The Jungles of Cirkon: Stage 04


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"Last level," Clay said as the elevator doors hissed shut.

"I'm ready!" I assured him, tugging at my top again.

I was not, neither of us were. Suddenly two ZAUKS dropped in through the roof of the elevator. I screamed in surprise, and they both turned and punched Clay, STUNNING him! I lifted my PLASMA PISTOL and popped one of them (CHG: 4). But in those close quarters the second was on me immediately!

"Nice tits!" He ripped off my bikini top and forced me to bend over, even as he yanked down my bottoms, stuffing one thick finger in my pussy (HP: 23, StimP: 26). I whimpered helplessly as he pumped my tight little hole, sending tendrils of unwanted arousal curling through my hips. He pushed in deep, making me squeal miserably, then pushed me to the ground and chortled with laughter. His head hit the floor, while the rest of him shattered into thousands of glittering pixels. Clay had recovered.

I was on my hands and knees, looking down at my now naked body, flush with humiliation. My tits heaved between my arms, tipped with little pink bullets and beyond that my hairless slit was totally exposed. The remnants of my bikini was scattered hopelessly across the floor. I had a MED KIT in my inventory, but I knew I needed to save that for just before we faced Gnash One-eye. Which meant running this third level naked. I stood on shaky legs, and avoided making eye contact with Clay.

"I'm ready," I whimpered, before he could say anything.

The doors hissed open, but there were no MOBs waiting. Clay led the way, cautiously checking for other enemies. There was a BLAST PACK on the floor, so I scooped it up and charged my weapon (CHG: 8). We kept moving.

Just around the corner we were ambushed by a group with six ZAUKS and two TORNOIDS. Clay charged the ZAUKS while I fired at the tentacled mutants in the rear. I destroyed one right away and got a shot off on the second (CHG: 5). By then one of the ZAUKS had broken away and was rushing at me.

"Nice tits!" he said, right before I kicked the little bastard, knocking him back a step. As I lifted my PLASMA PISTOL to roast him, I noticed the TORNOID moving to within striking distance of Clay. My stomach lurched uncertainly, I decided to blast the TORNOID, eliminating the more dangerous enemy (CHG: 4). This gave the ZAUK more than enough time to close the distance and get his hands on me. One big hand grabbed my naked slit, immediately shoving a finger up inside me, while the other hand closed around my tit! I whined as his finger slammed in and my cunt gushed around it. Squirming frantically, I was totally helpless as his other hand mashed and twisted my sensitive breast (HP: 17, StimP: 34). His attack cycle flooded me with arousal, and when he threw me down I crumpled, moaning and trembling in frustration.

Hearing his chortled laughter, I rolled to my back and blasted him just as Clay was about the halve him with his LASER SWORD (CHG: 3).

"Come on, we're almost there," Clay said, helping me stand.

I stumbled after him, my heart sinking as my legs wobbled beneath me. I could feel my own warm juices running down my thighs, and my nipples were so hard and achy I thought they might blow off any second. There was only one paltry ZAUK guarding the entrance to the BOSS ARENA and Clay dispatched him before I even saw it, I only rounded the corner to the welcome sight of dissipating pixels.

"This is it," Clay said, and I could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

Feeling the same apprehension, I leaned against the wall. Feeling my breasts heaving I knew what I had to do. Or rather, what I needed him to do.

"I need you to MAX me," I said.

Clay looked at me, and cocked an eyebrow. "Here? Now?"

"I can't go into a BOSS BATTLE with 34 Stim points," I said. "You'll get it done faster than if I MASTURBATE since I'm still your PRISONER. Please?"

He grinned, walked over to me, kissed my cheek and reached between my legs. I shut my eyes, feeling his fingers wiggle into my dripping petals (StimP: 40). His first two fingers slid into my soaking vagina, while his thumb pushed through my lips in search of my clit (StimP: 44-48).

"There it is," he whispered, as his thumb rubbed across my hot little nub and I sucked in a breath.

He rubbed my clit in a firm, circular motion, setting my hips on fire along with those thrusting digits in my cooch MAXing me immediately (StimP: 55!). I cried out, feeling as if I was blowing through two orgasms at once. My hot little pussy soaked Clay's hand and I sank down, right there, on my naked ass, gasping for breath (StimP: 0).


He kept watch while I gathered my wits, no small task in that moment. Fortunately, no other enemies spawned in. Once I was able to get to my feet, my head cleared rather quickly and the strength returned to my legs.

"Alright, I think I'm ready," I said. "Just let me use my MED KIT, and..."

"Wait," Clay said. "There's something else before you do."

I looked at him, he was wearing an expression I hadn't seen before. Something like affection, maybe? "What is it?"

He took my wrists and pressed a button on the manacles. They buzzed and then fell off. "I release you from being my PRISONER."

Immediately my HUD opened on its own. The PRISONER status dropped, and all my skills unlocked. I even felt my silky green hair fall back around my shoulders. I leapt at him, hugging his neck tightly. I blushed and hopped back quickly, remembering I was still completely naked.

"Thank you," I said, popping my HUD again and using the MED KIT in my inventory (HP: 55).

As the glow of the MED KIT washed over me, my clothes came back at last! My black, high heeled boots were back on my feet. The rest of my legs were still bare, but I was amazed at how covering my skin-tight booty shorts felt after a few days wearing nothing but bikini bottoms. My boobs were tucked back into the blue tube top, and my shiny purple jacket was back. Even the belt and holster for my PLASMA PISTOL reappeared, hanging askew across my hips. Looking down at myself, I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

In the next instant I felt a little silly. I was still pretty scantly clothed, my purple shorts still didn't even cover the lowest curves of my ass cheeks and my top displayed an ample amount of cleavage. And why was I so excited to be wearing such girly clothes? I pushed those thoughts from mind, it was time to finish this stage!

I headed towards the door but paused when I realized Clay wasn't following. "Come on, let's go."

He looked down sheepishly. "I can't go with you."

"What, what do you mean?" I said. "We had a deal."

"Yes," he nodded. "I got you here, and I set you free, I'd say that upholds my end of our deal. But I mean I really can't go with you, see..." He walked to the door and pressed the open button, nothing happened. "I've already completed this mission so I can't go in with you to face Gnash."

"Oh." My heart dropped into my stomach. "I only have three charges left though? How can I beat a STAGE BOSS with three charges?"

"You'll find a way," he said, and his tone had all the certainty I needed to hear in that moment. "I don't doubt it, nor do I doubt that you'll figure out a way to log us all out of this game."

I blushed. "Now you're just trying to flatter me."

He grinned. "No way, you took down Birtle Toothless, when I never could, you're one of those smarter, better, stronger players I'm waiting on to rescue me."

"Waiting on," I echoed. "So, you're just going back to your SAFE ZONE to do nothing?" His eyes dropped and he didn't reply. "Well, thanks for getting me here, and thanks for holding up your end of the bargain...even if you didn't give me a ton of choice on the terms...asshole." I hit the button and the door to the BOSS ARENA slid open.

"Watch it out there," he said. "Remember not every player is playing to escape."

"Take care of yourself, Clay," I nodded, stepping through the door into a pitch-black hallway.

"Shit, wait!" I heard Clay yelling. "Watch out for his-" the door slid shut before he could finish. I checked for another button but there was no was way to reopen the door. I was locked in now.

As I turned back down the hallway words began to flash across my vision: STAGE ONE - BOSS BATTLE and then GNASH ONE-EYE!! And finally GET READY!!

All the lights flickered on as I moved toward the BOSS ARENA. I still wasn't sure how I was going to defeat Gnash One-eye. I only had three shots with my PLASMA PISTOL. I certainly didn't relish the idea of getting into a Stim battle with another ORK BOSS, and if this one was the "ruler" of this planet, I doubted he'd have as weak a Stim bar as Birtle had. Still, maybe my TEASE skill would give me an edge? That's when I remembered I had a new weapon!

I paused, opening my HUD and activating the PLASMA RIFLE! It only had three shots too, but the damage rating was much higher than my starting gun. Three shots...had to make them count! If nothing else maybe it'd weaken him enough for me to finish him off with the pistol!

Swallowing my nerves, I stepped into the arena. The chamber was vast, with a high domed ceiling. There were cables, and other electronics adorning the walls. Directly in front of me was a gigantic video screen. Standing in front of that was the biggest ORK I'd seen so far. The eyepatch he wore made it pretty obvious this was Gnash One-eye.

Gnash had to be close to seven feet tall and built like a bodybuilder. There was a charcoal vest stretched across his muscular chest, with black and green fatigues under that. He had metallic wrist-guards, with buttons and flashing panels on them, a handgun strapped to one hip and a rather large knife on the other. His black hair stood straight up in a mohawk, and his protruding jaw featured two sharp tusks!

"Welcome! die..." he growled.

I clutched my rifle a little tighter, uncertain if I should make the first move or wait to assess his attack pattern. "Surrender now, Gnash!"

"Surrender?" he chortled with laughter. "To a lowly BOUNTY HUNTER? Never!" He hadn't drawn any weapons, so I waited to see what happened next, I could not afford to waste a single shot. "I know you're working with the Intergalactic Space Navy, why throw your life away for a corrupt government? Join us..." His hand moved, going for a weapon, nope, going for his crotch. "...and I'll make you one of my wives!"

Ugh, this game! "Never!" I shouted reflexively. "Hand over the... uh, component...and I'll let you live!"

He laughed again, this time pulling his weapons, gun and knife. "If you won't be my wife," he howled. "Then I'll make you my whore!"

The ORK charged, closing the distance quickly. He fired at me but I rolled sideways easily dodging. When he got close enough, he swung the knife at me. I dove behind him, somersaulting right up to my feet and taking aim. The PLASMA RIFLE hummed with energy and kicked hard as a focused beam of energy ripped from the barrel. I hit Gnash square in the back, hearing his flesh sizzle as he recoiled and roared angrily (CHG:2).

The rifle buzzed, and a light appeared on the side that said RECHARGING with a progress bar under it: 2%. Oh, great.

Gnash lifted his gun and started firing. I rolled out of the way, but he swung towards me and fired again! I rolled away, narrowly avoiding the second shot but a third clipped my shoulder. Pain rippled through me, and the jolt knocked me off my feet (HP: 50).

Gnash cackled and charged again. I scrambled back up, checking the readout on my rifle: 88%. It climbed fast but not fast enough. He was right on top of me then...damn, he moved fast. I ducked the knife swipe, but ate a powerful backhand from his other arm (HP: 46).

I fell back, rolling across the floor, thankfully out of range for any more CQC attacks at the moment.

"Nice tits, bad fighter!" I heard him rumble as he turned toward me. Then I heard a beeping and felt my rifle hum to life: 100% READY!

He stalked forward, not charging this time, so I rolled to my back and fired! The plasma beam lanced across his chest and face diagonally, causing him to howl in pain and recoil once more (CHG: 1). This time I noticed the health counter above his head: GNASH HP: 30.

Suddenly I felt like I was doing better than I initially thought. His health was already lower than mine!

He whipped his gun towards me, firing three times again. I dodged to the right twice, but back left to avoid the third shot. Hearing the blast fizzle along the floor harmlessly, I jumped to my feet feeling a surge of excitement! The rifle RECHARGE flashed at 85%.

"Clever bitch!" he snarled in frustration. "You'll make a fine addition to my harem...once I've broken you!"

"Broken me?" I scoffed. "Birtle Toothless couldn't handle me, and I hear you're not even as big as him!" I tensed ready to dodge his next charge.

"Birtle...!?" he snarled. "Think that's funny bitch, I'll show you!"

Instead of charging, he made a punching motion at me. Shit, a new attack! A crackling beam of energy looped out from the glowing panel on one of his wrist guards. Before I could react at all it looped around my torso like a lasso, pinning my arms down and making me drop my PLASMA RIFLE! (HP: 45)

"No!" I cried out, and then I was yanked forward, pulled right into Gnash's waiting hands.

He pulled my arms behind my back, forcing my ample chest forward and grasp both wrists with one powerful hand. I tried futilely to pull free, even as his free hand went straight for my tits. He groped and squeezed over my tube top, flooding my chest with heat (HP: 39, StimP: 9).

"Nice tits," he grumbled lustily. "A fine addition indeed!"

When the ORK released me, he immediately started moving to grab me again. I swatted at his tusked face, doing no damage and not budging him an inch, I had no chance to get away. His big hands closed on my shoulders, and I was lifted right off the ground and thrown over his shoulder. I squirmed, kicking to get loose but his arm wrapped over my back and I was trapped. Then his broad, rough hand whipped across my butt!

I yelped in pain, and was shocked to see a new counter appear below my Stim bar: PAIN: 2. Oh, god...apparently I was subject to the torture mechanics as well. I gasped again as his hand whipped across my defenseless backside (StimP: 11, PN: 4). The ORK began to spank me again and again! I felt the stinging fullness of my ass under his hand with every wicked swat. Heat and pain spread through my rounded cheeks and started crawling up my back, as I kicked and screamed helplessly on his shoulder, watching my counters tick up: PN: 6-7-8, StimP: 12-13-14.

Finally, he shrugged me off and I fell back onto the floor, whimpering in pain. Gnash stood over me and howled with laughter.

"Silly bitch!" he cackled. "Surrender now and I won't have to break you!"

"Not a chance you son-of-a-bitch!" I said, scrambling to my feet. I glanced towards my PLASMA RIFLE, still on the floor all the way across the room. I made the dash for it! Behind me I could hear Gnash laugh again. Just before I reached my weapon, I felt the heat of his energy lasso ensnare me once more (HP: 38). I screamed in frustration as it yanked backwards, reeling me right back into his waiting hands.

His big, grubby mitt closed around the back of my neck, and he knelt down, forcing me chest first over his knee. Then I felt him spank me again (PN: 10, StimP: 16). Unable to fight back, I yelped every time his hand lashed across my peach-like ass (PN: 11-12-13). This was really starting to hurt, so badly I actually felt tears brimming my eyes (PN: 14). As intense as the stinging pain was spreading through my round butt cheeks, it crawled up my spine turning to sensual heat making my neck and chest flush crimson (StimP: 18-19-20-21). By the time my PAIN counter reached 15 I was sobbing, and my yelps had become agonized cries.

A wave of humiliation crashed over me, as I realized that Gnash had put me over his knee and spanked me until I was bawling. Never mind the fact, I was getting more and more turned on by the torture cycle. This was a twisted game! Shit, I had no idea what happened if my PAIN MAXED, or even what my MAX PN was? Feeling the hot tears streaming down my cheeks, any confidence I'd had drained away. Finally, the ORK shoved me off his knee and stood over me again.

"Your tears are as attractive as your fat udders!" he chortled.

Fat udders!? I thought crawling sorely away from the BOSS monster. As if this all couldn't get any more degrading. I knew I couldn't make it to my PLASMA RIFLE this time, so I popped my HUD and retrieved the pistol. Scrambling to my feet, I turned and aimed just as he was bearing down on me! The beam burst against his chest, shredding his vest and singeing his green skin (CHG: 2): GNASH HP: 22.

He snarled in pain, but the blast did not stop or even slow his advance. He was already winding up for a heavy attack, so I aimed and fired again (CHG: 1): GNASH HP: 15. The plasma beam clearly hurt the ORK but did not interrupt his attack cycle...which I now had no hope of dodging.

He pistol-whipped me with the butt of his gun, and I staggered back groaning in pain (HP: 28). My arms dropped to my sides, and my legs sagged weakly as that all too familiar ring of stars spun around my head: STUNNED.

NO! I was a sitting duck now...and from the sound of Gnash's laughter we both knew it.

Drawing his knife, he wound up another heavy attack, which I would be utterly defenseless against. I shrieked as the knife sliced up the front of my body, slashing my purple booty shorts and splitting my tube top! (HP: 18) I hit the ground, feeling my clothes falling off and hearing my PLASMA PISTOL skitter across the floor.

At least this wasn't a gory game, so there was no blood or wound, but cutting me like that had hurt big time! Looking down at my naked female body, I noticed a line of glowing pixels running from my hip up between my quivering breasts. It quickly faded back to my normal skin tone...freaky a little.

I pushed up on all fours, trying to clear my head and started crawling. I had to get some distance, recover one of my weapons and get back in this fight! When I felt his big, rough hands grab the curves of my hips, I couldn't hold back a frightened whimper.

"Now whore," he grumbled pulling me towards him. "You find out if that toothless fool is bigger or not!"

A terrified tremor ran through my chest and I glanced back. Gnash had his cock out now (which incidentally was not bigger than Birtle's) and was positioning himself at my backside. I tried to scramble away but his grip on my hips was much too strong. He yanked back again, and I felt him enter me in the same motion! I cried out as his thick ORK cock thrust into my pussy (HP: 12, StimP: 26).

He may not have been so freaky-big as Birtle, but Gnash was still huge. I felt his cock swelling inside me, stretching my violated vagina until my hips ached. I moaned shrilly, trembling as he began to fuck me (StimP: 28). He leaned over me, so he could grope my breasts with one hand while he humped me. Feeling his massive torso engulf me, I felt so small trapped underneath the ORK, weak and helpless! His enormous cock pumped in and out of my cunt, forcing it to gush hotly around the invading shaft (StimP: 32-34-36). I moaned lustily, as his powerful hand mashed and kneaded the firm flesh of my plump breast, my nipples already hard and achy (StimP: 38-40-42).

A tremor of emotion ran through me, turning my insides to mush. Gnash had totally dominated me. My new female body was too weak to fight back or resist, and so susceptible to these forced pleasures I wasn't sure I wanted to anymore! Feeling his immense ORK cock surging deep inside left me feeling utterly powerless, and sent hot girly juices streaming down my thighs. His hips bucked against the padding of my pert, round ass, rocking every curve of my feminine form. My entire chest flushed with heat feeling the fullness of my plump breasts yielding to his powerful grip. Even my full-lipped mouth hung open, issuing sensual, gasping moans as I was completely overwhelmed by the sensations (StimP: 48). I had lost.