The Ingram-Lewis Chronicles Pt. 04


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By this time Patrick had stripped off complete and was showing his rock hard cock to his pal Roderick. Nothing new in that as they had long been sex partners, but Roderick said: " Jesus, man, what the hell has got into you today? My god, I've never seen you looking so big in all the times we have fucked together. Listen Patrick, if you are proposing to stick that piece of meat up my arse right now, for crying out loud, lube it well up with some oil and give my hole a good dose too; you really look as though you would like to rip me apart; you are just so fucking horny, it is not true."

Patrick did as he was asked and then proceeded to give his partner a truly hard fuck, He pounded Roderick's arse as if there was to be no tomorrow and when he climaxed he shot out an unbelievable quantity of creamy cum. which seems to go on forever. When he had calmed down, he said Roderick: "You, my friend, have just saved my life. I was so aroused after thrashing six arses one after the other in the dorm. that I could hardly contain myself. My god, what an experience it was; I just got harder and harder as I worked my way through them; I could hardly stop myself cumming there and then, which is why I was in such a state when you arrived. My god, the sexual tension was enormous. To put you in the picture, I thrashed six of them for hiding cigarettes in the dorm. Old Godber is keen to stamp out smoking and so I felt I had to make an example of them; so I thrashed the naked arses of six of them in front of the other six in the dorm."

"And, let me tell you it is not yet over completely, for tomorrow afternoon, I'm going to birch the two principal culprits: that serial offender Tomlinson and another lad called Newton. The thrashing they've all just had had was for concealing cigarettes, but tomorrow I'm going to birch tat pair for being caught smoking . They don't know exactly what they have in store tomorrow, so they are going to have a very uncomfortable night, both physically and mentally; but I reckon it's good some times to let boys stew in their own juice and come to terms with what they have done and what the punishment might be. Anyway, they both deserve a birching. So as old Godber wants me to make sure that I get some birching in, so that the boys all realise that it is still on the books, tomorrow afternoon I will kill two birds with one stone. Now, my friend, can I offer you the pleasure of my own hole, since you said you fancied a fuck?"

And the two young men spent a pleasant hour together, enjoying one another sexually. After the summer vacation which Patrick and Roderick had spent together at Ingram House, their physical relationship had gone far beyond an act of casual sex, that release of sexual tension so common in public schools. Aged eighteen, the two young g men were now serious lovers. What Mr., Godber would have said about that if he had known, we shall never find out, as the two boys were very discreet in their liaison. But Roderick, foot loose and fancy free, still messed around sexually with other schoolmates and Patrick warned him yet again to be careful, for if he was caught, then Godber would birch him and possibly expel him from the school. Patrick's worst fear was that Godber would expect him to carry out the punishment, for he had more or less abrogated wielding the cane himself since giving Patrick the power in loco domini. The last thing Patrick wanted to do was to be forced by Godber to thrash his lover. But what if it came to that? What could Patrick do? It was one of those awful thoughts which was always somewhere in the back of his mind. He could not escape from it. And so, that night after Roderick had gone off to his dorm. and Patrick was alone in bed, although sexually very satisfied, he could not escape from that feeling of uneasiness. Try as he might, he simply could not banish the thought from his mind.


The Sunday dawned and Patrick, between chapel and lunch, thought that he had better take a look at the punishment room and familiarise himself with the equipment there: equipment he was about to use on the odious Tomlinson and his partner in crime, Newton. Both boys knew that they were in for a further dose of punishment, but just what was going to happen to them they had no idea, as Patrick had never mentioned the birch.

The dreaded punishment room was a largish essentially empty room with one window looking onto the garden. In the centre stood the dreaded Rigby Horse, the birching stool, which some previous mid-nineteenth century Headmaster had had commissioned to be made especially for the school. The horse was a formidable piece of equipment on four stout legs, down the length of each of which was series of straps, designed to secure the suppliant's ankles and wrists so that he was held immobile whilst his arse was being roasted. Patrick had not entered the room or seen the horse since that awful day some three years ago when he himself had been made to ride the Rigby Horse and Mr Godber himself had birched his naked arse. The excruciating pain which the Headmaster had managed to inflict on him that day remained as vivid in his mind today as the day it had been inflicted. It had been the key factor in Patrick's earlier life, when he had been a young tearaway himself and the regular recipient of the cane, which had led him to reform his ways. Since that awful day, he had never again been subjected to any form of corporal punishment at Rigby in the intervening years. And now here he was, about to inflict the dreaded birch on two young boys: two boys who richly deserved it..

Anyone who has never had the very doubtful pleasure of being birched has no idea of the pain which a bunch of twigs can inflict on the buttocks of an errant boy. Unlike the cane, whose effect is immediately felt and seen in the form of a furrow-like welt on the naked flesh of the offender, the birch is a subtler form of punishment. The first two strokes do hurt, but are not terrribly painful. But as stroke follows stroke, the agony builds up until it becomes unbearable, which is the reason why the offender is always strapped down so that he cannot jump up and disrupt the process. And unlike the cane, whose path across the arse of the offender can be clearly seen, the birch, by its very nature, splays out covers a wider area. In fact, a well birched arse is left a fiery red colour, composed of hundreds of minute but painful flecks left by the twigs over its entire surface. The birch is the ultimate punishment and this is exactly what Patrick, encouraged by the Headmaster, was intending to visit on Tomlinson and Newton later that day.

Patrick looked at the horse with an inward feeling of anticipation but tinged with a touch of horror of what he intended to do; just looking at the apparatus already had an effect on his cock which was beginning to harden. The Rigby Horse had been designed for older boys, young men in all but name, so that when they were strapped in place, their arses were more or less horizontal, with their legs being held down the front legs of the horse, whilst their wrists were strapped to one of a series of cross bars which were to be found between the two back legs. As the basic horse was clearly too big for younger, smaller offenders, a set of two steps stood to hand; these fitted between the two front leg of the horse. Depending on the height of the unfortunate lad being birched, he was made to stand on one or other of the steps so that his arse conveniently fell in the desired place. So at Rigby, the birch descended more or less vertically onto the waiting pair of naked buttocks.

Patrick looked at the three maple birches, which Mr. Patterson had delivered to the punishment room. He had placed them, like bunches of flowers in the water buckets, with their cut ends in water so that they would remain supple for as long as possible. Patrick picked one up, shook off the little water remaining and swished it around, admiring the sound it made as he brought it smartly down through the air. Then, never having used a birch before, he decided to take it back to his study and have a few practice strokes on the arm of an easy chair, to make sure that when it came to the real event he was truly proficient. For good measure he also took the longer, let us call it, the senior birch along him to see if there was any noticeable difference between the two.There was no doubt at all that Patrick knew how to wield the cane to great effect; but he wanted to be absolutely sure of himself with this new implement.

Back in his study, he gave his armchair a thorough thrashing. He saw how the twigs spread out and realised that with a few well placed strokes he could cover a boy's entire arse before going on to consolidate his work and produce that red, well roasted pair of red globes, the hallmark of a well birched pair of buttocks. There was also no doubt at all that the senior birch by virtue of its length was a superior instrument of punishment when compared with the smaller version of the instrument. All in all, Patrick thought that it all looked deliciously promising; a sense of achievement for him and the satisfaction of knowing that Tomlinson and Newton would have very, very painful arses for the several following days.

At the appointed hour of 3 pm, Tomlinson and Newton duly presented themselves at Patrick's study. Patrick sat, stony faced, behind his desk and made the two lads stand in front of him. As ever, Tomlinson began: "Ingram-Lewis sir, I don't think that it is fair that you have called us here today to beat us again. Look, you beat us in the dorm, the other evening so why should we two and not the other four be singled out now for special treatment?" Newton meanwhile kept silent, eyes focused on his feet. He clearly realised that they were both in a hole and he did not want to dig himself in any deeper, so he heartily wished that Tomlinson would shut up.

"My dear Tomlinson, what on earth gave you the mistaken idea that you are here to be beaten for a crime for which you have already paid the penalty. No Tomlinson, you and Newton along with your other classmates have already paid for that discretion. You were all beaten for possessing and concealing cigarettes, which is strictly against the school rules and attracts a mandatory beating. You two lads are here today because you were caught in the act of smoking your forbidden loot; and it is for that act you are going to be punished. And additionally,Tomlinson, you personally have something else to answer for: the fact that you pocketed, purloined, pilfered, appropriated, acquired - call it what you will - but the actual words is "stole"- not one, but two full packets of cigarettes from your father. Now that, Tomlinson, is a very serious matter indeed."

Tomlinson, who, as ever, merited full marks for trying, said: "But Ingram-Lewis sir, I was at home when I pilfered the cigarettes and not at school so that should be a matter between my father and me."

"Indeed, Tomlinson, that would be the case, were you at home and answering to your father for your actions. But the fact of the matter is that you are here at Rigby and the masters act "in loco parentis" whilst you are in their care. I presume that you understand what that means, Tomlinson; but to be absolutely sure, that you do, let me tell you that whilst you are at this school the masters and I as Head Boy in loco domini act in place of your parents. So, Tomlinson, you will answer to me for the theft of the cigarettes and I shall punish you accordingly. Now, you told me that your father would thrash you for the theft if he found out and that, Tomlinson, is exactly that I propose to do."

"Now, I do not propose to beat you two boys again, for I think that seriousness of your offences merits a more severe punishment than a simple caning of your naked backsides. You two young men are going to have the privilege of being the first boys this term to ride the Rigby Horse. So if you two gentlemen would follow me to the punishment room, we will get this affair settled once and for all."

Both Tomlinson and Newton were now trembling with fear at what was about to happen to them, but they could do nothing but follow Patrick as he led them to the punishment room and the dreaded Rigby Horse. Tomlinson, who could never be silent for long, said: "Ingram-Lewis sir, you don't mean that you are going to birch us sir, do you?"

"Tomlinson, you have hit the nail on the head; that is precisely what I am going to do to you. I am going to treat your naked arses to a good firm dose of the newest birches made by Mr. Patterson, the gardener just last week. He has tried them on out to great effect on his own two sons and tells me that since then he has had no more trouble from them. So, let us hope that after you have both enjoyed the percussive therapy of a fine birch rod across your arses, you will do likewise and tread the straight and narrow and stop misbehaving. I should tell you that Mr. Patterson has produced a splendid new version of our old friend, the time honoured birch rod; it is made of fine maple twigs and is, apparently, very effective."

Tomlinson and Newton eyed the Rugby Horse with undisguised horror as they stood there waiting. "Gentlemen, kindly step out of your gym shorts completely and you Newton mount the horse as I am going to deal with you first. Tomlinson, if you would be so kind at to assist Newton and attach his ankles and wrists to the horse by means the straps. Pull them tight so that Newton is firmly held, but make sure that he is comfortable, for his may take some time. Administering a good birching is akin to drinking a glass of fine wine: something to be savoured slowly so that the recipient has the time to appreciate the full effect of every stroke."

Tomlinson did as he was told and the hapless Newton found himself firmly strapped to the horse, somewhat like a trussed chicken, his naked arse in the perfect position to receive the dreaded birch. "Now Tomlinson, stand over there against the wall, your hands on your head and do not move again until I tell you to do so." So Tomlinson stood there, wearing only in his gym vest, his lower body and his cock and balls totally naked. It was totally humiliating for him. Whilst boys saw each other naked in the showers on a daily basis it was not the same as having to stand there parading one's private parts to all and sundry,

Patrick selected one of the two smaller birches and prepared to beat Newton. He saw the six cuts of the cane he had given the lad the previous evening had now coloured up and were looking quite blue; he was pleased with his handiwork as the six cuts were evenly spaced. So he now intended to treat Newton to a good dose of the birch and leave him with a well roasted and painful backside. Patrick began by tapping Newton's arse gently all over before raising the birch high above his head to administering the first cut. Patrick felt his own cock hardening and a great shiver of of excitement coursed through his body as he brought down the birch with a resounding crack directly in the middle of Newton's arse.

As the blow landed with that satisfying sound of the birch mating with naked flesh, Newton took in a moaning breath, but nothing more. Remember this was the very first time Patrick had actually applied the birch to a boy's arse. He paused and inspected the result. He saw that the twigs had spread out widely and given a series of marks covering both of Newton's buns and some six inches wide. He waited a few seconds and then very deliberately gave Newton a second stroke, this time directed upwards towards Newton's back. Newton again let out a moan but no more. And so Patrick slowly continued, pausing between each stroke to allow Newton to appreciate the full impact of his punishment. He spaced the strokes so that the whole of Newton's arse was well and truly beaten. From the fourth stroke onwards, Newton started to howl with pain and after that his protests grew ever louder as the pain built up in that inexorable way associated only with the birch. By the time the twelfth stroke had been administered, Newton had been reduced to a weeping wreck. His arse was bright red and flecked with the traces of the twigs and the boy was obviously in excruciating pain.

As Tomlinson undid the straps Newton said: "Ingram-Lewis sir, that really hurt: really hurt a lot. It was a horrible experience; the most horrible experience of my life. I never ever want to see another cigarette as long as I live."

Patrick now said: "Come on Tomlinson! Jump to it; it's your turn now, so mount the horse and let me be seeing your arse, boy, for believe me that part of your anatomy is just crying out for corrective attention. Now, Newton, if you feel up to it, perhaps you would accord Tomlinson the same service as he did for you and fix the straps around his wrists and ankles. Tomlinson, you have chosen to pursue a persistent course of misdemeanour since your arrival at Rigby last year. Last year you were beaten lord only know how many times and at the end of the year, the Headmaster decided to birch you. Now here you are again at the beginning of a new term, your second year at Rigby and I have already beaten you twice and am now about to birch you."

"Well, Tomlinson let me tell you that I intend this to be the most painful encounter you have ever had with a rod of correction since your arrival at this school. You, Tomlinson will take the same twelve cuts as your friend Newton, which is specifically to punish you for smoking. However, in view of your appalling action in stealing from your father, I shall, in loco parentis, give you a further six cuts, but this time with the senior birch. Tomlinson it is my intention to send you away from here today, with the sorest arse imaginable. If I am successful, you, boy, will be unable to sit down comfortably for at least a week. I am quite sure that your father, Colonel Tomlinson, would fully approve of what is about to happen to you. Indeed, if he ever finds out about your thieving, he may well wish to give you another thrashing the next time he sees you.You, Tomlinson, need to take a serious look at yourself and mend your ways. Frankly, Tomlinson, you have all the makings of what in prison terms is known as an old lag. Take yourself in hand, now boy, before it is too late to reform."

Patrick was by now totally sexually arouse with the proceedings and could hardy hold his cock in check inside his pants. But he treated Tomlinson to the most tremendous birching imaginable. The final six strokes with the senior cane were sort of the icing on the cake. Tomlinson hit the roof with his howls of pain as the birch descended time after time with tremendous force on his naked arse. When he finally got down from the horse, his backside was black and blue and raging with pain. Patrick wondered with the extraordinary resilience and resistance that Tomlinson showed at all times, whether he would ever reform or whether he was just a misdemeanour looking for somewhere to happen.

Patrick left the punishment room with his cock urgently in need of relief. He sought out his friend Roderick and together, locked in Patrick's study, they spent a wonderful hour together fucking each other. Patrick attacked Roderick's hole as if it was his last act on earth; he was just so very aroused by what he had just done. The homoerotic effects of administering corporal punishment should never be underestimated and it was obvious to Patrick that he was particularly susceptible to serious sexual arousal when he wielded the rod. The ever faithful Roderick supplied the soothing balm of anal sex to allow Patrick to relax and then Patrick reciprocated and allowed Roderick to fuck him.

The two young men could have gone on and on, until Patrick remembered that he had to prepare for what had now become his regular Sunday evening port- sipping meeting with the Headmaster. True to his word to Mr. Godber, Patrick never ever mentioned the sexual service he rendered to the Headmaster, not even to Roderick. To all outward appearances it was a weekly working meeting between a retiring Headmaster and his all important Head Boy. Patrick had to admit to himself that, in spite of the total hypocrisy of the situation, he had become quite fond of old Mr. Godber and did not in the least mind servicing him. He assuaged his conscience, by persuading himself that their actions injured no one, so where was the harm?
