The New Deal Ch. 07


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Soon enough everyone was back standing around in the living room.

Sue looked around and gave a huge grin, "Round two!"

She walked over to Gwen, "I want to spend some quality time with my Dreamlands work buddy."

Gwen chuckled, "You're just trying to get in good with the boss."

Sue returned the chuckle, "Well, let's see how good, shall we?"

The two kissed deeply.

Diana laughed and walked over toward Adam.

Kim laughed, "I know that look. Here I come, Jeff."

Beth watched as Cindy holding Matt's hand walked over to her and Chip.

Cindy smiled at the slightly nervous girl. "Would you like some company?"

Beth giggled, "What did you have in mind?"

Cindy grinned, "Just a temporary swap of partners."

Beth looked at Chip then at Matt, "I think I can handle that. I think? I guess?"

Cindy grinned, "Way to go, girl. Now you feel uncomfortable about anything you just say the word and we'll stop. You don't have to feel jealous. I definitely love Chip, but I'm also a very, very happily married woman. Okay?"

Beth nodded, "That's what this is all about."

Cindy smiled and leaned in to kiss the startled woman.

Beth remembered Chip telling her how the girl kissing her had sex with Diana and the other women. She thought about how only yesterday for the first time she had another woman between her legs bringing her to an amazing orgasm. Beth groaned and returned the kiss.

Cindy rested her arms across Beth's shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes. "My husband is an anal freak. I've come to love it a lot myself. Your boyfriend is pretty into it as well. Do you want me to do it with him so you can see what it's like?"

Beth blushed deeply. She imagined the sight of the two of them doing that act. Beth groaned louder as Cindy kissed her again.

Beth looked at the smiling woman in her arms, "You can take Chip that way?"

Cindy smiled, "I can and I've done it with Adam as well."

Beth's mouth dropped, "Wow. Wow. Wow."

Cindy softly kissed the speechless girl and stepped away toward Chip. Matt stepped in and held Beth's hand.

Beth watched as Cindy hugged her boyfriend.

Cindy grinned at Chip as she hugged him tight. She giggled and looked down between them at his hard cock poking into her.

"My, I think you really like the thought of using me for an anal demonstration for your girlfriend a lot."

Chip chuckled, "Oh yeah. As well as the thought of it with Beth, honestly."

Beth gulped as Matt laughed

The two couples kneeled down on the quilt. Matt reached down and grabbed a condom. Cindy grabbed Beth's arms and positioned her on her hands and knees. Cindy shifted up so she her ass was near Beth's face.

"This okay, Beth?"

Beth just nodded. It was strange but she felt a deep stirring in her chest over how much everyone cared about her and her feelings. It made the whole situation so surreal but nice.

Matt put his hand on Beth's bare hip.

"You ready?"

Beth took a deep breath and nodded.

She stared in amazement as her boyfriend positioned himself behind the girl right in front of her and grabbed his hard, long flesh and slowly pushed it at the girl's small opening. Cindy groaned as the small hole slowly opened and Chip's flesh sank into her.

"Oh, fuck," Beth blurted at the sight. She screamed "OH FUCK!" as Matt slowly sank himself into her from behind.

She watched in stunned silence as she felt Matt sink deeply into her as her boyfriend's long cock kept going, going, going into Cindy until finally his stomach pressed against her.

Cindy shifted her head and smiled at the open mouthed girl, "See? Nothing to it. Once you're used to it, it feels incredible."

Cindy dropped her head and groaned louder as Chip slid his flesh back out a ways to push forward harder. Soon enough Cindy was pushing back as Chip lunged forward. Beth found herself matching the motion with the cock plowing through her from behind.

Cindy looked back at Chip, "Chip, baby, I want to move a bit."

Chip put his hands on Cindy's hips as she slowly crawled backwards with him still fully seated in her back passage. Cindy slowly curved until she was facing Beth right in front of her.

Cindy smiled at the flushed girl rocking in front of her.

Beth looked up to see Chip right behind Cindy his hands on her hips. He smiled at her.

Beth looked back down at Cindy right in front of her smiling.

"How are you doing baby?"

Beth just giggled in response and then moaned softly at the strident thrusting of Cindy's husband behind her.

Beth looked over to see Kim sitting in Jeff's lap with her arms wrapped around his neck, her ass a blur as it slammed up and down on the hard, pink tube that peeked out from between her legs on every up push.

Turning slightly, Beth watched Diana on her back with her legs raised, Adam between thrusting in her.

Beth heard Adam speak, "Fuck, your ass feels sweet, Di."

'your ass' Beth gasped.

Sue and Gwen were just a tangle of limbs behind the rest.

Beth looked back at Cindy as she grinned, her black hair swaying back and forth from the rocking.

"Wild isn't it?" Cindy laughed.

Beth shook her head, "Wow. Wow. Wow."

She noticed a gleam come over Cindy's eyes, "I remember that groan when I kissed you. That's pretty wild for you too, huh? Deep kissing another girl?"

Beth blushed and gave a soft moan.

Cindy gave a deep throaty chuckle and leaned forward pressing her lips against Beth's. Without thinking Beth opened her mouth to let Cindy's tongue enter, the hard tip poking, licking, and rubbing the inside of Beth's mouth and tongue.

"Oh Fuuuuuuuuuck," Beth moaned into Cindy's mouth.

The two felt their mouths and faces press into each other from the thrusting of their bodies.

Beth gave a sharp inhale when she felt Cindy's hand reach up to cup her wobbling left breast, the hand rubbing and squeezing the soft flesh.

Beth screamed into Cindy's smiling mouth as she exploding seeing more moons and stars than ever before in her life.

Cindy leaned up as Beth collapsed in her arms. Beth barely felt Matt jerk his own release into her. Cindy groaned then cried her own wail as Chip grabbed her hips hard and shook in release.

The next thing Beth knew she was lying on her side with Matt behind her softly stroking her hip. Cindy was smiling at her with one arm cradled under her head and the other hand softly brushing her hair on the side of her face.

"Pretty intense huh?"


Beth leaned forward and softly kissed Cindy. As her lips were pressed into Cindy's she saw Chip smiling at her from over Cindy's shoulder.

Beth broke off from her kiss and leaned up to kiss Chip.

Beth leaned back and looked around the room to see everybody relaxing and cuddling.

Diana looked around and chuckled, "I think it is time for some recharging. Everybody up for one more round in a bit?"

Beth laughed at all the positive affirmations from the rest of the group.

Beth stood and stretched, groaning.

Cindy laughed at her groan and put a hand on her bare shoulder, "Yeah, that's why we take breaks between. It's quite a work out."

Beth just laughed and hugged Cindy.

As they pulled apart Beth watched as Kim came over to her.

"Well?" Kim asked.

Beth burst into giggles.

Kim laughed and hugged the giggling girl, "That's my girl."

Kim wrapped her arm around Beth's shoulder and guided her into the kitchen. Soon again the women were all sitting around the table munching on pizza and wings while talking and laughing. The men were all leaning against the counter eating and talking. The only difference from earlier was that everyone was now nude.

Eventually, the women all got up and threw their garbage away and collectively stretched again. Cindy walked over to the men. She put her hands on Adam and Jeff's chests. "For the final round I want you two and Chip."

Kim laughed, "Sheesh, I think I created a monster when I taught you how to be air tight."

Beth looked around, "Air tight?"

Gwen chuckled, "Three holes, all filled. Viola, you're air tight."

Beth's mouth dropped open, "Oh wow."

Kim laughed and looked at Sue, "I think it's high time we really got to know our newest work buddy. She only said no to anal, she didn't say anything about other women."

Sue chuckled, "Oh believe me, I noticed as well."

With a gleam in their eyes Kim and Sue turned toward Beth.

Beth looked at the two laughing women as they grabbed her, steering her back toward the living room.

"Oh. Wow. Wow. Wow."

Diana chuckled, "What do you say Matt? You want to join me and Gwen?"

Matt walked over and swung his arms around the shoulders of his two mothers, "I'd love to."

Chip walked over to the three women and gave Beth a kiss.

"You doing okay?"

Beth looked from him to the two grinning women around her and nodded her head while blushing.

Chip laughed and swatted her on her ass before he walked back over to the other two men and Cindy.

Adam looked at Cindy, "When you do this doesn't Matt usually take the bottom position? You okay with one of us doing that?"

Cindy laughed and leaned up to kiss Adam, "You are so sweet. It seems my darling husband is launching a side career as a porno director with me as his main star. Since he'll be behind the camera we have to make concessions. We had a long talk and we're both okay with it. Honestly, we're having a lot of fun with it. Since you were so nice to ask, you want the bottom?"

Cindy laughed as Adam quickly got down on the ground.

Cindy reached over to the ceramic bowl by the edge of the quilt and grabbed a condom. She opened it and placed the flat circle on the tip of Adam's cock and slowly let her mouth glide down his smooth and hardening flesh.

Beth watched in amazement. "She makes it look so easy!"

Kim and Sue turned to watch Cindy.

Sue laughed, "Stick around with us, and you'll get plenty of practice. Trust me."

Beth giggled then gasped as the two women pushed her down to the ground.

Kim slid up and washed her tongue over Beth's breasts as Sue settled herself between the young girl's spread legs.

"Wow, you're completely shaved. Talk about nude and right out there. This is going to be fun."

Beth groaned as Kim kissed her deeply while Sue ran her flat tongue across her wet, open sex.

Kim leaned up to look at the flushed girl besides her.

Beth looked into Kim's smiling face, "Ooooooo, that feels wonderful."

Kim chuckled, "It is wonderful. Do you want to try, baby?"

Beth took a deep breath and just nodded.

Kim smiled and swung her leg over Beth's torso resting her ass on Beth's chest.

Beth looked at the splayed legs and the open sex right by her chin. She leaned forward and stuck the tip of her tongue out and gently poked at the folds in front of her. It was as strange but okay taste.

Beth heard Kim, "Okay, baby?"

Beth just nodded more confidently.

Kim moved slightly forward and pressed her sex onto Beth's open mouth. Kim purred as she felt Beth reach up to clutch her ass holding her against her mouth.

Diana was again on her back as Matt sat on her chest his hard cock in her mouth as Gwen was reclining between her legs bathing her folds.

Cindy was firmly seated on Adam and was sucking both Jeff and Chip getting them wet and hard.

Jeff growled and shifted around to kneel behind her his legs around Adam's. Cindy spread her legs a bit and held still while Jeff slowly pushed himself into Cindy's open back passage.

Cindy inhaled Chip's hard, wet flesh as the two men sawed back and forth in her rocking her.

Kim felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Sue grinning, her face a shiny mess.

"Tag, you're it."

Kim laughed as she swiveled off of Beth. Beth watched as Sue shifted into Kim's former position. Beth looked at another woman's open sex and groaned. She leaned forward as Sue leaned her body down the two connecting mouth to sex. Beth groaned louder vibrating Sue as Kim stuck two fingers and her tongue into Beth's red, open sex.

Kim leaned back after dragging her tongue deeply through the plump folds. With a gleam to her eye, she stuck a finger in her mouth and sucked on it covering it with moisture.

She leaned back forward and rubbed the tip of her finger against the smaller opening just below Beth's wet sex. As she plunged her tongue back into the folds of flesh her finger stiffened and pushed forward, popping in.

Beth wailed into Sue's sex.

Sex laughed and squirmed, "Shit, Kim. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. Holy fuck!"

Kim laughed into Beth's wiggling pelvis as her finger sawed back and forth.

Very quickly Kim heard the loud, hard wails of both the women as they came.

Soon the three women were lying side by side arms wrapped around each other. Beth leaned up to look at the other two groups.

They also were resting and cuddling.

Beth looked back at the two smiling women holding her, "You mean to tell me you do this every week?

I'm going to need to start eating energy bars or energy drinks or something. How do you do this all the time?"

Sue laughed at Kim, "Says the girl twenty years younger than us. I tell you, this younger generation. No stamina."

They all laughed while Beth blushed.


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this. Please feel free to leave a comment or email and I'll get back to you. While waiting for the next chapter please check out some of these other great writers here on Lit – carbinemaster, cwm1701, BigPappy42, 36FF_Tiki, PaddleTeacher and PeterTowers. Happy reading!

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

Truly remarkable series. Although fiction, it is refreshing to see so many people so self secure, self confident, mature and trusting.

PrinceLukePrinceLukealmost 7 years ago
still loving this series

awesome series dude still love reading them, i still wish that cindy was kept for Matt only but thats just me.

litfan10litfan10almost 7 years agoAuthor
Response to JJMemaw0623

Hey JJ. Thank you so very much for your wonderful kind words. I am so glad you are enjoying this series. I have come to love the gang a lot myself. They have a lot more story for me to tell! Thanks again and please comment any time.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

I have been enjoying this beautiful series soo much! The Deal and now The New Deal have had me sad (for Diane), happy, laughing, hot as hell and just feeling so wonderful about the feelings these series evoke in me while I read them. You have a wonderful style with a whole lot of compassion. You also have a very dirty mind. I like it!! Please keep writing! I can't wait to read more!!!

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

This series has been an incredible ride of erotic and emotionally arousing love. You gift for storytelling has had me laughing , sad, and just plain horny! I love these stories and am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new chapters. Don't keep us in suspense too long. Thank you for creating such believable characters. I can't wait to see where you take them next! Please keep writing!!

litfan10litfan10almost 7 years agoAuthor
Response to lairdofcadboll

Hi lairdofcadboll: why thank you so much for your very kind words, I truly appreciate them. I am so glad you enjoyed them so much. Please keep in touch as we continue! Thanks

litfan10litfan10almost 7 years agoAuthor
Response to 36FF_Tiki

Tiki, my wonderful dear! Thank you for your loyalty and wonderful words. Coming from an author I have a lot of respect for really means something to me. Thank you. Yeah, I can;t wait until Cindy Lynn starts playing! Hope you love it as much as you have. Thanks sweetie!

litfan10litfan10almost 7 years agoAuthor
Response to BigPappy42

Hey there BigPappy42: Thank yo once again for such sweet words. I really appreciate them. I am very fond of these characters and it seems they have a lot more to tell me. Thanks again and very happy writing to you!

lairdofcadbolllairdofcadbollalmost 7 years ago
Love The Deals

Loved this series. Took me 4 days to read through The Deal and The New Deal. It is one of those series I can read over and over.

36FF_Tiki36FF_Tikialmost 7 years ago
You can count on me

I'm still with you. I've been here since you re-posted this series and have been loving and cheering for this group the whole time. I do hope the younger Cindy begins to be more a part of the group. Her 18th is right around the corner I believe.

Take it where you will and you can count on me to be here enjoying.

BigPappy42BigPappy42almost 7 years ago
I get so caught up in the story

Litfan, i get so caught up in the characters and the overall story line i almost forget about the hot and horny sex. Some really great story telling! Can't say enough about hom much i have enjoyed your stories!

litfan10litfan10almost 7 years agoAuthor
Response to Anonymous

Hi Anonymous. Read through the whole series - wow, I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Thank you very much for your kind words.

Bisexuality is a road I'm going to explore here in this series - technically all the women except Gwen are bi. But male bisexuality has only been referenced through Adam, but yes, I am going to explore that very soon.

Teacher? As in Steve Deforest? He is many miles away but technically now connected to Diana though marriage to her wife's sister, so they will be getting together at time. Not sure what may happen - interesting question.

Thanks great comments!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
so turned on!!!!!!!

I have just completed reading the deal and now the new deal...i absolutley loved it all. Hard as nails and wishing i lived in a situation like that.Are you going to get the teacher to finally sleep with diana and adam experience some bi activity with some of the other men ? Just asking not critising again love it!

litfan10litfan10almost 7 years agoAuthor
Response to carbinemaster

Hey there carbinemaster:

Thanks for your kind words. I would love to see reality work as these couples have bonded. I think that level of love is an amazing thing.

Glad you enjoyed it!

Happy writing!

litfan10litfan10almost 7 years agoAuthor
Response to prop69

Hi prop69 - thank, very, very much for the high praise. I appreciate it very much. Nope, no surprise, Matt did Beth doggystyle, not anal. Personal Kim surprised me with the finger as Beth did set anal as a no, but Kim knows Beth and her son. She knows they will go down that road, so she gave a little push during what had to be the greatest night in Beth's sexual life.

Matt and Cindy and their new video direction. It is purely amateur. It won't be sold, but they are going to explore this full bore. Also don't forget, Cindy LOVES multiple partners and Matt loves showing her off. This will play into things as well.

Yes you were correct on the Gwen, Matt and Diana round three.

Still working out Gwen and Matt's sexual relationship. We all will see were that goes and how it develops.

I've barely started Chapter 8. I hope to submit it by Friday/Saturday - we'll see!

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