The Inn Ch. 07


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I let my eyes sweep down her form and back up, and had no difficulty looking impressed. What Eesia's fathomless black gaze saw as it returned my look, I couldn't say. But I tossed away my shirt and unbuckled my belt as though confident that she liked what she saw.

A sway rolled down her body from the shoulders, traveling her entire length as an undulation that left only her head completely motionless. "Though I am beautiful, you have so far said no more than 'exotic,' and praised the forthcoming 'experience.' What do you see when you look at me?"

"I see a woman," I said, unzipping decisively, then reaching to take off each shoe, followed by the socks. "She's made it very clear that she's dangerous - a thing to be feared. Her strength could probably crush me. Her venom could knock me dead in an instant. Her sorcery goes beyond my comprehension."

The black eyes narrowed.

"But," I continued, hooking thumbs into my pants' waistline to lower them, "she didn't need to tell me any of that for me to find her deadly dangerous - this world holds precious few things more dangerous to a man than a woman whose beauty he can't resist."

Her forked tongue flitted out almost soundlessly, and the iguana said, "Hmm."

While telling her this and getting out of my clothes, I also kept up a running internal pep talk. Good god, look at those breasts! That face! In a minute here, you get to fuck this woman! Thankfully, none of what I said or thought was a lie. Eesia's body far outshone Ferd Highport's, and even put Kizaah's luscious welf shape to shame. Once I let it sufficiently distract me from the possibility of getting fanged or constricted to a pulp, it drew a powerful natural response from my loins, and I felt the cloth of my boxer briefs swell taut with the results.

"So how would you like us to approach this?" I asked, throwing a glance toward the bed. "I'm not sure Phaeland accommodations make much sense for you."

In reponse, the priestess opened her arms wide, beckoning. "In Ss'sla, we rest together in great heaps. Furnishings would have no purpose. But you and I are not here for rest. Surrender that last bit of cover and come to me."


I peeled off my underwear and walked forward, cock about three-quarters of the way to open-for-business condition. The fire crackled and flickered behind me, putting Eesia half in my shadow. As I drew near, I realized that her tail had circled its way out along the floor and now formed an irising ring of scaled flesh, closing in with each step I took. Breasts, I told myself. Face! Nipples! Fucking!

Nearly at the waiting arc of her embrace, I felt the hair on the back of my neck make a break toward panic. Her tail had completed its circle now, piling up onto itself in a rising, tightening coil as high as my calves, then my knees, then my thighs. A dry, desert smell came off her. Close enough to touch, I could make out the countless tiny scales that dressed her flesh in green across her face, down her throat, her sternum, encompassing those high, proud breasts. Their shimmering texture entranced me. But at the same time, I saw the larger, pebbled purples across her shoulders - and those armor-like bands reaching side to side from just under the spot where a human woman's navel would be. Snake! About to wrap me up like a boa constrictor!

Luckily, right as fear tried to surge up and steal my erection, something happened.

The third band down from Eesia's waist tightened. Gapped. Revealed. A horizontal slit as wide as my hand eased open between that third band and the fourth - right at crotch level to me, which I realized she must have adjusted her height to accomplish. And an odor filled my senses, above the ignited wood scent of the fireplace, above that arid smell I'd noticed before. From out of that vent came a pheremonic intoxicant, heady and astonishing, a vapor of pure allure. I couldn't help but suck in a deep breath.

My cock leapt straight out from my crotch.

Still, Eesia's arms and encircling tail had not closed the last inches to enfold me. When I looked up from that passway to her internal delights, I found the black wells of her eyes locking on mine. A long, steady inhalation swelled her rib-cage, lifting her breasts up and forward until they all but brushed my chest. Then her mouth opened, beautiful and richly purple, and a hush of sibilant breath came out past the points of her teeth.

"It attracts you, doesn't it?" whispered the iguana from the back of the chair. "My vent."

"Yes," I croaked.

"Then enter it."

And without awaiting my response, she wrapped her arms around me, tightened her coils all the way up to my ass, and lifted me to her to join us.

I gasped. The serpentine priestess let out a wide-mouthed, throaty rush of air that could only be described as ecstatic. Her tail pulsed and undulated around us. Suckling, milking wetness had swallowed up my hard-on and now kissed and quivered all along my shaft.

"Fuck, Eesia," I panted as she full-body screwed me, coils grinding me up against the cool, soft front of her. My feet, I realized, had left the ground, and the only way I could get any leverage to thrust in time with her was to wrap my arms tight around her back as she'd done to mine. Even then, I couldn't take credit for even a tenth of our motion - she basically held me helpless and used me like a sex toy.

If her cunt hadn't been heaven, I might have gotten offended.

With tongue flicking lightly at my ear, the snake-woman hissed and whispered as she fucked me. Every once in a while, the back of her throat made a clicking sound.

"Yes ..." the iguana breathed passionately. "Kizaah spoke true ... uh! Ah! You have ... hnnhh ... such a determined firmness. Ah, but it pleases me ..."

"Your ... uhhmm ... vent ... pleases me too ..." And it did. Not as sweet-scented as Kizaah's or as sexually dexterous as the welf-woman's tendril, not as vast as Kurga Alderhaft's orfish cunt or tight as the half-breed's ass, but full of writhing, slick sensation unlike any human female's vaginal depths could be. One moment, the flesh within her pressed flat against me, top and bottom. The next, it tensed into a rippled sheet along the dorsal surface of my cock while bowing up from below, then reversed into ridges on the underside and smooth pressure from above. I clung tight and just tried to ride out the storming, convulsive pleasure of her sex-throes, enveloped by close-looped tail-flesh, feeling the root of my cock bumping at the seam between the two flexible scale plates that framed her gash.

"Uh! Uh ... uh, uhhh!" grunted the black-and-orange lizard, somewhere nearby, each gasp coming on the heels of it's mistress's throat-deep clicking. "Imbue me with seed, manling!"

"I'm ... oh, I'm about to, all right ..."

The room swayed around us as Eesia's shape flexed and wove, carrying me along in quickening serpentine waves. I felt her lips at my earlobe - then that long thin tongue circling up around the back of the ear itself. Her breath hissed, and the iguana moaned. "Yes, ah yes, it's close now ..."

"Me too ..."

"It's close ..."

Her lips and tongue feathered their way down my neck, kissed at the sloping muscle there.

"So ... close ..."

Within the butter-soft embrace of her reptilian cunt, my prick swelled and primed itself with drunken bliss, tugging at the apparatus of orgasm that connected it to my balls.

"God, Eesia -"

"Ah! Ah! Ghhhh -"

Her tail squeezed around me, fat and fierce, at the same instant my scrotum tightened and my cock prepared for eruption. The thick, explosive glandular flow surged up within my gonads -

And the snake-priestess fucking me spasmed with ecstasy and buried her fangs in the meat of my trapezius.

I screamed - everything going to wild orgasmic pleasure and terrified pain at once. Lodged deep in her plush sheath, my cock pumped and spewed and injected its hot rush of fluid just as her needle-sharp teeth squirted again and again into my flesh with the rhythm of her climax.

Something delirious and infernal leapt out from her spurting bite, found every vein and nerve in my shoulder and neck, and then flooded all sense and comprehension from my brain.

* * *

A priestess of Septra, born to her role and god-touched, could create almost any effect with her venom that she wanted - instant death, seizure-inducing pain, endless sleep. She could administer these through her bite or breathe them out in a cloud of poisonous mist. She could spit acid thirty or forty feet, inflict an unquenchable thirst, subvert and enslave the will ...

Or create a blinding sickness full of fever dreams and hallucinations.

When Eesia's venom reached my brain, it turned my orgasm into a sea of crashing sexual release - a drowning wave of ejaculation that washed out of me and then back in, flooding my whole body with insensate pleasure that burned like a brand. Waterspouts of viscous white rose up in pillars from the shivering, spasming ocean my mind had become. Black clouds sent everything into darkness, then split and crackled with arcs of passion-red lightning that curled and looped in snake tails - or split into forked tongues of ecstasy.

I had no sense of time. Ropes of slithering flesh wove over and around and through me, narrow as Kizaah's clitoral tentacle one moment, massive and constricting as Eesia's tail the next. They became a bed, then a cresting fan of surf, then dunes, then vast, soft domes whose pillowy sides I rolled down and down and down until the spin had me too dizzy to tell air from ground. Tunnels opened in the sky, pink and beckoning, then cavernous, expansive, engulfing in a glisten of aquamarine. Out of nowhere, my body came into focus - or more accurately, my cock did, a lone pillar of solidity in a world of haze, an object with real existence where all else flitted and metamorphosed through surreality. I heard my name, spoken by a voice of golden honey. Wet pleasure swallowed the disembodied rod of my erection, bobbed, bobbed, bobbed, and then vacuumed the moment of coherence out of me in pulsations of spume that turned to bubbles and froth from one end of the universe to the other.

Whispers caressed the foundations of existence in languages I could not understand, licking the fabric of space and time into unbounded states of arousal. In hushed tones they spoke of sensual truths beyond mortality, cried out with erotic completion, murmured and moaned through infinite gliding potentials of ecstasy. Washes of color beheld my soul: fields of glitterdusted black, soul-bright blue, bestial yellow, cerulean heaven, aristocratic brown, cloudless-sky azure, sheer and viperous onyx ...

My erection returned, received, released, receded.

If a cycle can exist without pattern or predictability, then I cycled for some unknowable time through ever-changing orbits of globular sexuality and bliss-blurred vistas that sometimes hinted of pink-and-scarlet faces, blue-green thighs, soft perfect lips, purple scales, and panting, lust-voiced things the color of Halloween. In between, with rigid irregularity, the truth of a fierce-beamed hard-on rose, towered, basked in squeezing, sweet, slickness, then spouted, softened, and slunk back away into oblivion.

Until ...

A time came ...

When that concrete cock manifested itself out of limbo and did not just hover as a locus of sliding ensheathment, but carried with it from the darkness a swell of other sensations. Noise: slosh, slosh, slosh. Rhythm, an ever so gentle side-to-side shaking that made me realize ... I had a body. It rested on a surface - soft and nestling. And I had eyes. And I opened them.

And there I was in my room at the inn, lying in bed.

With Leyna kneeling on the floor at my side - leaning over with her mouth root-deep on my cock.

I blinked. The hallucinatory miasma had vanished. While my head felt packed with cotton-balls, I was definitely awake, and the Nestled Goose's serving maid was definitely slathering delight along the flesh of my bare erection.

"Um ... what?"

"Simon!" Her lips popped free with a gasp of joy. Before I could say anything else, she'd flung herself over to wrap her arms around my neck and squeeze me tight. "I was so worried you'd never wake up!"

Since she didn't let go, I returned the hug. The waving wet pole of my abandoned hard-on should have dashed the moment with embarrassment, but the moment my arms surrounded her, she melted against me, beautiful and real and close in a way I suddenly realized I'd been desperate to experience.

No longer sure what constituted reality, I took several deep breaths and just enjoyed the feel of holding her.

Unfortunately, my brain refused to stay quiet.

"Never wake up?" I asked. "What does that mean? How long ...?"

She lifted her head up from its place in the hollow beside my neck, her expression the picture of earnest relief and astonishment.

"Simon," she said, blue eyes wide with wonder, "after that creature bit you, you were out for a week!"

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JasonRTaylorJasonRTaylorover 6 years ago
Wondering if I should bother being surprised!

I laughed out loud when I realized where you were going with this one. Then, again, bursting with appreciative mirth when she bit him. It doesn't matter if I saw it coming, your descriptions rendered my imaginative musings moot, giving this tale once again the badge of well written prose.

Thanks so much for sharing your time, talent and imagination.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
oh fuck...

I didn't plan to comment until the end of the series but this was just so bloody damn erotic! Turns out you can write just about any genre you turn your hand do, thank you for your writing.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombabout 8 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Snake-women)

Maybe I need to write a spinoff story in the Non-human category about that iguana ...

Hmmm ...

Thanks for the idea and the words of encouragement!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Snake-women. Right in the sweet spot. Thank you so much for that.

I have to note, and I'm writing as a fellow who has greatly enjoyed your work and your marvelous skill, that iguana. I'm just imagining her thinking to herself, 'I'm translating the sex noises of a snake for an ape. Lizard Gods help me."

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombabout 8 years agoAuthor
I appreciate comments like these so much!

@Anonymous (FUN AT THE INN):

Glad you're enjoying it. I'm having a lot of fun with this story too. Of course, Simon's between a bit of a rock and a hard place, since he's got to try every resource he can think of. But Eesia's wrath may make him think his strategies over from a few more angles before he sits down to write his future letters!

Thank you for commenting!


I'm definitely a bigger fan of erotica books that are about sex (and romance) than those that are about something else and just include a lot of sex in them. Thanks for letting me know the distinction isn't lost on you.

I'm currently fleshing out the remainder of my outline, and the story could wrap up as quickly as Chapter 11. (Maybe not the most fortuitous chapter number to end on!) However, like Simon, I'm now working to avoid potentially disastrous haste, and I'm mulling whether the story will support two or three chapters more than that. Drawing a story out for the sake of drawing it out isn't my style, but I also don't want to rush things.

As for Simon's books, maybe if I ever get successful enough to write full-time, I'll try my hand at a Juliette Ravendark novel ...

Take care, and thanks again!

NearMissNearMissabout 8 years ago

You already know how I feel about your writing and yet again you have captured my imagination. All my favorite writers on Literotica have the ability to spin a tale so engrossing that the erotic side is usually a distraction from main plot, something I usually endure or skip over to get back to the meat and potatoes of the story. This one is different though. You've managed to tie both together in a way that are not only integral for the plot, but don't feel tacked on or obligatory to the story as well. I'm already a sucker for a good fantasy story, hell even just an okay fantasy story, and the way you've fleshed out Phaeland I find myself wanting to read all of Simon's books. Just what I'd need to tide me over till Rothfuss' 'The Stone Door'. So please don't keep us waiting like Patrick and don't bring it to an end too soon! This is just too good stop at a mere 10 chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Simon is at again considering this encounter could have turned way worse than the others. the one with nobles was just a prelude to jump start the plot in my opinion considering what they had said previously about it you worked it out pretty well. Now will any other responses to his letters that won't be as dangerous or will Simon bounce back in the next chapter, will he be more careful his knowledge in the novel world. Can't wait for the next chapter. Cheers!

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombabout 8 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Very nice story)

Thank you very much!

Chapter 8 is in the queue now, and there will be at least 4 more in all, I think.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Very entertaining story. Have read each chapter and hope you continue. Thanks for sharing it.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombabout 8 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Ignore the naysayers)

Thanks for another vote of confidence!

I do usually have a pretty thick skin, but those particular comments hit during a bit of a down patch for me. Truthfully, they weren't the worst comments I've received by a long shot -- it was just bad timing.

But I've got my chin up now, and I really appreciate you chiming in to help me keep it there.

Back to writing ...

: )

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Ignore the naysayers

There are always going to be people who will criticize anything ... To them, the Mona Lisa's smile isn't big enough, or the spontaneous cute kitten video should've been done with stage lighting and a tripod.

The most important thing is to write what you want to write ... and your stories are consistently near or above 4.75 which means that at least 3/4 of the ratings are a 5. (assuming the rest are 4s.). If you get a jerk on here criticizing the work and giving a 1, then there were 19 others giving it a 5 to balance it out.

You're a great storyteller with an intriguing premise ... and enough writing sklls that we don't get hung up on poor spelling and typos. (I doubt the same could be said for me).

If someone doesn't like your story ... well fuck 'em. They can go and read something else. Keep writing what you have been for the over 75% of us who love your work.

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombabout 8 years agoAuthor

I'm trying to post chapters as soon as I reach the point that each installment feels like a complete dramatic unit. In this case, though, it's possible the next scene would have provided better closure. Oh well. Hopefully, now that I'm back into my groove on the story, they'll hit more often and length won't be as much of an issue.

Thanks a ton for letting me know you enjoyed the chapter!

IanSaulWhitcombIanSaulWhitcombabout 8 years agoAuthor
@Anonymous (Thank You)

I'm glad you're liking the story, and the encouragement is equally appreciated if not more so.

One thing I try to do with criticism, after evaluating how much I agree or disagree with it, is to remember that reflexive negativity and disparagement usually come from a place of pain. People who are unconstructively critical more often than not engage in their behavior because they have experienced something damaging. Maybe they later decided to deal their own brand of damage as a form of revenge, or maybe it's an attempt to compensate for the hurt they've gone through ... or maybe they simply learned from a bad example and don't realize that there are much better ways to live one's life. In any case, they really deserve sympathy, and they can't be successfully dealt with by responding in kind.

No matter how much they make us want to take them by the collar and shake some sense into them. ; )

Thanks for commenting!

LustKnightLustKnightabout 8 years ago

Very happy to see a new entry in this series, and continuing to enjoy them. Just frustrated that it was so short and ended on a cliffhanger! Looking forward to the next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Thank you

There are...certain people that always want certain things from authors. There is a reason that there is so much literature and literary styles available in the world. It is a sad truism however that those who cannot write, or create or do tend to yell at others for their perceived shortcomings..... it is easier to blame someone else than to accept your own failings and move forward.

Keep writing and keep doing what makes you happy and ignore the naysayers, they are simply scared to admit they can't write themselves and have lost the ability to wonder.

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