The New Adventure Ch. 01


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As she approached him, he realized just how good of shape she was in. Her exposed torso was defined perfectly and her tan complexion made her look almost like a model; much younger than 43. Her curly hair was tied back in preparation for the run. Jacob's only concern was that his growing erection would be noticeable through his shorts. He thought about the results of his computer simulation to try to stem any thoughts he was having at the moment.

"Glad you're here on time, I like to get going as soon as I get here," she said as she reached him and began stretching. "You look ready for a real run! Any idea of where you want to go?"

Jacob failed to say anything for a second as he continued to get his bearings, and then deferred the decision to her. "Well, I like to go around campus twice and then up and down the main streets at least once before calling it for the day." She started jogging before waiting for a reply, and Jacob started to follow. She seemed different this morning; much more lively and confident.

Their pace increased after a few minutes of warm up, and they chatted about the buildings that they ran past and other trivial things. Jacob finally asked, after considering the issue silently for a while, "I'm hesitant to say anything because I don't want to make you think that I'm interpreting this as anything more than new friends spending some time together, but do you have a boyfriend or anything?" He felt almost foolish asking, but was confident that Carrie would be fine with the question.

She responded, "Short answer, no. There was someone for a while, but it didn't work out." She didn't say anything for a moment, and then continued, "I don't need to treat you like a little kid, so I'll just be honest: the sex didn't work out. As I said, I had a husband who came to view our marriage as a job, and the guy I was seeing came to view sex that way. He would have a bad day at the office, and would want to have sex to relieve tension. He wasn't bad, but there was no fun to it; no passion. He would do that, and then we'd go back to barely talking. I got sick of it, and decided he could easily find someone else to hook up with."

Jacob considered how to respond, and said, "That sounds like what we talked about yesterday. I think that a lot of people function like that. It's sometimes weird to be the one looking for more than that, but I definitely can appreciate your position." He smiled and added, "No pun intended."

As they turned around a corner, Carrie laughed. It was a genuine laugh, and she said, "I like you. You're the perfect mix of true character and intelligence while maintaining a good sense of humor. How did you end up in engineering again?"

Jacob took the jab in stride. They continued to talk as they ran, and Jacob thought to himself about how amazing it felt to have someone he could talk to so comfortably. She had just talked to him openly about her sex-life, something very few people he knew were comfortable talking about unless it was to brag. He was so happy to have crossed paths with her, and his earlier thoughts of this being a lonely summer already seemed irrelevant.


The time flew as they worked up a sweat, and when the route was complete and they were in front of the garage again, they stopped for a moment. Carrie noted, "You keep up well. I've been told I go too fast for someone my age, but I disagree. Like I said before, this sometimes feels like the only thing I have control over. I live in a condo without a pet or anything, I come to work, and nothing really feels 'mine', if that makes sense. I can run and stay in shape, and I can at least own that."

"I understand what you mean," Jacob replied. "I feel similarly about it when I'm in the thick of studying during the semester. If I'm working on an assignment that's really bugging me, I head to the gym or go for a run to clear my head and convince myself that I have a good path going forward."

"I don't want to sound forward," Carrie hesitated briefly, "But I can tell that you hit the gym a lot. You look pretty great in motion. I couldn't help but notice that when we were moving the cabinet yesterday." She seemed embarrassed at saying that and looked down, smiling.

Jacob felt a quick rush and smiled, red-faced. "I appreciate the compliment. I don't get a lot of them; I guess it's somewhat who I hang around with. That means a lot to me." For the second time that morning, he had to move his leg to hide his growing erection. He could have sworn that this time she noticed him doing it, too.

She looked up and said, "We seem to apologize to each other quite often, but I'm sorry if that came off as forward. I just really want you to know that your compliments yesterday made me feel pretty amazing. I feel more and more that I'm entering the group that gets passed up for younger, hotter girls, even though I don't feel like I'm there yet, and hearing a really attractive guy like you say that made me feel-" she hesitated, "Well, it made me feel really positive and confident."

If Jacob had been in complete control, he would have bluntly asked her what she was going to say before she had hesitated. He decided to let it slide instead. "Well, it was the truth, and seeing you run today made me feel even more-" he also hesitated, "positive."

They both smiled at that point. Time seemed to be slowing down to Jacob, and he wasn't sure if something was actually developing here, or if he was simply a lonely college student with a very overactive imagination. He had the benefit of knowing that Carrie was open-minded, and that even if he was overestimating what their relationship was, she wouldn't think less of him for it. Hell, he thought to himself, they hadn't even known each other for 24 hours yet.

Jacob went over to a dead-end in the back of the garage where he had left his gym bag during the run, and walked back towards Carrie's car, where she was getting her own bag out of her trunk. "You know," she said to him as he approached, "I need to get your number. It makes planning things like this easier, and if we're literally the only two people on our floor of the building this week, I think we should keep hanging out. That is, if it's alright with you?"

Jacob almost laughed at the question. Of course it was alright with him! "Oh yeah," he said, trying to act calmly, "That's a good idea." They exchanged numbers in their phones, and began to walk to the gym complex. When they entered, they were aware that, once again, they were the only two people around. They walked to the locker room doors and agreed to meet later in the morning or afternoon.

Jacob entered and showered quickly. He fought the urge to masturbate, mainly because he would feel unsure doing it to thoughts of the person he had talked to 30 seconds earlier. Once he was out, he dried off and headed back out the door. To his surprise, Carrie was standing in the hallway, dressed in another beautiful summer dress, her hair slightly wet and now flowing naturally to her shoulders. She had been checking her phone, and looked up and smiled when she heard Jacob exit the locker room. "You were fast!" she noted.

"I thought it was women that were supposed to take a long time in the shower," he replied. "I'm surprised you're out this quickly."

"Touché," she joked. "I always feel funny standing naked in a shower with other people, so I always am in and out as quickly as possible here. Of course, we seem to be the last two people on Earth here, so I guess I could have enjoyed myself more."

The thought of Carrie standing naked in the shower made Jacob's blood rush again. Now that he had thicker pants on, he didn't worry about his growing erection being visible. He simply laughed at her comment, and they walked to the engineering building together. When they arrived on their floor, they parted and again agreed to meet up later.


The rest of the morning was uneventful. The lab work continued, and noon came around quickly. He received a text from Carrie that she had to run an errand, and wouldn't be around for lunch. He decided to eat in the lab to get back to work more quickly. He got a surprising number of lab simulations complete or running in the background for later analysis, and was done with the day's work by 4:30. He packed up and walked to the finance office.

"Knock knock," he said, "How goes it?" He entered and sat down in one of the waiting chairs. He realized that Carrie may not want to spend all of her time with him, and that he might have been overstaying his welcome with her, but he was excited enough around her that he wanted to take that risk.

To his delight, she seemed very happy to see him. "It goes well, how about you? My errand was successful, so I'm a happy camper." Her vagueness about her errand over lunch intrigued Jacob, though he figured that it was something very mundane or unexciting, and that he was just overthinking things again.

"My day went well too," he replied. It was at that point that he realized he really had nothing to say beyond hello, and that he was going to look silly for having stopped by.

"That's good!" Carrie picked up the conversation again. "Any plans for the evening?"

"I was going to do a light workout, but otherwise nothing in particular. I hate to sound so boring, but I don't have a ton to do in the evening these days, so I mainly workout and hang around my apartment."

"Well, it shows in a good way," she replied slyly, eyeing him up and down in an exaggerated way. They both laughed, and she continued, "Nothing wrong with that. I just asked because I was wondering if you'd like to hang out or something."

It was past being a figment of Jacob's imagination. She wouldn't be asking him this at this point if she didn't at least like him. He felt courage knowing this, as he assumed she did as well. "I'd love to. I was afraid to ask because I don't want to dominate your time. I imagine you don't want a youngling like me to babysit all the time." He immediately regretted mentioning age again, but she didn't seem to mind.

"Nope. Not babysitting. You're 21, not a teenager. You're more mature to talk to then most of the 40-year-old men I've known. On the flip side, you may be growing tired of escorting your old maid around."

"If more 'old maids' looked like you," he replied. "They wouldn't be old maids for very long." His confidence continued to grow. "I shouldn't have mentioned the age gap, I apologize. Can we agree to not talk about it again?"

"Deal," she agreed confidently. "Now, about our hanging out. Do you have anything in mind?"

Jacob felt lame, as the college student, for not having an idea of something to do, but he drew a blank. "Do you?" he asked.

She smiled and responded, "I usually go for a swim at the gym here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It really clears my head. When you're done working out, would you want to join me? We could go for coffee or something afterwards?"

Jacob liked the idea, and quickly said, "Sure! That would be great. I was on the high school swim team, but I don't spend as much time as I'd like doing it these days. It's right here and free to use and I still somehow don't get around to it."

"Sounds like a plan, then. I'll be in there after I wrap up here. If you're done for the day and want to get your lifting or whatever in, I'll be in the pool by the time you're done. We can meet up then."


Jacob was excited about the plan, and after another minute of chatting, he headed over to the gym. The complex was still deserted, and after he got some light lifting in, he rinsed off in the locker room showers. When he got back to his bag, it finally dawned on him that he didn't have swim trunks with him. He had been excited at the idea of swimming with Carrie and was so happy that she wanted to spend more time with him that he hadn't thought this through. He looked at the shorts he had worn running, and since they were tight-fitting, he decided they would be a fine substitute for trunks. He slipped his underwear off (to avoid his briefs tightening up in the water), slipped on the shorts, and headed to the door to the pool area.

He saw a figure swimming underwater through the glass door, and his jaw dropped slightly as he entered the pool room. Carrie was wearing a very revealing black bikini that made her look even more attractive than she had in the morning. Her hair flowed beautifully in the water, and she gracefully swam the rest of her lap. When she got to the end, she looked up at Jacob, smiled, and boosted herself up to sit on the edge of the pool. Her body was incredible, and her breasts looked fuller than they had in her running top and summer dresses.

Jacob realized he had a growing erection, and wished that he had looser shorts on. He walked over to Carrie, but maintained enough distance to keep his modesty. He didn't know what to say (this seemed to happen a lot around her), and was thankful when she spoke up first. "You look ready for a swim. Are those the shorts you wore this morning?"

Jacob laughed a little and responded, "Yeah, I was excited at the thought of swimming but didn't think it through all the way. I think these will work though."

She smiled and replied, "I think we've established that we can compliment each other, and I have to say, you look pretty great."

Jacob blushed and stood frozen awkwardly for a moment, before saying, "Thank you. I was going to say-" he stuttered, and then gained a bit of confidence. "You look incredible. If I didn't know you I would think you were a model."

Carrie responded well to the boost of confidence. She sat upright a little more, which presented her breasts even better, and said, "I think we make a pretty neat pair, don't you? But I'm going to start shivering if I stay and chat any longer." She slid back into the pool and began another lap. Jacob took this as a cue and dove in, joining her in her lap.

They both swam freestyle for about twenty minutes and then stopped at one end. "You have great form," she remarked. "You don't try to dominate the water; you swim with it. I think swimming requires athleticism but also grace. It's sexy seeing a man who knows how to have both."

Jacob smiled and complimented Carrie's swimming in return. They laughed about the emptiness of the facilities, and Carrie said, "I've been in here for a while; I think I'm going to head into the sauna." She paused, which added to the sensuality of her following question: "Would you want to join me?"

Jacob felt a twitch in his shorts, and choked for a second as he responded, "Y-yes! I could really go for that."

They got out of the pool. Jacob's wet shorts revealed quite a good impression of his manhood, and he couldn't help but stare at Carrie's body as she stood up. They walked over to the sauna and headed in. They both wrapped towels around themselves and sat down facing each other from opposing benches. While they were silent for a moment, they soon resumed earlier conversations about campus life and other things.

When the next pause came in their conversation, Carrie shifted somewhat nervously, and finally said, "I'll be up front. I usually use the smaller sauna in the women's locker room as opposed to this co-ed one because I like to take everything off to really get the effect. There is literally not another soul in this building, and I'm really tempted to try that in here. I really don't want to make anything awkward, though."

Jacob paused, partially in shock, and managed to say, "Okay. Yeah, that's cool." He tried to regain his composure and sat up straighter. His eyes widened a bit as Carrie stood up and walked over to the entrance to the sauna. She moved one of the wooden stools against the heavy, solid door to create a barricade in case someone did come around, and calmly walked back over to her seat. She dropped the towel, revealing her striking bikini again.

She paused, and looked down at herself for a moment. She looked up at Jacob and said, "I bought this over lunch; this was my errand. I hadn't worn a two piece in years, but since I've been working out over the last few years since my divorce, I finally decided to take the plunge."

Jacob responded, "It looks incredible. Like I said, you look like a mod-" He cut off in mid-sentence as Carrie reached behind her head and undid the neck of her bikini top. She let the strings hang loose, and reached under her shoulders to untie the other half. With the release of tension, her breasts dropped slightly, and the material fell. Jacob was preparing himself not to stare, but that plan changed against his will, and he was fixated as his penis began to become engorged.

Carrie's breasts were large, but not in an artificial way. They were actually the first part of her that looked closer to her actual age. They had some sag and had lost their perkiness, but were no less tantalizing. They were paler than the rest of her torso, but still had beautiful complexion. Her tan areolas were half-dollar-sized, while her nipples were slightly darker and noticeably erect. As Jacob felt his breath returning, he finally looked away for a second.

Without skipping a beat, Carrie slipped down her bottoms, now completely nude in front of him. She had a beautifully trimmed pubic region, with a nice patch of hair and outer labia that were slightly visible when she stood. As she laid down her towel, Jacob caught a view of her backside, and was impressed with the athletic look of her ass. She was a perfect woman, he concluded.

Through this whole display, Carrie had kept her gazes away from Jacob, and calmly sat down on her towel as if nothing had happened. She finally looked at him, and a smile broke across her face. "Alright, I'm trying to act nonchalant but I can't believe I just did this. I'm sitting completely nude, completely vulnerable, across from an amazing man half my age. I can't believe we've reached this level of comfort after a day-and-a-half."

Jacob hadn't even considered his own position in this, or much else for that matter. To his shock, they resumed talking for a few minutes as if nothing was different. Throughout this, Jacob was happy that his towel was in place to hide his pounding erection. The way Carrie's breasts moved when she spoke, the way her whole body looked in the sauna air, made his blood rush.

Finally, he gained a new level of courage. "Do you mind if I join you?" he asked abruptly, nodding towards Carrie and indicating her current state of undress. She laughed and nodded coyly. Jacob stood up, feeling his erection pushing against his shorts, and undid the towel. His pants formed a tent, and he suddenly looked up at Carrie, who stared at his groin. He realized how this looked, and remembered why he had hesitated to undress a moment earlier.

"I'm sorry," he stumbled.

He began to sit back down, when Carrie motioned with her hand and said, "What are you doing? Do you think I'm not aware of the natural response in this situation? You're a healthy, red-blooded male. I'm flattered that you're having that...reaction." She paused and giggled, which made her breasts jiggle and Jacob's penis twitch. "I know how tight those shorts must be after our swim. I'm surprised your legs aren't falling asleep from lack of circulation. Take them off already." She didn't come off as pushy when saying this, but her way of articulating it was very convincing.

Jacob sighed, slipped his thumbs into the sides of his shorts, began to slide them down, and in an instant, his erection had bobbed out, standing at full attention. He dared not make eye-contact with Carrie at that moment, but he thought he could see her staring out of the corner of his eye. At that point, he let the shorts fall the rest of the way down and hurriedly stepped out of them. He sat back down, leaning forward somewhat on his elbows in an attempt to draw attention away from his main attraction.