The Menders Ch. 01


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I felt Rick step closer before I saw him. He turned me towards him while the sultry sounds of "Closer" by Nine Inch Nails blasted from the speakers. Rick took me into his arms, wrapping them around my shoulders, and putting my arms around his waist in an embrace so close it was almost hard to dance. He leaned down and laid a soft kiss on my shoulder. He began to move with the rhythm. As we danced, I found that the embrace didn't make dancing hard, but it certainly make things interesting.

We were dancing with our legs entwined, almost making me straddle one of his thighs. His arms pressed my body into him, and I realized that our positioning made it to where every movement of our hips had his thigh rubbing against my crotch. I felt one of his hands run up the back of my neck and grab me by my ponytail as our grinding got more and more desperate. I could now feel him against my thigh, too. The throbbing bulge there had me almost as breathless as my own throbbing did. As his hand wrapped around my ponytail, he twisted it, gathering my hair in his fist. He then used that fist to pull my head back, exposing my neck and chest completely to him.

"Fuck... you're so goddamn sexy, Rose," he said.

"Why the hell do you guys keep saying that?" I asked in a whisper, breathless as he tugged my head back further.

I heard him groan before his lips came down against my throat. His lips were so hot against my flesh, stoking the fire that the other two men had already started. I moaned as his mouth moved down to my cleavage. He ran his tongue along the top curve of my breast, all the while pressing his thigh harder against my sex and rubbing along with the beat. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, holding his head in place as his tongue explored the exposed skin.

I felt his free hand cupping one of my breasts, softly massaging through my blouse. He took his palm and lightly rubbed the soft little peak my nipple had made against the silk of my shirt. I took in a sharp breath as he circled it once, twice, and a third slow time before pulling his hand away.

I noticed that the song had changed again, without me noticing this time. As Rick released my hair, I looked around and saw that, to my relief, no one had noticed what Rick was doing to me... except the two men sitting at the fire pit. Alec and Adrian were staring at us, grinning foolishly. I met Rick's eyes, breathless as he smiled and wrapped his arms around my shoulders again as he kissed my forehead, lingering for a moment as he sighed. He pulled back and stared down at me for a moment before grabbing my hand.

"Come on," he said in an almost demanding tone that made my pussy twitch in response. He pulled me with him, and instead of walking towards the fire pit, he walked past it and the other two men, almost dragging me behind him.

"Grab the beers, guys. Follow us," Rick growled out. He led me past the house, and we walked towards the garage. It looked to be a 3-car garage with some sort of apartment above it, or at the very least, a large attic or loft. I panted lightly as Rick's long legs strode forward into the darkness between the house and garage at a very quick pace, making it tough for me to keep up.

"Umm... Rick?" I asked with a breathless laugh. "Think you might slow down a bit? I've got short legs, here, and..." I couldn't finish my sentence before Rick had spun me around and pressed me against the side of the garage we had finally reached. He lifted me a bit, grabbing my thighs and wrapping my legs around his waist. He brought his mouth to mine once in a hot, fast kiss, then pulled his face back to stare at me and gently thrust his hips against me, grinding in one long, slow circle. I gasped as I felt his bulge again, this time against my crotch. I could swear it had gotten bigger. He growled low in his throat before pressing his mouth against mine. Hard.

His tongue assaulted mine as he grabbed my face with one hand, adjusting it so he could deepen the kiss. I whimpered against him and thanked the heavens that he had picked me up already, else my knees would have given out by now. Before I even understood what was happening with that kiss, he pulled his face away again.

"You sure you want me to slow down?" his voice came out in another growl. I shook my head in a quick answer, licking my lips as they tingled. He nodded once before putting me down on my shaking legs and grabbing my hand again. He stepped over to the door a few feet away from us and turned the handle. The door to the garage swung open. He held it for me, guiding me into the dark room. He pulled his phone out, turning on the flashlight app so we could see better. He shut the door, took my hand again, and led me back to a set of stairs that ran along the far side of the garage. We walked up the stairs and stopped at the top. He took out a set of keys from his pocket, grabbed the one he was looking for, and slid it into the keyhole. He turned it, and the door unlocked. He twisted the handle and pushed the door open. He extended his hand to me once more. I stared up at him, sliding my hand into his. He led me, slower this time, into the room.

This was very obviously someone's apartment. It was an open concept, with the living room, dining room and kitchen all in one huge space. The floors were all solid wood floors with accent rugs. The dining room was straight ahead of us as we walked in, with a modest 6-person table in a dark maple color. The kitchen was to the right of that, with cabinets that matched the dark maple color of the dining table. Stainless steel appliances lined the wall along the back side of the kitchen, and along the wall that jutted out towards the far end. To my right was the living room, which also had dark maple furniture, along with 2 black leather couches, and a huge flat screen TV in the entertainment center. Farther to my right, past the living room, a hallway led to what I assumed was the bedroom and bathroom.

"Who lives here?" I asked quietly as he stood watching my face.

"I do," he answered. I wondered how he knew Ann well enough to live over her garage like this. He must have read my mind as he smiled and began speaking again.

"Ann's brother is one of my best friends, so I'm very close with their family. When Ann's parents died, they left the house to Ann, since her brother already had a house of his own. He lives out of state, so the guys and I don't get to see him as much as we would like. Anyway, a while back, I was looking for a new place to live, and Ann offered to rent this place to me. It works well, since it's close to my job, and the landlord is like a sister to me," he said with a soft smile.

"I see," I said as I stepped further into the room.

"Have a seat," said Rick, gesturing towards the huge couches. I picked a spot on the end of one of the couches and sat down with one leg folded under the other, making sure to keep my boot off of the couch. Just as Rick was about to sit next to me, the door to the apartment opened again. Alec and Adrian were laughing as they walked in. They came in quickly and closed the door. Alec reached back and flipped the lock before walking over to the couches. Adrian handed a beer to Rick, and Alec passed my bottle cozy to me, after opening a new wine cooler and putting it in first.

"Thank you, " I said, suddenly shy. Rick sat down next to me, Alec and Adrian took the other couch, and a silence fell between us. I looked around and saw that all the of the men were staring at me with goofy smiles on their faces.

"So, what exactly was all that about outside?" I blurted out, not thinking about what their answer might be. My face warmed as a realized what I said.

"What do you mean?" Adrian said with an amused look on his face. I contemplated for a moment before answering.

"Well... I mean the fact that all three of you were acting like you wanted me. All three off you were touching me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it!" I said hurriedly, seeing the careful looks on their faces. "But, you see... I'm not accustomed to that kind of attention. I'm not used to even ONE guy at a party paying any attention to me at all, let alone the three hottest guys at a party. I mean, I am not exactly a fucking Barbie doll. I'm a thick woman, so I'm used to men looking through me, not AT me. And somehow, I show up here and BAM, three sexy men all say they want me and that I am beautiful? It's very sweet, but you don't have to use those words to try and get sex from me, or even to just try and make me feel better, when we all know it's not true."

The men looked at each other for a moment before Alec motioned for Rick to switch spots with him. Rick stood and moved away so Alec could sit next to me. Rick sat down by Adrian, and they exchanged a glance that looked almost sad. Much like the look Alec had on his face earlier when looking into the fire. Alec sat with his body turned toward me, put his beer down on the coffee table, then grabbed my drink and put it by his. He took my hand in his, lacing his fingers through mine and resting his other hand on our joined ones.

"Rose... can you do me a favor, please?" I looked at him, nodding slightly.

"Don't ever let us hear you say you aren't beautiful. No," he said as I rolled my eyes and began to protest his words. He grabbed my face with the hand not holding mine, turning it back to his when I looked down. "I mean it. WE mean it. I refuse to let you ever say that again. You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. You have incredibly beautiful eyes, with such a soft look to your face. You have skin that reminds me of peaches. Your body is deliciously curvy, with an ass that would harden a dead man, and breasts that I salivate at just looking at them. Your smile absolutely lights up your face, and you have such a miraculously beautiful soul. Seriously. Don't you EVER let us hear you say that again. Please?" he whispered softly, rubbing his thumb along my cheek, wiping off the tear that had slid out of my eye. I was speechless.

"You see, Rose... what happened downstairs is that all three of us saw the beauty in you... but we also saw the sadness. We can see how you feel about yourself. We can see the pain you have had. We can see the disbelief in your eyes. We saw it every time we complimented you. We saw it all," he said, looking at the other two men, who nodded in agreement, both looking at me with soft smiles.

"So, since we saw that, we all decided that we wanted to do something about it. We want to prove to you just how stunningly gorgeous you are, inside and out. Whatever that asshole did to you before you came here, we want to undo it. Because you deserve better. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I sat in a stunned silence for a while. The men sat quietly, waiting for me to speak. My gaze moved from man to man, trying to understand what Alec meant. My gaze met Alec's again, and I blinked.

"How.... I mean... what exactly are you all going to do? Buy me flowers and tell me I'm pretty? I don't get it..."

"I mean," Alec said, smiling at my confusion, we are going to SHOW you." He leaned in as he spoke and brushed his lips over mine gently, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck. When he pulled back, I sat motionless, finally understanding what he meant.

"You mean.... All.... All three of you??" I glanced around, slightly panicked.

"Well, we COULD just take turns individually. But in this circumstance, I really think the effect would be better for you with all three of us," said Rick, smiling at me when I simply stared at him.

"Rose," said Alec, inching a bit closer to me on the couch so he didn't have to reach so far. "I know you just met us. And believe me when I say that if you say no to this, we WILL respect that choice. If you don't want to do this, then none of us will force you. We are NOT those kinds of guys. Do you trust me when I say that?"

I swallowed hard, looking straight into his eyes. I saw no deception there. And, sadly, I had gotten very familiar with what a man's face looks like when he lies. I DID believe him. I nodded slowly.

"Do you believe me, and trust me when I promise you that if you do decide you want this from us, we will do nothing to hurt you, or to scare you, or to cross any line you draw for us?"

I looked over at the other two, who sat staring at us both with an intense look in their eyes. They both smiled at me. I looked back at Alec and nodded again.

"Do you trust me when I say that we will stop ANY time you want to, if you agree to this?"

I sat still for a moment, still staring at Alec, his hands still on my face. I nodded again. We all sat in silence for a moment before I found the will to speak again.

"I... I need a minute to think about all of this..." I said, looking down at my hands as I spoke.

"Of course," Rick said, standing up. "Come with me, I'll show you the balcony. You can sit out there, get some fresh air for a few minutes. We will be inside when you are ready." I stood up, and he led me to a set of double doors off of the kitchen. He opened one and led me out onto a small balcony that had a freestanding bench swing. He kissed my hand lightly, and stepped back in, closing the door behind him. Taking a deep breath, I sat in the swing and looked around.

I sat for a few moments enjoying the silence. Well... Semi-silence, anyways. I could still hear the music coming out of the windows to the back yard, which was now off to off to the right of where I was sitting on the balcony. I could see the party guests still dancing with each other and smiled as I heard their laughter flow across the lawn. I thought back to the last party I went to, over 4 years ago, when things were still ok between Mike and me. Before he became the monster that I ran from. The happiness here reminded me of that happiness, and for a moment, it was as if Mike had never happened to me. Like he never existed, and I was the same happy girl from before. The only difference is now, I didn't like myself. Now, I didn't understand why anyone WOULD like me, or want me that way. And here, I had the opportunity to have three incredibly gorgeous men make me feel that way again. Did I really want to pass up that chance? I put my head in my hands, and sighed, wondering why ANYONE would pass that chance up.

The sexual aspect of it didn't scare me so much. I was very experienced, in my opinion. But it did make me nervous about having all 3 of them at once. So far, all I had done was a threesome. What was one more person, though, right? My head snapped up when the door opened next to me, and Rick stepped out. He smiled at me as he closed the door behind him and came to sit next to me. His arm slid around my shoulders in a very natural way, and he kissed the top of my head before looking down at my face.

"You ok, Rose?" he asked softly, pulling me against him. I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"This whole thing is just... unbelievable. I know you don't want me to say it, but you know what I'm thinking about the fact that you guys all think I'm beautiful. It's just... a lot to take in, you know?"

Rick reached over and put his hand lightly on my cheek. He pulled my face to look at me, so I could meet his eyes with mine. He leaned down and kissed me softly, his tongue gently parting my lips and entering my mouth to tease my tongue. His hand gripped my face, pulling me into the kiss. The hand he had around my shoulder slid down my back, pulling my body closer to his. He pressed himself against me as the kiss deepened. My hand gripped the back of his head, grasping his hair and kissing him back feverishly. He groaned when I tugged lightly on his hair, and he pulled his face back from mine. The blue in his eyes almost looked darker than normal, filled with a desire I knew couldn't be faked.

"Rose," he said, running his hand down my arm. "Will you please let us do this for you? Will you please let us show you just how beautiful you are? Let us please you, Rose."

I sat for a moment, staring into his eyes, reading the earnest desire there, and the promise behind it all. Without another thought, I found myself nodding with a smile on my face. He smiled back at me, grabbing my hand and standing me up. He led me back into the apartment, where the other two men were still sitting on the couches, talking quietly. They stopped talking and looked over at Rick and I as we entered the room. When they saw the smile on Rick's face, they both smiled at each other, then looked at me with fire in their eyes.

This, I thought to myself, was going to be a long night.

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HogwashHogwashover 5 years ago
I am so sad ... that it took me this long to find such a wonderful writer


You are an excellent writer. I truly love the skillful dialogue that sets the tone and moves the story along simultaneously. The description of the apartment that the beautiful young lady took in at a glance as she first put a foot into the apartment ... it made the setting real.

Lovely, lovely, lovely work. Keep up the excellent writing, please! On to the next chapter!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Me, Me, Me, I'm Next, Pick Me!!!

OMG! Soooo hot! I've been where she is. If only 3 hot guys had come along for me, I probably wouldn't have had to wait 50 years for my first orgasm. lol

Andygorn2Andygorn2about 6 years ago

Wow, such a beautiful detailed story of a woman who wants to be loved for who she is and three men who are determined to show her how much they adore her. Could not be hotter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Great story!

Please write the next chapter! I absolutely love this story, how it depicts desire, care and concern for Rose. I love that the guys cherish her and want to show her how beautiful she is. This was a wonderfully refreshing read , especially compared to the many stories of gang bangs which depict torture and make me sorry I began to read in the first place.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
oh my oh my

Please write another chapter! So hot

flashgordon562006flashgordon562006about 6 years ago

To me, it wss a letdown...sorry

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