The New Wolf Ch. 07


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"We were in the middle of something." Roxy sounded like a child.

"Give us a minute." Lucas picked her dress off the floor and tossed it to her.

"But babe..."

"NOW." Lucas was surprised by his own voice. It was more forceful; the power was intoxicating. Roxy dropped her head and walked out.

"I suppose I owe you some gratitude."

"You owe me a lot more than that." The plain wolf said.

"Why do you say that?"

"I'm the reason you're in this office."

"Without your vote I wouldn't have moved on, I won't forget that."

"No," Suzy said. "You don't understand. I am the only reason you are in this office."

"Enlighten me then."

"I drugged James." Suzy didn't bat an eyelash. "I used to make him a special shake, some gross health thing. I made it for him tonight, for luck. He told me again about how sorry he was and that I would understand once I met my mate. Then he downed the whole thing. I'm shocked he lasted as long as he did. I put a lot in there."

"Why are you telling me this?" Lucas asked.

"Are you going to march down to the council member and tell him what I did? You know they would schedule a rematch. I'd be thrown out."

"I think it's best to leave things how they are." Lucas said. "Is there something you want, as a token of gratitude?"

"I liked being the alpha's girl," Suzy said. "Even if it was only now and then. I liked it a lot."

"You know I have a girl already."

"I don't care. You have a mate too. I still don't care. I don't mind sharing. I did it with James long enough."

"So it wasn't James you liked, it was the power that came with him?"

"James fucked around a lot, but he picked me most of the time. I got a lot of respect for that. After he met Marilyn, all I got was pity. James made it very clear he was going to stay loyal to her, then they exchanged marks. Since I wasn't the alpha's girl the respect went away. I want it back."

"What if I told you I plan on bringing Clara back?"

"As long as you occasionally sleep with me, say twice a month minimum, I don't care what else you do."

"What if I plan to mark Clara?"

Suzy laughed and shrugged.

"It will take a very long time for her to mark you back. So again, I don't care. As long as you sleep with me."

"If she bares my mark and I sleep with you that will cause her excruciating pain. Wasn't she your friend?"

"I. Don't. Care."

A smile spread across Lucas' face.

"The one in the hall is telling everyone she's getting your mark. Now she will mark you back right away. That I have a problem with," Suzy said.

"I may have led her to believe that," Lucas said. "Don't worry. I think all of us can have some fun together."

Lucas stood up and walked behind Suzy. He set his hand on her shoulder and then slid down her chest, grabbing her through her shirt. With his mouth next to her ear he whispered.

"I'm not as gentle as James." He found her nipple and squeezed down. She let out a gasp and he let go.

She stood up from the chair and pulled her shirt over her head. Then she slid off her pants. Lucas pulled her back against him and started kissing her neck.

"Roxy," he called to the door. "Why don't you come back in now?"

The door opened and Roxy looked surprised. But Lucas waved her over and started kissing her. Today kept getting better and better.


When David woke up Clara was fast asleep. He heard her tossing all night so he tried to sneak out without disturbing her. He really screwed up yesterday and knew it. Last night was supposed to be her night. He assumed she wouldn't want the mark anymore, but then in the kitchen she still did. He replayed the moment over and over in his head. He should have put the food down and followed her then and there, but he thought if he didn't have at least something in his stomach he wouldn't have had the energy he wanted to give her.

He grabbed his phone. There was still no call from James. He dialed the number for the umpteenth time and again nobody answered. There was no way Lucas could have won. He tried to think about how the council would notify everyone a new alpha was named. Over the past twenty-six years he couldn't remember a challenge happening.

Deciding it was best for Clara to carry on like it was any old Saturday he got dressed to go about his day as normal. He thought about scribbling a note, but figured Clara would text him when she woke up anyway. He left his house and headed down to meet Rodger.

The Beta was on the lawn near his house, working with two other men on what looked like karate.

"David, what are you doing here?" Rodger spotted him. "I figured you would be with Clara for the next few days."

"Didn't get Peter's heat fixed until midnight. She was already asleep when I got home. Hopefully we can get it taken care of tonight. Anything to report?"

"Things have been quiet. All patrols have been performed, no sign of any outcasts. Since Marilyn left Michelle wants a new apprentice. That's about it."

Since there wasn't exactly a wolf medical school the pack doctors trained their successors. David made a note to think of a replacement.

"Well keep me posted." David continued on his path.

Things were quiet. Almost too quiet. In his five years as alpha there was never a moment where there was nothing to do. The winter put a pause on any building upgrades, there were no disputes going on, and everything was in working order. David needed something to focus his attention on. He stopped walking and headed back to Rodger.

"I think I'll join your training session if you don't mind."

"Not at all," Rodger said.

Rodger didn't look like much, but he was one of the smartest, most skilled fighters David had ever witnessed. When the pack split off he was honored Rodger came with him. David forced himself to pay attention, wishing his phone would ring and James would tell him not to worry.


Clara stirred. She wasn't ready to get up yet, but wanted David's arm. She reached out for him and felt a cold empty bed. She sat up and looked at the time. It was noon. She hated sleeping this late, but didn't think she went down until the sun was already up.

She walked out of the bedroom into an empty house. She sent David a quick text asking where he was. His reply be home soon didn't give her much information. She hoped he had heard from James and this whole mess was cleared up.

Clara dressed in comfy clothes and went to the tube by the door. Rolled up inside was her first project from Natalie. She didn't know how or when, but David managed to set up an easel and some supplies for her. He promised to build her a studio in the spring, but for now she could work wherever she wanted. The main room was fine with her.

The painting was from the 1800s, it needed a lot of work. Clara decided to start on a corner and readied he supplies. The meticulous work made the time fly. By the time David came home and hour had passed.

"Where have you been?"

"Working out," David said.

"Here I thought that six pack was natural."

David walked up behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"Ugly painting," he said. "You could draw something better than this."

"When I'm finished you'll see the beauty."

"I am sorry about last night. How can I make it up to you?"

"Did you hear from James?"

"You know how he is, likes to sleep in really late." David pushed back. "I'm going to hop in the shower. When I get out I expect a full report on ways I can earn your forgiveness."

"I'm not mad," Clara replied. The shower started and she wasn't even sure David hear her.

Clara picked up the paint brush. Right before she touched the canvas someone pounded on the door, making her jump. She set down her supplies and decided to find a new place to work next time. The pounding continued and she hurried. When she swung it open Rodger walked inside. His face was more serious than Clara had ever seen.

"Where is David?"

"He's in the shower. Rodger what's wrong?"

Rodger didn't answer. He went straight for the bathroom and Clara followed.

"Alpha you're needed at the main hall."

The water shut off. Rodger turned and walked out.

"What is going on?" Clara followed him out of the bathroom.

"Sorry Clara, but I'm not sure. Someone is here to see David."

David rushed out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Clara went in as he pulled on his clothes.

"Since when does Rodger call you alpha? David what does that mean?"

"It means something serious is happening and I need to move fast."

Clara grabbed her boots and started pulling them on.

"I need you to stay here," David said.

"I'm coming with you."

"You will be safer here. I don't have a clue what this is or what is happening, but the second I do I will share it with you alright? But I can't figure out what is going on and worry about you at the same time."

It was the first time Clara heard David try to use the alpha voice on her. The desire to listen was forced on her. She didn't protest when he placed a kiss on her forehead before running out the door. Clara thought about telling him that voice didn't work on her, but instead decided to wait a minute before following him up there and figuring out what was going on.


As soon as David walked in and spotted the council member he knew nothing good was about to happen. He held out his hand to greet the elder. As always the man showed no emotion and gave no inclination as to the reason for his arrival.

"Good afternoon. To what do I owe this pleasure?" David tried to keep the air light.

"Will you take in James and Marilyn Bishop as members of your pack?"

David's heart sunk. The unthinkable had happened. Clara's mate was the new alpha. David nodded.

"Marilyn escorted her mate directly to your doctor. He suffered several injuries, but is expected to make a full recovery. He is rapidly healing and should be fine by tomorrow, except for some aches and bruises. It is commendable of you to take in a former alpha, most would fear the competition."

"James is a good man. Marilyn was a member of our pack prior to meeting her mate."

"Mate, yes that is the other reason I am here. Alpha Lucas Gable has requested permission to declare war on your pack."

War. The word brought dark, bloody images to David's mind.

"By your lack of surprise I am assuming you know the reason," the council member finished.

"Lucas Gable treated his mate like a piece of garbage. I saved her from him."

"As you're aware it is the council's view that alphas refrain from involving themselves in their pack's romantic decisions. At time extreme circumstances will call for action though."

"I've never known a council member to be anything but direct. Please give me the bottom line."

"If you do not return the girl I will grant Lucas Gable's request."

David couldn't believe he heard the council member correctly. His mouth hung open in shock.

"She is his mate. You should not have involved yourself like this."

"No." Clara's voice filled the room.

David turned to see her walking up to them. He knew this wasn't going to end well.

"He tried to rape me, then he has caused me pain over and over again. I want nothing to do with him. The only thing David did was offer me shelter."

The council member did not acknowledge Clara, but continued to look at David.

"The entire situation has been handled poorly by multiple parties, but the bottom line is he wants her back and they are mates."

"Are you crazy?" Clara yelled.

David grabbed her shoulders and looked at her.

"Clara please leave us alone to discuss this matter."

"Discuss this matter? You mean me? Don't I have a say?"

"Females are our most valuable asset. It is you that keeps the bloodlines moving. You should know that keeping you safe is the male's responsibility. As your alpha David has your best interests at heart." David was shocked the council member addressed Clara directly.

"Are you kidding me?" Clara looked at the man. David continued to hold her shoulders for fear she would attack him. "What year is this? The sexism aside the only person I need protection from is Lucas."

"He is your mate child. I know it is hard to understand for someone so young, but nobody will ever make you as happy as he can."

"I thought that free will still exists. Alpha's are not supposed to interfere with matters of the heart." David needed to focus the conversation.

"This is true. Lucas has made the determination he wants her and that needs to be honored."

"What about Clara's decision?" David couldn't believe this was happening.

"She should follow her mate's wishes."

"So women have no choice?" Clara's voice was hard.

"As I stated before, your purpose is to extend the bloodlines. Lucas will protect you and is a fine match."

David knew the council members were old, but this was an antiquated system. He could not understand the logic.

"Clara doesn't love him. She loves me."

"Where is this proof of love? You're not marked and neither is she."

"I'll do it tonight."

"Acting after the fact will have no effect on my decision. You have dishonored Alpha Lucas Gable and he will still have my permission to retaliate."

"This isn't fair," Clara yelled.

"This female is out of line. Alpha David you would do better to instruct your pack members on respect."

"I teach them respect needs to be earned, not given away freely."

"Careful," the council member said. "I understand you are upset. I think you of all people should be sympathetic to Alpha Gable's position."

"My mate chose another before she even met me. Clara rejected Lucas after the fact."

"That decision is not hers to make, or yours. I will no longer argue this point."

"There hasn't been a pack war in over thirty years. You're really going to let him go to war over this?"

"This girl must be returned to Lucas by nine am tomorrow. After that time Alpha Lucas has permission to attack."

David couldn't believe this was happening. Clara lunged forward and David grabbed her before she could make contact with the council member. He held her as she struggled to get at the man, kicking and throwing her arms. He walked towards the door where his two escorts stood on each side. Clara screamed obscenities and put up a fight, but David held her. He wasn't sure if it was to keep her from going after the council member or because he was scared if he let her go he would lose her forever.


Clara was in a fog. Every member of her pack soaked in the words David was saying, but she couldn't pay attention to anything.

"They out number us, but that doesn't mean they can beat us. When they attack we will be victorious."

The crowd cheered.

"Stop," Clara said.

The cheering dies down and all eyes turned to her. She stood up and walked next to David.

"The past week you've shown me what it is like to have a family. I won't let any of you get hut on my account. There is only one answer."

"That's not an answer," David said.

"You're our Luna!" Someone from the crowd yelled.

"I'll gladly die for Clara or anyone else here," another added.

There was another round of cheers.

"We don't know when they will come, but we need to be on constant alert. Rodger and I are going to map out a plan. I encourage you all to brush up on your combat skills and until this is settled nobody is allowed to leave pack lands. Clara appreciates the sacrifice you are all making, but this is not on her behalf. Any threat against a single member is a threat against all of us."

Again the pack cheered. Clara wasn't appreciative of their sacrifice. She felt trapped. The crowd started to leave the room. Some came up and hugged her, telling her words of support, but she was numb to everything. Finally, her and David were alone.

"I know you're in shock, but once the haze settles you will see this is the right choice," David said.

"Am I worth all this?" Clara looked up at him. Even with all the drama his eyes still sparkled back at her.

"More," he said. "You're the strongest person I've met. The council member knew it too. I've never seen one speak to a wolf who wasn't an alpha. I've also never heard someone yell at one before. I don't know how you weren't cowering in a corner."

"He's just some sexist old man." Clara shrugged.

"That's the problem with the council, they were active in pack about one hundred years ago. You're strong Clara."

"Are you sure you don't want to just take me back to Lucas? The pack is supposed to come first."

David grabbed her chin and tilted her face to his. He gave her the huge smile that sent her stomach into knots.

"You heard the pack. They want to keep you as much as I do." He brought his mouth to hers for a quick kiss. "This doesn't change anything. I'm making you mine tonight."

Clara forgot about the marking. Her heart did a flip flop. She wanted that, and not because of Lucas or the threat of war. She wanted his mark because she loved him. It didn't matter what any old man said, her heart belonged to David.

"Let's go home," Clara said.

David held out his hand and Clara grabbed on. When they went outside she couldn't believe how dark it was. The whole day flew by in a blink.

"I didn't realize it was this late," Clara said.

"It's about nine. We had a busy day."

They walked in silence for a few minutes. Clara tried not to think about Lucas or the danger approaching. She focused on tonight. The council wouldn't give permission until the morning, so there was no fear. Tonight they were safe.

"Will it hurt?" Clara asked.

"It shouldn't," David replied. "I'll make sure you're in enough pleasure that you won't feel anything else."

Clara squeezed his hand.

"Last night, you were so worried about making this big romantic thing. I don't need that. I never needed that. All I need is you."

"I want to make it special. It's a night you will never forget."

"Being with you makes it special," Clara said. "No matter what is happening in my life when we're alone together it's like nothing else exists. That's what I will remember, not the candles or rose petals or special dinner."

"You found my secret stash?" David raised an eyebrow.

Clara laughed.

"I love that sound," David said. "If I could only do one thing the rest of my life it would be make you laugh."

"I prefer the other noises you draw out of me." Clara got tingly thinking about the moans he caused her to make.

Their home came into view and Clara started speed walking. When they reached the door Clara threw it open then spun and started kissing David. He peeled off his jacket and then hers, without breaking their kiss he grabbed her legs, scooping them up he walked her to the bedroom. He set her down on the bed. With his signature smile he pulled his shirt off, Clara admired his chiseled body before pulling herself up and taking her own clothes off.

They tumbled back in the bed. Her mouth was on his again, he ran his hands over her body and she let out a moan. She was as eager for him as ever and pressed herself against him. David was aware of her desires, but continued to kiss her as she wiggled beneath him.

"Stop teasing me."

As if on command David thrust himself inside her. She gasped and arched her back. He slid in and out of her at a slow pace. Clara put her hands on his lower back and tried to push him faster. Clara lifted herself to meet him. She let out a moan as the familiar pressure started to build. He increased his pace. Clara locked eyes with him. The blue started to spin and Clara sensed it was coming. She cranked her neck and dropped her shoulder for him.

"Do it, please," She said between pants.

This was what she needed. Only him. She closed her eyes as her orgasm approached. David's breath was on her neck and the anticipation of what was to come was about to send her over the edge.