The Humper Game Pt. 02 Ch. 13


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"Since you insulted them publicly, I really suggest that you do as you did to me and approach them publicly, when that's reasonable."

She buried her head in my shoulder and cried. I had been fairly sure that she had been the ringleader, and that she now would recognize what she did as seriously wrong, and that she would want to do what she could to make amends, and to ask for forgiveness. And I had been right on all counts. I was pretty sure all it needed was time. And Maggie and I had both said, as publicly as possible, that we believed Sam's changes of heart to be deep and sincere, and I hoped that would help. I had wondered why no one, on hearing of what she said to me, had come forward to tax her with this.

Now, however, a girl from a next table over got up and came over to us. "I'm sorry, I missed everything this was about, so please excuse me for jumping in. Is this about that Friday after gym, when Bruja and some others accused a bunch of us of being ugly because there weren't enough boys to go around?"

Sam was still crying hard enough that I answered for her. "Yes, that's right."

The girl spoke directly to Sam, "Bruja, it wasn't a big deal to me, I knew several boys sought me out another time, it only hurt me for a little, and not that much. But even that, well, I could see you had been changing, really fast, I saw you apologize to Morris a couple of weeks later, and since then I have never held it against you. I didn't connect the dots to realize that it was that same weekend that you got raped, too. But I heard you ask Morris to forgive you, and if what you need is for me to forgive you for this, the same way, well I do. You've made it easy, for me anyway, because I know you wouldn't do that for anything, now."

Sam jumped up and grabbed her into a hug. "Oh, Wellington, thank you, thank you so much. Not right now, but soon, if you know anyone else from that day, Phil's right, I've got to make a list. But thank you. I can't tell you how much it means, that you forgive me, and even before I could ask you." She was still crying, but it sounded very different now.

"I'll do that. Don't agonize over it, I'll help, and some others will. I'll tell anyone I can remember to go straight to you about it, too."

"Thank you!" They parted, but I could see that Wellington was moved almost as much as Sam.

Sam didn't return to her seat, but to my lap. She laid her head against my chest, and then said, "Phil, thank you so much! If I ever remembered it, it probably would have been a year or two from now, and how could I even find anyone I might remember? And now, see, here I am with my nose running all over your shirt, and no tissues." Someone nearby stood up and grabbed some napkins and handed them to her. "Thank you. I'm sorry, I was really pretty nasty to everyone, for three years and more, and just having you hand me something for my nose means so much to me." She just laid her head back on me and kept crying, but I thought the tears were less woebegone.

Well, what with starting late and then that, most everyone was gone before we were. As we were sitting there, Barbara (Wilson) and Nancy came over on their way out.

"I just wanted to thank you, all three of you, again," Barbara told us. "Nancy has told me about last night and this morning, and I know she thanks you, too. But Phil, I really don't know whether this week would have been better if I'd had time with you first, but it feels like it now. It has meant the world to me, both Friday and last night. And Jenny and Sam, last night wouldn't have happened if you weren't so kind to us. I really didn't have anything to say but that. If you can fit me in once in a while, please do. I know Nancy wants more of it than I do, but we're both grateful."

As they left, I found myself really wishing that, at least on weekends, they would just allow visitation around the clock. I was pretty sure that, under the rules now in force after the past week, one purpose of keeping non-visitation hours was that some—especially some girls, I thought—really wanted privacy from the opposite sex, for things like showers and maybe even the lavatories, although in the girls' nothing ever had to be shown. Still, with visitation allowed at all, this year for the first time, and after the last week no limits on all-night visitation, we were doing well, I thought.

But anyway, for now I could study by myself or with guys in my room, or in the cafeteria or other common space, or study with the girls in the cafeteria or another common space. I went and got my books for the next couple of days' classes—and my computer, which held my notes and other materials—and brought them out to the cafeteria, in the hopes that someone would come and study with me. No one did, but I managed a quick review of everything, a little stronger on the things I had classes for the next day. For math, I set out to redo the last problem set as a freshener. Oh, while I was on the boys' side, I checked out the linen cupboard, and yes, it had everything I had thought of, plus a few more female things.

I stayed there in the cafeteria, keeping at it, until lunch time. I collected my stuff more neatly, then went off to collect food. I came back and sat, eating, thinking about how my schedule, both study and other activities, might work. A few minutes later, others started showing up. I couldn't think why they were all a little late, but it turned out the girls, mine at least, had been studying together, working on something, and had waited for a resolution. In my absence, Sam had been with them, and she was as amazed as I had been a few weeks earlier at how productive it could be. I thought that for the kind of review I had been doing, it was especially likely to go well. I wondered what would happen with Sam when I reclaimed my place. I was soon told.

Ellen said to me, "Phil, you know that I wasn't really a great fit for this study session. I could sometimes work with you guys, but not that much. I blushingly admit that I was more there for you, for Phil, than for studying. And getting to know these three was very good, and now Sam too. But I can study better with Brian, and Sam ought to be in there with you. She's a better fit than I am, but not as good as you and the other three, I think.

"Jenny will kind of keep track, and sneak me in for biology once in a while, the way it's worked sometimes for Rosa and Moira. You won't be short of partners, anyway."

She got up and came over to me, and sat down in my lap, and kissed me for a minute or two. She said, very quietly, "You were my first, and for a long time my only. And still my best. But Brian loves me, too, and he's getting to be a lot like you in important ways. We're in mostly the same classes. And we both have a few others we can turn to as well. And you have more than a few."

She got up and went back to her own chair and food, over by Brian. I knew I could rely on them if I needed help, and I couldn't even tell Ellen she was ever my first, or only, or best. I took a deep breath.

"Sam," I said, "that leaves kind of a big void for you to fit into. She's got Brian, so that part's OK. I don't know whether other things will be the same as they were, though." I gave her a very tight squeeze. She looked at me uncertainly, a little worried about me I thought. We went back to eating, though.

I now knew why no one had looked for me earlier, and why they had all been late. Barbara (Dearie) and her partner, Claire and hers. They were also pretty happy together, but I thought maybe Barbara and Claire would stay for studying just because the class matchup was better with us. I privately thought I might not study too much biology with them.

When we were done eating, and had cleaned up, we went back to Jenny's room. It was just me and the four girls. I don't know where the guys went, except that of course Brian was in Ellen's room. Or his own, with Ellen.

Jenny said, "I think we went through everything for the next couple of days, and I gather you did too. Since we are all about as caught up as we can be, no pending assignments, we're going to start with studying biology for this period, not give it whatever time we have left at the end. And even with some recent, ahem, substitutions, Sam and I have had a lot of you all week. Really and truly. So it's between Barbara and Claire. You can either pick one for now and enjoy the other one later, or we can draw straws or something. And Sam, we get to watch whatever happens. So, make your choice. Now."

"I've got a number from one to twenty in mind. Whoever guesses closest is it. Do it again in case of ties." This is not a very good randomizing tool, there are strategies that increase one's odds significantly, especially with only two players. I was sure Barbara's math was good enough that she understood them, whether or not she had ever had them explained. But for a one-time use, it was adequate.

They chose, and Barbara got it. She came over to me, and we kissed, and kept kissing. I sat and put her in my lap. I said, "Barbara, you've looked really happy with Jon all week, so I'm a little surprised you're here."

"Phil, Jon's been wonderful, I'm very happy with him, I even love him. And he feels the same about me, I really think so. But there are a couple of other girls he would like to screw sometimes too, and that worked out for now, with one of them. But he's OK with my studying with all of you, regularly, even knowing it means sex with you sometimes.

"And as for me, I've missed you all week. I mean it when I say I love Jon, but he's not you. Jenny has said something like this sometimes, too, but remember. You were my first. You made something that would have been awful, I think with anyone else at all, pretty good that first time. Until this week you were my only. You're still my best ever. You helped me find my way out of being so standoffish. I'm glad for Sam and Jenny that they've got you, but if I can have you once in a while, I'll be so happy about it."

I kissed her again, hard. She had looked so happy as she said all that, serious but happy. I'm afraid I'm a creature of routine, so you know pretty much what's coming. I kissed her, and touched her breasts and pussy, undressing her as I went along. She undressed me as this happened. I ate her pussy, remembering that first time, when she hadn't found it all that arousing, but when it had helped make things a little good instead of awful. By this time, she came, and then came again, as I did it. When I got on top of her and came in, she said, "Your perfume is wonderful, especially since I know it's mine." Along the way, I told her how beautiful her figure was, lithe and slender, smallish breasts beautifully formed. I managed to hold off when she came, and so we came together a few minutes later. I stayed put until I was too limp to stay in any longer, just kissing and stroking her.

We got dressed, and Claire came and hugged me. "It seems I won't get you today, and that's fine. I could say almost the same things Barbara said earlier. I'm not unsatisfied with Jeff, not at all, but any time I can get you it will be a treat. Thank you for being willing to put aside your two for Barbara and me. Not to mention the dozen or more others who also want a piece of you! I know for sure Moira does, and I'm pretty sure of Rosa, even though she's especially happy with Williams, and there are others.

"By the way, Rosa is especially giddy about Williams because he's like you, she says. He sees how beautiful she is. He's not just putting it on for the sake of getting his cock inside her, he loves everything about her, and with what you got through to her, she just isn't feeling any more that no one will ever find her attractive. You were so good to her, but whoever assigned them to each other really got one right, and she needed it. She feels wanted and loved, and I wonder how long it had been for her."

Claire kissed me again, hugged Jenny and Barbara and Sam, and went out. The others of us turned to reviewing each other on recent class material. "Recent" meaning the end of week before last, which seemed a very long time ago now. Still, I had reviewed. And apparently the girls had reviewed, on top of discussion who would have sex when.

I had known Sam was smart, but I was amazed at how well she worked with us as we reviewed. She saw issues no one else recognized—some of which were to come up over the next couple of days—and often could clear up some confusion. I was proud of her, as if I had discovered her myself. Being my partner with along her, Jenny had come to see how good she had become. While the others were honestly willing to accept her on my say-so, and now Jenny's, working with her today had helped a lot to get their feelings settled. I was very glad of it.

As we moved into what on a weeknight was the second period after supper, I realized that something was still pending. "I'm sorry to break in like this, but I need to ask. Where am I staying tonight?"

Sam got that innocent look on her face, and Jenny's look, um, I didn't know quite what to make of it. She spoke straightforwardly enough, though. "Phil, you still haven't made that list, and you had a backlog going into last week. I've talked to a few of them, and we are going to try to get some commitments satisfied as we go along, not every day—and certainly not every night!—but Maggie and I had a long talk last night while you were with Nancy. She probably will want more than one night, and if so she can just go on the list with everyone else, but she really feels that she owes it to you, or you owe it to her, I'm not sure which. So when the ten-minute warning comes, you collect your stuff and go check in to her room, which is 142.

"And as for your stuff, mostly you are going to have to manage for yourself, but last night I collected some things. You have one each for my room and for Sam's and for wherever you are spending the night, over here I mean, a toothbrush and razor, and a couple of sets of underwear and a couple of jock straps, and a regular uniform set. If you have to leave a set with Maggie, say, go ahead, then pick it up later or get it replaced. But that way you're not always having to run to the other side, or hunt us down for a key. Try to restock these things yourself, OK?"

I went over and kissed her, picking her up a little off the floor. "Here you are scheduling me for everyone else, and you're taking care of these things too! Thank you!"

"Tomorrow night you're with me, Sam said OK, but sometime soon you're going to have to give her some attention too."

"I know. Maybe I should put my foot down and tell you your plans for tonight aren't acceptable."

Sam spoke up. "Please don't, not on my account. I owe Maggie a lot more than you do, remember."

I decided not to remind her that Maggie had forgiven her, canceling anything Sam owed her. She would just insist that she owed Maggie all the more for forgiving her, and I wasn't sure I disagreed. Except that I was ready to insist she didn't owe me anything at all. And she probably would have cried, anyway.

I kissed each of them thoroughly, maybe too much, since leaving them aroused but frustrated wasn't what I wanted. That did remind me, though.

"Sam, I never asked you. Did you spend last night alone?"

Jenny said, "There's something funny here. He's asking you, and he took one look at me and knew I hadn't."

Sam ignored this. "Yes, I did. And no, it isn't that I was pining away after you, even if I maybe was a little bit. Jenny happened on somebody she knew, not well but well enough, and liked. I didn't happen on anyone. And do not let that make you even think about standing Brown up. I was fine!"

I bowed to the inevitable, always a wise move, and collected all my stuff—mostly what Jenny had collected for me—and set off to check out and in with the monitor. It was again someone I knew as housekeeping and kitchen staff. I decided not to ask her name. She knew mine even before I gave it to her. She was young, probably no more than twenty-five, and very pretty. She winked at me as she told me I could go.

I walked back down the hall and knocked on 142. Maggie answered instantly, and I went in.

"Phil, you did come! Jenny was a little afraid you would, um, put your foot down and say no. And I almost told her she should just forget it."

"Um. I almost did. I don't know whether she told you. She and Sam have both been my partners this last week, so already each of them got less of me than she was entitled to. And then last night they also put up with—no, if I say it that way they really will get mad at me. They generously offered my, um, their time with me to two other girls. But what about you? You don't have a, um, a former partner waiting for you?"

"He has someone else he wants to spend his time with. He was OK for the week, really, but once it officially ended he was gone. And, well, I'm not that sorry he's gone, only that it does leave me at loose ends and kind of lonely. The sex part of it was kind of nice, better actually than the one time with you, which still was way better than it should have been under the circumstances. The emotional end was just, um, missing. You, I could fall in love with any time, you're worth a hundred of him!"

I took her in my arms. "Maggie, I came straight here, maybe even a little earlier than you had expected. Because there are two of them, I asked where I was going to be tonight. That part is fine, if I am. But I need to go off to the lavatory before too long, definitely before I do anything very involved with you. And we need to discuss timing, too. I have a regular date with Jenny to run before breakfast. If you're willing, I'd like to shower with you after that. But that will have to be quicker than I managed this morning, the monitor warned me because I wasn't out before breakfast had begun. So there are these limits you need to keep in mind. And I'm sorry about them. I wish I could give you my full attention until breakfast."

She laughed. "We'll see what can happen during the shower. I need to run, too, and you know very well I can't keep up with you or Jenny, so you'll be running with her, not with me.

"I should tell you that I was there this morning, though. Nancy Macdougal, and she really is super nice, I'm glad she got a chance with you, and if you can soap me and screw me in half the time it took with her you'll be out early, and I won't complain that you rushed or anything.

"So let's go off to the lav right now. No. I've had the chance to see you in action now with a whole bunch of girls, and you're never all business like that. Unless there's some reason not to, will you please kiss me first? I'd even say, please just screw me first, fast, right now, but you said you really need the lav. So please kiss me?"

I said, "You're right." I kissed her. She was already panting just a little, I guess from thinking about—what, exactly? I don't know what part of kissing me or thinking about screwing in the shower or what had her so turned on, but she was. After about the third long kiss I looked down at her and said, "I'm sorry, I should have swung by the lavatory on my way here. Can we please postpone anything more long enough for that?"

Maggie took my hand, and stepped over to the door, opened it, and pulled me through. "Then let's go!" We walked together down the hall, and went into the lavatory and into separate stalls. I wasn't quite to the point of feeling about to burst, but it was a relief anyway, and peeing took me a minute or so longer than usual, or so it seemed.

I went out and washed my hands and waited. While I did, one girl, I won't mention a name, came in totally nude, and hurried into the nearest stall. I had already been pretty aroused, but that made sure I was all the way ready, I'll tell you. Maggie came out and washed her hands, and we went out and started back. I told her what I had just seen. "Well, it happens. Most of us keep something in reach we can pull on fast, but it sounds like she was maybe afraid she wouldn't make it if she took even that long." She grabbed my hand again.
