to go to bed by herself, sleep in and wake up without a hard cock poking at her somewhere? As much as she liked a good morning fuck, she couldn't wait.

Realizing that the guys were probably waiting for her, she got up, checked her self in the mirror, then walked out. She saw them sitting at a table, smiling at her as she walked out. She heard a couple of whistles, but she wasn't sure if it was them or someone else. Heads were turning now, whispers and murmurs turning into louder comments as she walked toward the snack bar, her tits jiggling and her skirt bouncing around, hopelessly trying to cover her ass and pussy.

There was a young redhead with perky tits waiting at the snack bar. She wore the same outfit the bar cart girls had worn and greeted Cori with a smile. "So, you're the guest celebrity today," she said without a hint of sarcasm. "The guys have been talking about you all afternoon. I see why." There was no judgment in her voice. She was pleasant and matter-of-fact.

"Really?" Cori asked.

"Of course," the redhead said. "It's not often there's a woman allowed to play here and if there is she's usually someone really important. No offense, but you don't exactly measure up to a Senator in that respect."

"None taken," Cori said. "Um, I need four milk shakes, please." She handed the girl the money Miles had given her.

"Sure," the redhead said. "So, what's holding the sand on? Or shouldn't I ask?"

"Well, I'm sure you can guess," Cori said, laughing, relieved that the redhead had noticed but not judged her or made some grand announcement to the rest of the place. That bitch on the golf course would have tried to humiliate her, but this girl -- Robin, according to the name on the back of her shirt -- was much nicer.

"I'm sure I can," Robin said, glancing toward the three guys at the table. "And I'm sure if your boyfriends would let them, the rest of the guys in this place would make sure the rest of your body was covered the same way."

"They wouldn't do that, would they?"

"I don't think so," Robin said. "Those guys come here all the time and you're the first girl I've ever seen with them. I think they're jerks, but they seem fairly harmless."

"I wouldn't say harmless," Cori said, thinking of how they had treated Gerald, "but they haven't hurt me and I don't think they will." Just then she felt a hard smack on her ass and turned to see a large man with a beard and mustache leering over her, staring at her tits while his left handed continued to rest on her ass.

"Might I buy you drink, my dear?" the man sleazed.

"Uhh, I'm with those guys over there," Cori said, nodding toward Miles, Victor and Sam, hoping that they would come to defend her. But they just sat there, watching and laughing and Cori realized that they had put this jerk up to it. Sure enough, the guy chuckled, pinched Cori's ass and yelled to them as he walked back to toward their table, tossing them a $20 billl, "You're right fellas, tightest ass I've ever felt."

"I'd tell you to watch your back," Robin said sympathetically, "but it looks like everyone is already doing that for you. Just take care."

Cori nodded and turned back toward the table, carrying a try with the four milk shakes. Miles handed her the $20, "Here, you earned it," he said, grinning. She took it and tucked it inside her legwarmer, aware that everyone had seen what had just happened. The money wasn't an issue. It was merely a prop, she realized, to send the message to everyone that she could be bought and sold.

"Hey, I like the looks of those milk shakes," a guy at a table next to them said, leering at her chest.

"Go get him one, Cori," Miles said. "And put a little extra bounce in your step, if you know what I mean. The man said he likes the looks of milk shakes."

Cori knew exactly what he meant, of course. They wanted her to make her tits bounce as much as possible while she walked -- make her milk jugs shake for them. She got up and walked to the snack bar, doing the exaggerated hip shake, placing one foot directly in front of the other like the fashion models always did. She knew this would create some extra bounce and make her tits jiggle for them.

When she returned with the shake, she bent over the table in front of him, did a little shimmy to make her tits smack together, and placed it on the table. The man tucked $10 inside her leg warmer and gave her a pinch on the ass as she walked away. Now, everyone was waving money and asking for a milk shake. Miles gave her the nod indicating that she should serve them all. Someone played the pop song with the line "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard," which made Cori laugh as she returned to the snack bar. For the next half hour, Cori showed off her milk shake while Robin frantically made the shakes.

With each delivery, the guys would grab the shake, a handful of ass and stuff money into her leg warmers. As she'd walk by the tables, guys were reaching out, pinching her ass. They either all knew or suspected what was holding the sand on her breasts and didn't touch them -- at least not with their hands.

Some guys got creative and started using spoons to tap her tits and make them jiggle or golf-glove covered hands to grab a handful. One guy had a golf club with him and used it to reach out and lift Cori's skirt in the back while she brought a milk shake to the man at the table next to him. He lifted it high, showing off her bare ass -- then her pussy as she lifted her leg to accept payment.

When they were done, Cori took all of the money out of her leg warmer and threw it in Robin's tip jar. "You earned that more than I did," she said. She walked away before Robin could protest.

Robin returned to the table to find Hildebrand, the manager, talking with Miles and the others. "Look, I like this as much as you do," he was saying, pointing at Cori's tits. "But I told you before we started this, I can't have you parading her around her naked."

"She's not," Miles protested. "See, her tits are covered."

"I know what they're covered with," Hildebrand said. "Plus, I can see her ass and cunt every time she moves. Look, you want to fuck her behind the greens or whatever, go for it. But there are too many important people who come here who could shut me down if they felt like it. I need to be on the good side of local government and they need to be on the good side of the people. If people find out they are members at a golf course where women are paraded around naked, I'll be the fall guy. Put a top on her, please, and pull that skirt down a little."

"All right," Miles said. "Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it," Hildebrand said, looking at Cori again. "No offense, honey. You're gorgeous. Damn, you're gorgeous."

"Thanks," Cori said, pulling her skirt down to where it normally would be worn. It was still quite short, but no longer would her pussy be bared without her bending over. "No problem." Then to the guys she said, "Hey, do you mind if I wash the sand off before I put a top on? It doesn't hurt now, but that sand rubbing around under that jacket would be pretty rough."

"Sure," Miles said. "We'll help you. There's a water hazard on 10, right Hildebrand?"

"Yes," he said. "Look, if that's where you want to wash her off, just do it quick, all right."

"You got it," Miles said. They got up and left the clubhouse, quickly teeing off on the 10th hole and making their way down to the green and the small pond that sat next to it.

"Take off your leg warmers," Miles said. "Soak them in the water and use them as a washcloth to wipe off your tits."

Cori didn't need to be told to bend over at the waist to roll down her leg warmers. When she had them rolled all the way down to the ground, she nimbly stepped out of them, balancing on one leg, not even losing her balance when she felt a hand -- Miles' as it turned out -- caressing her ass.

She continued to be bent over at the waist while she soaked the leg warmers in the warm pond water. Miles took advantage of the opportunity to stand behind her and pose while Sam took pictures. Miles lifted Cori's skirt, proudly displaying her ass like a model showing off a new car on a game show. Then he knelt down next to her and pressed a bright, white new golf ball against her pussy lips, sticking it in just far enough that she could hold it there while Sam took pictures. Miles removed the ball and pushed the shaft of his golf club between her pussy lips, sliding it back and forth across her clit while the camera snapped away. The leg warmers had long been soaked before Miles finally stepped away and the impromptu photo shoot was over.

Cori stood up and Sam and Victor stepped up, taking the wet leg warmers out of her hands.

"We'll take care of this," Victor smiled. He manned her left breast while Sam took the right. First, they both squeezed the excess water out of the leg warmers, letting it spill over her breasts, immediately washing away much of the sand. Then, gently but with enough firmness to scrub off the particularly sticky spots, they held and rubbed her breasts, wiping away sand and cum.
