The Nuclear Family Pt. 01


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"But you didn't have to do whatever you did to Brad this afternoon!" she snapped, a little anger in her voice.

We glared at each other for a moment, then I laughed, "Georgia, you were almost giving me an apology but then stopped. Okay, look at it from another angle. Do you know how angry I have been over the last several months? Do you know how betrayed I feel by not just you but everyone in my family?"

She nodded slightly, unsure of what to say.

"Georgia, I'm not sure you do. You all looked delighted when I spotted you in the café with them this afternoon. No one even was giving two shits about me." I told her, my disdain dripping from every word.

'That's not true." Georgia replied. "We've all been devastated you chose to walk away, and yes, we get that you're angry. We get that you're hurt. But they are your family, Robbie. They love you. I love you!"

"Really?" I asked incredulously, "In that sick and twisted mind of yours, you really think that don't you, Georgia?"

She nodded again.

"Well, let me tell you of their love from my point of view, o traitorous one. The night I caught Brad fucking your ass, in our bed, after dumping a load of his cum in your pregnant cunt, while hearing your sweet bedroom talk of you belittling me, and about how the child you led me to believe was mine, was his. I drove around a little, but I went to the place I thought I could be consoled, a place I thought was safe, a place where I expected they would be just as angry and upset as I was about yours and Brad's betrayal.

"But what do I find when I arrive, I find a mother and father who not only know about my older brother fucking you behind my back for three years, but they also knew the child wasn't mine. Then they had the gall to tell me they didn't tell me because it would upset operational profits, and I was better off ignorant.

"So tell me, where is the love in all that?" I finished. I knew if the police were watching on the closed-circuit camera, they would be selling tickets.

Several times she tried to respond, but in the end, she couldn't. We lapsed into an uneasy silence for a few minutes. I had nothing to say, so we sat.

"So what do we do now, Robbie?" she asked quietly.

"Nothing," I spat at her. "We do nothing, go our separate ways, complete the divorce. Then, if I'm lucky one day, I might find someone who respects me enough to keep their legs closed to everyone but me."

She looked at me and then started crying. "Robbie, you know I love you, right? It was only ever sex with Brad. You know that, right?"

I laughed humorlessly, "Why is it that whenever a woman gets caught sleeping around on her husband, she tells him she only loves him, and the other guy was just sex. Do you get how demeaning that is?"

"But it's true," she protested, "It was only ever about the sex with him. I'd leave him in a heartbeat for you. I'm sorry that Brad Jr, the second isn't yours, but the next one could be. I promised that when you overheard it, I would promise it now!"

I picked up my hand and slapped myself. Georgia looked at me like I was the one who was crazy.

"Sorry," I said, grinning. "I just had to see if I was awake after hearing that nonsense come out of your mouth. The next one will be mine. You're a deluded woman if you think I will ever touch you willingly again, let alone get my dick near your slut cunt again!"

She flinched, I continued.

"And to give you the answer you can't appear to figure out, it's very demeaning to the person being cheated on. I know for me, the act of sex is not just for pleasure; for me, it's the act of giving myself to the person I love wholly and completely, making them feel that there is no one more important in the world than them. There is no way I could give myself to someone else. So, to tell me it was only sex with my older brother while having his child, then saying you love me is not only insulting. It's also the hypocrisy of the highest level."

She was sobbing now. I kept going, letting a little anger slip into my voice as I told her off.

"Georgia, you might think you love me, but from my view, you don't. If you did, you never would have fucked Brad. You would not have done so for so long then had his child. If you loved me, you would not have had my family cover for you. If you loved me, you would have come to me the instant that my older brother made a move and begged forgiveness.

"But I don't think you love me because while you said you're sorry, I think you're sorry you got caught. That's what's hurting you, not your betrayal of me. I don't believe you are sorry you did it. So leave me here, Georgia, go back to Brad and my former family, make a life for yourself, forget me, forget everything we had. Because I know I plan to forget all of you."

I noticed the door was suddenly open. In the doorway, an officer had Amy behind her. She looked at me, then over at the crying Georiga setting her jaw.

"Georgia," I said, a smile lighting my eyes as I looked at Amy, then more seriously as I looked at Georgia sobbing in front of me. "It's time to go now, go back to your life; let me go before I choose to tear down my family and every piece of profit they held dear over my happiness that you all took away.

Georgia looked up at me.

"You wouldn't?" her eyes held the question, worrying that I would do exactly that.

I nodded, "you saw what I did to Brad without even thinking. If you and my former family don't leave me alone, imagine what I will do if I focus on taking everyone down. I know they feel financial hardship, losing clients and sales because I'm not there. For the first time in years, they have to work, but they have forgotten how or, in your lover's case, he never knew in the first place. So don't make me come after all of you, and I won't; let that be the message." I gestured to the door, it took a moment, but Georgia stood shuffling out the door only to run into Amy.

"Amy, how did you know I was here? Thank you for coming to be with me; it's all a mess!" Georgia said, going to embrace her younger sister.

"Slut," Amy spat at her older sister. "I'm not here for you, nor will I ever be there for you again. This is your mess. You clean it up!"

"So what... what are you doing here?" Georgia looked from Amy and then back to me. I smiled.

"My one phone call," I told Georgia, "I couldn't call anyone in my family. I don't trust any of them, but Amy and I had lunch the other day. She let me know I could trust her."

Georgia suddenly snarled, trying to slap her sister. Amy quickly caught Georgias' hand even as the officer moved to stop the altercation.

"You little bitch," Georgia shrieked. "Just because he doesn't want me doesn't mean you can swoop in and take him."

Amy laughed, releasing her sister's hand as the officer separated them holding onto Georgia.

"I haven't TAKEN him yet," Amy replied, smirking. "But rest assured, he will forget you ever existed when I do."

I found myself smiling at Amy's comment. Suddenly, Amy looked a whole lot more attractive to me. She was claiming a spot in my life. She caught my glance, checking her out.

Here was a woman who had a crush on me for years. She honoured that I was with someone else. But now I was free; she wanted to woo me to become hers. It felt like Amy was willing to fight for me against the world if needed. Amy laughed, seeing the look on Georgia's face, then the look on mine. Amy walked around her restrained sister, entering the interview room without saying another word. She slid me my phone, wallet and my jacket.

"Common rocket legs, you are released, no charges, though you're taking care of Brad Jr's medical costs. He's in the hospital with a mild concussion, bruised ribs and a sprained neck."

"Worth it," I smirked.

I grabbed my phone from Amy, Georgia still watching, now seething silently, I hugged Amy, but she surprised all of us as she reached up, pulling my lips to hers in a soul-scorching kiss that had me wondering, Georgia who?

Georgia had to be restrained again by the smiling officer watching everything unfold. On the way out, we passed my mother, waiting for Georgia. I said nothing as I walked by her. I didn't even glance at her, even though I knew she was there. It spoke volumes to her.

We quickly got out of the station and caught an uber back to Darren and Toni's. I wanted another kiss, but she laughed and told me later, that it was just for her sister's benefit. "Besides, when I make you my man the right way, you'll never want another woman again!"

[:::: End of Part I ::::]

[:::: Authors Ending Note ::::]

Thank you for reading Part I of The Nuclear Family. As I mentioned at the top, this story started as something slightly different and has now morphed into a four-part series. I have written and worked with my editing team that I will be releasing a part each week for the next four weeks. If you think there are a lot of clichés in this story, you'd be right. All four parts are loaded with the usual tropes and storylines you expect in a burning style, Loving Wives story. At the same time, a few things are uniquely mine.

See you in Part II

John Other

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LizziepeeLizziepee7 days ago

It is a reality how families can turn on you they say that they love you and then they try to stab you in the back it happens in real life

AnonymousAnonymous12 days ago

Situational pathos. Dumped into an alternate reality, one has to find the ground to get stability so as to rise, confront the threat and act to defend oneself. Mr. Author you have the most bizaare situations that you launch your sagas...

Btrying2Btrying215 days ago

Super fine storytelling. I am so invested in reading this. Go Robbie! Burn all of’em. Let Amy heal you.

Thanks for sharing your talents. John

AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Channeling my ass, edit like Mehnatity pointed out and it would be practically word for word. I have never in all my years on Lit said ONE negative comment about a writer - you are the first in twenty years (just Australia in place of the US).

somewhere east of Omaha

MehntalityMehntalityabout 1 month ago

Jeez....This literally could have been a 3-page story if you cut out the dozen or so times he repeated the whole situation to anyone in earshot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I like to circle back and read through your collection from time to time, your stories are satisfying to me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Love your tropes and clichès.

skruff101skruff1013 months ago

Well I’ve finally read the most disgusting thing ever written, it has disturbed me so much I’ve been having nightmares since.

Just who the hell does this author think he is writing a MC that would willingly and knowingly put gravy on his chips. Absolutely disgusting.

I’m now contemplating therapy.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I don't know why everyone is calling the dude weak for. What do you expect him to do, go all Bloodsport on his mom and dad? At first he's in shock and devastated, but they are his parents and his sister. The only one of the assholes that he could feasibility retaliate against gets roundhoused to hell. Also take into account ALL martial arts teach discipline and restraint. Think before you comment, I have yet to read one of Mr. Other's stories that wasn't at least good if not brilliant.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Badly repetitive, kind of goes nowhere. Having this sister-in-law step in for an easy rescue makes this kind of stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What, now we get caught plagiarizing other people's work from 2 years previously, and we call it channeling somebody else's work? Not sure if that's just a bad lying, or self-deception. And "channeling," really? What are you some new age wacko? Who even says something like that?..

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Not a bad story, but after this massive betrayal, I feel very little rage from the MC. Sorry but he comes across too weak.

He catches his brother fucking his wife, and this 3rd degree black belt sits there and rationally talks to them instead of smacking his brother down. Then when his brother threatens to attack him, again he wimps out and does nothing. He sits there an argues with his parents over their betrayal wherreas they deserved to be spit on and his walking out.

Then when his sister confronts him and verbally attacks her, again he calmly argues with her instead of demanding and or physically throwing her out, which she deserved.

The discussion with his soon to be ex-wife was way to cerebral and very little emotion. He is way too calm and again, lacking in the rage that should have been there from the betrayal of his wife, brother, sister and both parents.

The only time it almost comes out is when he finally knocks out his brother, but then that silliness about how he always keeps a promise.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

For someone who has disowned his family, he sure spends a lot of time talking to them. And the dialogue was rather monotonous with no new ground being covered. You're a good writer so I'll continue on to chapter 2 as I'm assuming he's moving away.

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